#189 The Great Spirit of the Jellyfish

Learn the secret to staying afloat whatever the seas. A blessing from the Great Spirit of the Jellyfish.


Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast we are taught the secrets to remaining afloat by the Great Spirit of the Sea Jelly. A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode at www.gaiatranslate.com


The Great Spirit of the Jellyfish: We appreciate your attunement to our awareness, daughter, and we have and would seek a moment of your knowing as you have and are so willing to grant it. We are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Jellies, or Jellyfish as we are known to those in certain parts of this dimension.

Channel: I am most grateful to be in receivership of your light, Great Spirit. Thank you, you honor me with your attunement.

The Great Spirit of the Jellyfish: We are much older relative, if you will, than many, many of the species who have and know themselves in what you would understand as a physical life form or other members of the current community of life expression in this planet or plane of awareness. And as such, we are masterful, if you would, in the capacity to adapt to varying environmental circumstance and, if you will, opportunities or lack therein.

We would offer that the current shifting in the ecology, the climate, that which has and is the temperature of the Great Waters that have and are home to many, many variations of our own expression has and appears to be rising a bit, and has this not caused as we understand it, by the actions and intentions of those of your own clan, or community?

Channel: As I understand it, yes. Yes, Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit of the Jellyfish: It is accepted, for we are not overly concerned. In truth, there is much that you have and would serve to us in and through the discharge of your waste product of your pesticides and other that have and do not bother us, to put it simply. They have and actually serve as that which has and would amplify the opportunity of our own capacity to expand and to grow in numbers and in our expression in various form across much of this plane of existence.

However, while we are not unwilling to know ourselves in a great bloom, as you like to call it, of our expression, we would offer that there are many who are not so capable of adapting to that which are the rising temperatures of the waters that have and hold not only us, but in truth a great majority of the life forms that have and know this as their home.

There is a wisdom, there is a balance – or there has been – there is a great power and mastery that has and is the song of the Gaia, and in this we have been and are most grateful to be one of her early expressions or offspring, if you will, and to know ourselves as that which has and continues and bears witness to much that has come and much that has gone, to much that knows itself called fully into form and much that has and is no longer able to sustain itself under the current conditions, and in truth, those that have come and gone before.

There is, we would offer, a shift in that which is the overall or greater balance of flow that has and is a great attunement and in truth, a great and powerful light of continuance that has and is called forth by the great song of the intent of Gaia, in which has and is now under what we would understand as the bit of threat and that which has and would seek to topple apart those blocks, those aspects interconnected and required that have been stacked so beautifully by the will and grace of Gaia, and which through that which is the actions, lack therein, the choices and will-based intent of your own species it now has and knocks over to great degree that which has and is the great tower of life in its own great flow of expansion and expression as has and was from our perception the Gaia’s intent.

To exist in a plane where the blessing of freedom of will has and is bestowed, upon your species in particular, and in truth, others have and offers its own curious conditions; one might consider them challenges, one might consider them unexpected consequence. And we would offer there is that which currently is the unexpected consequence of the blessing of freedom of will that has been bestowed and continues to be so in this dimension to those of your species. That consequence, of course, is the runaway train, if you will, of your own desires to have and consume, to have and with little or no regard in the most part to simply dispose or excrete from either your own physicality or those structures, or systems, or other that you have manufactured through your great power and finesse of manifest capacity.

And to have and know them, not simply in service of your own current immediate or perceived need state, but that as that you would consume and continue to do so without regard to the discharge, the destruction, if you will, the imbalancing of that which is the climate that has and is so beautifully and delicately balanced – or was – to have and support that which is the great expanse of life that has and, if you do not mind us offering, makes your lives far more comfortable and beautiful and worthwhile. And while you have and stand by and have and do not seek to dissuade those of your own clan from the continuance of the disruption and destruction, the pollution and tainting of the great waters of life itself, and that of the land, and that of all who would seek to know themselves born and held in great and powerful consideration therein upon or within.

You have and are one, we would offer, that has and simply drills again, and again, and again, a hole, another hole, and a greater one, and in through that which is the hull of the ship of your own continuance. We are not saying all have and will go down with this ship immediately; however, you have and are at that place where through your own discernment and your own open-hearted and willing intent, you may seek to plug up and repair those holes that have and let in that which are the waters of your own … let us just say less than pleasant continuance.

It is also wise, we offer, to no longer seek to continue to raise the drills of those patterns, behaviors, and actions that you have and hold so tightly in your grip and place again and again against the hull of this, if you will, plane of existence. For that is, as we have and perceive it, and while there are not all who do not know how to swim in these waters of continuance, yet we offer there are many who have and are drowning beneath the current circumstance. We do not feel this is your intent, by and large. In truth, we feel it is a great fog, if you will, of ignorance or denial. For it would be most unusual for almost any of your species to be fully ignorant of the great shifts that have and are upon each and all of us. And yet, we feel it is essential at this place in our mutual history to raise the awareness a bit and to offer that which is our own perception. For as we have offered, it is not that we in our own expression have and will know ourselves so terribly inconvenienced by that which you have and choose, at least at this point.

We would, however, offer that as things would and continue that there may and will come a time in our mutual histories where even that of our own capacity to be so adaptable and to function with such grace and ease in these changing environs may also know itself challenged. Not that we are unable to adapt simply through the rapidity and the great increase of that which is the temperature, if you will, to which we have and are required to know ourselves able to be sustained in a physical form.

We have and would offer that much that we have and would seek to consume may or may not also be able to sustain itself. And while other opportunities or potential food stuffs may be birthed in these new environments, we have and would offer there are many who are not so able to shift that which is their palate, or in truth, their ability to consume what may be available in these upcoming seasons.

We have and while we feel most are aware, there is no malintent on our part when one or other of your own species finds yourself in receivership of that which are our natural, if you will, characteristics that have and are designed to simply serve us adequate nutrition. For as you have and are aware, we are less able – although we are able – to navigate and move ourselves, for the most part. We would offer you are wise to acknowledge our presence and to seek to find that which would be another part of the Great Waters to enjoy yourselves within. Although through no choice, per se of our own, you have and may find your ability to access without our nearby presence the shorelines that you have and are so fond of bathing in without that which is the inconvenience of great, great numbers of those who have and are and out picture as the sea jellies, as that which you understand as jellyfish in all of our various forms.

It is simply that which as you have and may seek to avoid it, you have and are with great avidity calling forth that which at this current point is the increase in great measure of our numbers, and we have and appreciate this. We also have and would offer there are other systems, there are other structures that have and seek to cool themselves, to balance themselves, and to know themselves able to function without threat or danger, or lack of capacity to continue in a manner that is efficient to that which is the exchange of the waters. And you have and will note that while it is not what we seek or desire, nevertheless those of our species in various points upon this planet have and will be and will continue to be that which has and is a form of sabbat, if you will, a form of clogging, if you will of that which are the works, so to speak, of these particular, systems, structures, and devices that you have and create as you would seek to depend upon that which is the Great Waters to have and serve your own need state in this, that, or the other.

We are aware that it is simply the, if you will, the first whispers of what has and may be a great and powerful choir of our expansion. And as I have suggested, it is not that we are unwilling to know ourselves in this great flourishing of our expression. Rather, we have and would offer there are others who while we may be able to attune ourselves with great rapidity, are not so blessed. And that, my friends, includes your own species, in truth.

We seek to serve as we have done as part of a great river of flow, as part of that which has and would know itself in a beautiful song of continuance, of balance, and of grace, in service and alignment with, rather than in conflict of the great intent of Gaia. For while it may seem improbable or impossible for many to bear witness to what you have and understand as our foreign and strange, or peculiar, or even repulsive physicality, and we do acknowledge there are some of you who are quite mesmerized and find us quite beautiful, and that is also appreciated.

Nevertheless, while it may be hard to conceive of, we are related. For we are all that which has and is called forth most beautifully and most elegantly, we would offer, from the heartplace, the will, and the intent of that aspect of the greater all-that-is that has and is known as the Gaia, as this planet, as this plane of physical expression. And are we not, each and all, brothers and sisters, so very blessed to be able to experience the great waters of this opportunity, to expand, to delight, and to create in and through this particular field of expression.

We have and would invite you to call to yourselves those aspects that have and are of your own jelly or jellyfish nature, such that you have and understand yourselves able to acclimate and to configure yourselves to a great and changing climate. For we have and would offer it is not simply a choice that you have and may take or place back upon the table to peruse another option. Rather, it has and is essential for that which you would understand as any manner of continuance and flourishing of your own expression in that which would be even vaguely familiar.

We do not say that familiarity is that which should be cultivated. In truth, we invite you to have and to release much of that which has been most familiar, and if you will, what you understand as convenience, or simply that which you have and have grown accustomed to as that which has and is a particular lifestyle that you have and understand as “normal,” if you will, acceptable as you might claim it, and expected. For if it were that which has and were in balance, you would know yourselves accurate in the staking of these claims. However, as the balance has and is thrown more and more to the side, it is as a house of cards, we would offer. Once one has and a great enough wind seeks to blow, there is not that may know itself standing after that which has and is continuance of these winds of imbalance. For as you may have observed, both in physical form and in that which is the vibratory field of physical expression not much has and is abating. In truth, much has and is amplified in that which is the great seesaw, if you will, of imbalanced flow.

To claim your awareness in truth, is to dress yourselves in high discernment, and we offer it is that which you have and would be blessed to do so, not as that which you have and would place in the back of the closet of your own potential, but that which you have and push all other options aside and immediately, if you do not mind us offering, place upon yourselves as the mighty and essential fashion of the day.

We are aware it may be peculiar to have the Great Spirit of that which is a Sea Jelly or Jellyfish offer you an analogy that is based on what you understand as an- a potential of fashion, or a particular choosing of this or that, as has and is culturally held in the forefront of your own attunement in this particular epoch or another. And yet, we do speak in metaphor, as you are aware, and we offer there is only one style that has and will suit you, protect you, and become you in the approaching season.

We invite you, as you have and are so willing, to claim the aspect of your own jellyfish nature, which knows itself as most able to acclimate with great speed, alacrity, and skill to all that has and would approach as it has and is. It is not simply a matter of being able in preparedness to accept and to function within those great and mighty shifts that have and are upon us. Rather, we offer is it not best when one has and is able through one’s will and intent to not only be in receivership of those consequences of former choices, or as we have offered, lack of choosing and to simply claim with great and open heart and offer gratitude for the great alacrity and intent to have and shift those behaviors, those actions, and those lack of actions that have and do not serve you or many, many, many others who have and have known themselves blessed to be a part of the great and interlocking song of grace that is this plane of physical expression.

To have and walk in alignment with the blessing of your own jellyfish nature is to have and know yourself in a place of high discernment, and in truth sustainability. We have and serve you this blessing and would be most honored, grateful, and joy-filled to know and feel you accepting it and embracing it, if you will. And we have and offer prayers of profound gratitude for the blessing of the mighty and swift attunement and alignment with this aspect of your great and powerful will and the nature that has and is a song of the human expression when you have and seek to walk in the high discernment of the marriage of that which is your will, your intent, and your desire to seek right relation with that of Gaia and all of her informed intent. Or, for those who are and would seek to understand it in another manner, those who are members of the Great Song of Life in and through this plane.

We have served that which is the song of our heart, daughter, and we are grateful, most grateful for the opportunity to share it in a manner we feel will be more easily consumed by those of your own clan. We have and would take our leave, and we offer gratitude for the blessing of the great and, if you will, speedy claiming and resting deeply therein to that which is the jellyfish nature and your own open and willing hearts for each and all of the members of the clan of the human collective.

It is that we have and would bestow. It is complete, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#190 The Great Spirit of the Sloth


#188 The Great Spirit of the Wasp