#190 The Great Spirit of the Sloth

Great Spirit of the Sloth and the blessing of the light of clarity.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman. Discover what you do not know about the Great Spirit of the Sloth in today’s episode of  the Gaia Translate podcast. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of the Sloth while viewing the Netflix  docuseries “Our Great National Parks” which takes viewers to National Parks around the world.


The Great Spirit of the Sloth: You are a curious species, yes? You have held much confusion over the seasons as you have and seek to identify in a manner that is negative in connotation, as you have and would apply it to your own characteristics or traits in one or another. And this is a place that holds you a bit in abeyance from fully understanding that which we are, not in relation to your own comprehension of what has or is worthy of what has or is useful, of what has or is in right relation.

We are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Sloth. We have known ourselves in several iterations in this plane, and we continue to. If there is a blessing that we may impart upon your species, it is the blessing of clarity. You have and are unable in great measure to stand in a place of allowance of that which has and is the nature of another without judgement. While we do not deny our manner of physical expression is in some aspects less similar than other animals or lifeforms to your own. We would offer we are in greater attunement with many than you may realize.

You are a short-lived species, as are we when you hold us in the light of measurement of those who know themselves as long-lived, the deeply-rooted ones and other. We are not so isolated as it may appear, you know. We are host to a great many other beings who companion us in their way, who feed upon us, and who serve us in their nature as that which has and allows us the blessing of blending in, if you will, with our preferred surroundings.

Your species has identified within yourselves that which is perceived as laziness, which is in truth a different vibration to that which is similar to the expression of a sloth. We are aware that which is our own nature is adequately dissimilar to how you have and attribute within your own value systems of worthiness and of efficiency of flow in service to your own need states. The point of discernment we seek to serve to you is one of intent, and in this we offer is the blessing of clarity. To attribute a certain intent to a being, whatever it may be expressed in or as, as it may have and resonate with the outpicturing or behaviors that your own species might identify at times accurately and at others, not so with the intent of another as they may have and choose to be as you define it, slothful, lazy, or unwilling to engage in a manner that is considered useful, productive, and of value to your own societies.

We are not lazy, although we appear to be inactive in your perspective. It is not our intent to refuse to accept that which is required of us. It is not part of our nature. We simply are and we function, we would offer, with some adequacy in alignment with that which we have and know ourselves.There is an aspect of judgement that is a common vibratory field in your clan, as such when beings do not carry on in what is a socially acceptable manner, perhaps it is the least complex assignment to identify them through judgement as you conflate what appears to be their behavior with their intent.

There are many in your species who behave in certain manners and whose intent is not always synchronicitious to what they have and out picture. It is useful to keep this in mind for there is power in discernment of the intent, not simply of that which has and would suggest from the out picturing what is within the heart. We further offer that while you have and may not understand yourselves as willingly claiming that which you perceive as the sloth nature in respect to the current imbalance that has and grows in the ecology and climate of this plane, there are those of you who do not seek to know yourselves in attunement with anything that may be perceived from your behavior as other than sloth-like in nature. We are not suggesting your intent; we are observing the less-than rapid movement of your will in alignment with current requirements as we perceive them.

We are that which has and does not seek to judge. We are not that which is without awareness or discernment. We are simply another song of life in form, and we would offer a beautiful one. So, we have and vibrate as that which is in acceptance, allowance, and relation. All of these attributes and that which is the ability to remain in, we would describe it as intimate relation with what we have and seek to hold on to whatever the circumstances may serve to dissuade us. And that, be it a concept, be it an intent, be it an awareness, be it your own determination to call into manifestation this or that, to know yourselves in relation, intimate or societal, it is not unwise to call forward in your field that aspect of the sloth that has and knows itself in high attunement with the embrace of what has and supports us as useful for your own continuance and wellbeing in this plane.

Consider that there may be you have found yourself embracing that which would be a construct. For us it may be the deeply rooted ones of tree that for whatever reason was unable to produce the leaves upon which we depend for our nourishment. As such, perhaps you would consider it wise that we would seek to move to another tree where the resource is more plentiful and vibrant. And this is a point of discernment and of will, of awareness, and of clarity, is it not?

There are those of your species who hold on with great enthusiasm to that which is a structure and engagement of relation with the Tree of Life, the ecology of this plane in a manner that is most intent. And yet, through your own consumption you have stripped the tree almost bare of resource. Is it not timely to consider to allow the regeneration of this, your home, your mother who has and knows herself stripped in such a manner that she is unable to continue in the flow of regeneration that you seek, as do all others for your own wellbeing.

We are not that whose intent is to wound or damage that which holds us with such grace those of the plant kingdom, the trees that are our home, our companions, and the source of our nourishment. And in this we are dissimilar from your species. Is it not timely, friends, to identify that which you have and may perceive with great clarity that which is what has and would serve you as you have and seek the blessing of allowance to move yourselves a bit from the overconsumption, the stress that you have and place upon this plane? We do not feel it is the intent of many to know themselves clinging on to patterns and societal attunements that are, if you will, that which causes the deterioration of the source of your continuance.

Honor that which offers you the blessing of resource without, as you are willing, the destruction of the root ball, if you will, such that there is no capacity for that which is the reblooming of what you understand as essential to that which is the flow of life in this plane.

We would bless you with this light of clarity, one that has and would call you to your own intent and to the alignment of your intent with that which has and is your will, and also as we have offered the wisdom as we perceive it of disentangling that which you perceive of one or another of your own or other species through their physical outpicturing or behavior as born of a certain intent. We do not deny it may be so. We simply would offer it is wise not to conflate what you perceive in another with what they have and intend in their heart. We would suggest that it is common to see each leaf upon the tree as the same as all others, and while they may be of the same source, we would suggest that each leaf has and knows itself as that which holds the potential to be that which serves nourishment to the whole through its own nature.

And so it is with all life in this plane, and we invite you to embrace the blessing of clarity, of attunement, of allowance, and discernment, and that which is the rinsing again and again of the mud of judgement from all you have and would seek to perceive in clarity of that which is their vibration, their light. We are grateful for the opportunity to step forward in our nature and to honor your species with this small clarification, not from a place of judging, rather from a place of blessing, for we feel it is a great blessing to know oneself able to be independent of the assumptions that come from the external observation of a thing in relation to your own perception that does or does not hold the greater understanding of intent.

It is that we sought to offer, and we are grateful for the opportunity to sing our song into the heartplace of your collective, daughter. We have and would take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of the Sloth. Thank you for your wisdom. I have and receive it with gratitude and respect.

The Great Spirit of the Sloth: We appreciate your attunement, daughter. It is sufficient. We would take our leave.


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