#188 The Great Spirit of the Wasp

Today's Episode of Gaia Translate delivers blessings from the Great Spirit of the Wasp.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of Gaia Translate we receive a powerful  blessing from the Great Spirit of the Wasp.


The Great Spirit of the Wasp: We seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have obtained adequate purchase upon the branch of your awareness. We are that which has and vibrates as The Great Spirit of the Wasp. You have and are aware that we carry the vibration of boundary as one of the tunes we sing, and we have chosen to hold this in the forefront as a blessing that we have and would bestow upon your species. However, it may not be perceived as we have and would serve it, and therefore, we have and are willing to offer clarification as you are willing to be in receivership therein.

Channel: Greetings and blessing, Great Spirit of the Wasp. Thank you for your attunement. I am in honored receivership of your light.

The Great Spirit of the Wasp: Many who have and consider a boundary are and identify this with that which lies without themselves, that which has and is the artificial drawing of lines across the earth in various sectioning off of either a personal piece of land that your species has decided may be owned, sold, or purchased by one or another. We are not judging this practice. We simply would observe that in this the boundary that you have and understand as the markers which identify this piece of geography or soil is mine and that is yours extends in great measure, does it not, to that which are known as your towns and your communities, your cities, and your states, your countries, and your perception.

All of these aspects of boundary are a distortion that amplifies the sense of otherness of division, of separation of that which is not in truth, separate. And yet, we bring this forth as example of how saturated your own field of perception has become of late, that it is a natural state to know and to perceive this organism, this Gaia as that which is separated simply by your own intent.

While this is a game you may play with each other, it is not the truth without distortion. You have observed that your boundaries are not understood or you may call it honored. We may identify it as perceived of by other forms of life in this plane. And there is a wisdom to this. For there is much that has and knows benefit in the physical removal of boundary that has and would benefit you, each and all. And while we speak of that which would be of benefit in its erasure in some manner, we are not the only ones who sing this song . Is there not that which has been as is perceived a community experience of all of those of the human collective in this dimension of that which is the shared and boundary-less relation with a particular virus or another.

To perceive and to understand that there are no boundaries in terms of what has or may be received or returned from one another of what has and may be received within the actual physiology of this plane, that which is placed within the atmosphere has and is simply redistributed to all members across this small dimension, this earth, that which you have and place within the great waters has and offers the blessing or the pain of contamination to all life who all swim within and consume that which has and swims within the Great Waters.

All that has and may be placed into the soil has and is also shared by all life, not only in the immediate environs. For now, in this point of your history, is it not so that what is grown in the soil of one part of this plane, this planet, is consumed often by members of your clan, all over, scattered as seeds upon the wind in various parts of the geography of this orb that has and spins so gracefully upon the winds of relation.

This is a boundary we would invite you to acknowledge is not only unuseful, but we gently offer perhaps not in highest discernment and therefore, that which has and is as a great weight attached to one’s leg that you drag around with you. It impedes the flow of your evolution in truth, and you have called this evolution to yourselves, brothers and sisters, from the deepest place of your heart.

To understand boundary not as that which is a good or bad energetic, but that which may be useful, either in the removal of or the claiming of as you have and seek to be in right relation with all life in this plane is a blessing we seek to serve upon your clan, and one we are and offer gratitudes for your willing consumption of.

There is another boundary that we have and would invite your awareness to land upon, and that is the boundary within the heart, the boundary within your energetic field of awareness for here too while you honor and pay great awareness and fealty, if you will, to the external boundaries that you have created, we find it a bit confusing that for all of this attention to the external boundaries of place and property, of culture, belief, and so forth that you have and claim for yourself. “If I am this, I do not consume that. If you are this, I cannot feel in manner towards you if you are other,” and so forth.

Yet there is a boundary within you-your own field that we would invite you to hold in great respect, honor, acceptance, and alignment with. We speak of the boundary of your own energetic field. You and many are awakening, daughter, to your awareness that you have and are beyond all else a field of energy. You embody a form – that is so. And yet, your energy has and is not so tightly bound by your physicality.

There are many upon this plane who walk without boundary within and who allow trespass into their heart, trespass into their own intent, trespass into their will. And while this is not a place of judging, for one may choose and seek to willingly offer this egress by other and other’s intent and other’s energy fields, to claim that which is your own energetic and to direct that which is the manner of your own will to their own ends, we simply seek to invite you to become aware that if there ever was a boundary you might seek to claim, would it not be the boundary of your own energetic resource as that which you have and choose to disperse or to offer or to be in allowing of the helping and claiming of your own energetic resource by another.

One may understand this as that which is the neediness of a being who as you might describe, sucks the energy out of you. While we do not suggest you do not offer a member of your clan, be they a beloved and close member of a family, a friend, a lover, or other that you are not unable to offer an aspect of your energy field to them in service to their need state or desire. Rather that you become aware that you have choice in this matter. And further, if we may gently offer, there is a value as we perceive it, to claiming firm boundary of that which is your own energetic field and to understand that holding your own energy, your own resource or life force as that which is yours does not starve or deny the access to resource for another.

This is a great misconception by many who may identify themselves as caring, loving, healing, or in desire to serve the need state of another and these are high vibrations of intent we do not question. Rather, it is simply the confusion one does not need to pour from one’s own glass into the glass of another when there is a great river of boundless flow of energy that has and moves around and is always available through your directed intent.

To clarify, one does not deny another that which is the grace of your own intent when you have and hold firm the boundary of your own individuate resource, your own energy field, as it were. It is a distortion that humans have carried in their field for a bit now, as we perceive it, that in order to manifest the form of the frequency of love that you have and would seek to bestow upon others of all life in this plane, that you are required to water it and to water that which you seek to bless from your own intimate resource. ‘Tis not required. There is an endless supply of energy that is simply and always has been and always will be available as you have and simply seek with gratitude to call it forth. You may call it forth through you in service to another. You may call it forth and direct it without detour in service to another’s need state. And so, it has and as they are willing, they may choose to be in grateful receivership of it, yes?

Do not conflate this, children, with that which is the suggestion that you do not continue to serve with your flesh, with your hands, and your heart, that which has and would offer healing, care tending and other aspects of love in form. That is not what we are offering or guiding you to. Rather, if we were to suggest that if you were to be one who was seeking to assist others up a steep slope and you had and chose to distribute the water in your own canteen into that which is the canteens of others who have their own resource in truth, you may feel it is a noble act. You may feel it is required. You may feel it is how you prove your worth or how you identify yourself as worthy. And yet, if you were so dehydrated that you were unable to continue in your help and guidance, we would invite you to consider how this would serve the rest of the party. For then they would be in a position of requirement to carry you back down the hill as there would be no guide in the direction that you all had sought to journey.

This is a place of clarification that we felt would be useful and so we offer you this blessing of our wasp nature, one that has and is most willing to claim boundary of our own energetic field. And yes, it is outpictured to show in our physical expression as those who have and tend our physical boundaries and that is partially where the confusion may lie.

We appreciate, much as we do in our physical form, there is a usefulness to protecting the life force of those who have and are of your clan, and we honor that. We simply offer you this greater wisdom of that which has and may not be so clearly observed, and yet is in truth that which is most useful in the consumption therein.

Do not doubt that you have and are beautiful beings of light. You simply have wandered off a bit from the path that is the most direct causeway to your own expansion and evolution as a beautiful species of light. It is that guidance we have sought to serve. The claiming, the boundary of your own energetic resource – we do not speak of the physical, we speak of your energy. It is not required to pour from your own glass, rather is it not wise to guide others or if need be to offer to fill the glass of another’s requirement from the great ever-flowing river of energy that has and is eternal, ever-present, and quite available, as you have and intended, as you have and claim it, as you have and direct it with your willing intent. It is simply that.

We are aware this is a more complex teaching, and yet it is timely and we offer it in gratitude for their open and willing receivership therein. It is that we sought to offer to your clan, daughter, and we are grateful for your willingness to receive the song of our hearts, for we too have and perceive the great opportunity, the rebalancing of this distortion within the field of your own clan, and that of others. The boundary that has and may be most useful is the one that claims with honor and respect that you are as deserving of as another of the energy and the resource that has and is essential to your flow as you have and seek to continue your journey in a physical form, yes?

We have and would take our leave, as we have placed this meal of wisdom upon the plate of your awareness, daughter, one we have and would offer is an unlimited flow and will feed the hungry hearts of all who seek to consume it. In this, we have and are most grateful in the knowing of.

It is complete. We have and take our leave.


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