#187 The Great Spirit of the Porcupine

The Great Spirit of the Porcupine honors us with the gift of its grace in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the Gaia Translate podcast. This weeks guest, The Great Spirit of the Porcupine,  caught my attention in a most unusual way.I has been sorting through some boxes of my children’s  schoolwork when I stumbled across a story carefully written and illustrated by my daughter when she was probably about 8 years old.or so The main character was none other than a porcupine jauntily attired with a flowing red scarf  and mittens setting out to finish up his last minute holiday shopping before his friends came over for Christmas dinner. I do not know why she chose to write about a porcupine yet the story lingered with me inviting me to channel the Great Spirit of the Porcupine.


The Great Spirit of the Porcupine: We have and grant you the blessing of the attunement with our light, daughter. We are much as your own species. We have and know ourselves in various expression across this plane, and yet are we not gathered together from your own requirement of compartmentalization of common attributes under that which is the umbrella of the vibratory field of The Great Spirit of the Porcupine.

We are aware that there are several distinct variations of those who have and are claimed as porcupine in certain parts of this geography, and in others, as has and is informed by the local ecology and environ, different patterns of survival, of obtaining of adequate food stuff and shelter have and know themselves as born of the soils of that particular ecologies potential.

We are less understood than many species and we have and acknowledge there is that which is a useful amount of respect with regard to intimate relations as we have and are rather particular with whom we seek to engage. We acknowledge that in those areas of this plane where humans have four-legged companions, the canines, that your relation with the porcupine may have much to do with the curiosity of your four-legged as with anything else. However, we bear a slightly different relation in other parts of this environment. We are known as adequate food stuff for some of your species, yes? And we are also that which has and receives great respect by other members or tribes or clans in various points of your own evolution.

We have sought to step forward today to offer the blessing of that which is the porcupine nature, for we feel it is useful to fully claim these attributes of our field at this place in our mutual histories. How may you know our nature, daughter? We seek this in service to our unfoldment and our blessing.

Channel: Greetings Great Spirit of the Porcupine. I acknowledge that I have very little awareness of your nature. It feels that you are not looking to engage in any aggressive manner with other beings, yet you are very able to protect yourself should the need arise.

The Great Spirit of the Porcupine: That is not inaccurate, daughter. We would further offer that while those of your species perceive us as that which has and would arise that which are our great spines as a first reaction to a potential threat of our own physical wellbeing it is not accurate. We will start in various manners with that which is fair warning that does not require us to call forth our quills in service to our own wellbeing. There is that which is offered through our scent, there is that which is offered through the physical movement of our form, and there is that which is offered as the raising of our quills and it is wise should you come across one of our nature in our physical form to honor that which you perceive and to keep their distance between us.

We would seek to also observe that we are not that which is aggressive as you would define it or seeking to dominate or to wound without the desire for self-preservation as that which motivates us. And yet, should the need arise we are well-equipped to address it. We invite your species, as they are willing, to invoke this aspect of their nature, that which is the attunement to the porcupine. For while we have and mind our own business, as it were, we have and offer several less extreme opportunities when we feel our boundaries may be breached to discourage such engagement and it is only when there is – from our perspective – no other reasonable alternative that we turn to that which is the defense of our quills.

Our deliberate nature that does not seek to engage in aggressive or violent behaviors other than that which has and is essential to our own continuance is part of the blessing of the Great Spirit of the Porcupine that we have and would bestow upon you.

It feels to us that your species has and perceives almost everything as threat. This is inefficient, we would observe. For while you have and are more than equipped with your own form of quill, you raise them so easily and in this you have and choose the way of discord as your primary frequency for many. You will also observe that we have few natural predators, other than your own species, we acknowledge, when you have a taste for our flesh. And we enjoy our own companionship – it is so. You will further observe that we have and partake and find ourselves well-nourished by that which is the ingestion of the life forms that know themselves born of the plant kingdom. While we are not exclusively herbivores, we would invite you to claim the aspect of your own porcupine nature that would find that which is a diet that is blessed with the primary consumption of that from the plant kingdom as and will serve your species well as you have and continue to evolve.

We do not only offer this as a suggestion to reduce that which is the placing of our flesh upon your dinner plate, although in those parts of the geography of this plane where that has and is common, we would acknowledge there is a great diminishment in our physical presence, one that has and may know itself completely extinguished should that which is the blessing of balance be left, much as a candle that is placed outside and knows the flame snuffed out without adequate protection.

We invite your clan, daughter, to embrace that which is, if you will, the equanimity of our nature, one that has and simply seeks a coexistence with the other members of life in flow, yet one that has and understands when boundaries have truly been breached, and yet we still do not seek to attack, wound, or pierce another’s flesh with that which is our own protection unless it is truly perceived as essential.

The blessing of the vibratory field, the mantle, if you prefer, of the Great Spirit of the Porcupine is to attune yourselves as you are willing to that which does not require the “jumpiness” or reactivity that has infiltrated the human energy field of late, as you know yourselves in a place of equanimity, such that you have and may allow other members of the greater community of life in flow in this plane, to simply co-exist, to go about their business, as it were,  and to be offered that which is a gentle warning, a gentle suggestion through that which is your intent, rather than as you have and see another being in your environ, human or other, to immediately dress yourselves in the armor of your own oppression, but to simply nod in their direction. A “hello neighbor” is a pleasant greeting, perhaps you will find it most useful rather than defaulting, if you will, to the bearing of arms upon the first encounter.

To embrace this opportunity to call to yourselves your own porcupine nature, not as one that is unpleasant to the touch, for that is not accurate. We do not employ that which is our own blessing of accoutrement in our physical expression unless it is required and you will also observe it is not our nature to activate our quills and to walk through the communal square, as it were, in a place of challenge or threat, oppression, or desire to dominate rather than to co-exist with.

We find that this life experience is far more appreciated from a place of confidence and allowance without that which is surrendering of our own boundary. There is room for all, brothers and sisters. There is the blessing that we would bestow upon you in knowing yourselves able to walk in this lifetime with that which is the Great Companion, the vibratory field of equanimity, rather than that which has and is led, if you will, much as there are those animals you place a metal ring in the delicate tissues of their nasal structures and pull along with your will. You have and as a species – so many of you – the majority, we would observer, have these rings that have been placed in your nasal orifices that that which is the Great Spirit of Fear, and it does not take much but a mere tug upon the cord of alignment by this great energy to pull you along, much as that which is what you would understand as a beast of burden. We are not seeking to insult; we are seeking to offer you a visual equivalent of the energetic vibratory field that is so commonplace in this plane.

You do not see those of the porcupine being pulled along by that which is a ring within our nasal cavity. For we would not desire that. And so, we would invite you to consider that it is not fear that has and demands that you follow. Rather, you have become docile in this manner, unaware that you have the opportunity to remove the ring from the nose of your will and no longer be that which is with the gentlest of pressure, simply pulled along by that which is the energy of fear in this plane. For there are many who are unaware of their porcupine nature, that which does not seek to attack, yet that which is not unwilling to claim boundary and that is the essential blessing of claiming our nature into your field.

As you know yourselves, and you are mighty beings with that which is the blessing of freedom of will-based intent, so you may claim what you have and are willing to allow into your field. And as you have and know yourselves able, you may simply raise the quills of your will towards that which is the energetic of fear or other lower frequency vibrations that so enjoy this plane and simply remove the tether – we speak energetically, yes, but we refer to the visuals for clarity – of the ring that you have willingly allowed to be placed upon your field. The blessings we have and serve to you are that of awareness that you, unlike those beasts of burden who have and know themselves burdened by this particular method of control of behavior, you are able as a species and individually to lift the hands of your will and to simply remove that which has and is a mighty tether that has and pulls you along with very little effort, as you have and allow it so.

We feel it is not your desire; you simply are unaware that it is an opportunity that you may avail yourselves of and so we have sought to bless you with that.  It is not our nature to seek to run into an engagement, or to back into it, which is most effective for us in our physicality, rather to simply allow and to seek to be allowed to know ourselves as what we have and are and to enjoy the blessings of experiencing a physical relationship with the Gaia, with this earth and all of those who have and are part of our great community of life.

While it is so, we do not seek to walk in constant companionship with each other, yet we have and hold you, even those of you who find our flesh most appealing in the vibration of equanimity of allowance that you have and are a member of this community, and therefore one who we have and are not unwilling to cohabitate with; we simply are not willing to be led around by any tether that would claim us in service to another’s intent, in particular the tether of the energetic of fear.

We do not fear. We perceive, we study, and we engage in required action in service to the protection of our own boundary. And so, we invite you to claim this, the awareness is a great part of what we have and seek to serve. We do not need to shout our awareness. We do not need to use that which is a vocalization or other aggressive posture. We simply perceive and adapt our own behavior in what we would call a discerning relationship, such that we have and may allow, and have and may claim firm boundary for what we will allow into our field and we invite you to do the same.

Do not doubt your capacity. Do not doubt your power to simply remove that which has been pulling you along by the nose, as it were. You may seek to remain in servitude to fear and that is your choice. We simply felt there were those of you who were unaware that you even bore a tether or that there was the possibility of removing it through your own will-based intent.

The blessings of this awareness and that of the mantle of our nature are the gifts of this day. We have served the song of our wisdom and we appreciate those who have and listen to its tune with an open and willing heart.

It is complete daughter. We have and take our leave.


#188 The Great Spirit of the Wasp


#186 The Great Spirit of the Gnat