#217 The Great Spirit of Tumeric

Opportune wisdom for our human family is the gift of the Great Spirit of Turmeric in today's Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and the Great Spirit of Turmeric steps forward in today’s episode of  the Gaia Translate Podcast. I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of Turmeric when one of my neighbors with  arthritis  pain discovered a marked decrease in their inflammation once they started taking a daily curcumin supplement. Curcumin is an active component of Turmeric. After hearing this, I turned my awareness to the Great Spirit of Turmeric.


Great Spirit of Turmeric: We greet you. We have and are a powerful being and one that has and whose blessings have just begun to reveal themselves to those of your species, daughter. We are that which is in the geography of this plane understood as Turmeric, and that which is the coveted aspect of our physical form may be known as curcumin. We are aware that you have several companions who have and know themselves in the receivership of that which is the benefit of the consumption of our physicality in service to the imbalances that have and form in the matrix of their flesh, their flesh as that which is the entire physical organism of the body, we would clarify. 

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Turmeric. I do, and they are most grateful for the blessing of your healing grace. And so am I. Thank you for the blessing that you bestow upon those of our species who have discovered the [stammer - 0:02:02.3] the blessings of your healing grace. 

Great Spirit of the Turmeric: You are welcome, daughter, we are aware it is not you who has and consumes us in this manner, yet you have watched that which would be the alleviation of great discomfort and that which is understood as “arthritis” or the arthritic inflammation that may be treated quite adequately, we would offer, through that which is the ingestion of that aspect of our expression you have identified and your culture has curcumin, yes?  

Channel: Yes, thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Turmeric: We step forward as diplomat of sorts. All we have and offer the apparent blessings of healing that has and is held within our own construct when it has and is harvested in service to the need state of the human collective. There are many who are of the plant kingdom that have and serve in such a manner, and there is much that has and is yet unknown, unveiled that has and would serve your clan greatly as you have and would seek to explore with a bit more enthusiasm and respect. Those members of the plant kingdom who have and are willing to offer their healing properties to those of your clan as they have done and as and so it is that which has been the sweet grace of knowing has been that which has been discarded or forgotten, has been that which has been considered less efficacious than your own man-made constructs or imitations of that which is the nature of that which has and already exists within the biochemistry of our forms. 

We are not seeking to simply lay ourselves across the alter of your own use, [0:05:00.0] for we have and serve many as so we have and are served. We are not unwilling to know ourselves cultivated with that which is the intent to harvest the aspect of our form as that which has and offers great balm and healing and reduction of the imbalance of inflammation within the joints of your clan. We would, however, seek the boon of that which would be a section of these various gardens and quadrants of land mass of that which has and would be allowed to simply grow and mature to know itself as a community that has and offers that which would be our grace to other members of life in this plane, those other members of that which you call the “natural world,” be they of the insect, be they of the four-leggeds, be they of the winged ones, the birds, and so forth.  

For yours is not the only species with which we have a gift of relation. And for us there is benefit, we do not deny, in the allowance of exchange of communication and resource between other members of the natural world as they have and spread our flow. And while your species has and in various parts and patches of this plane seeks most intently to plant our seed, to cultivate, and to harvest that which has and is our flesh, yet there is other that has and may not be so clear, or in truth undiscovered in full that has and is served when we have and are offered the blessing of engaging with other members of the community in the various ecologies in which we have and prefer. 

There is a – we would gently offer – distortion in the field of many of your clan, daughter, in that which has and is produced from and is child of the breast of Gaia, those that have and are of the various kingdoms of life as you have and categorize them as being in some manner less effective or less worthy as that which has and would offer great and quite efficient and effective healing modality, or simply that which has and would be of great nutrient, of great source of strengthening and of support of your own physical forms, and of your vital life force in its manner. 

Of late, we speak in more than centuries of year. Your clan has grown quite fond of the consumption of the [0:10:00.0] flesh of others of the animal, or the fish, the fowl, and others that have and whose flesh you also seek to consume. And while this may be enjoyable, there is much that is, if you will, left out of that which would be a great healing light that comes from the willingness to honor not only that which has and pleases your taste buds, but that which has and heals your flesh as a part of your daily diet. For those who are blessed to be able to choose such things and it is for many not a blessing they currently may claim. 

As we have offered, we step forward in a manner as diplomat for the other members of the plant kingdom who have and would acknowledge their blessings that have and are held within, and that in a respectful and honoring manner. They as we are not unwilling to offer in service to that which would be understood as the healing of the imbalances of your own physical forms. It may seem odd that we would step forward to sing the song of unclaimed opportunity by many of your clan to physically consume our expression. And yet, we are not so confused, if you do not mind me offering that we have and conflate this or that individuate expression of our species as that which has and will cease to exist if we do not remain in the statis of this particular form. 

All have a season. Your species, each and every one, you have a season. Some shorter than others, some longer. And yet, there are none that have and may claim eternity in this or that physical container of form, yes? 

In this we have and are not unwilling to know ourselves gathered and claimed, consumed with gratitude, we might suggest. Our physical form is that which you have and claim to be integrated with your own. Is it not so there is not a single morsel, be it of any of the kingdoms that has and passes through your lips that is not in truth that whose energy has and becomes your own? As one has and embraces that which is the understanding that the energy has and is simply transferred [0:15:00.0] from one form and absorbed or integrated into another, perhaps you will understand yourselves a little less fearful of what you have and perceive as the shedding of your own physical form when your season has come to closure. 

Unlike your clan, there are those of the plant kingdom who have and are not fearful of a short physical expression. It is not to say they would not enjoy it should the circumstances be welcoming. For they have and simply know themselves as that which has and use vital resource is simply assumed and therefore has and is integrated into another, be it any of the other kingdoms, yes? Yours is not the only one that has and seeks to gain nourishment from The Great Spirit of the Turmeric. 

We would further observe that your current agricultural practices have and diminish quite efficiently the potency of our flow in many circumstances. Should you seek to consume that which will and has and becomes a part of you, is it not wise to rinse the mud of toxin from it prior to the integration into your flesh? Perhaps you are unaware of just how much residual toxins have and remain with whatever amount of physical rinsing you may claim upon our own flesh or that of any other of the plant kingdom. If it is that which has and is sprayed upon us again and again, that which is called insecticide, that which has and may be washed a bit from our physical leaves and stalk and flower, and then is absorbed into the soils from which we have and drink and then it is integrated within our matrix of physical expression, is it not? No amount of rinsing or scrubbing can remove that which has been integrated fully into the flesh, yes? 

We offer this discernment for all who have and would seek not only to know themselves growing and thriving in their own individuate expression as this or that member of the plant kingdom, but yet for the wellbeing of the greater network of flow. For as one has and is, so it has and is consumed and then integrated into the field of physical expression, and energetic of all who have and partake in this aspect of the eternal exchange of flow. 

You will be quite pleased, those who have and embrace this guidance. And while it is so you may find [0:20:00.0] a slightly lower harvest, that which you harvest that has and is not tainted by the toxins of your chemical applications has and carries within it a far greater potency of effective rebalancing or, if you will, healing in its own constituent component elements of flow. 

This is and cannot be overstated; it is also wise to consider what has and is and remains within the current soils after so many seasons of these pesticides or other toxins washing into the soil out of which you seek to cultivate that which has and would offer you sustenance and those you have and seek to fatten up for you own dinner table, yes? 

There are, if you will, organic or more natural methods that you may find are quite effective, and yet is it not that which is the ebbing tide that has and as it has and is drained of the nutrient as it has and knows itself withdrawing, there is only that which you have placed that will remain until the next tide, the next season has and would commence. 

That which has and knows no companion, that which has and would be efficient in the deconstruction or the breaking down of the aspects of molecular structure and other aspects of the physical form in a non-harmful manner is essential. We would serve you the blessing of this small wisdom, all of those who have and seek to be that which has and grows, cultivates, serves to farm and harvest through your current agricultural practices, you are well-served to seek that which would be the natural methods of protection of your gardens. And to understand that even that which you have and would use as a native repellent also has and knows its potency diminished through the very same practices that you have and employ in the harvesting therein. 

It is understood, we feel, by more and more of your clan that the nutritional value or the vital life force, the potency, of energy [0:25:00.0] that has and may be obtained through the consumption of this or that has and is quite diminished, substantially so, in many of the commonly cultivated products and produce, and in truth the flesh of the animals and the fish you consume. This diminishment of resource – we speak of the energy – and the nutritional value that has and is or has and was held within this or that individuate expression, be it our own, be it that of the cucumber, that of the pepper, that of the fruit of apple or orange or other citrus, and so forth. That which as or would be the greens that have and are so vital to your wellbeing, the kale, the spinach, the lettuces, and so forth. All of these are as a container, which has had its vital nutrients slowly leaking out of it. Wherein that which has and would have contained an entire measurement of potency in the consumption of a single vegetable or fruit, green, or as we have offered a portion of the flesh of that which is animal or fowl or fish has and will not offer the equivalent amount of nutritional resource as it has and was known to carry within it a few decades earlier from this point in your history. 

If we were to serve you on guidance above all else, it would be that which would be to seek with great earnestness, as you are willing, the rebalancing, the purification, and the cleansing of the soils in which you have and seek to plant that which you or others have and would consume, that which has and would be the eager turning away from any chemically-based pesticide or in truth, fertilizing component that does not have a companion that has and exists in the natural world that has and would be most efficient at the deconstruction of its atomic structure, yes? 

You are a clever species. You have and are also a bit stubborn, we might observe. You do not seek to relinquish the quantity of what you have and produce for the quality that has and is so essential. Consider this; if it has and would take consumption of [0:30:00.0] four heads of that which you may understand as greens, to offer the equivalent nutritional resource as a single head several decades prior, one would have to be constantly consuming, and yet it is one of the reasons you have and eat and eat and eat. For that part of your physicality that understands what it has and truly requires will seek to consume, for it has and knows itself yet unfulfilled with that which are the nutrients for great wellbeing. 

While you may not enjoy that point of transitioning as the most pleasant point of your knowing, consider the greater efficiency for the large numbers of humanity when one may serve a single head of green, rather than for to an individuate member of your clan, and they will know themselves served the blessing of adequate nutritional resource. 

It is that which is the blessing of our grace we sought to serve and that which is the gentle reminder of how very much has been, if you will, leeched out of that which you have and cultivate using your current agricultural methods.  

It is also noted that there is nothing that has and is not sharing of the general atmosphere of energy that has and flows around and within this plane in the same manner that has and would be the pollens have and populate the atmosphere in the season of their flow or that which has and would be the toxins that have and are placed into the Great Waters and the small and then know themselves carried upward through those methods of evaporation, condensation, and return across every physical corner of this world. 

None are immune; none may avoid however you may consider yourselves removed from that which would be the contaminant that has been discharged at one point in the flow of resource in this plane. We would offer with great surety that which is discharged from any point has and will pay a visit to your own neighborhood without question. 

This is the blessing we have sought to offer, the blessing of rebalancing and the potential for great harvest and great increase in nutritional resource without the increase in quantity you may presume is required. We do not deny there are other contributors to this sense of hunger or lack of satia -- [stammer - 0:35:30.4] of sati – of fullness or the feeling of fullness that you have and would truly know as you have and consume large quantities of food stuff, as you define it, and yet you seek and turn and look again and again for that which has and would in truth adequately serve the requirements for useful nourishment of your form. 

It is this we sought to serve, this invitation to that which has and is not truly understood, that which may be reclaimed in a respectful and attuned manner, wherein that which you have and experience as the healing properties of our own curcumin and that of other plants, members of the plant kingdom, will be greatly enhanced and increased when you have and return and rebalance your methods of cultivation in a manner that has and does not contribute such contaminant into the matrix of the form of that which you have and seek to integrate into your own energy field as nutrient resource for your flesh. 

We have and are complete, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to be in receivership and as you have and would serve it, so we have and take our leave. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Turmeric, The Curcumin. Thank you for your guidance, your wisdom, and your grace. I am in honored receivership therein. 

Great Spirit of the Turmeric: You are welcome, daughter. It is a song that is not meant to be hummed in solitude, yes? And so, we would seek your willing singing of it in a manner that has and reaches many ears, yes?  

Channel: Yes, thank you. It is my intent. 

Great Spirit of the Turmeric: We are pleased. We have and are complete. 


#218 Spirit of Woolly Mammoth


#216 Spirit of Highland Cattle