#216 Spirit of Highland Cattle

 The Great Spirit of Highland Cattle delivers guidance for our mutual benefit and it's not what you think.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and the Great Spirit of the Highland Cow steps forward bringing us guidance today’s episode of Gaia Translate.  I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of the Highland Cow  when A large scale  picture frame I had ordered  arrived with a marvelous close up  image of a highland cow as a place holder. I had to smile That’s one way of getting my attention.


Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: We find it amusing, daughter, that you have engaged with the direct observation of an image of our species on more than one occasion, that which is your visual discourse. And yet, you had not considered that while we faced you directly into the camera of the being who you were in a meeting with, yet you did not receive clearly the knock of our awareness until we arrived nicely set in the frame of that which you have and would seek to mount the image of another object, and then we feel as much as you had not answered as rapidly the knock of your awareness upon the gate of your will, that which has and is the Great Spirit of Highland Cattle, or Cow, was finally fully received into your field.  

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit. My apologies for not answering the knock of your awareness earlier. You are completely accurate. And yes, thank you for your patience. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: It is not so much patience as simply not having one come to the door when one has gently knocked. And so, is it not simply efficient to knock again? And so, we have. 

Do not fret, daughter, we are pleased that you have answered fully the knock of our attunement and we would seek to speak of that which is this subset, this variation of the species that has, of that which is the cow that has sought to vibrate in your attunement at this place in our mutual history, yes? 

Channel: Thank you. I am honored to be in receivership. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: We are and embody certain vibratory characteristics or frequencies that are not always found in the more common expression of cow or cattle that you are more used to. Is this not accurate? 

Channel: It is, yes, Great Spirit. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: For those who are unable to perceive us visually, we are a breed of cattle, as you call them, that is in great measure an example of successful evolutionary adaptation. We have an inner and outer coat, and these have and assist us in the endurance of the varying forces of the climate, that which are great winds, that which is a rather consisting companion in the rains, and that which has and offers less than optimal food source for others -- [0:04:31.4] for other iterations of our clan, and yet we are particularly designed, if you will, to be in attunement with this portion of the Gaia’s flesh that has and is equipped with these various [0:05:00.0] peculiarities. And so, we have adapted. Our coat is thick and double-layered. Our diet has expanded to the consumption of what has and would grow itself upon the craggy cliffs in the plains of this rather extreme atmosphere. 

We are aware there are others, other habitats and ecologies and climates that are far more extreme, either in the flow of their heat or that which is the presence of a great cold and unheated plane. 

How may you know yourself, daughter, in relation to our own field?  

Channel: As one who is a willing receiver of the song of your heart?  

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: Is it a question? 

Channel: No, it’s a statement. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: That is accurate, and we have and seek the awareness of your clan as an example of what has and is feasible through that which is a constant, although barely visible in the short breath of a lifespan of one or another of your generations, that which is great and efficient evolutionary adaptation to current physical circumstance.   

We have stepped forward, for we feel it would be a blessing that we are willing to serve to offer the mantle that which is the nature of the highland cow, one who is able to withstand great extremes of weather, one who is able to find sufficient sustenance where many others have not thought or are willing or able to consume, one who has and understands oneself able and willing to shift our own circumstance within our flesh such that we have and are a heartier breed than some of our cousins. 

We invite your species to claim the mantle of your highland cattle nature, and we are aware that we have and are also that which you have as a collective and in the particular of the geographies where we have and cohabitate, you seek to consume all that we have and are as that which has and offers you the milk of our breast, or our udder, as you perceive it, as that which has and perhaps with less joy offers the flesh of our physicality, our form as that which has and is consumed. 

You have known our companionship as that which has sustained you in many seasons, in particular in those of the craggy peaks and landmass of Scotland as it is called. And now, we have been transplanted in various parts of the geography of this plane and we serve as we are able [0:10:00.0] and we endure as we have and know ourselves blessed to. 

The shifting of the season of what we understand as high summer, as it has and expands, lengthens and stretches out in all directions as a consequence of the shifting of the planetary atmosphere, which from our perception is also a consequence of that which is your own – we speak of you as a collective – intent and your will or lack therein to make the required shifts in that which is an efficient manner to mitigate or to hold at bay, if you prefer, the increasing consequence that has and breathes its heat upon the flesh of this physical plane. 

We are willing, and yet we are not perceiving that there will be adequate clock time [loud bang - 0:11:45.4] to make these external adaptations in a manner that would be adequate to the rate in which these shifts have and roll in upon us. We offer that we are not unwilling to remain in service both as example of adaptation and as that which you have and consider a useful food source, either of the milk or of the flesh, and we would be not offering the full truth of our heart if we did not suggest that we hold a heaviness, for we do not sense a sufficient shifting in the greater will of your species, daughter, to that which is the staying of the hand of the climate in balance. 

We may be current companions and yet we may not be that which has and knows itself able to tolerate the great and constant increasing, that which is the temperature in this plane. We do not speak of a single cycle of a day and night, but rather of seasons. At one point these seasons were not even the murmur of the wave against a distant shore or the scent of salt in the air. Rather we have and already stand within the Great Waters and the waves have and are approaching. 

Many of your species, daughter, has and is and stands with us in that which is reaching the level of tolerance and many have already known themselves carried out upon the tides of [0:15:00.0] impossibility without various constructs that you have and devise to shelter, to cool your environ and we are not so served. It is not that which we have and may call to ourselves with the same ease, yes? 

We have appreciated those of your clans who have built various wind blocks or shelters of this or that nature that have and serve us and assist us with the withstanding, if you will, tolerating of lengthy periods of great winds or unending rain, and we are appreciative of to not doubt this. For those who seek to remain in companionship with our species, is it not timely to consider, as you are willing, the construction of that which would be a cooling chamber of sorts, an eh - [stammer - 0:16:39.0] interior space into which we may retreat when it becomes intolerable for us to remain beneath the song of the unguarded heat of flow that has and is upon this plane, yes? 

It is none too soon to consider how one may, as you are willing, serve to create such shelters not only from the wind and rain, or the freezing temperatures, yet other shelters that would shelter us ha - [stammer - 0:17:44.3] from that which is the increasing heat, the increasing temperatures, and therefore, the decreasing of that which we understand as our required foodstuff, at least that which has and currently is present in this physical plane. 

We have placed an image in the inner eye of the Channel, and we would invite you to consider it. It is a simple and yet that which may be essential adaptation that your species may make in service to our own, and we would be most grateful. 

Would you take yourself, daughter, and sing the image that you see that we have placed within your heart and your inner eye that you may express it adequately to those of your kind. We have and will step to the side a bit, such that that is able to be adequately described. 

Channel: I will try, thank you, Great Spirit of the Highland Cow or Cattle. I - [stammer - 0:19:40.3] I perceive what looks like a grass or moss-covered mound that has an opening in the side of a hill, much like a cave but it is man-made. It has grasses or [0:20:00.0] mosses on the top, and it is dug into the side of the hill, and its opening is large enough and the interior space is great enough to hold … I’m not really sure, but the sense I have is like a small, a small herd of your species within it. It seems dark and dank and cool in there. It is not lit per se and it is dark and moist within. It is a man-made shelter dug into the side of a hill. It’s not so much stone that has been moved away as soils and dirts … and it is trimmed with stone, just around the edges of the roof-mantle. And then, you only notice it because it is embedded within the hill. That’s what I perceive. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: It is for the most part, accurate, daughter. It is a man-made cave, is it not? One that would offer the opportunity for those of our clan to remove ourselves from the heat of the day and to find that which is a cool and restful place, such that we have and may journey again upon the lands and know ourselves with safe shelter as it has and may be, yes? 

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Highland Cow or Cattle. I am grateful for your wisdom, your light and your require - [stammer - 0:22:30.7] er, your request. I have and will joyfully serve to my clan, as they have and are so willing to receive er – to receive it. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: You are welcome, daughter, and we are grateful for your open and willing heart. We have and feel the weight of our field hanging a bit of drowsiness upon your lids. And so, we consider it timely to take our leave, as you have and are so willing. 

Channel: I have and I am. I am so grateful for your light. Thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Highland Cattle: You are welcome, daughter. It is complete.  


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