#224 Great Spirit of Capsaicin

Claim a blessing of high discernment offered to each of us by the Great Spirit of Capcaisin.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman  and today’s episode of Gaia Translate with a serving of  spicy wisdom  from The Great Spirit of Capsaicin.  I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of Capsaicin while  listening to an episode of, NPR’s daily science program. Short Wave in which Host Emily Kwong  takes us along on a fascinating  examination of our human relationship with  capsaicin, and similar  compounds in  “Spice, Spice, Baby! Why Some Of Us Enjoy The Pain Of Spicy Foods.”


Great Spirit of the Capsaicin: We greet you, daughter. We have and hold the vibratory field of Capsaicin. We are blessed to know ourselves component and part of, if you will, many variations of the plant kingdom. And this pleases us greatly. For we have great intent within our heart. We have the intent to heal, to serve, to serve as guardian, guide, to offer the blessing of our nature as that which has and knows itself possessed of great power and possessed of great intent. 

We have placed an image within the awareness of the Channel and we would invite this being to describe the image that we have chosen to use as adequate example of what we seek to serve, as you have and are so willing, daughter. 

Channel: Greetings and blessings, Great Spirit of Capsaicin. Thank you for the honor of your flow. The image that is in my third eye is that of a wooden table whose one side, the legs are considerably shorter than the other. And so, things that are placed on the table, they just slide off and crash onto the floor in the direction of the shorter legs. And, you know, plates of food and drinks, or whatever. 

Great Spirit of the Capsaicin: That is an adequate descriptive. We would gently offer that your own fields as a species, as a clan, as individual awareness are a bit out of balance. As such, there is a great deal that has or would serve you, that has and would nourish you, that has and would contribute to your wellbeing. And yet this imbalanced state has and consumes much that has been and would be useful meal for your clan. 

As you have and observe, daughter, one side, the legs of the table are at one height and the other side they are quire a bit shortened. We offer you this simple image to describe that which we perceive is the imbalance within the field of many of your clan wherein the properties, capacities, and potentials of organic compound or resource, such as our own and many other that have and are simply generated and present to the grace of the Gaia, natural or not man-made or constructed, have and are considered less effective, less valuable, and perhaps we might gently suggest [0:05:00.0] less profitable for those of your clan, and therefore they are disregarded.  

And while there is a resurgence of that which is the wisdom that has and has been known and lost, known and forgotten in great seasons of your flow as a clan, has and is being, if you will, much as an archaeological dig on earth and rediscovered, and yet as you have and in your current day at this particular point in your unfoldment as a species, you have developed the capacity to analyze the chemical components and the power they have to effect a shift or transmutation in that which is the physical expression of another. 

There is much that has and is as we are, the vibratory field that holds great potential. And as it has and vibrates deeply, as we are Capsaicin, which is for those who are unaware the ingredient that creates what is felt as the “heat” to a point of burning and discomfort if consumed in great quantities through your mouth. And yet that which has and is most desired in smaller quantities for the most part as enhancement to the pleasure you have and take as you would consume required foodstuff. 

There is much that we have and serve. That which we have and would understand ourselves in truth is as healer, as protector and guardian. And what do we mean by that you may qua -- [0:07:50.9] you may seek to ask as quandary. We have great properties that have and will call back the amelioration, the rebalancing, and the mitigation that which has and ails you as a clan. You have discovered some … you are aware that the application of compounds that have and carry our expression within them serve to reduce the sensations created by your nerve endings that signal discomfort or pain. This is, if you will, much as one who has read the first page or two of a book filled with great resource that simply waits for your discovery. 

We further have and, uh, serve as guardian, quite effectively we might offer, in that which has and is the discouragement, if you will, or the repelling of those who have and would consume some aspect or portion of our greater physical organism that are not in high alignment with the efficient expansion of our flow. Your species has discovered that there are some members of the flow of life, other life forms, such as some [0:10:00.0] of that which are the birds or winged ones that have been designed to be unaffected by that which is our presence and that is as it needs to be, for they are welcome and they are efficient distributors of the seeds of our own potential as this or that, as a pepper, as a chili, as whatever you have and understand is habitat for that which is the field of capsaicin, yes? 

We feel there are those who have and employ this relation to some effect as you have, and there are those of you who create food stuff for the winged ones as you feel the need to and you coat it with our presence. And there are other members of life in flow you understand as squirrel and other small mammal that are in imbued with that which are the taste organs that have and are quite sensitive to our presence, and therefore are repelled in great measure from the eager consumption of that which has and contains our flow. 

There are those of your species who are starting or remembering the power of our guardianship when you have and would surround other members of the plant kingdom that you have and seek through your agriculture to call forth your own foodstuff in addition to our own. And we are most effective and that which is the guardianship of those foodstuffs you have and seek to cultivate from the over-enthusiastic consumption by other members of the animal and the winged ones in flow. 

There is much that your species has created, manufactured in your chemicals and pesticides that serve in some aspect quite effectively and in others they are nowhere near as sophisticated as are we. For while we have and may dissuade, we do not destroy. While we have and may be that which through their own will turns aside those who have and would consume one or our own or other where we know ourselves in application, we are not that which has and creates long-lasting toxic presence and contamination in the physical forms in those who have and come in contact with us. 

You have and consume that which you have created as poison. It is inevitable. You have and coat your agriculture with this and the various products [0:15:00.0]. It has and seeps into the flesh of the soil where it has and remains where it has and destroys the life flow of other aspects of life that has and are apart with the requirement of that which would be adequate resource for that which you seek to grow and that which others seek to habitat, yes? 

Further, that which you have through your own construct you have set with the intention to destroy all that have and would seek to take a bite of what they understand as also food stuff that they may and would served by. And when you have and you extinguish the life force of the insect, of the small mammal or other, who you seek and understand as helping themselves without invitation from your plate, they have in turn and are great, if you will, packages that have and as they are extinguished, they are as that which is the flow of this plane, then and provide as they are designed a source of nutrient, those who have and understand them as that which would be a food stuff required of the nourishment of their own flow. 

You may perceive this as a bird who consumes an insect that has died after ingesting the pesticide, and now what have we here? That which is the bird who would carry the seeds of our potential knows itself also poisoned. And that which was and is and in some measure may no longer be a marvelous flow, efficient and designed for the greatest benefit of all by that which is what you would call Mother Nature or the Gaia, is severed and it is once again a distortion in your field, which you may perceive as the shortened legs of the table. 

To doubt or to deny that the consequence that has and befalls one part of this great web or ladder of flow does not create consequence in either direction along that which is the cycle of life that has and is unique to this plane. 

We step forward with the blessing that has and will lift the lower side of the table of your awareness a bit and as such you have and will observe that not quite so much what has and would serve you and all has and slides into that which is the floor of extinction. [0:20:00.0] 

What you may ask have we truly gifted you? It is the gift of rebalancing of the scales of judgement in one. You place that which is constructed by man that has and would claim as of greater efficiency or effectiveness that has and also has and fills the purse strings of those who make such claims without consideration of greater and lasting consequence to all, including those of your clan, yes? 

In the other side of this scale, we would gently sit and invite all members of other life in flow to have and join us. We do not sit here as willing to be sacrificed in full for the need state of your clan. For that is also out of balance, yes? However, in the claiming and application of what you might understand as organic or biological sources of chemical relations, components, and elements that have and occur naturally in and with other species and life. You will embrace a far higher intelligence, one that has and understands how to apply with discernment that which has and would when it is required, repel, dissuade, and at points completely deny the consumption by another. And yet, in a manner that has and invites it as a freedom of choice or will, claimed by the other in a manner that has and does no lasting harm. 

There are many examples of this in all aspects of expression or species in this natural world. You would be well-served, as many have, not only to observe these remarkable constructs that have and are in use and to also seek to emulate with great enthusiasm the manner in which that which you have and would seek to call towards yourselves or to protect, or those others who have and you seek to repel may be offered that which is quite distasteful or unpleasant, and yet not toxic or fatal upon that which is the interaction of flow. 

It is this blessing we have and would seek to offer you, that which is, if you will, the readjustment and realignment of both sides of the table of your awareness, the one side that has and is of human construct. The other that which has and is organic has called forth and present by the great wisdom of [0:25:00.0] Gaia in flow. 

Any that has and is a compound, a chemical or any other sort of manufactured or recombined construct, it is called forth with the intent to destroy the life of another in service to that which is the protection of that which you would seek to cons -- [pause - 0:25:36.6] is less than discerning when the poison you have and place upon the flesh of what you have or seek to consume or within its biology as you have begun to do, simply transfers that poison into your own environment and in no small measure into your own flesh and the flesh of those who have and are your issue, your offspring, your children, yes? 

There is much that has shifted in the behaviors, and in truth the configuration of relation of your neural networks and compositions that you have yet to fully understand, or some of you are yet unaware are in truth born of this contamination within your own field and that of other life in this plane. In this you have and are well-served to reclaim the respect and the application of that which has and is, if you will, designed to serve you, to offer healing, rebalancing, guardianship, and so forth from a place of protection and an intent to preserve through the willing distaste of another, rather than that which is the willing intent to destroy the life flow of other beings who are part of the greater organism of expression that has and only knows itself, if you will, functioning when all components are held in the light of wellbeing and uncontaminated flow. 

You are as a clan most blessed. You are given the gifts of freedom of will and intent and the power to direct them and we have and would invite you to receive the blessing, the rebalancing the table of your awareness, and the scales that you have and are so imbalanced as we have offered, where you have and in truth view with that which is the sight that is in requirement of correction, much as one who has and is in requirement of the lenses of glasses or other methods that have and adjust that which is no longer in balance [0:30:00.0]. And as such, as you have and receive this blessing, that which has and would call you gently to the great honoring, respect, and [nonverbal - 0:30:15.8] reacquaintance and in truth introduction to that which has and already exists in that which you understand as nature, of which you are a part. 

And while we encourage you to avail yourselves of that which is the natural remedies, guardianship, healing, we would further encourage the reconstruction or adaptation of your constructs in a manner that has and holds the vibratory field of repelling by willing choice of the other, rather than the violence of poisoning with toxins. For as one poisons another, there is no avoiding one has and poisons one’s own. 

It is this blessing of rebalancing of your relationship, honor, and respect for that which is manufactured within the walls of your own clan in service, yes, in part to meeting the need state of this or that, and in service as well to that which is what you would call “profit.” These are not always in alignment, yes? 

And to understand that which has been manufactured in your … in your factories and places of exploration of what this or that may do, how this or that may call forth a particular consequence in the vibratory field and the flesh of another with that which has and is of natural origin. You may find much that has been put to the side, much that has been claimed to be less than or not as effective as, or not as powerful as the man-made versions have and in truth have always been as or more effective when applied in adequate apportionment, yes? 

We have served you this blessing and we are grateful for the opportunity to have and flow in and through the being who is Channel as one who has and offers you that which is example of our interconnected relationship as greater organism of life in flow. 

It is complete, daughter. We are grateful and we have other matters to attend to, so we have and would seek to take our leave, as you are so willing to grant it. 

Channel: I, uh, thank you very much. I offer a prayer of profound gratitude and blessings of Godspeed and profound [0:35:00.0] gratitude for the wisdom you have placed and the blessing of potential for us to rebalance our relationship as you have offered. Thank you. 

Great Spirit of the Capsaicin: You are welcome, daughter. We have and take our leave. 


#225 Spirit of the Great White Shark


#223 Great Spirit of the Kingfisher