#225 Spirit of the Great White Shark

Do not fear this opportunity to  swim in the  waters of channeled guidance with the powerful Spirit of the Great White Shark.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate. Great White Sharks have been making  more frequent appearances at least in the Northeast where I reside. So much so on July 5th of this year ( 2023) National Geographic reports: “Cape Cod may have the highest density of great white sharks in the world”.


Great Spirit of the Great White Shark: We are willing as you allow it to offer our small wisdom upon the plate your collective’s awareness. We are that which has and vibrates as The Great Spirit of the Shark. We sought your awareness through one that has and is both feared and therefore admired, it would appear by your clan, daughter.  

We would speak to you from this aspect of our awareness, this subset as it were, as what you have and it is commonly named The Great White Shark. As we are not white in full I’ve always found this a peculiar claiming. The “Great” we comprehend; and yet we shall place that aside for the time being. 

Your species seeks both the admiration of and the domination of that which you perceive as an apex predator in any environ. You admire, and so you call these traits to yourself. It is wise if you seek to call that which you perceive as a useful trait, such as one who has and dress at a certain place in the food chain as being that which has and is to be admired, emulated, and feared.  

We seek to tease apart a bit of confusion that we find is particular to your species, daughter. It is a conflation that if one is able to kill a member of another species. While you may perceive that as showing a place of superiority or dominance, and in some lower aspect it may be, we would invite you to also claim that which would honor your potential [0:03:23.3] as it were, as a species that may know yourselves at a place of empowerment through both your ability to dominate and your wisdom to be in relation with. 

We are simply that which is our nature. We are also aware that without even the smallest, most microscopic members of life that have and inhabit the Great Waters, we would not be in a place of continuance or of adequate resource for our survival. While it may be so, there are always those who have and reside in the easternmost point of flow, or the westernmost point of flow. These positionings do not serve as measurement of worth or worthiness because we have and know a  natural predators, we would disentangle the [0:05:00.0] perception that bestows upon us or any other a grace above all other flows of life in this plane.  

To be the largest carries with it the burden of greater requirement in that which is the nourishment and sustaining of the physical form, does it not? We appreciate that we are efficient at meeting those needs when that which we have and are in requirement of consumption has and is in sufficient quantity and quality to serve these needs. You know yourselves as eager and hungry as that which has and seeks to harvest all life in service of your own need state, and while we acknowledge this is the nature of the being, we would invite you to consider the power of your wisdom as it might serve that which is the ongoing flow of required resource, both within and without the Great Waters. 

We would further seek to observe that you are wise to be discerning when our presence is in your neighborhood, and to simply acknowledge that we are in our nature not seeking to hunt you, rather you have and you are, if you will, simply another item upon the shelves at the market in which we have and shop. It is in truth, nothing personal. It is simply a point where your presence as you play and dally upon the shoreline and in the waters brings that which is your field into the realm of our natural desire to feed and nourish ourselves. It is no more than that. 

We also would observe that the slaughtering of members of our clan, be they the Great White or any other, if it is done or intended from anything other than the requirement of serving one’s own nutritional need state is an act of fear and born of lower vibratory frequency. To destroy any life in a manner that is and does not serve the continuance of one’s own or another’s nutritional requirements is inefficient and will not serve any as we perceive it so. 

Your species does not need to physically slaughter one of ours. For in this you do not in truth exhibit your superiority, but rather a place of unawareness, some might say ignorance, in terms of how we all have and serve [0:10:00.0] and are and serve all as we have and know ourselves I the allowance of our flow. We would be unwise to simply slaughter or kill every other life form that crosses our path when our bellies are already full. 

We would offer you this aspect of our shark nature as that which you have and as you would seek to call to yourselves the alignment, the receivership of your own shark nature, and in particular what you perceive as the Great White physically superior, no,  physically adept, yes. We all have our natures. We seek to call forth that which is the nature of the Great White Shark. It is not accomplished in truth. That which you seek to be in alignment with is not claimed through the destruction of another being, it is claimed through the attunement of their frequency, their bandwidth of awareness. 

To honor your own Great White Shark nature is to honor the wisdom that we have and carry within us as that which has the potential to kill many and that which has the wisdom to resist, or if you will, to embrace that which has and would be adequate resource in its living flow, that which has and knows itself in a place of far greater usefulness as it is allowed to continue and to be in relation with all other currents of life in and out of the Great Waters.  

We feel there are many of your clan, daughter, who are aware and yet there is a great hunger to bear witness and to distort what is perceived as our great hunter nature as being that which is ferocious, that which is a threat and therefore in some aspect, that which is to be admired. We do not deny that we are efficient and have been blessed with the biology to serve our need state.  

There is a titillation that is born both of fear and what you fear you may admire in your own manner that creates these pastimes where those stories that have and serve the titillation of your emotional state are fed to you in far greater measure about the nature of our clan as they have and then call forth [0:15:00.0] through your willing participation and engagement therein through these medias and rumors, stories, and fables of that which has and would feed the desires of some to receive your energetic resource in the form of financial exchange. 

It is a point of high wisdom that we would offer you. One does not claim one’s shark nature by observing the, in many aspects artificially encouraged scenes of what is perceived as our aggressive nature. It should come as no surprise that if one sits at a table and has dish after dish of your preferred food source simply placed in front of you that you would not seek to consume it. This is what has and occurs more often than not, we would gently observe. 

It is a shift in your relationship with our species that has and is a song of intent in our heart, for as formidable as you may experience us, we are at the mercy of the smallest form of life that has and may know itself able to be in continuance in the environments that we all have and share. Your species has the great blessing of opportunity to seek and to bestow upon all other life forms in this plane an act of your own higher nature, your own wisdom in flow, and your own impowered grace, one that we have and would appreciate the admiring of and the respect of should we be given the opportunity and we feel this is a possibility that we would enthusiastically encourage.  

We speak of course of the ability for you to claim that which is your shark nature in service to your efficient consumption of the wisdom that has been offered through those who study such things as that which is the manner in which to adapt your own behaviors such that you do not continue to call forth the mighty imbalance that has and in truth threatens so many, including your own clan in this small dimension. 

You are a remarkable species and one that has simply from our perspective [0:20:00.0] wandered a bit off the path of your own evolution. And yet, we observe there is a great desire within the heartplace of your clan to have and realign yourselves in right relation and in expansion of your field as those who have and perceive with the greater wisdom of the power of respect and acknowledgement. It is not the size or the strength of two that has and imbues a life form with its worthiness, its service, and its place in that which is the inextricable flow of life in this or other planes. 

You may be facile at seeking various sources of food stuff to meet the need state of your ever-growing populations. And while this has been a serviceable method, the great over-fishing and the destruction of many other life forms as extraneous and no worth, as you have and seek to call forth the particular fish and other members of the communities of the waters that meet your current preferences. We are not asking you to cease your fishing or your harvesting. We are inviting you to perceive the great wisdom of preservation and restoration of allowance and of respect. We do not encourage the fear-based respect, other than to be in discernment that you are not perceived in your small individual expressions as other than another option when you have and enter into the waters for your amusements or other. 

We have and would bestow upon you, as you have and are so willing to receive it, the great mantle of our wisdom and that wisdom in truth to claim your shark nature is to claim one that is in relation and respectful relation with all other members of the flow of life within and without the waters. The blessing of one’s shark nature is not to know that you are as you would perceive it, a vicious and powerful predator that has and ravages all life forms without discernment or in excess of our requirement. That is not wise and that is not useful, we would observe. 

We have stepped forward for we are aware that there are many who admire and would seek in their own peculiar ways [0:25:00.0] to claim our power through the destruction of our physicality. It does not work this way. It may be perceived as such and yet it is a distortion that has been so long held. We felt it was timely and efficient to clarify where those of your species have wandered a bit off the path of high wisdom. 

We do not judge you; we bless you and we encourage you to claim that which is your great potential, your potential to know yourself in truth in the fullness of your shark nature as that which has and is a member of a great community and that which has and respects it. For it is through the respect of relations and service of all life forms, however minute or microscopic. Your inability to perceive with your eye that which has and is foundation to all else that appears to be above it. That is a blessing we seek to bestow upon you. We speak of the eye of your heart, and in so doing you have and claim well your own shark nature – your own Great White Shark nature. 

It is this we sought to serve, daughter. These small adjustments in that which has and is the perception and therefore the relation that we have and would know ourselves win -- [0:27:28.2] within with your own clan. 

We have and offer prayers – yes, it is so. All life has and may call forth that which they would be grateful for as having and being a part of their experience of flow. Is this not accurate? And so, our prayers are in gratitude for the awakening of the full wisdom of the heartplace of your clan with the blessing of your shark nature as you have and claim it in the clarity of this alignment in your field. 

We have and would acknowledge that we have served the blessing of our attunement in full at this point in our mutual relation, and we are grateful for your receivership therein, daughter. We have and would take our leave, as you have and would grant it so. 

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Great White Shark and that of the Shark. I am honored to be in receivership and more than willing to offer your wisdom on the plate of my clan. 

Great Spirit of the Great White Shark: We appreciate your service, Channel. We have and take our leave. 


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