#230 Great Spirit of Antarctica

What you need to know now! A blessing of prescience from the Great Spirit of Antarctica.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this  episode of Gaia translate we receive an existential transmission from The Great Spirit of Antartica.


Great Spirit of Antarctica: We have and sense a bit of resistance or fear in your field, daughter, and that is understood. You are a bit afeared of what we have and would serve upon the plate of the awareness of your species, is that not accurate? 

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of Antarctica. I apologize. It is accurate, yes. 

Great Spirit of Antarctica: We do not deny that we are not here to simply offer a silly song or a short greeting and let it be. For these are times in our mutual history that require a more somber tune, yes?  

There are those of your clan, your species, daughter, who understand with great clarity of awareness the consequence that has and is occurring as that which is the overall ecology of the climate undergoes the great shifts that have been called forward into manifestation through the choices and actions and for some, the will-based intent of your species. We are not suggesting that there are members of your species that seek to dissolve that which is the great expression of Antarctica. Rather that there are those of your species that while aware that this is a consequence of the continuance of certain behaviors, yet still refuse to make the necessary adjustments and timely shifts such that that which has and holds the great flood waters, that which has and serves to maintain the mighty flow of life in this plane, that which has and is a beloved daughter of the Gaia has and is no longer able to know itself as that which may remain in flow. 

We cannot begin to serve upon the plate of the awareness of your species the great avalanche of consequence that is and will continue to know itself called into form through that which is the resistance, the denial. We do not feel there is much doubt; simply that which has and is a part of the nature of many of your species, we would offer, gently, not to feel that they or those of their own family units, or perhaps even their own communities, or geographic locations would be in direct receivership of any great consequence of that which is the dissolution of what is understood as Antarctica. 

We offer and acknowledge it is through no [0:05:00.0] malintent with that which is, if you will, the waters that have made – have been and comprised the structure or flesh of our form, as they have and are transmuted into the waters of flow from that which would be understood as a greater solid of ice have and will consume greater and greater parts of the other aspects of geography in this plane. 

We further offer that that which we have served and been most honored to have and claim in that which is the current structure or that which has been in seasons past as what you perceive as a great ice shelf, a great ice form, has and serves in so very many manners that are still little understood, and therefore, little respected by your clan. 

We hold out a great plate of grief that we have and are unable to do other than to consume. We grieve for all of the life forms. Those of your own clan are not outside of this grieving, we would offer, who will know themselves in a place of great challenge or impossibility to continue in their current expression as that which one may understand as a dam of sorts that has held back much and has and serves through its full construct is no longer able to withstand that which is the great flow of the waters of change that as such as that which is what you perceive of as the great ice mass of Antarctica is called into that which is transmutation of its form, as we have and know ourselves unable to maintain a steady state in a manner that we have and were conceived of, we would offer. So we have and know ourselves as unwilling contributors to a great flood of distrust and dissolution of much of the matrix of life in this plane that has and was called forth so beautifully through the will of Gaia. 

In this, we seek to offer our grief, that which we have and consume as we have and are unable to do other. And we invite those of your species to join us in this sorry meal. We feel there are many who have and consume this meal of grief already for all that has and will be washed away. We speak in physical expression and also we [0:10:00.0] offer all that was called forth in the great creative attunement of the Gaia as that which in and through its very relation has and held in a place of great flow of life, variety, and beauty. And as this has and knows itself in that which has and is great shift, we do not grief for that which is has and are the Great Waters, for that aspect of our awareness will continue, yes, for that which is a current season or so. Rather, we grieve for that which we have and are as that which holds the vibration of willing service to many life forms within the waters that are part of our nature, and for some who have and know themselves as native to that which is our construct. It is the many others that have and hold us in the shadow of our grief. For it is not, nor has it, nor would it be our intent, that through that which is the dissolution of our own physicality, so many, many others would be forced to be carried upon that current in the same destination. 

We are not suggesting that all of life in this plane will be swept away, as we have and feel ourselves, rather that many of current life forms and their relations will no longer be sustainable. And there are those who simply will not be able to continue when that which has been the particulars of certain temperatures or ecologies born from therein are no longer feasible in this plane.  

We would in a point of hope seek to invite those of your clan, daughter, to have and to accept that it is their choosing that calls this great shift. And while we have and grieve, we turn and offer you the plate that holds the responsibility, as in truth, a meal that we would seek to have those of your species consume. It is simply that which will be what remains. And it is that meal that we can perceive will be served again and again by those who have and are your children and your children’s children, and so forth on the currents of the expansion of flow of your species in this manner, and they will serve again [0:15:00.0] and again this meal of responsibility upon the plate of that which they would seek most, most definitely to serve. 

There are some who would season this meal with that which is the herbs of why, of how, and those who will season it with the spices of great distress, outrage, and a deep and profound sense of betrayal. It is well-known that those who are your issue, your offspring, they understand the truth of the matter, not by the words that are spoken, but by the actions that are claimed. And in this particular situation, it matters not the words, the denial, the disclaiming “that was not me, I did not know. How could this be,” when they have and are most able to perceive that which was the lifestyle and the actions that were not taken to slow down a bit, to abate a bit, that which is great transmutation of what you have understood as the Antarctic regions. 

We are not the only aspects of flow that are undergoing great shifts and change. For there are none who remain outside. It is that which is a wind that blows across all life forms and all geographies, all constructs, and all relation in this plane. 

For those of your species who would seek not to know the meal that is served again and again upon the plate of your awareness as that which only contains outrage, anger, a sense of deep betrayal, and great and profound grief beyond your imagining from those who are your, or shall I say, for those for whom you are their parent, their uncle, their grandparent, their cousin, their ancestor, yes? 

It is the blessing of this awareness, and while it may be misconstrued as that which we seek to force upon you, we offer you that which is our perception of what has [0:20:00.0] and the season that has and swiftly approaches, and that which is the unfoldment of your species under the current flow of potential. It is not potential, but rather that which has and will occur, as it has begun if there are no shifts. And we would offer, great ones from the heartplace of your species. 

We have and would beseech you, not simply for our own expression, for as we have offered there are aspects of our flow that have and continue, that would carry in some aspect a part of our awareness, although for great and many seasons, it would be much as a quiet echo of what once had been a mighty song. 

We have called to you the blessing of one who may perceive a bit what has and approaches, and you are offered the blessing of fair warning, and therefore, the opportunity to realign that which is your willing intent, such that it has and would claim as you are able, a great and diligent effort to patch up the breach in this dam of consequence that has been broken open through that which is the manifest actions of your greater clan. 

We consider ourselves much as that which is a bitter tonic, one that many will turn their heads away and seek not to consume at all. And yet, is it not so that often that which carries a bitter taste in the swallowing may in truth be that which heals the sickness of the heart, the flesh, and the full awareness of the being. 

We do not feel there is a requirement to continue with that which is the song of grief in our heart, and we simply have and appreciate the opportunity to serve those of your clan, daughter, each and all the blessing of this possibility to understand themselves able to redirect a bit the consequence of their choosing, yes? 

Channel: Your guidance and wisdom is received with gratitude. I have and acknowledge the profound grief of your heart [0:25:00.0].  

Great Spirit of Antarctica: We invite you and all of your species, and many have and are already finding that it is this that is placed upon the plate that is and we have and know ourselves in requirement to consume. 

It is that we sought to serve and we acknowledge it is not a meal to our liking, and yet it is what has and is all that remains in the larder of potential from which we have and sing. 

It is complete, daughter. We are grateful for your willingness to receive that which you had and understood would not be a pretty song, and yet it is a potent one, we would offer. And so, with that which is a seasoning of hope in our hearts, we have and take our leave. 


#231 Great Spirit of the Sea Turtle


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