#211 The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree

Are you ready to claim the gift of grace offered by the Great Spirit of the Palm? Find out in today's episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the gift of channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Pam Tree in today’s episode of Gaia Translate I was guided  to channel the great spirit of the Palm Tree  as several reports of the remarkable capacity of palm trees to withstand the incredible force of Hurricane Ian without breaking.  As NPR reporter , John Burnett,  recounts “When a hurricane assaults the coast, as Ian did to Southwest Florida, flip on the TV and the images the cameras have to show are palm trees flailed by the furious winds. The obligatory footage is supposed to be visual evidence of nature's fury. And that it is. But a palm tree standing up to a hurricane is just as much a symbol of the resilience of life, particularly so in Fort Myers, the City of Palms.”



The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree: Great winds of shift have and blow across the branches of your clan, daughter, and we have and step forward to offer some small guidance as your species has and would be honored to receive it, yes? We have planted an image that has and plays in your field of inner sight and we invite you to offer a description, for it is that we have and would be most grateful for, as we have and announce ourselves. We are that which has and is, that which vibrates with the Great Spirit of the Palm Tree.

We have many expressions, many variations, and yet there is that which for the most part we share as common feature of our nature. What is it you perceive in the eye that has and is within you, rather than outside of your perception?

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Palm Tree. I have and see a vision with what looks to me like hurricane-strength winds bending and blowing a palm tree, such that it has and is almost parallel to the ground and yet it remains and has not snapped apart.

The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree: You observe there is a great flexibility, perhaps surprisingly so, in that which you understand as the trunk that has and is our body. And we have learned and those who have not learned are not here to sing the tale that it is wise – and there are great and powerful winds that have and would seek to press against one, be it one’s physical form as we have outpictured here, be it that which are one’s thought forms or belief systems, be it that which is the need to bend when circumstance demands it, the need to know oneself as supple and able to acknowledge and not to fully resist that which has and presses with great force upon the field of your knowing.

Your species, your clan, has and creates in some aspect the very winds, the very hurricane or gale-force winds, if you will, that have and would blow you and require those of your clan to have and claim their palm tree nature as that which has and while you hold great and deep-rooted attachment to that which you have and are in relation to this planet, you also have and learn in service to your own evolution the blessing of bending in the wind of change that has and is upon you, that has and blows in and through the various points on this planet you have and inhabit.

And we are known to many, and we are gift and friend to many. We are blessing and that which has and serves the wellbeing, in truth the very sustenance of many who have and would be understood as your ancestry, and as many who have and are in current embodiment as your fellow brothers and sisters various points in this physical plane.

It is not so usual to observe our great trunk being snapped like a thin stick or match. In truth when we have and are in an intimate relation with a great and powerful wind and there is reason that we have and survive where so many others of the deeply-rooted ones who are of the species of tree do not. We have and embrace the wisdom of allowance and of bending in a manner that has and does not resist with such brittleness that which would seek to blow us in the direction of circumstance and flow.

It is accurate we have and may lose a frond or many, that which is the fruits may be blown away or scattered across the landscape in response to the great power of the winds of change. And yet, we have and survive. And yet, it is through our ability to adapt and to release the requirement of resistance that so many of your own clan have and cling on to, and though it is your very rigidity of thought form, of belief, of a system or construct, of structure in your societies that you feel will serve you better than that which is the efficient adaptation or bending to the great winds of change that have and blow across and through this field. You may perceive this simple analogy as referring only to the great shifts in the climate, and your capacity to adapt your own behaviors in an efficient and timely manner. And that is partially accurate. It is a useful analogy, is it not?

And we would offer when you have and experience in those parts of the plane wherein other species of tree that are not so well designed to bend as we do when there is a great force of change or winds that have and would seek to uproot us, so we have and know ourselves as that which has and carries the wisdom of one who has and, if you will, learns to ride upon the winds of change, rather than to stand in steadfast refusal of the relationship that has or may claim our very life force, rather than that which has and would offer us the opportunity to be in collaboration rather than in resistance to what is required for our continuance.

Those of your clan, and there are still many, we feel, have and would be well-served to call to themselves that which is the mantle of blessing of your palm tree nature. And while not all have or would desire those who have and do, who have and are willing to claim that particular aspect of our nature that understands the wisdom and embraces the power of the bending in response in relation to that which would seek to push with great force upon us our ways, our construct, and our form, so you have and would know yourselves well-pleased. For that which has and is the great winds and forces that have and barrel down upon your clans that have and are called forth not only by the great imbalance that you have and experience in the physical plane of this planet, but in that which is the required adaptation for your own evolution and your own continuance and expansion of flow.

You have observed after a great storm has blown through that there are many branches of trees that have been wrenched apart through their own resistance or incapacity or inability, if you will, to be in sufficient allowance that they have and know themselves able to bend, rather than to push against that which is greater than their capacity to remain in the statis of their expression.

There are winds and forces; you may call them typhoon or hurricane or other that are so powerful that many of our cousins have and are fully uprooted and cast aside as those of twig or stick when scattered by a willful child. Is it not wise to consider that which has and would serve the adaptations, the reconfigurations and the rebalancings with and in collaboration with the great winds that have and seek to blow and are already called into the great expression of their gale through your own – we speak of species-wide ownership here – your own choosings, knowingly by some and simply in receivership by many that have created this great windstorm, this great cyclone of shift.

We do not question the blessing or that which has and may be perceived as other than of that which has and is occurring at this place in our mutual histories. We simply seek to offer the blessing that we could find most useful and that would be claiming with an open and willing heart, that which is your palm tree nature. You may understand it as that which has and serves to provide foodstuff, sustenance, shelter, and wellbeing to your clan and to other members of life in flow. You may understand it as that which has unique skill set and design in which we have and willingly bend, rather than resist that which is beyond resisting and remaining in alignment to our vital flow. It is not an act of surrender. It is not an act of weakness to allow oneself to bend when the force of circumstance presents in such a manner as this. It is wisdom, and there are those who are not as blessed as we. There are those whose physical construct does not offer the latitudes that we have been and know ourselves informed with and we have and hold these other members of our clan and all others in a place of compassion and grieving in our hearts.

Your species, your clan, daughter, has the opportunity, unlike many other to claim this aspect and to willingly and with great joy embrace it and to know yourselves in high alignment with that which is the mantle of your palm tree nature as that which has and is great provider, as that which has and offers the wisdom and illustration of the efficiency of one who has and is not so rigidly  resistant to the requirements of the great winds of change that have and blow across the plane of this point in our mutual history.

There is that, of course, which is the simple physical  wind that we out picture as an example of how to bend when great force presents itself how to be in right relation, we would offer, in a manner that has and serves your wellbeing and the wellbeing of that which has and will be born in another season of your own fruiting and that fruiting is available, we would observe, through that which is the continuance of your life force in a manner that has and would serve it, rather than that which has and is uprooted through the rigidity of resistant will.

To be as one, and your species has this great blessing placed upon its shoulders, who may choose the construct of your will, the construct of your relation with the great winds of change that have and blow, however they may have been called forth through your own behavior, through your own choosing. That is not what has and is of consequence at this place in your own unfoldment.

You have the opportunity, which is as we perceive it, a mighty blessing to align yourselves through your own willing intent and to claim again and again that which is your nature as one who has and acknowledges and seeks to bend in relation with all that has, and the force of these great shifts that have and press upon your own expression. Individuate, yes, and the greater expression of your entire collective, such that you do not know too many branches snapped off, or perhaps a loss of too many of your companions, these cultures and societies that have and face the storm of change, the brunt of it, if you will, whether or not they have and contribute it in similar measure to its creation.

And those who have and are not able will know themselves, as they have begun to, simply snapped apart, uprooted, and unable to remain in relationship with their flow. We are not suggesting Armageddon. We are simply observing from the perspective of our vibratory field as a fellow life form in expression in this plane that your clan has and is offered the opportunity to claim that which is the nature of adaptation and of willingness to be moved in a direction that you may not have chosen, and yet to acknowledge it and not to resist it, such that you have and know yourselves able to return again to the height of your full expression upon the dawn of another season.

To comprehend in full what we would serve as one’s palm tree nature is to accept and to relish to embrace with deep gratitude and open and willing heart your ability of adaptation of the bending of old patternings and habitual constructs of consumption and of discharge of pollutants and toxins in service to this or that perceived convenience. And to understand that you as a clan as you continue to resist the great winds that have and blow upon you that have and call forth the requirement of bending to the change necessary in your own patterns and behaviors as you have and seek the manner in which you may bend to the new circumstance and know yourselves able to return once again to the grace of your embodied flow.

You have and experience what is but the first greetings of this ever-growing and approaching storm of change, however it has been called forth into this dimension. We are not immune, nor any life forms that have and know themselves as a part of the great dance of flow we all engage in, in the ecological expression of our small part of the greater organism that has and is the Gaia, the earth, the planet we all have and are a part of in our various expressions. As that which has and is the physical imbalance of the climate has and increases in strength, the winds of this shift not only increase in scale, but in the velocity with which they have and approach or have and already begin to sing in the fullness of their song.

There is a place where even those, such as ourselves, that have and whose nature is so blessed to be able to bend in great degree to that which has and would seek to claim us in full. There is a place where even we may no longer know ourselves able to be expressed in the various communities we have grown used to and are most attached to with the roots of our heart. While we may live along the shorelines serving to assist in our small way in the anchoring of the sands and the shifting of that which is the landmass, we are not able to know ourselves in a place of sustainability in that which are the Great Waters, the oceans have and rise upon us. It is not our nature to be that which like those of the mangrove have adapted in a manner that has and may be both within the waters and upon the sands and soils of the shore.

There are those of our clan that have and may no longer companion you should these great winds continue without the bending of your own will in alignment to all that is required to call forth the abating and rebalancing at least in some measure of the forces that have and define the manner in which life has and flows in this plane.

We are not seeking to sing a song of doom, but rather of possibility and opportunity to have and claim in efficiency as you are willing the mantle of your palm tree nature in each individuate heart and as a collective. And in this to joyfully and willingly allow yourself the blessing of bending and therefore, adapting to that which has and is the great wind of shift that is upon us all in this plane.

It is this blessing that we would at this place in our mutual history step forward to serve. We have been great benefactors in truth, to your clan. For you have found yourselves able to call forth shelter, to call forth sustenance, to call forth companionship, to call forth shade. These are all the gifts we have and serve you in our various expressions, be it simply as palm, as date, as coconut, and as other whose fruits have and have offered the blessing of wellbeing to many seasons of the human expression. And yet, we feel there is no greater gift that we can serve upon your knowing than that of the blessing of the mantle of one who has and willingly bends one’s behavior, one’s patterning, one’s choosing in a manner that has and acknowledges that which has and blows across the great field of your own existence and that of all other life in this plane.

It is a point of high discernment, one that you have the opportunity to claim as beings who have and walk in the grace of freedom. Not all are so blessed. There are some who are unable. Consider, if you will, our cousin, the oak. While they have and are mighty, that which is the suppleness of their trunk simply does not serve as that which has and knows itself able to bend in quite the manner of our own.

It is this blessing and this alignment we have and would serve to your clan, daughter, for the winds are higher and they are and come with increasing strength and therefore, consequence for those who seek to resist and rather to stand in their old patternings and know themselves as that which has and looses limb and perhaps that which has and roots one into the soil of your own life flow.

It is this blessing we have sought to offer and to invite and relisten with great anticipation and joy-filled expectation that there are more than a few of you who have and would be most grateful and willing to claim that which is your palm tree nature, one who has and claims the wisdom through the alignment of your will, to bend in relation to that which would seek without the bending through its mere presence to uproot you fully from this plane.

We have served the blessing we sought to bring forward to your clan, daughter, and we are grateful for your willingness to offer it in a timely and efficient manner, such that all have and may claim it before the winds and the great gusts of the increasing imbalance have and offer little option to those who deny themselves the blessing of aligning one’s will with the high discernment of bending to the requirements of the current circumstance, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Palm Tree. Thank you for all of your blessings and of the blessing of this particular mantle of your grace. I am honored to be in receivership therein.

The Great Spirit of the Palm Tree: We do not doubt that, daughter, and we are grateful for your willing receivership and your distribution of the grace of our song. It is complete. As you have and would offer, so we have and take our leave.


#212 The Great Spirit of Encroachment


#210 Spirit of the Great Barrier Reef