#156 The Great Spirit of Bedrock


Join us as we access the power of the Great Spirit of Bedrock in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate. If you have ever visited New York CIty’s Central Park you may notice large expanses of exposed bedrock throughout the terrain. During a recent visit I was drawn to channel the Great Spirit of Bedrock when I had clamored up a bedrock out cropping to enjoy the view of the park and the city beyond. It was afternoon and I sat down for a bit enjoying the feeing of warmth that had been captured in the bedrock beneath me.


The Great Spirit of Bedrock: It is an illusion, daughter. That is how deeply within the heartplace of your clan that is the illusion of permanence, of immutability, of that which has and will always, if you will, be there to support and to hold what is placed upon it. We offer that we speak of that which is our own nature, as we have and vibrate as The Spirit of the Bedrock. You have and were invited to the blessing of our awareness a bit ago, yes? And so we appreciate your receivership of our light.

As a civilization your species is not held upon a solid bedrock. In truth, the bedrock of your assumptions, the bedrock of your engagement and interactions with each other and with all other forms of life in this plane is unable to sustain you. It has and crumbles beneath you. While this may feel as a great disaster in the making, we would offer when one has and that which you have perceived or seek to hold onto is no longer able to support you in the current circumstance.

We do not speak of the physical bedrock in this plane. Although in part some aspects of that have also been intruded upon by your species. We speak rather of that which you have and claim and wrap around you in your systems, your structures, your societal constructs, which for the most part are the bedrock upon which your various tribes have and stand. There is a great fault line, if you will, that runs not only and quite obviously, we would offer, along that which is your varying and competing belief systems. It is a fault line that runs deep as it has and in a useful manner we would observe, cracks apart revealing that which have been long-standing distortions that you have and are above or served by, if you will, all other life in this plane.

We would further observe you have a great distortion of otherness that is required to break apart now and has been for a bit. The otherness is not only as you have and perceive yourselves as separate from or other than all other forms of life however they may manifest in this plane, but from each other. You are most clear-eyed when you observe a great tree and understand that all the leaves that have and are expressed from it are of the same nature, although they are individuate or singular in their particular expression.

We find it confusing that this very similarity of all who have and are of a human nature or leaf upon the great tree of human expression are unable to recognize each other, are unable to accept that what you bear witness to in another is your own nature, your structure, your configuration, and your vibration, yes? That is also part of what has and is crumbling. We are grateful to observe. And for those who cling stubbornly, we would offer, to the distortion of otherness, of better-ness, of being more worthy or of others being less so, that is the bedrock of a great and long-standing distortion that has and is crumbling and is required to beneath the societal structures of your awareness at this blessed point in your own unfoldment.

There is destruction as it is perceived in that which is the birthing of the new bedrock itself was once a river of flow. And so there is a new river, a new eruption, if you will, that has and is being called forth, spewed forth by that which is the requirement and the desire of your clan, your species to evolve, to claim a new and solid bedrock that has and will serve most powerfully to sustain and support many as you have and know it so. It is the bedrock of rebalancing. It is the bedrock that has and holds you as you have always been, yet blind for a great part in your perception as a member of, not above or separate from the rest of the flow of life in this plane.

Your current and destructive bedrock that knows itself unable to be in a place of sustaining has and crumbles beneath you and has an awareness as a species, as you do not seek to remove yourselves from your current and somewhat resistant or resistance to the required shifts in your flow in the manner in which you have and engage with the fellow life forms, with the Gaia, and with the general requirement that claims this unique plane and that which is a cyclical or continual flow of life. You will also be that which falls within the crevasse of dissolution. We are not threatening. You will not have a great earthquake that swallows you up – although some may experience such. For there is a great shaking of the heartplace of the Gaia as she sobs again and again, as she holds yet another species, another child of her heart in her arms as it has and flows into that which are the currents of extinction.

There are points in the history of this or that species when the willingness to acknowledge that much that you had assumed would always be there to sustain and support you, much that you have been in your own manner taken for granted as that which has and constitutes a stable condition in this physical plane to support your own expression as a life form on this planet. You have and call forth this crumbling, this breaking apart, this reclaiming, and we feel it is timely to allow much that you have depended upon or assumed was a manner in which and how you are to be in relation both with each other and with all that has and is the flow of expression in this plane.

It is the epoch of reclamation. Much has and is being reclaimed, not in service to the rebirthing of a new understanding and there is other that has and is and would seek to be carried willingly in the arms of a tender and willing heart, as you have and understand yourselves able to call forth the bedrock of a new era, one that has and holds you in respectful relation, in an honored attunement with all life. those that have and flutter, as leaves off the tree of the human expression and all other trees of life, and all of the beings who know themselves in individuate expression, as a leaf and also as a part of a greater structure of awareness, much as my own. In this, we are pleased to acknowledge that the greater awareness of your collective has called forth for assistance, for guidance, as you feel that which is the bedrock of your distortions swaying beneath you, unable to continue to sustain you, and that is accurate. You are simply guided to acknowledge that this particular point in how you have evolved in your cultural and societal normative behavioral patterns crumbles the bedrock of your own continuance beneath you.

We have and would offer you the blessing of claiming that which is an attunement to the birthing of a new bedrock of relation, the attunement of a new bedrock of relation with within your own species and with all others. Bedrock born of respect. Bedrock born of acknowledgment of other as worthy, as in your own expression, that which is of a single nature and to understand with great clarity that it is the weave of the bedrock of life in this plane that is born of a matrix of interdependence and willing relation, honored, and grateful with and of one and all. It is that you seek and it is through your willing acknowledgment of the unification of the greater organism of flow that is required to call forth that which is the bedrock of a new epoch, one that has and will hold you steady as you know yourselves upon that which is birthed of an awakened heart. It is not that you have not held this awareness within you, it has simply awaked in and such a deep slumber that you have forgotten you are asleep.

And so we offer you this; the blessing of your own attunement and the wisdom that much you have and assume will always remain to steady you, to hold you is unviable, has and crumbles beneath your feet and will swallow up and is great swathes of this current life experience that which is born of the Gaia. Is not all bedrock born of the Gaia’s intent? Was not all bedrock once a river of potential that has and is called forth into the solidifying form of manifestation? You too, as a species of great will, are empowered to claim that which is the acknowledgment that there is much that has and is in requirement of surrender such that that which has and may support you may hold you and be foundational to your own expression is but to be called forth through your open and willing hearts.

We invite you to invoke that to your greater attunement and alignment that which is right relation with that which is the bedrock of sustainability of that which is the continuance of your species and that of many others upon the bedrock of greatly shifted relation, one that has and embraces with deep and profound gratitude. The existence, the worthiness and in truth the essential nature of all of life that has and is born from the great light of the organism and the awareness of the Gaia.

We are closely related and we offer we are not that which is in stasis of flow. You may experience as you continue your resistance and perhaps simply as a consequence of your distortion and your unwillingness to acknowledge what has and is in requirement of great shift in your flow, that which is and may feel as though in physical expression there is a great shaking apart of the physical plane in certain geographies. You understand these as earthquakes, as volcanic eruptions, as shiftings of the plates, and of other. It is being called forth. It is not a doomsday song we sing. It is a blessing of awareness, an invitation for all of your clan, daughter, to awaken and to choose to no longer stand upon that which crumbles beneath them. Your systems, your values, your constructs, your denial; these do not serve you. We are not suggesting that all do not serve, yet those who have and deny the sacred relation and required one, the ss-sameness, the connectedness, the integrated relation that cannot be severed without dissolution of all.

That is what we seek to remind you of, and to invite you to embrace the willing release therein. For these distortions, they cannot sustain you. Bedrock of these distortions has and will falter beneath you and you will fall within what has and is in their place, the chasm of your own destruction. Not all, but many. And with it has a great yawning or opening of the earth plane when that which is the earth splits open. The bedrock itself opens up. Much of life is already being consumed. Much of the life forms have already tumbled into the chasm of reclamation. It is the way of things, yes?

We feel that we have spoken to those of your species as stern uncle and that is required for the gentle whisperings, the suggestions, the pleadings of many have not been sufficient to shake you from your slumber in great measure. And so we step forward. We will not be destroyed. We will simply be that which is called back into the flow of potential to be re-expressed, and we invite you to claim that aspect of our vibratory field in service to the new earth, the new understanding, the required, we would observe, recalibration of your relationship as a part of that which has and is the organism of life and flow in this plane.

It is the blessing we sought to bestow and to invite you not to remain standing upon that which crumbles beneath you, but to claim through your open and willing heart that you have and seek to journey and you will as you claim it to that place in your knowing where the bedrock has and stands firm.

It is complete, daughter. We have and appreciate your awareness and your willing sharing of our heartsong into that which is the sleeping heart of many in your plane.

We have and take our leave.


#157 The Great Spirit of the Rat


#155 The Great Spirit of Silver