#163 Blessings from the Great Spirit of the Everglades

The Great Spirit of the Everglades invokes our awareness in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman bringing you today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast and a directly channeled message from the great spirit of the Florida Everglades.  The Florida Everglades have  been in the news lately and from what I’ve read, the 2022 UN climate report highlights the importance of Everglades restoration. Why?

According to Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme. “We need to protect and restore wetlands for nature. Backing nature is the best way to adapt and slow climate change, while providing jobs and boosting economies.”

Why the Everglades? my understanding is these wetlands span nearly 3 million acres and, when hydrated, this massive marsh sequesters carbon from the atmosphere, storing it in organic peat soils. Mangrove forests around the coastal Everglades also sequester carbon, with an estimated $3.4 billion value in carbon storage. As of 2022 the US government continues to work towards  the crucial  restoration of the Everglades.



The Great Spirit of the Everglades: We are that which has and would seek your attunement, daughter. We are that which vibrates as the physical expression of the land mass that has been identified as the Florida Everglades. We are much as a recipe that has and a dish born of familiar ingredients and yet one that is and carries it’s own unique flavor. There are many places in the physical plane of this earth that have and contain the same ingredient list, if you will, that of the geographic, the geologic, that of the temperate weather systems, that of the life forms that have and know themselves as native, or called into expression through our unique “sauce” if you will.

We step forward as that which has and is undergoing great shifts. We do appreciate those who have sought to preserve portions of our expression. It is deeply appreciated, and yet there is the greater disruption that has and is removing the potential for that which is the unique recipe of life that is understood and experienced as that which you call “everglades” that has and is, if you will, in a place of great fragility, much as one who opens the door on that which is the souffle and finds that it is unable to rise or may know itself deflated, holding some of its nature. And yet there is that portion of it that is lost to its full manifestation, yes?

Much as those who seek to bake a cake or other, and they inhabit a part of the physical plane that is of much higher or lower altitude, there is a requirement of adaptation, of length in which you have and allow a cake to remain in the oven, such that it has and would call forth a similar outcome. We have simply chosen the metaphors of cooking, for we find them easy to access in the channel’s repertoire of imagery. We are not a cake. We are not that which has and may be cooked in any kitchen. However, we would offer at this point in the history of this physical plane we are unusual and in the breath of our expression somewhat unique in every configuration in this physical plane for that which is the combination of a particular climate, landmass, source of water, nutrient and other, there is the potential for certain expressions, habitats, if you will, ecologies to be called forth into the service where they are made physically manifest. And that is so with us and many other environments that you have and experience as part of the earth plane.

The great shifts that have and are occurring that are called forth through the imbalance that has been born of the physical and will-based intent of your species are that which has and creates a great disturbance in the field of our potential. To put it in pedestrian terms we are endangered as that which is the ambient temperature as it increases in our neighborhood. The resource of the waters has and is decreasing, or has and is concentrated due to the shift in parts and not in others.

We are not unwilling to understand ourselves as all is in that which is the process of evolution. Rather we would simply offer that there are many members of our community, life forms that have and serve and know themselves as worthwhile contributors, if you will, to the greater ecology of this plane. And they, and that which is this particular and unique ecosystem are, if you will, most unsteady. Perhaps it will not be that which causes great concern or distress in the heartplace of your species to experience the dissolution of this particular expression of life that is understood as everglade. And that may be. There are those life forms that are unique to our physical outpicturing who will also be lost in this particular expression, and we stand and speak for them, as well as for what may be understood as the greater organism of our flow. Much as within your own body, are you not also a unique recipe that has claimed and is comprised of similar ingredients in the pantry of potential for a “human cake?” Yes?

If one was to start to remove certain essential ingredients from that pantry such as the waters, while you may not appear so to each other, you are primarily in the majority composed of water. As this essential ingredient is reduced, your physical wellbeing has and will understand the consequence therein. There will come a point in our own expression and we feel it shimmering and gaining greater form as potential in this plane where the basic ingredients that comprise of what is understood as everglade will be in insufficiency and therefore that which is understood as everglade will no longer be able to be “tasted,” if you will, at the meal of your own physical experience in this plane.

Many of your species may not consider that as a loss, and yet those who have and know themselves as members, as close neighbors, as friends of our particular vibration will also find the pantry of their own [sigh] life experience as empty. This is not a threat, nor is it intended to be one. This is simply a statement of truth without distortion, without the distortion of denial, without the distortion of other intent, without the distortion of fear. It is simply is, much as when the sun has set, the sun has set. It simply is.

I stand in a place of acknowledgement that should that which is the vibratory field of everglade remain in its unique structure in this plane, we sense a great diminishment of our presence. And with that diminishment is the inevitable loss of our constituate elements of life. They have and beseech me to stand before you all and to seek, to feel that which is the lightof your compassion as it has and warms their heartplace. They do not desire as we would feel many as you do not desire to find your habitat no longer that which you can know yourselves able to live within and to maintain yourselves and your life condition in sufficiency, yes?

I am not unwilling to surrender my flow to that which is called forth upon the tides of circumstance, and yet I am aware that I have and serve and am in service to that which has and also assists in the balancing of the ecology of the greater plane of this planet. Much as you have come to understand, we feel that the removal of the great forests that and hold within them and in the soils great compounds of gases as they have and are stripped from this plane. They are no longer able to serve in this manner, and that which had been contained is released, calling forth, if you will, and as you have and are experiencing with greater and great awareness we would acknowledge, an acceleration of the imbalance in this plane. This aspect of our physical presence as everglade is little understood and we would invite it to the forefront of the awareness to those who study such things as perhaps a worthy talking point for those who seek through their own open-hearted will preservation of such habitats, yes?

We feel there is a willingness in the heartplace of your species. We are mightily grateful for this. We simply would suggest that which is the great storm of shift is visible on the horizon and one would be wise to seek to prepare as one is able for this occurrence. It is not completely inevitable. Much as you may see a storm cloud that appears in the distance and yet does not track the path directly over your own presence, but is diverted and rather than receiving a great deluge that has and floods you, or where you have and reside, you receive rather a more moderate rain that knows itself in greater balance of flow and as such in service to that which is the greater intent of the Gaia-light, yes?

We would simply acknowledge yet again that we are very grateful and we feel the love and appreciation in the heartplace of many of your species for that which is the recipe of our particular ecological expression, and we would seek and encourage the preservation of our resource as it has and serves in a manner that has yet to be fully comprehended. As we have and are great containers, if you will, of that which is the carbons, carbon-dioxide and other, that when we have and are, if you will, consumed by that which is the current unfoldment of circumstance all that we have held within us is free to flow, yes?

We have and are grateful for the opportunity to stand and to serve this deep grief and, if you will, recipe of fair warning to the heartplace of the greater collective, and on behalf of all the component ingredients of life-forms that have and are part of the fullness of the expression of the everglade, we have and offer deep gratitudes for your timely consideration.

And so, we are most grateful and we have and are complete. We take our leave.


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