#167 The Great Spirit of the Microbes of the Soil

Timely guidance is served by the Great Spirit of the Microbes of the Soil in this episode of Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with a powerful channeled communication from the Spirits of the Microbes of the Soil in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. I was drawn to the Spirit of the Microbes of the soil from Save Soil which is a global movement launched by Indian spiritual leader Sadhguru to address land degradation and advocate for healthy soil. The initiative was presented on April 5th at the United Nations in Geneva by the Isha Foundation and supported by the UN as well as the World Health Organization among others.


The Great Spirit of the Microbes of the Soil: At one point in you history, sister, there would be members of this or that tribe, small gatherings of you as human, who would be the most useful member of the clan and honored with the blessing of being the fire-keeper, one who would carry that which would be the embers that have and hold the secret of the flame within them, carefully from place to place upon the journeys of your species at that place where you had yet to learn or master, if you will, the calling forth of flame and were in requirement should you seek to avail yourselves of its power, to tend it most carefully and carry it in a place of great respect.

We are not that which has and vibrates as the Spirit of the Flame, although we’d offer that we too have and understand ourselves in our nature as that which is the Spirit of the Microbial Life within the Soils, that we too have and will be held in a place of such great honor and respect that much as you had and did in those past seasons of your experience in this plane, there will be those who will have and serve a great, great blessing as they carry that which is an adequately resourced sample of that which is the soil infused with the various requirements of microbial life form, such that it has and calls forth with efficiency the nutrients of that you would seek to plant or grow to consume for your own wellbeing or food stuff, yes?

We are not that which has and is and is required to be mined at such great depths as those other minerals that you seek and hold in such great esteem. We are far more valuable than that in truth. For there are many patches, much as scabs upon the flesh of Gaia where we have been in our vibrant relation as members of a community of the soils, stripped and removed through your own agricultural practices or deforestation, denuding, or stripping of that which are the great members of the plant kingdom and other that have and share that which is the grace of exchange of flow in service to the light.

There was once a story; it is a powerful part of a certain aspect of your culture’s spiritual mythology wherein a babe who was blessed to be a great light-holder was brought great gifts of rare value. There was that of frankincense, that of myrrh, that of coins of gold. These were considered highly valuable and treasured and offered in manner that has and would indicate that the being in receivership was worthy of great admiration and respect.

Should that gifting occur in this present point of your expression, we would gently suggest that the gift of greatest value and usefulness to any babe who is born in this epoch of your unfoldment as a species would receive nothing less than that which is a great container that holds within it the fruited soil that has and is home to the many, varied, and exquisite microbes that have and are required to service it ourselves and that which is the ability. For what is planted there to know itself in high vitality of physical form, nutrient-dense, if you will, and therefore most efficient in the service of the flow as your species has and would seek to consume that which offers you the blessing of vitality of life-force, and that of those who would seek to feed what you have and cultivate would also be blessed to consume such should they be so able.

We are not that which has and is in requirement to be understood as rare or unavailable. We are simply that which has been stripped away or destroyed through your current agricultural practices and that which is the claiming of great swathes of the soils such that you may construct upon them that which you have and serves your own need state as members of your own species.

We would invite you to claim the great treasure that has and is a well-fruited, if you will, soil, one that has and holds the many varieties of life forms that you understand as the microbes of the soil and to claim them and to seek to nurture and cultivate them and to allow that which is our nature and presence to regenerate, to be served as we would serve the blessing of our reintroduction and the allowance of that which is the adequate clock-time in which to anchor ourselves securely and in this manner, we have and are and offer a great, great blessing of service to the flow and continuance of your own collective awareness in physical form, and that of the many other forms of life that know themselves as that which has and is in requirement of our engagement, our presence, our companionship, and the vibratory field of our light.

You may find that it is simply a blessing of that which is more valuable than any other gift one could receive when one is given the gift of health and wellbeing as one has and would claim it. We serve in many aspects. Are we not also that which offers the blessing of high relation with those members of the plant kingdom and the deeply rooted ones you understand as “tree,” such that we together have and anchor a bit that which without our presence simply blows in the direction of desert or unfruiting land mass, yes? And we mean no disrespect. For there are many who have and reside within that particular ecology or ecosystem. We would simply embrace the ability to know ourselves as reclaimed, replanted, if you will, and offered the blessing of that which is our own reconstitution of those neighborhoods that we have been disgorged from or destroyed within.

We may appear to be so minute that we in our physical scale do not feel to those of your own expression as of great value or worth, as of great use. For there are many of us and in an individuate expression we are less than imposing; however, much as one would consider that which is a single cell of blood as not particularly worthy of great admiration or respect, we would offer that if the river of all that was your blood was drained from your body, much as we, the microbes of the soil have and are being drained from the flesh of Gaia, you would find it most challenging to remain in a physical form that had any continuing functionality as you had understood yourself, yes?

It is this invitation to reassess that which you have and may consider a treasure worth great respect and care and tender attention, such that you do not have it slip away to be lost and for you to sit with nothing but sand within your hands into which that which you would require has no ability to be held into place or nourished with adequacy or in truth, in that which is a useful engagement and relationship with the other members of life in form that know themselves  as members of the community that has and sings within and from the soil.

It is not untimely to gather as you are willing those pieces of the soil that hold us still in a great balance and lively interaction and to take with respect and to carry to each and all of the varying tribes of your species and to offer with great honor and in dignity and respect the blessing of inviting us to move into these other neighborhoods and to allow us that which is the period of gestation, if you will, in which we are well-served in the manner that then has and will serve all.

This is in truth most timely and you will find it as that which has and offers you a treasure beyond measure that which is the great soil of wellbeing from which those of your own species and all others may know themselves held steady and nourished in great tenderness and efficiency. It is this invitation and, if you will, call to action that we have and would set before your plate of awareness such that you have other that would fill your physical plates and your bellies and that of your offspring and that of all other members of life in this plane who know themselves in requirement to consume what has been and is called forth from the soil, yes?

It is that we sought to serve. And we have and are grateful for the opportunity to invite you and your tribes to consider the blessing of carrying with you or bringing to those other member communities that which may be understood as the ember of the flame of your wellbeing, however it may appear to simply be a richly infused container of soil that has and carries the light of microbial life within it, yes? We are not unwilling to serve. In truth we are most eager and fully and willingly embrace the opportunity to work with and collaborate with those of your species in the timely receding of the soils such that they have and we have and may return to a balanced place of flow.

We have offered that which is the blessing of our wisdom and the willingness of our heart. And so it is in deep and hopeful gratitude we have and sing a song of joy-filled anticipation for the opportunity to know ourselves as that which has and is distributed widely and willingly such that all have and may know themselves returned to a balanced state of flow.

We would nod our awareness in the direction of the being Sadhguru who has most willingly lifted up through his heart the song of our requirement as he has and seeks to serve it and to awaken the heartplace of those beings who have and are in willing receivership of his light. We are grateful and we commend him for the song of his heart and that of many others who have and lift their own awareness in high attunement to that which is our timely reunification in respectful relation and service to the Gaia.

It is complete. We have and take our leave.


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