#161 Blessing of the Great Spirit of Owl

Robert Larsson Photographer

The Great Spirit of the Owl bestows a powerful blessing in today's Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and this episode of Gaia Translate brings  you guidance from the Great Spirit of the Owl. Living by a pond I was woken up recently  by the powerful hooting call of a Great Horned Owl somewhere by my bedroom window. Followed by a response echoing back from somewhere across the pond. As the  midnight conversation continued I knew it was time to channel the great Spirit of the Owl.


The Great Spirit of the Owl: We have and would seek your willingness attunement, granddaughter, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am. Greetings and blessings to you, Grandmother.

The Great Spirit of the Owl: We appreciate your recognition of our flow and we would announce ourselves more formerly to those who are not as familiar with our frequency. We are that which has and vibrates as the Great Spirit of the Owl. This is not that which is our premier interaction, nor we feel will it be the last opportunity to exchange our thought forms in such a manner. We have and greet those of the human awareness and collective who have and bless us and themselves we might suggest through the attunement to this song of our grace bestowed, for it is timely and we felt the call to sing it.

We would awaken those of your clan, granddaughter, to their owl nature in full. And we have and would elucidate what we have and offer in that which is the claiming of the mighty mantel of one’s owl nature. We have garnered a bit of a reputation as that which is understood as the “wise old owl” in some of your stories and remembering, and the vibratory field of wisdom is one that has and is close to us and is that which has and resonates from our field. To call forth the wisdom of your owl nature, sons and daughters of Eve, is to call forth that which is your alignment with the wisdom of deep discernment and the ability to call into manifestation that which has and would serve you and your need state as you perceive it so.

Your species has and is known for its capacity to sort out much that may be hidden in the brush or behind that which is the shadow of the tree or the scent of another. As such as you have and call to yourselves the acuity of your vision, that which is able to perceive in all direction, we would offer, all potential, all possibility. And further that which has and through this witnessing, through this careful observation, takes accurate aim at the claiming of that which has and would meet the need state of our current requirement. We find that your species has availed yourselves up to a point, as you have and would know yourselves in alignment with your own owl nature. In this we would gently observe you have and perceive that which has and is the rumbling in your belly for that which would feed the current imbalance in this field, that which would nourish the rebalancing, the replenishment, the cleansing and the healing of so much that is the flesh of Gaia, of so many who are the children of Gaia. And of that which is the very fabric of life in flow, of which you are a part, not apart from we would remind, yes?

As such, we feel that there is sufficient observation to assess that which you have and would seek to call forth and to consume as nourishment, as sustenance. We do not speak of filling your belly, although that has and is a concern that has and appears to be on the horizon, yes? We speak of your willingness as that who has and claims in full your owl nature to be one, who when you have assessed the meal of adequate requirement for the rebalancing of the great imbalance of climate and other environmental trauma, these various techniques, shifts in consumption, timely calling forth into manifestation, those new methodologies to support that which is your desire to move yourself to one or another place in this geography without creating such a wake of destruction of climate and resource that there is no journey that would bring forth a harvest that could balance out what has been claimed.

We feel there is a greater awakening and certainly a greater collective perception of all that has and is not functioning, all that has and through its continuance of use, of consumption, of resource, and of discharge of pollutant is not that which is and would feed the belly of your need state and that of many other life forms at this point in our mutual understanding. Have you not identified in great measure that which is the prey of your intent? Are you not seeking to consume all that has and would feed you in and with regard to shifts in behavior, to the creation and development with great timeliness, those alternative constructs of energy consumption and creation that do not create such great and deep wounds in the flesh of Gaia.

Many of you are as those who are hatchlings. You cry in your nest. We hunger for this; please feed us. And yet those who have and are, if you will, your parental units, those government systems and structures that you have and look to, to meet your need state, not simply in this present moment, but as those you have claimed could guide you and will offer you adequate sustenance for your own continuance in this and another season. We invite you, each and all, as you would claim the fullness of your owl nature to know yourselves as worthy hunters of that which is your own intent and to no longer remain as those who have and are able to fledge and yet continue to turn the mouths and beaks of their need state towards those who in truth are not all that interested in providing those who they have and tend with the required nutrients for their own wellbeing.

Do not fear the spreading of the wings of your own will. Do not consider that you will fall and be unable to meet the need state that you have and feel in your belly. It is simply a matter of fully claiming that you, each and all, have and are that which may take flight and which may guide with great accuracy the will of your intent in that which is the claiming of these various shifts in your behavior, these various changes in your patterns of consumption, these various systems that you have allowed to choose the course of your destiny and to no longer feel so helpless as we perceive it. There is not a one of you who is not in truth able to spread the wings of your will with your eyes as that which has and knows very well what has and is the prey of your intent.

We are aware that this is a well-worn analogy at this place in our discourse, and yet we remind you that which is required to serve and fill the belly of your own wellbeing, children of Eve, is that which you may call forth and be the hunter of without waiting for others who have perhaps less desire to feed other than their own private intent. Do not doubt that you have and may fledge. Do not doubt that each and every one has and may call to themselves the blessing of the fullness of their owl nature. That is one who has and observes in stillness and who has and takes flight and hunts with great accuracy and claims that which is required to meet the current need state for our continual flow.

You have identified in great measure that which has and no longer serves that which is of your own making that has and calls forth the increased imbalance that has and is such a great wind that the very tree which your nest has been held may know itself uprooted. We do not feel this is what has and rests within the heartplace of your clan, daughter. And so we step forward and we would offer you from a place of perhaps greater wisdom as we do not and are not limited by this dimensional perspective. That is not to say we are not represented in what you understand as the natural world. We have and are. I speak as the vibratory field of that which is the Owl of Wisdom, the Great Hunter, the Great Provider for our own need state and that of one who has and bears witness to the mighty flow that has and would sustain us all in this dimension, yes?

We are not here to berate. We are here to behold. We are not here to deny your power of independent flight. Rather we are here to invite you, the individuate will as you have and place the eyes of your intent upon that which you may seek to call forth into manifestation at this point. So you have and will as you know you have and are able, and as you have and choose no longer to be one who cannot perceive themselves as able of independent flight and of quick and decisive action in the service of the greater wellbeing of all life in this plane. One cannot continue to remain in stillness when that which has and would be the prey of your reclamation and rebalancing has and stands in the open field of your awareness. For it too shall know itself in the season of its departing. And there may not be another timely opportunity to claim that which would feed the belly of your and many in requirement for many, many seasons that may follow.

It is this blessing, the blessing of your awakening to your place of independence of flight and to invite you to call forth your owl nature, that which has developed the sharp eye of high discernment, that which has and claims the power and accuracy of intended flight and the feeding of the belly of requirement in that which is the taking of efficient action. When one has and knows oneself in one’s owl nature, is it not wise not to simply be that which is as your little statues of plastic or of wood, that you place around your gardens to discourage others from consuming that which you would grow there. We invite you to be that which is the full embodiment of your owl nature, one who has and yes, perceives, and one who has and is a swift and efficient hunter in the meeting of the requirement of one’s need state, however that may appear or present itself in the opening of opportunity, yes?

We simply invite you to take required action, to shift your own behaviors and not to wait for others to do what you understand in your heart is essential. There is no season, there is no other point where it has and is of benefit to delay your own claiming of your independence and to claim that which is the great prowess of one who is able to meet one’s own requirements without dependence upon those who may or may not have your best interests at heart as they tend to their own need state, which may appear to be statis in all that has and is essential to the possibility of realigning your own collective behaviors with that which has and would serve you and those of your own issue and many other life forms in this plane.

This is not a blessing that is only offered to those who have and hold high positions in your governments to those who have and appear to be ones of power or influence or expanded resource. This is a blessing that is served and would behoove you, we might observe, to be claimed with great enthusiasm by all, each and all individuate members of your clan. It is a great blessing we have bestowed upon you and one we have and offer our gratitudes for your willingness to claim. And while not all will claim it, for there will be some who would prefer to allow others to choose their destiny as they are unwilling to choose it or claim it for themselves. This is of course a choosing and you have and are in your choosing in that which is the choice of surrender of your own will to the action or inaction of another, or we might observe to fully claim your owl nature as you have already observed and perceived what is highest discernment of right action in service to the wellbeing of your clan and all others.

It is this blessing of the full claiming of all that you have and are as great hunters and wisdom keepers. We would leave with the final observation that to perceive what is right action without seeking to spread the wings of your will and to hunt it with great intent is to deny your owl nature. For it is not that which has and perceives but is the wise action if one is unwilling to embrace it and to call it into manifestation in a timely and efficient manner. We perceive there are many of you who have already begun to fledge. We simply offer a gentle push of our faith and our knowing that you, each and all, have and are more than able to take wing and to fly in that which is the field of your awakened and empowered attunement. As beings of light who are not unwilling or who are unafraid to hunt for themselves that which is required for your own need state and wellbeing.

It is this blessing of the full claiming of one’s owl nature. We are wise and our wisdom guides us to efficient and purposeful action as we hunt that which is the prey of our intent, yes? It is this simple blessing that we felt it was timely to step forward and bestow into those who have and listen with the ears of their heart. We have and applaud, commend all who have and do not doubt they may and be in the fullness of their independent flight.

We have and listen with the ears of our heart to all who would call to us. You do not need to step outside and actually make a sound. We will hear you. We are speaking of the song of your intent to claim fully all that you have and may be both wise and willing, both perceiving and claiming in swift and efficient action. And in this manner you hunt with grace and in this manner you have and will the belly of your need state of rebalancing before you are too weak to fully claim that which would meet the need state of your clan, yes?

It is this missive we have and serve upon the awareness of your brothers and sisters of the human tribe. We have been a companion and a willing one. We have served as a guide and a teacher, and we have and step forward as one who has been known as a dependable and worthy instructor in the ways of light, of one’s will, and in the actual hunting and claiming of that which you seek to manifest in the feeding of your intent. It is complete. With this blessing, this invocation of your own willing attunement, we have and take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it, daughter.

Channel: I have and I am. Blessings be and thank you, Great Spirit of the Owl. Thank you for your song of wisdom and guidance. It is gratefully received.

The Great Spirit of the Owl: We appreciate your gratitude, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#162 Blessings from the Great Spirit of Dolphin


#160 The Great Spirit of Sweat