#158 The Great Spirit of Revolution

The Great Spirit of Revolution opens the gates of possibility for each of us in today's Gaia Translate.

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Greetings friends and welcome,  this is your host, Tracy Shoolman, and in this episode of the  Gaia Translate podcast  I bring you a channelled message from the Great  Spirit of Revolution. My awareness was drawn to the  Great Spirit of Revolution when I paid a visit to the Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. According to history, on April 19th 1775 the “Shot heard round the world “ was fired as local militia faced advancing British soldiers  marking the start of the American Revolution.


We appreciate your awareness of the gentle knock we placed upon you, and we have and would announce ourselves. We are that which has and is the vibratory field, also understood as the Spirit of the Revolution. We have come to accept that at this point in the history of your clan, those of the humans, you understand your relationship as one that has and when you hear the word that holds our vibratory field, “revolution,” it creates a bit of fear within the heartplace. And this is understood. For there have most often been a deep and we would offer, unfortunate relationship between that which is the violence of eruption through that which is the collective consciousness or awareness of this or that other clan of your species, such that you call to yourselves a violent revolution.

The violence, we would offer, is best served within the heartplace not as violence, but as deep desire and as the inability much as when there is a birthing of any being, it is not always without a bit of drama or in truth, physical discomfort. And yet, there is the greater birthing of that which is a living expression that knows itself called forth through the great will of that which has and seeks to give it birth.

We invite you to remember that our spirit, that of revolution may be applied to great shifts in that which is the condition of awareness and therefore, manifestation of your species. Consider as you will that which you have named the Industrial Revolution and other. We do not only seek to have our vibration held with that which is tied to bloodshed, to war, to destruction in order for there to be evolution. For within us and the greater part of us is as you are now aware evolution, the revolution that you have and call us to is that point in the awareness and intent of one or other of your fields of attunement such that you have and claim to ride that which is the current of evolution willingly and we would offer, for some. While the birthing process may not be most pleasant, yet it is embraced as that which simply has and is a necessity for the evolution has and may be upon one.

You are in a point of evolution, children. We offer this not to suggest you are less aware or honored or respected. Simply that from the perspective of our field, you have in truth begun that great journey of evolution that you have sought and seek and are so willing to call to yourselves at this point in your history. While there are many revolutions that have and bubble up here and there in the cultural crosscurrents of your history, and we do not deny them nor do we judge them in truth, for ours is not to judge. Ours is simply the presence of the vibration that has and calls forth the birthing of evolution in one manner or another.

We would acknowledge this is a great time of potential birthing of the revolution and the evolution held within of all of those of the human species as you have and seek to claim the evolution of your own awareness, your own light as that which has and fills and is being called into in truth, the birth canal of its requirement. Whereas you have and as you claim and understand you are so much greater than the small vessel of your physical presence, you have and would know yourselves in a beautiful and joy-filled revolution of your own expression.

It is not that it is required to be painful. It is not that it is required to create bloodshed or leave that which you understand as death in its wake – although we would suggest there is much that has known its season and it is the time of shedding. And that is not an unpleasant experience. Rather it is one much as you observe those deeply rooted ones who are the trees and other forms of plant in the plant kingdom. There is a season where they willingly release that which was of the past, such that they may know themselves able to bloom in great continuance and growth in the upcoming season of their own unfoldment, expansion, and awareness. So too we invite you to open and to release those leaves of fear, the leaves of resistance, the leaves of unwillingness to acknowledge the truth in your heart, and to simply surrender them to that which is the birthing of this new season of your own evolution.

It is mighty and there are those who are afeared, and that is understood. And yet we offer it is a powerful and in truth, most beautiful light you have and seek to birth within your own nature, as you seek to claim and ride upon the currents of your own evolution as beings of light, as beings who understand themselves no longer in the limitation of this small expression of your awareness, but of that which is the greater attunement, that which is the greater interrelationship of those larger aspects of your own light, your own will. Some understand this as the higher awareness, some as the “over-soul,” and some as that which has and is the light of what you would call “God over the divine” within. It does not matter. The vibration is the same. The naming is convenience for those in that which is a physical expression.

We invite you to embrace the great season of revolution that is upon this plane. For there is also that which has and requires a shifting, a rebalancing of relation with the other members, the other life forms that have and know themselves a part of this ecological system of flow. You many understand them as that which has and simply co-exists and is in truth, unconnected or disconnected in any meaningful manner to that which is your own life force. And this, my friends, is a great distortion. One we have and invite you to allow to fall gently and efficiently from the branches of your awareness as they have and are leaves that have passed their season of usefulness in your field.

To feel the energy that has and is the revolution that is required to have and serve all those of the human, those who are not, those who are the other members of this or that community, this or that ecology, this or that sociology. It does not matter. It has and is simply much as the great shifts that you understood that have and changed the entire plane of existence in what you have labeled the Industrial Revolution. We would offer that it has and is timely to re-attune yourselves such that you reclaim the advancement of your species through a respectful and if you do not mind us offering, a point of greater attunement in your relation.

For you are not a single thread. You are that which is woven, as are all others and in truth, the unraveling of one begets the unraveling of all. To turn your awareness in this great revolution of your consciousness that we have and observe towards that which requires a bit of reweaving is most efficient and highly guided at this point in your awareness. It is the gift of this awareness of the opportunity and in truth, that which has called itself to the birthing. And as it is in the birth canal it may not know itself able to resist or to be held longer without detriment to both that which has and births it and to that which is being born.

It is a beautiful, powerful, and rebalanced light of flow that we have and offer you. Within your own heartplace and in relation with all other aspects of the flow of the life that has and is essential to the continuance of this plane of resistance as you have and understand it. We have and invite you to claim the mantle of your own revolutionary nature with great joy and gratitude. For while there are many who have and wear this mantle with great willingness and joy. There are those who are unaware that the time of birthing is upon them and it has and is simply wise to acknowledge that which is being called up into that which is the greater awareness of your field as a particular species.

While it is so, not every member of a tribe gives birth at the very same moment, yet all are affected when there is that which is birthed into their awareness. And so we invite you and bless you in the claiming of and the wearing of the great mantle of the revolution in service to your own efficient birthing into the new age of your own ascension which has and is most joyfully upon this planet. We invite you to claim not the physical outpicturings that have attended the word, the feeling of revolution in past histories, but to embrace the great honor, the birthing, the evolution that you have and as a family has a larger awareness are riding the currents upon in a form of revolution of spirit, revolution of your own frequency. And this has and is a most beautiful and sacred point in that which is the evolution of your light.

We have sought to bless you and to invite you to that which is the attunement with your own revolutionary nature and to embrace it without fear, brothers and sisters, with joy and gratitude. For in truth it is that seed of potential that has and seeks so powerfully to push itself into the light of manifestation in the heartplace of all at this most unique point in your history. We invite you and we listen and we offer prayers of gratitude and joy-filled anticipation for that which is a great choir that has and sings as they have and ride upon the currents of evolution with that which is the great mantle of revolution securely fastened to your will.

Embrace with an open heart the blessing of this aspect of your capacity and you will know yourselves well-served. We are not rabble-rousers as you would conceive of them. Rather, we are that which has and is the seed of potential that is no longer able to remain within the pod. It is that which knows itself in the great season of its unfoldment in that great revolution of your own consciousness that has and is called forth in the forefront of possibility at this most auspicious point in our mutual histories.

We are joy-filled to serve in this manner and to awaken and to invite close relations for the heartplace of all that have and would know themselves carried with the current of their own revolution in that which is their light. We offer blessings and sing a song of gratitude and welcome to all members of the tribe of human awareness as you have and seek to companion yourselves, to wrap yourselves in your own cloak of revolution.

It is that we sought to serve, daughter. We appreciate your timely attunement to the unique song of our frequency. We have and are complete.


#154 The Great Spirit of Sand


#152 The Great Spirit of Smoke