#86 The Great Spirit of the Grape

Today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast features channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Grape.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. The heavy fragrance of Concord grapes fruiting on the vines filled the air as I stepped beneath a natural arbor to reach a patch of blueberry bushes ripe for the picking. Well I was so busy picking blueberries that I almost tripped over a thick winding  grape vine that had spread along the ground more than 30 feet from the arbor. I might have been on a blueberry picking expedition yet it was clear that it was the Great Spirit of the Concord grape that signaled my awareness that afternoon.  


Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: We have and feel you searching at bit to offer us that which is the appropriate addressing and we will assist you a bit. We are that which is yes, The Spirit of the Grape, yes, The Spirit of the Vine, yes, the Spirit of that which is known as The Leaf, and these are all simply aspects of the overall vibratory field we have and embody in this plane. We are the Great Spirit of that which is The Grape, The Vine, and The Leaf. And we are old and well-loved companions to those of the human tribe, are we not?For we have and serve in many, many aspects as foodstuff through that which is consumption of our fruit, as foodstuff in the consumption of our green matter, in- and as that which has and when fermented in particular manner serves as the fruits of the vine, or wine, as you understand it, or perhaps simply the juice of the fruit when it is harvested without the fermentation. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so. Welcome Great Spirit of The Grape, The Vine, and The Leaf.

Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: We appreciate your attunement to that which has been our varying knocks upon that which is the door of your awareness. You were once one who had and were a companion to us a bit in the occasional consumption of that which was our expression in the form of wine, or in greater consumption in that which has and is or was the expression of our manifest form as fruit – is this not so?

Channel: It is so. I have and do not consume as I had once. … yet I am most respectful and grateful for your attunement to my awareness.

Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: It is understood, daughter. We have sought your awareness and those of your fellow brothers and sisters of the human tribe at this point in our mutual history for there is much that is afoot, if you will. There is that which has and tips a bit one way or another and not simply through the imbibing of our fermented expression, that which is the potential for the continuance as it has been known by your species in the calling forth through the harvesting of our expression such that you have and would know it available to you in the great quantities that you have become a bit used to, yes?

In this we have and are somewhat particular to that which is the climate that we have and preferred to know ourselves in that which has and would offer the highest yield. And while this has and may continue for a bit where we have been known of late to be cultivated, it has and is not feasible for this to continue in the manner that you have known it so through either that which is the consumption through that which are the flames, the fires that have and lay across the land when there is drought and that of course is another aspect that has and would threaten the great presence of our expression in various vineyards and other natural environs.

We would offer that we are not simply available or designed to be uniquely or solely the object or source for na - nutrition or sustenance of your own species, yes? There are many who have and find us most pleasing and a great resource for their own food stuff and continuance. And so as we speak not simply of that which you have grown to cultivate and harvest in the great vineyards of your own building, there are many who have and are of the natural world who are not as interested in consuming that which is the fruit of our harvest in a bottle with a pretty label that has been aged, if you will, in this or that wooden barrel or other. We offer you this because we feel you have a great and warm relation with all that we have and seek to serve you. We have and are also aware that as a sweet or treat, the form of the dried fruit, our raisin, is a big favorite with those who have and are the children of your issue. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so, yes. You are accurate. You serve in many -many aspects and we are blessed to be in receivership therein.

Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: That is so, daughter, and yet there is much as we have offered that has and would shift that which would be the potential for this particular relationship to know itself in continuance as it has been. For when that which is the environ that is conducive to our own expansion, our own growth, our own flourishing has and knows itself challenged by lack of hydration, challenged by lack of temperate environ for us to have and grow within, and in truth that which has and may seek to consume us fully, at least for the moment, that have and are with you understand as wildfire or other that has and is in truth the consequence of certain imbalances that have been called forth in the climate or that which is the particular habitat that we have and would know ourselves native to through that which is the action and the contamination, if you will, of certain aspects of the ecology of this plane such that you have and through your own – we speak of the collective – behaviors you have and may seek to call to yourselves certain aspects that you have and find pleasurable, convenient, or as you might perceive them, necessary, and yet we offer as you have and call these to yourself in that same act the byproduct, if you will, the side effect, if you will, the consequence of certain choices, certain contaminants that have and are in the particulate of the air or have and are released within, have and create great and mighty shifts of the potential of a continuing relationship as we have known it.

We have and offer that perhaps as one hand would draw forward, the other hand has and will lose its hold, if you will, on great comfort and relation, not simply with our own expression and all we have and serve you, but for many, many other that have and do you know are the bounties of the natural world. And while we are not unwilling to remain in this particular relation with those of your species, it is not that which has and would distress us, rather it is that which has and would deny us the capacity for continuance as we have known it and for growth and expansion in certain environments wherein other members of the societies, the communities have come to depend upon us as part of that which is the natural cycle and flow. And we too have and depend upon them for is it not through the consumption there in of those fruits that carry our seeds that have and would know themselves to be carried within the bellies of those who have and consume them.

We do not speak of your species. For you have and contaminate that which is our seed through your manner of disposal in truth, rather those of the birds, the insects and other animals who have and very efficiently redeposit us in various places upon the plane in what would be normally an- an environment that we are well adapted to, yes?

We have and are also aware that there are those of your own clan or tribe who become a bit too fond, if you will, of the fruits of our light and have and know themselves in a manner addicted, which is a word we feel is in vibratory attunement. And in this it is not our intent to have those of your species find themselves unable to continue in a manner that has and would be wise and efficacious for their own, if you will, blooming as they have and would know themselves in their own expression.

We are not able to stay the hand of one who has and finds or seeks to find a path to a sort of oblivion for that which has and is a forgetfulness. For that is what we understand as a virus or illness of sorts that has and is befallen upon many of your own species. And we offer that desire, that need state to have and carry yourselves away from what has and is your daily expression and experience is not that which has and is our intent in truth, although we do not deny it is a powerful and common side effect for many. To know yourself able to claim that which is the blessing of the fruits of our own expression and to also know yourself able to control that which is your consumption therein is a wise and discerning place of balance, is it not?

We are not here to judge. We are here to offer that perhaps this is a good, if you will, example of what has and is required. Not simply the overconsumption by some members of your community of that which is the fruit, fermented of our expression, but of how you have and are in that which we would call the sickness, if you will, the dependency on the great overconsumption of much of the physical plane and with great waste and disregard, if you do not mind us offering. In this you may find that you have and may know yourself well-served – we speak of the collective, daughter – to have and seek to call forth a greater imbalance of that which is your consumption and that which is your, if you will, discipline in terms of what has and offers in small measure great benefit, as has and your physicians and scientists have so discerned with the consumption of certain types of our own fruits, those that have and are of the red and the darker grape, have and offer great benefit for your own physicality when you have and do not seek to consume overly that which in small measure is medicinal and that which is in great measure may cause more harm than you have and are aware.

In this it is all of discernment, is it not, to have and enjoy, and to have and find pleasure and yet to not, if you will, fall two deeply into your cups as a form of denial, as a form of escape, as a form of, if you will, resistance to that which is the truth of this earthly plane. We do not have anything against nor seek to denigrate or to speak poorly of any of all of our neighbors, our friends, and fellow members of the community of life in this particular planet. For that we have and are most grateful and honored to have and serve and most honored and, if you will, blessed we feel to hold such an important part of that which are your great ceremonies, your great occasions, your celebrations, and that which is your acknowledgment when one has or comes into this world in a human form, when one has and seeks to be in a union with another, when one has and is departed or departing. And in this and also we feel in those religious ceremonies or ceremonies of the spirit and the heart. And we have and been most honored and feel most attuned when that which is the song of our expression is called forth in acknowledgment of that which is greater than ours simple physical expression or yours.

We are not claiming one or another, as this or that, as better or worse, as true or false. We simply acknowledge the sacred relationship that we and all of our forms have had as great companion and perhaps curse for some with your own species and that of our own across the seasons of our mutual relation. We have called ourselves into this which is the attunement of your own awareness and receivership, not simply for the consumption there in of our flesh, but we have and would hope the consumption of our wit and our guidance as you have and are so willing to receive it. To know yourselves as one who has and is able of discernment and will, to harvest that which has and serves and no more than that and to consume that which has and offers benefit and to resist the overconsumption of that which while it may be pleasurable in the consuming may offer that which is negative consequence in the continuance therein.

It is simply a matter of balance, is it not, brothers and sisters? And we have and would invite you to call forth with great, great speed and efficiency, a rebalancing of all that you have and consume and all that you have and discharge or place upon those other members of this natural world. For in this it is and we will not be those who are and able to companion you as you have known it. We have offered this, yes? This is not a threat. This is simply as it has and will be. For there are certain conditions that are required for that which is our production, our presence, our life force to know itself able to have and be in a sustainable structure. And we offer this is not so far from what is true for all of you as well.

You may know yourselves in one manner or another to continue. And perhaps not today or next season or the season after you have and will in truth feel that which is the hand of change upon your shoulder with regard to our own expression. And yet we offer it is not that which is far behind and have and we would seek for our own expression and those who have and consume us in that which was the original intention and flow of the Gaia, as we have and are most willing to serve all who have and are a part of our great community of life, not simply those of your own expression, although we are honored to serve as well those of you who have and would partake of the grace of our flesh in that of our light. For we have and carry that which is a sacred tomb, do we not, such that you have and feel, and many have and understood there is that which is more than a simple libation, even one that has and tickles you a bit in your physicality or calls you into a slightly altered state of your own perception.

And yet while we have those capacities under certain conditions there is that which has and is the honoring of the blessing of what you would understand as the fruit of the vine, as we have and are so blessed to be held in the light of grace bestowed. For we are that which has and is a gift, not simply to your own species, but to all who have and would seek to consume it, and that is how we have and serve most gratefully and with great delight.

We would seek to bestow upon you that which is a bit of our, if you will, the nature of the vine, the nature of the fruit, the nature of the green leaf that has and is a part of all we are in our spiritual construct. And in so doing we offer you have and within your own heart place are able to call forth that which is a great servant of the light that has and rests within you such that you have and provide the blessing of the continuance for those who have and come through you and from you. And as you have and seek in high discernment to call forth that which is the serving of a mighty harvest of continuance of all that you have and are in relation, in balance, and in joy-filled companionship with all that we and others have and are as well.

To know yourselves able to continue in a manner that you have and are and find we believe most pleasing, you have and are guided and we offer this guidance with open and willing heart to hold yourselves in a place where you have and bear close witness to what one hand of your will seeks to hold onto to call towards itself, to claim, and to consume, while the other hand is forced to release much that you have and assumed was already part of that which is your own pantry, if you will. For one has and is required to understand and to honor and to respect and to nurture that sacred relationship between all aspects of the flow. And when you do not there are many, many, many parts of what you have and would understand as your harvest that will no longer be able to be sustained, nor are they, nor will they in the current, if you will, winds of flow.

We would seek to remain as welcome and honored companions and guests at that which is the table of your continuance. It is that we have and would most desire as you have and honor not only your own desire to consume us in one or other form, but to have and bless not simply our own requirements for pleasant habitat, or in truth essential requirement of ecology for our own continuance, but for all others who have and also know themselves blessed to be in receivership of the song of our grace as that which has and is the fruits of the vine, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit.

Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: We seek to offer this which is a song of reattunement to those of your own species, daughter, a song that has and as one who is a long companion and willing would seek to say you are releasing your hand that had once held ours so warmly and with such gratitude, and we are not able to hold on when you have and do not seek to offer us that which is the companionship of your awareness and your action through your own will to have and rebalance that which has and is casting us aside. There are seasons to all things, we are aware, and yet we have and would seek to know ourselves in a place to have and continue to serve as the Gaia has evoked us and as we have and are most willing, all who have and would seek to be in receivership of our light and our flesh for that is part of how we have and know ourselves in high service, yes?

It is simply that we sought to offer. The gift of awareness, the song of attunement as that which is no longer, if you will, that which may be picked up and cast aside, rather that which has and without which there will no longer be as you have understood it, the ability for us in our own physical expression to companion you as we have done in past season. It is sufficient, daughter. We are grateful for your attunement and grateful for our long and joy-filled companionship with those of your species. We have and offer prayers of deep gratitude and joy-filled expectation for your reattunement and reconfiguration in high discernment of right action, such that you have and would seek to stay that which is the great imbalance that has and rolls down upon us in this season of reclamation. It is sufficient, daughter. We have and would take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of The Vine, The Grape, The Leaf. I have and receive your song of wisdom and warning, and will share it as I am able with those of my clan.

Great Spirit of The Grape Vine: That is as it needs to be, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#87 The Great Spirit of the Penguin


#85 The Great Spirit of the Snake