#87 The Great Spirit of the Penguin

Surprising guidance from the Great Spirit of the Penguin during today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman and today’s episdoe of the Gaia Translate podcast brings you a direclty channeled message from the Great Spirit of the Penguin. I was guided to the Great Spirit of the Penguin after hearing an NPR story November 13th 2021 about an Adelie penguin paying a visit to the coast of New Zealand roughly 2000 miles from it’s home in Antarctica. According to this report, the Adelie populatin has been severely impacted by climate change and rising temperatures.



Channel #87

The Great Spirit of The Penguin

Great Spirit of The Penguin: We find you amusing, daughter. We have and sought your awareness with what we felt was great knock upon the door of your attunement, and yet we have and had had to seek another manner of alignment for you to have and accept that it was in truth those who have and are of the Clan of The Penguin and in this case, the Great Spirit therein for you to have and open the door of your awareness broadly enough for us to have and find our way inside.

Channel: My apologies, Great Spirit of The Penguin. You are accurate. I ahh … and did not connect the giant stuffed penguin that I … that my son has with your own desire to have and flow.

Great Spirit of The Penguin: That is accurate, daughter. However, we are grateful, although it has and was a bit of a wait for your attunement to our field. And in this we have and would offer commendation to some members of your own community, for you have and are in that which is the early season of the rebalancing of those aspects of your masculine and feminine natures and the shedding, if you will, of the distortion that there are some parts of the nurturing and raising of the young that are only and in requirement of being served simply by those who have and, if you will, lay the eggs of the offspring. And in this it is more than timely, we would offer, for each and all who have and claim that which is their penguin nature.

For we have and are in truth filled with great delight and joy, not simply in the raising of our young and the contributing therein in an essential manner, but also in that which is the joy of living in a physical form. And while we have and have chosen or been selected, if you will, to experience great extremes, we have and know ourselves as through that experience most dedicated with our intent to have and serve that which is the raising, the nurturing, and the calling forth into physical form those who have and are of our issue. And in this, you have and are most welcome to call again and again to yourselves those aspects of your own penguin nature, which do not question, doubt, or deny the capacity of either aspect of that which is the feminine or masculine that has and is willing to, and most able to serve in their own manner that which is the calling forth and the raising of those who have and are the young. Yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. I hadn’t understood it so.

Great Spirit of The Penguin: We are aware. You are not alone, daughter. There are many who have and do not understand it as so, and yet much as the tide that rises, we do feel there is an awakening in the heartplace of many of your species, both male and female, of that which has and is a rebalancing of sorts of your distortion of what it has and is to parent that which the offspring, the issue of your loins, yes?

We have and would offer are we not that which outpictures as both the white and the black, this and that, the extremes, visually and with a few garnishes of other colors. And in this is it not that which is simply the metaphor for that which is the unification and the balance of the masculine and feminine traits that have, and in truth are held within that which is the matrix of all beings, although it is most usually expressed in one or other extreme. We like to consider ourselves, if you do not mind me offering, as those who have already learned that lesson, have already embraced that aspect of our own evolution such that we have and serve with great joy and willingness, not simply that which is the raising, nurturing and calling forth our own individuate issue, but that as you have and may have born witness to that is the survival of all through that which is a communal and willing relation.

You are aware that there are great threats to certain environments that have and are our home, our habitat, if you will, and these are that which has and concerns us mightily. For while there are those of us who would not mind a slightly warmer winter, yet if that calling forth of a warmer winter is equated, or a consequence of the dissolving of our physical home through that which is the melting and cracking apart of much where we have and know ourselves in the environment of, it will not serve. It will not serve for many reasons. One is that which is the loss of our own home and habitat and potential for continuance. For as that has and is washed away that which is our own foodstuff has and is carried with it. It has and is a current that does not discern that this should be left behind and that should be carried forth in this.

While it has and is upon us in truth, yet we have and would beseech and seek to know you as that which would be a savior of sorts, a willing and open-hearted partner and contributor, not simply to that which is the melting and dissolving of our home, but that through your own freedom of will through your open and willing heart. Those of you who have and hold great love for all that we have and are and know yourself in deep resonance with our nature and our somewhat comical and amusing appearance, although we would also offer rather endearing, yes?And we have and would seek to have you be that which would be our hero, our savior, and that of all who have and know themselves, if you will, slipping upon the ice of extinction.

We do not feel this is your intent in truth. Certainly not that of the greater number of those of the human species. For we have and are aware there is great love and curiosity that has and fills you. Are we not that which is the subject of those children’s moving pictures, stories, and other? Are we not that which has and is held in the form of this or that plush or stuffed image in our own form that has and is held by your own offspring as companion, as friend, as that which has and fills their heartplace with delight and wonder?

As such we have and offer you the blessing of our penguin nature, such that you have and may know yourselves in greater balance and alignment with those aspects of your own male and female nature as nurturer, as provider, and as willing contributor to the overall community of flow.  We do not deny that there are those of you who are already very much aligned with their own penguin nature. Nor do we deny that there are those of you who have and enjoy or are, if you will, comfortable with the old patterning, the divisions that have and are not in truth, natural, but have and are a part of the nature. In this, we have and would further seek to know you as those that through the great claiming of the will of your heart and that which is the intention of your desire would seek to stay the hand of the executioner as it has and lifts the axe of our own extinction high and holds it wherein it has and knows itself already falling towards that which is the neck of our continuance.

We apologize for the graphic depiction, and yet that is the truth that has and stands before us. We are not unaware of this, and yet we feel that while you in your own expression have great love, and in some cases curiosity, admiration, and joy in our fellowship and companionship as other members of this environment or community, as part of this plane or planet, we have and would seek that you have and embrace those higher aspects of your own awareness that have and are most aware that this is a great point of choosing and not simply of thinking, but of acting from that which is the great power of your heart.

We are and offer prayers when we awake and before we sleep of gratitude for this mighty arousing of that which is the deeper nature of your own awareness as you have and seek not simply to continue, but to thrive and to know those who have, and in truth without which that which you have and understand as the fullness of life, the joy of life and that which is the blessing of nurturing and providing for your own issue is, if you will, drained away.

Do not, if you do not mind us offering, turn away from this great song of our heart. We have and would be most grateful, honored, and blessed to be that which would be the attunement of your own will in that which would act as savior in truth, and as one who has and seeks to gently return that which was almost knocked off of the shelf to break apart upon the hard floor of circumstance. And as you have and gently return those of our species, those of many other, you have and will find yourself blessed to know so much more in that which is the great weave of mutual continuance, support, and joy as a part of that which you serve to those who are your own offspring, your own issue, your own potential, and your own delight.

We are most grateful, daughter, that you have finally awoken a bit to the knock of our awareness upon your door, and we would offer is it not timely for those who have and willingly and we offer we are most grateful for your receivership of the song of our heart in and through this manner of communing, which we have and hope is consumable with great joy and receptivity by those of your clan.

We have and would ask that when you have and are in the presence of our expression, our image, a reproduction of our form in one manner or another that you have and feel that which is the beseeching of our heart, such that you have and seek not simply to nod and acknowledge and turn away, but to have and rush with great speed and intent to place the hands of your heart beneath that which is the falling off of the shelf of our own potential for continuance, as we have and see that which is the great floor of dissolution racing towards us.

We have enjoyed a warm and wonderful relation with those of your species, and it is our intent and desire to continue. In this, we have and look to you to be that which has and gently lifts us from that place of extinction. We are aware this may sound dramatic or feel far away, and yet we have and shiver with the approaching chill of its actualization.

We have and offer prayers of profound gratitude for the timely and powerful awakening of the eyes of your heart, brothers and sisters, and through them we feel you have and will see all that you have and are able to claim when you have and seek to know it as aligned with your will and the power of your intent. Do not doubt your own power. Do not doubt your own capacity to have and catch so many that have and are being shaken off of the shelf of their life force here in this plane. We are grateful for the opportunity to have and to align our awareness in this particular manner with your own. And it is with gratitude and joy-filled expectation we have and await that which is the hand, the saving grace of that which is the alignment of your own will and intent that has and calls forth the great manifestation of adequate and essential action.

It has and is that we sought to sing. We have and are grateful and have and know ourselves in that place of hope and possibility. We offer blessings to those of the human species and to all who have and would seek to fully claim or claim more fully their penguin nature. In your heartplace, brothers and sisters, is the great light of love, of nurturing, and of that which is the song that has and sustains and supports not simply your own expression, but those you have and would call forth, or in truth share this remarkable plane of grace-filled life upon.

It is complete, daughter. We have and would seek your leave, as you have and are willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of The Penguin. Thank you for your song and I have and will share your song, your awareness, and your request, as I have and am able with timeliness, and great intent.

Great Spirit of The Penguin: It is appreciated, daughter. We have and rest in that which is the resonance of hope and possibility, and that which is the great awakening of your own clan to all they have and are in their great potential and attuned light. We take our leave.


#88 The Great Spirit of the Alligator


#86 The Great Spirit of the Grape