#85 The Great Spirit of the Snake

The Great Spirit of the Snake is our honored guest in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast brings directly channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Snake.

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the  Great Spirit of the Snake . I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are higher quality.


Great Spirit of The Snake: Greetings daughter. We feel we have knocked a bit ago as one would measure clock time, yes?

Channel: Yes, that is accurate. My apologies.

Great Spirit of The Snake: We do not seek apology. We seek to offer you clarity as you are willing to receive it.

Channel: I have and I am.

Great Spirit of The Snake: We are that which is the Great Spirit of The Snake. It is so. We have made ourself known in several iteration. That which has and is the white albino bull snake, yes, and other. And we have also offered that which is a body of water that holds our name as well. And we felt that would be quite clear for you as a direct knock upon the door of your awareness, yes?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of The Snake. I have and was aware.

Great Spirit of The Snake: You simply sought to move towards those who have yet to be received in this manner, and while that is understood, as you have and turn your awareness to that which is our, and we would offer, your snake nature. We speak of the collective, not simply of your own individuate nature. Is it not so that it is a constant season of the shedding of that which no longer may contain your field, either physically or, if you will, vibrationally. And therefore, that which is the attunement of the snake nature of those of the human collective is not simply unique to one season, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Snake: We are aware that there are those of your species who would deny there is any aspect of snake nature within them. For there is great and deep-seated fear, or we would also offer, revulsion. And that in part comes from that which is the genetic attunement to the potential danger of intimate relation with those of our physical expression, and is understood as such. However, are we not also that which is perceived quite universally, we would offer, as a great symbol of growth, of the shedding of the old, and of the birthing of the new, of that which has and knows itself able to fully release the distortions or limitations of seasons passed and to embrace simply as their own nature, the expansion of both physical and non-physical growth as that which has and is the blessing of one’s snake nature, yes? You do not need to respond. It is rhetorical and we accept that you simply will indulge us a bit in this turn of phrase, yes, daughter?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of The Snake: It is complete. We have and would invite those of your tribe, your awareness, the greater collective knowing of the human species at this point and invite you in truth to claim with joy-filled gratitude the aspect of your snake nature that does not deny the efficient shedding of that which no longer serves or is able to contain your expanding field, your attunement, your frequency, if you will. For is it not a great blessing to know yourselves, each and all, as that which has and is experiencing the honor of shedding the limitations that have held you in abeyance for quite a measurement of clock time and several seasons as that which has and is the rotation of this planet around that which is the sun of your own solar system, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. Sorry.

Great Spirit of The Snake: It is understood, daughter. We further invite those who have and receive this missive with an open and willing heart to no longer seek to dismiss the grace of willing shedding of that which can no longer contain you not only in your own individuate vibratory field, but in truth the shedding of the great systems, the shedding of old patterning, the shedding of inculturated doctrine that is unable in truth to contain that which is the expansion of your fields as that which is a species that is evolving. And we would offer evolving with great rapidity, and therefore in greater requirement of efficient shedding of that which is no longer able to contain an expanded awareness.

It is not that which one has and may unzip as a jacket when one says, I have and am ready to remove this article of clothing. Rather it is as in the growing of your own physicality. You outgrow that which no longer is able to contain you. You are most used to this in terms of the garments you have and drape around yourselves to protect your physical forms, or in truth to embellish them for that which is mating or other. And it is most natural, and we would invite you, those who find the embracing of your own snake and shedding nature as that which is a bit repugnant. For there are many old associations that have been served again and again, drilled into, if you will, the collective consciousness in a manner to have and hold you in abeyance from the embracing of your own expansion in certain aspect.

You would not seek to dress one of your offspring in clothing that was too short or too tight that no longer covered with efficiency their flesh, nor should we, we would offer. Should you rather, we would offer, have you remain in the clothing of systems, of patterns, be they in the greater patterning of governmental structure, be they in the smaller patterning of individuate choice or behavior patterns based on that which was, if you will, the encasement of the skin of other points in your history. That in truth are not sufficient to serve in the manner that is required, as you have and know yourself transformed and transforming.

Those who have and know themselves in the physical expression of snake are no more able to resist or call forth that which is the shedding of the skin of that which has been and no longer serves and nor, we would offer, are you. We do invite you, however, rather than to shun away from these changes however foreign they may feel. Not as that which is to be feared, but that which is to be embraced, honored, and revered. You are more comfortable with the image of that which is the pretty little butterfly that is born from that which is the cocoon. If we were to offer, many of you are most unwilling to release your caterpillar nature as you are unaware of how you may know yourselves when you come out of the cocoon of this transformative point in your history. You would we feel, receive this with less resistance.

We are a powerful frequency. As such, we have known that which is the song of our awareness as that which has been most deliberately expressed in a manner of distortion in order to, if you will, place a wedge between that which is your own snake nature, the nature of that which is a being that has and through its nature sheds the skin of old patterning, sheds the skin of inculturated and in truth, archaic systems and structures that have and limit your own expansion. Not through that which is force, but through that which is joy-filled release, as you are no longer able to squeeze yourself in a manner that befits that which is the expansion of your field, as you have and claim it.

One cannot deny what has and is in the season of its becoming. One can, however, embrace it and honor it and receive it with gratitude. For in truth, it is that which your collective awareness has, and we would offer, finally lifted the hands of your heart in desire to call forth as you have and know yourselves at that which is the entrance to your greater shedding. And we would offer and invite you to perceive it as a joy-filled release of those limitations and distortions that have from our perspective burdened your field as a species for many, many seasons of your understanding.

It is an invitation to open your hearts, to embrace the shedding of all that is no longer able to efficiently contain the expanding of your awareness of what you have and are, the greater understanding that has and is being birthed within you. And we acknowledge that not all have and understand themselves in that which is the attunement of a full synchronization of their own shedding. And yet there are many who have and lead the way, if you will, and are those who are the foreigners of a mighty and beautiful season of expansion that has and is upon your field as a collective and in and individuate expression.

It is this we sought to serve you, that which is the release of resistance to the shedding of that which no longer serves, however it may be as that which has and is the skin of old and, if you will, no longer useful cultural construct, governmental structure, relation with the ecology of this plane or with each other. You have and are blessed to be called forth into that which is a higher attunement with your greater desire to know yourselves having shed these limitations and these distortions. And we offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of your having and embracing the mantle of your snake nature as a species, yes? As one who does not resist the essential shedding of all that no longer serves you, nor is able in truth to hold you in a manner that serves to sustain you in a form of continuance in this plane of experience, yes?

It is this we have and sought to serve upon the plate of awareness and we hope a bit to reduce that which has and is an instinctual revulsion to our expression. We are not inviting you to know yourselves in intimate physical relation with some members of our expression. That would be unwise and it is not what we are offering, but rather to examine the nature that has and is the shedding of that which is no longer able to serve, able to contain, able to in an efficient and effective manner hold your entire expression as a collective in a manner that has and will sustain you or will offer you the greatest blessing of re-attuned flow in relation with and in your own physical experience of this remarkable plane of learning that we understand ourselves in our own physical exploration of and have and are companions in truth with your own.

It is this aspect of our wisdom and our awareness we have and offer in a blessing and an invitation to reclaim as you have done most powerfully at certain points in your own histories, brothers and sisters, and one it is timely to have and embrace as a blessing rather than a curse as you have and perceive it. We have and would take our leave, as you are willing to grant it, being who has and serves as that which is the riverbank of flow for all we seek to have and be carried upon the currents of awareness into that which is the pool of each and all of your collective’s attunement. It is complete. We take our leave.


#86 The Great Spirit of the Grape


#84 The Great Spirit of the Algae