#90 The Great Spirit of the Turtle

Receive powerful channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Turtle in today's episode of the Gaia Tranlsate podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with the newest episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. It is an honor to bring you channeled wisdom  from the Great Spirit of of the Turtle.  I was guided to the Great Spirit of the Turtle when one of my friends was telling me about a family of snapping turtles had migrated into a man-made pond at her children’s summer camp.


The Great Spirit of the Turtle: Is it not wise, daughter, to be careful where one plants the eggs of one’s intent? Is it not wise, daughter, to be one who has and buries deeply into the soil of potential and covers over with the warm and healing earth that which you have and would seek to call forth from that which is the egg of your desire? We have and are not unacquainted. We have and are that which vibrates as the song of the Great Spirit of the Turtle. And have we not knocked most clearly upon the door of your awareness this morning, daughter?

Channel: You have, and yes, most clearly. Thank you. And welcome and gratitude for your willingness to attune to my awareness.

The Great Spirit of the Turtle: You are welcome, daughter. We have sought in less obvious manner in the last several cycles to reach out to your awareness, and we have and felt that the gentle knock was not being perceived; therefore, we chose to rap rather loudly upon the door of your attunement, did we not?

Channel: You did, yes. Thank you. That was …watching the turtle lay its eggs outside my…outside my window this morning was very clear. Thank you very much.

The Great Spirit of the Turtle: You are welcome. We have and would offer we as Spirit of the Turtle have been that which has been, if you will, great companion, guide, grandmother, if you will, and Great Aunt to some. For we have and feel a deep kinship with those of your species, and are we not that which has and through your archetypal knowing has claimed us as not simply that which has and is the song of the Gaia herself, but that which has and is the island upon which the human species knows itself able to thrive, to breathe, to expand, and to experience an incarnate expression. Is this not how those myths and legends that have and surround this small planet have and are in attunement with, daughter?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Turtle: And there is a reason for this. It is not random. It is not chance. It is not simply that which as one has and would take up the die and roll it out may or may not turn to a particular number or sequence. Rather, we offer we had and chose willingly, joyfully, and gratefully in truth, to be those who have and would shepherd a bit, have and would guide a bit, have and would shelter a bit those of your own species, your own family of awareness, as you have and would seek to know yourselves here in this plane in a physical form and on that which has and is the great journey of your own expansion and in this we have and are in truth, pleased that you have and find yourselves at this very point in your own evolution.

It has and may appear as though the dark skies of circumstance, that which has and would appear to be most heavy and burdensome and weighing down upon the heart of so many of those of your species at this particular time as you understand it in your own unfoldment. And yet is it not so that one has to simply feel it is unbearable to remain within the confines of what is that which is the eggshell, that which is the container that has and is no longer in sufficiency to maintain or support, sustain, or encourage the expansion of your own expression, such that without clear awareness of what lies beyond, one has and is in requirement, one knows oneself placed on that which is the precipice of that which is the only option and in which one has and is called to jump.

And so you have and know yourselves, my children, at that point in your own awareness and that which has and is the confluence of where you have and seek to go and where all that has been brought through actions known and unknown, willed and unwilled, of your own species that have and call forth this particular, if you will, point of opportunity in your own field and that of all who have and call themselves member of the family of the human species.

We have and would offer it is timely to honor the birthing, if you will, from the old encasements of those ways, those habits, those patterns, those lifestyles, those systems that have and in truth, are no longer able to sustain you, that have and are cracking, and yet not fully cracked, that have and are breaking, and yet not fully broken. And in this we offer is it not wise when that which has and would sustain you has and is no longer able to bear that which is in requirement for your own sustenance so you have and know yourself able and willing we offer, to break fully open the old ways, the old designs, the old understandings, the old perimeters, however limited to your own awareness and attunement with the greater horizon that has and simply waits for you to open your eyes and perceive it and to call yourself forward to that which is the dawn, the rising of the dawn of your own birthing out from what has been the limitation of that which you have understood and know as no longer feasible, manageable, or sustainable.

And we offer not simply for those of your own species, yet for all who have and have known themselves also held within the confines of the limited environment of potential.  You have and may seek, some of you, to simply grab onto that which is the shard of the eggshell of possibility and seek to place it back, again and again, such as one like Humpty-Dumpty who has and would seek to have their shell reglued, reattached, or reconnected, and yet we offer when one has and is in the time of hatching, when one has and is the time birthing there is no return from whence you came. And while we acknowledge you have called forth some aspects of this point of birthing by your own actions or lack therein, is it not timely to simply embrace fully that there is no going back to that which was that cannot and will not sustain either you or all who have and know themselves also held within that which is the perimeter of this particular plane, this beautiful song, this heart place, this knowing, this light of Gaia.

Do not seek to force back into that which is the restriction, the limitation, and in truth the in … unsustainable environ of what has been and what currently is of those who have and are the other life forms, the other awarenesses, the other expressions in form who have and are cohabitants of this particular plane of awareness. It is impossible, in truth, and in truth as one has and spends each precious moment seeking to hunch down to retract oneself into these small bit and pieces that have held you and no longer are able. Are you not also creating that which is an untoward potential for those who have and do not know themselves able to choose that which is the great support of what you know as Turtle Island?

We have and are with great and open heart to those of the human family. We have cradled you, we have guided you, and at point we have cajoled you, and now we have and offer you that which is the wisdom, attunement, the wisdom of awareness. For there is no turning back, children. There is only the going forward into the strange and wonderful light of a new dawn. We will not abandon. We will companion as we have always done. And yet we would also require that as you have and know yourselves birthed further into your independence and your attunement of your higher awareness, is it not timely and in truth, essential, that you have and also claim that which has and is of your own nature in that which has and chooses through the song of your own free will what you have and would seek to carry forth with you and to have be an awaiting as that which has and is the Turtle Island of your own issues, your own lineage, those who have and would share it and their future expression.

If you have and choose to seek, to turn away, understand you are not, if you will, in an analogy a single small car or, if you will, a single car of a train wherein you are the only passenger. This is not accurate, children. You have and through your will and intent that you have and choose to employ as to the choices you have and would claim in the rebalancing and the reconfiguration, the reweaving of that which is the flesh, the planet, the matrix of Gaia, the earth, so you have and are in truth one who is the engineer of a great, a massive train in which not simply your own kind, but all living creatures, all living awarenesses, all who have and know themselves in a physical form on this plane have and ride with you. There is no way to have and seek to journey alone, children. You never have been, nor shall you ever be able to stand apart from that aspect of connectedness, of unification, of alignment that has and is the great train, if you will, of life that has and journeys across the mighty planet, the Gaia, and that which is the knowing of her informed expression.

It is simply that which you have and choose with your own intent that which you have with great and open-hearted will seek to claim is what has and chooses the direction and the potential of arrival of this great train of life that has and you have and are the engineer of, the one who has and would seek not to be the engine, but to be one who has and directs it such that it has and knows itself in a place of great expansion, a beauty and great vitality. And is this not essential for each and all of your own species, for as you have and would continue forward, what is there if you have and detach all of the train cars of those who have and companion you, those other life forms, those other thought forms, those other awarenesses that have and are the inexorable threads of the great tapestry of your own informed expression here in this plane and as a part of, not in control of, as a part of, not dominating over, as a part of, not in consumption of, only that which have and are the other members of the family of Gaia.

We do not deny that you have and may through your own will-based action or lack therein seek to drive the train over the cliff of continuance and into that which is the chasm of transmutation, if you will, of extinguishment of that particular form and all who have and were riding within it. This is not what has and fills my heart with joy; this has and fills my heart with great grief and concern, in truth. For you are my children. You are that which brings light into my heart. I have and would beseech you to have and stay the hands that have and would do that which has and calls forth the great speeding, careening train of life towards that which is a trackless plunge into the chasm of dissolution. It is not required, children. You have and may know yourselves able to turn that which is the direction that you have and drive this train of life, and I offer is it not that which you have and would seek most avidly and with great and profound joy in your heart, rather than to call forth that through your actions or lack therein that has and is only headed towards the destination of dissolution.

It appears dramatic and we do not speak of the dissolution of each and all or the dissolution of every aspect of that which is life that knows itself blessed to be informed in this particular plane. Rather we speak of the dissolution of all that has been and may not be again. There is a point of choosing, children, and there is and you have arrived therein. I have and will support and will attend and will raise the throat of my heart in joyous gratitude for the great will of those of the human family as you have and together seek to redirect the train that has and is the song of life that you have and understand as the Gaia-light, the planet, the ecosystem, and so it has and is the great intention of my own awareness, as I have again and again offer prayers of profound gratitude for the blessing of your own willing reattunement and rebalancing, reforming, and reconfiguration of all that has and would call forth that which is the return of the flourishment, the blooming, and the exchange, most beautiful, most delicate, most exact between all and each of the life forms that have and populate this small dimension and this sacred plane of awareness.

We have watched your civilizations come and bloom and fade. We have watched those great leaders that you have and would hold upon the pedestals arrive and bloom and fade. We have watched systems and structures know their point, their season, and we offer you this is the point wherein that which has had its season do not seek to continue it, to expand it when its season has passed. For in truth it is not efficient, nor is it wise to hold onto that which is no longer able to know itself in the bloom of its full vitality. Rather honor, bless, and release all of those structures, all of those systems, all of those complexities that have and you find so assuring in their sameness in your, if you will, comfort with the companionship of the known, rather than that which has and would be the fear of what lays behind or beyond, if you will, that little shell that has and is being broken open whether you feel ready or not.

In this we have and offer it is timely to know yourselves fully birthed children and to know that there are many, many of us who have and sing a song of joy, gratitude, and delight that you no longer seek to remain in the shell, in the egg of your nascency. As a species there is a point of expansion, of birthing into that which is a greater attunement with your, if you will, greater knowing and that which has and accompanies it. And so you have and know yourselves birthed or birthing, and we offer that it is most timely to have and attune yourself with gratitude, joy, and expectation for the mighty and beautiful and remarkable plane of awareness that has and awaits you each and all. We do not speak of your physically extinguishing yourselves in one way or another, for you are quite effective at that on your own. We speak rather of your willingness to walk out of the confines of your own limitations and your own expectations for they are nowhere near what they may be when you have and expand your own potential through the will of your heart.

Do not deny yourselves this mighty and beautiful song of birthing, my children. Simply call it to yourselves and accept there will be that which you have not experienced or seen. There will be that which has and may feel unusual or foreign. And yet we offer much as those who have and are called forth through the birthing of those of my turtle nature, they have and simply understand where and how in their heartplace as they see with the eyes of their heart, children, to return to the song of the waters. Many of you have pondered this and wonder how it is that which is so new, so unexperienced, so newly created may follow that which is inbred and find its way back to that which is the breast of the mother and the welcoming waters of its own expansion.

It is that we seek from you, my children, at this very point in our mutual history, and we have and we sing again and again great songs of gratitude for the blessing of the hatching of each and all of the eggs of our own intent and for the blessing of the hatching of each and all of your own, as you have and seek to lay that which are the eggs of your own potential and to cover them with the great soil of an open-hearted will.

We feel that there are many who have and already bestir themselves and already have and are willing to release themselves from the confines of that which they have grown too large for and that which has and no longer serves. And this fills us with great joy. It is simply an invitation, an invocation in truth, to call forth the rest who have and remain buried beneath their own fears, their own doubts, and that which is the complacency of those who have and do not believe there can be a better way, another way, a way that has and offers you that which is an environment of fruiting, of growing, of expansion, and of light.

Do not doubt, as you are willing, and as you have and are so willing. Open that which is the great, great light of your heart to that which is our song of attunement, much as a lullaby we have and sing. Much as that which is an anthem to your own potential we have and serve upon your heartplace at this point in your sacred unfoldment.

We have and hold you in that which is a deep and honored place in our heart, we who are the Spirit of the Turtle that have and have been companion as you understand it for a very, very long time as you would measure. And we would continue to be there with you, to walk with you, to companion with you, and in our way to guide you and to revel with joy in that which has and are your first steps, your running, your flying, your expansion. These are beautiful. These make our heart sing and we have and look forward to your great unfoldment and your acceptance of the mighty and unlimited potential that each and all of you have and carry within.

It is that we sought to lay, hm, to hatch, if you will from that which is the song of our heart. We have and companion you and would seek to continue. And so we have and offer you this song of encouragement and of faith that you have and will trust that that which lies beyond what you have known, maybe that which will be embraced and in truth essential for your own continuance and that of the other life forms who have and bless you as part of that which is the organism of your understanding as a member of an informed awareness in this particular plane. It is quite beautiful and we have and would seek to enjoy it in its continuance. We serve the blessings, the awareness of those who have and are willing to receive it of their own turtle nature, those who have and hold in their hearts the faith that when they have and plant the eggs of their own intent that these have and will be called forth into that which is the life of manifest expression.

We are grateful, daughter, for this opportunity to sing our song and to fill the heartplace of each and all of your own species to have and would drink that which is from the well of our wisdom. We have and take our leave, although we have and do not leave your side. In our heart we have and companion, steady, and serve as we have done, as we have and are so willing to continue.

It is sufficient.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirt of the Turtle. Thank you for your light and your holding us in your heart. Godspeed and blessings be.


#91 The Great Spirit of the Cricket


#89 The Great Spirit of the Bat