#91 The Great Spirit of the Cricket

The Great Spirit of the Cricket offers a beautiful song in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast channels powerful wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Cricket. It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Cricket. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are higher quality.


Great Spirit of the Cricket: We seek a moment of your knowing mistress as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am.

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We are those who have and are if you will, delegate, representative from that which is the spirit of the cricket .

Channel: You bless me with your light

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We are joy filed to stand in front  of your knowing at this point in our mutual histories for have we not made ourselves aware in the light of your perception in the last few cycles of the day?

Channel: You have and that is a blessing for me thank you

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We have a long and varied history with your species do we not? There are some who honor us and who feel the vibration of great Luck and good  fortune with ash with is our species an there are other which simply hear our songs and find it as that which has and soothe them in the peace of the night yes?

Channel: Yes

Great Spirit of the Cricket: And yet there are others who fear us or who find us distasteful of who do not seek to receive with such clarity the great prayers that we have and call forth as we have and are so willing yes?”

Channel: You have a mighty song it is powerful and vibrant

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We appreciate your atunement  to that which s the song of our vibration  we have and would seek a moment of your knowing and that of your cousins who have and are of the sons and daughters who are born in the human form as  you have and are so willing to receive it .

Channel: I have and I am

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We hesitate for we have enjoyed a mutual and respectful relation for many of the season of our mutual existence  in and through the Gaia as we have and walk as merry companions do we not? Are we not that which has and raises the voice of our will again and again in joy filled gratitude for the blessings of the bounty of this planet of all that has and is so beautiful we are unable to resist the song  we have and sing and sing and sing as we have and are honored to offer our gratitudes for that  which is the blessing of our ability to sing yes? And that which  has and is the gratitudes we hold for our mother in this we have and are not to be that which she calls forth as an evensong that we have and are guided to sing as it has and soothes her. However we offer that there is nought that we can sing at this point in her noising that has and provides the soothing that once  was so easily flowing from our heart place upon her requirement in this she has an is deeply wounded we have and as we sing it is a song of woe it is a song that has and holds the wounds of her heart against our own for we cannot call forth that which was the joyful cry of our delight at all that we have a and feel as that which has and is blessed to be in form her and in in service of the Gaia light yes?

We have and would seek to place a request upon the alter of your collective mistress as you have and are so wiling to serve it . It is that which we have and sing for of late wherein we used to hand sing a joyful tune, a lullaby a merry jig, yet now we have and sing a song that has and we would hope would serve to heal, assuage and gentle caress the deep and wounded knowing of the heart place of Mother Gaia for we have and we feel her shaking sobs we have and know the mighty vibrations of her wounded light and it is most unbearable in truth for we hear her crying and there is naught that we can do  through our song which  used to please her so tightly  and we would seek to have it returned such that we understand  ourselves as if you will a drop of water upon a giant conflagration a giant flame that has and consumes her heart.

In this we turn to those who have if you will great capacity and resource to access through their own intent that which is the mighty rushing waters of redress and reconstruction or return and of if you will redistribution of resource such that the being who is Gaia is not held beneath the waves of her grief  beneath the waves of her despair beneath the waves of her broken heart as she has and listens to those of her own creation those of the winged ones those  of the four legged’s of the two legged’s those of the deeply rooted and those as we are who have and know ourselves most blessed with the great throat of delight and in this she has ad  hears the cries , she has and feels  them deeply in her heart as those children of her grace a have and thirst for continuance mistress have and seek to know themselves  not as that which is simply snuffed out  upon the landscape of continued for it is that which creates such deep and sharp edged  pain of grief that has and is a mighty flame that we have and with our will are yet unable to assist in the diminishment therein .

Channel: Yes I hear you

Great Spirit of the Cricket:  You hear with the ears of your heart mistress that is why we have sought to sing in that which you receive as attuned vibration of our will is this not so?

Channel: It is. I have and receive you with grace and gratitude.

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We do not have much more to call forth other than to remind our brothers and sisters of the human collective how often we have  been joy filled  to serve as that which is a blessing,  a good luck charm,  a song of joy in the heart place that you have claimed- perhaps more in some parts of your awareness and histories and physical environs than in others and yet we would offer we are not unwilling to continue to serve the blessing of our light upon your willing receivership. We simply would, as you have and are so wiling, seek to offer gratitude for, and great anticipation of your own willing dousing of the fire of dissolution that has and burns so brightly across the breast of Gaia. For this has and is a deep and searing wound, for this has and is that which calls forth great oceans of grief that have and shudder deeply in her wounded heart.

We come and speak of our mutual relations for are not both each and all born of and through this mighty being’s open-hearted will that has called us to the pleasure, the joy, the exhilaration and the bounty of a physical life that has and is simple and simply remarkable is it not? And how may we call this life force in and physical form to ourselves mistress without the grace and allowance, and in truth that which was and is joy filled mastery of the great artist of the light, the Gaia, who has and sings us all in her mighty flow of enlivened light. We are aware there are many of your species who may find what we speak of as foreign, as perhaps confusing, as perhaps a mystery and we do not seek  to speak the way we seek to have our words made plain and naked before your awareness and so we have and would offer we simply beseech and hold great hope in our heart for your willingness as a collective yes? As great companions of our mutual evolution to be that which has and calls forth that which is the mighty and powerful light of your free will in service to the healing, to the soothing, and to the reclamation of our fellow brothers and sisters those have and are known as the life forms and structures and vibrant expression. Be they the rushing waters, be they the great mountain, be they the deeply rooted ones who you have and know as tree or other plant product. Be they the winged ones, be they the four legged, or animal as you understand. Be they those with fin, be they those with hoof, be they those with wing, be they those with deep and great heart . And we would offer, there is none who is not and does not carry a deep and powerful heart within the physical form they have and are called to inhabit.

Do not be confused, do not see a stranger when you would perceive that which has a strange form. Simply see, as you are willing, with your heart light and you will feel that which is the truth of our common relation. We have and as you have and hear our song we hope you understand it as that which is a great prayer of gratitude and hope and joy for your awakening-willing and powerful turning of your own song, of your heart towards that which is gentle and powerful embrace of the Gaia who has in truth offered all that which is the deep song of our full expression and the potential for continuance therein.

Channel: Yes thank you great spirit of the Cricket I receive with gratitude your song , request and your prayers they have vibrate deeply in my own heart place and I am honored to share them.

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We would offer that we are not one who has and is unwilling to join you and to sing with you as your fellow brothers and sister in the human form have and turn and listen deeply of their heart and we would offer that as you have and would vibrate deeply with the resonance of our own song, our cricket nature, you have and will feel our willing joining of our collective light in that which is a mighty song of hoe of gratitude and of delight.

Channel:  Thank you I am grateful to receive it and I have and offer you blessings in the highest Great Spirit .

Great Spirit of the Cricket: That is all that we sough to sing and that is all that matters from our perspective at this point in our mutual histories. We have and offer the vibration that we have always offered as you understand it, the joy filled heart, good luck and blessing, to those of your relation . We have and lift the throats of our heart joyfully in gratitude for the listening for the ears of your light .

Channel: Thank you.

Great Spirit of the Cricket: We take our leave and we sing and sing and sing for we are a song of joyous gratitude for and blessing  for that which has and is served to us in the light of manifest grace. We take our leave-do not forget to listen as we have and listen for your song to vibrate deeply in our own heart. Yes?

Channel: Yes thank you. Blessing be.


#92 The Great Spirit of the Apple


#90 The Great Spirit of the Turtle