#89 The Great Spirit of the Bat

The Great Spirit of the Bat vibrates with wisdom in today's of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Bat. My attention was directed to the Great Spirit of the Bat by the July 5th 2021 episode of Shortwave, NPR’s daily science podcast. This episode featured a lively discourse on and I quote: “All the ways bats are cooler than birds”. 


Great Spirit of The Bat: We have knocked not once, but twice, yes daughter? We are old companions and yet we have and seek today to serve the song of our heart place, such that it has and may be offered to many of those of your own clan, not simply for your own consumption as you have and are so willing to carry it upon that which is the shoulder of your will and to distribute it as you have and are so able.

Channel: Blessings Great Spirit of the Bat. I am honored that you have and would flow through that which is my open heart.

Great Spirit of The Bat: We appreciate your attunement, daughter. We have and are but little understood by those of your own species. However, as little as we are understood, we are greatly feared, distrusted, and if you will, a source of some rather unfortunate publicity, or if you will, distortion through that which is your literature and other. Your entertainments have sought to cast us in a role that is ill-suited in truth. For we are not that which seeks to wound or to harm. We are not that which has consort with all those lower vibrational frequencies that you have and would imagine.

We are simply that which has and through the blessing of our own nature has and serves, we feel, most efficiently and most beautifully the requirements of Gaia as we have and through that which is our own need state and food stuff. We have and consume many of those of the species of insect and other, and at times the fruits of the tree, and at other times that which is a bit of the blood of this or that of the four-leggeds, and we do not seek to decimate or to call them into another form, such as vampire or other. It is simply your own imaginations run a bit amuck, if you do not mind us offering.

And we have and do not deny that which is the great song of your imagination. We have found it both amusing, distracting, and a source of some frustration, in truth. We have and are not unwilling to be known in greater intimacy by those of your species. We have and are most willing and are appreciative of those of your species who have and seek to assist us in that which is the rebalancing of our own field in our physical form from those viruses and other that have befell us of late. And this is greatly appreciated and we offer gratitudes for all that has been served upon and to us through the open heart of the will of your clan.

It is greatly appreciated. At this point in our mutual history we would seek to offer that there is not that which as and is served upon the plate of your own expression that is sent with malintent. There is not that has and is of our nature that is other than seeking to simply be in an environment that has and supports our own continuance in a manner that we have and are able to serve through that which is the song of our own nature as we have and are blessed to sing it.

We speak of that which is the reduction and the limiting of our own natural environments in a manner that has and causes us to seek alternative options, if you will, for our own place of domicile, our own place of attunement, and in our physical form there is that where we have known a bit of overlap with those of your own communities wherein those natural resources, both of physicality for our own sheltering, and that which has and is the foodstuff or resource of the insects or other that have and are required for our own continuance have been a bit encroached upon, if you do not mind us offering, by the great expansion of your own clan. And we are not unwilling to share or to partner or to offer that which is due respect to those of your species. It is simply a matter of, if you will, cohabitation and acceptance that each and all have and serve with great intent each and all have and know themselves here in a physical plane, not simply randomly selected or tossed, much as one would toss a piece of trash into your rubbish bins, but rather carefully cultivated, carefully selected, carefully honed through the mighty will of that which has and is the great heart of Gaia, that which is this planet, this earth, however you seek to refer to it.

And there is that which behind the physical plane of the structure of the planet, yes? There is the heart place, the awareness, the will and the joy-filled intent that has and calls forth that which is the great menagerie, the great song of, or symphony, if you will, of life that has and does not only sing in solitary alignment, but sings in unison and in cohesion and coherence in a manner where we have and together are that which is greater than, that which is more than, that which has and is blessed not simply to sing a single season, but to know ourselves able to have a great and deep repertoire that has and while we may sing similar tunes, has and knows itself in the blessing of evolution, creation, and continuance.

We are that which has and knows ourself blessed with many, many physical attributes. One is what you understand as echolocation. For is not all vibration? It is that which we live by and with. And you would do well, brothers and sisters of the human clan to embrace your awareness and your relation with that which has and is in its truth, vibration. For is it not all that we have and are in truth, when we have and understand ourselves in the essential physical nature of our, if you will, residency here in this particular plane of existence.

We are in truth, varying aspects of a vibratory field, and that which has and is perceived the limitation of our physical aspects – or yours at least – in a manner that appears to be solid, that appears to be immutable in many aspects. And this is understood. For not all can be as blessed as we are with our capacity to use that which is vibration to assist us in our own navigation, our own life force, our own obtaining of food and other resource. And we have and understand that it is, if you will, a limitation that has and is of the nature of many other species on this plane. However, you have many, many blessings that you have and are able to access as you have and seek to. Do you not have and are you not empowered with great intellect, great will of heart, and the combination which has and calls forth a mighty manifestation of your own cultures, structures, societies, communities, and in truth, a mighty imprint upon all that has and is this physical plane?

There are times we have observed where there are those who as they have and seek to grow, to explore, to develop, and to evolve, have and find themselves a bit out of balance with their environs, and we would offer – meaning no offense – that that is how we perceive your particular species, your clan of the human awareness at this mutual point of our attunement in a physical expression, in this dimensional construct that has been called forth through that which is the heart place of the Gaia.

To seek that which has and is the next level of your own attunement with all that you are as a mighty vibrational source and resource is to open your heart place, brothers and sisters of the light, to all that you are without depending upon or limiting yourselves to that which is the restriction of, if you will, the smaller capacities of your physical senses to perceive all that has and is around you, as you have and are so willing you may call to yourself a greater attunement with the -- that which is and is constant and ever present in this plane, the vibrational field of all other species, all other aspects of this mighty interconnected flow.

We are not suggesting you have and will be able without external device to, if you will, empower yourselves with the blessing of echolocation. However, we have observed that it has in this particular aspect of our nature is being called into attunement and application through that which is and for those who have and are unable to use that which are the physical eyes to see. And we are greatly pleased with this. It has and is a wonderful use of that which has and is our nature, and we applaud you and commend you therein.

Is it not timely, however, to have and to assess not simply what you have and may call forth through your will, your expression, and your own intent, but to discern a bit how it has and may be and may affect the balance of that which has and would be your own, if you will, environment or ecology that is required for you to have and continue to thrive in physical expression.

We are speaking of a greater awareness now. We are speaking to that which has and rests most beautifully in the individuate heart place that has and also knows itself as part of the collective heart place, such that you in what has been described as your collective awareness or consciousness may call yourselves into attunement as you have and look with the eyes of your heart, as you have and hear with the ears of your heart the great vibrations that have and are required to be realigned, reattuned in such a manner that you have and are returned into a balanced relation with that which is your own expansion and continuance in a manner that has and would please you, rather than in that which has and would be, if you do not mind us observing, quite challenging and in truth, quite unfortunate for many.

You have observed or you have conjectured that there is that which has and is past from our own species to yours. It is thought or offered that there is this or that virus that has and finds itself seeking adequate resource outside of its original inhabitants or ecology. And we offer this is not our intent. However, it is simply a matter of opportunity, is it not? For when that which has and is unable to know itself sustained in sufficiency through that which is its current neighborhood or, if you will, the well of its traditional resource, is it not logical or in truth, efficient for those aspects of life to simply seek much as you have done yourselves to expand your footprint, if you will onto that which are other environments, other neighborhoods, other species of life.

We are not suggesting you are a virus. We are simply offering that there are patterns in life and life forms that are natural and are not born of malintent, but rather are simply that of one or other life form simply seeking to know itself in continuance. And as the current resource may be diminished, that which has been traditional, if you will, or convenient, or available, it is simply the way of things that there will be an expansion to other available resource. And in that particular case, your own species has and was available.

Perhaps the honoring of greater boundary, perhaps the respecting of, if you will, a sense of … we do not seek to use the word “territory,” rather community of one or other of the natural world has and would be well-served, not simply for those who would seek to remain or continue in their own expression in a manner that they have known themselves to be most in attunement with, but also for you to have and understand that it is only, if you will, as night follows day that when one has and in your case, knows your own clan of human moves into other neighborhoods, it is simply to be expected that there are those who will seek to realign themselves with what has and is currently growing in the environ. And in this case, you have and know yourselves as that which has found its way, much as any that has and is carried by the seed of potential and knows itself planted more and more and more frequently into the neighborhoods, the environments, the ecology if you will, of other beings of light who know themselves in a physical expression in this particular plane.

We have and have been found of late in more and more of your domiciles. And that is simply for those, if you will, resources for our own protection in particular seasons as they have and are claimed or consumed by the expanse of your cities, of your communities, of your domiciles. Is it not simply a matter of seeking available resource that has and calls us to cohabitate a bit with those of your species. We do not seek to wound or harm. We simply seek to know ourselves able to be in that which is the joy of our own continuance. And so it has and is that we have and simply avail ourselves of the available resource that is and has taken place of what we had known as our own natural environs.

We are not suggesting you have and lift up your domiciles and move them to another point on the plane of this physical expression. We simply are offering a bit of guidance and we hope, understanding about why certain, if you will, evolutionary consequence have and are becoming a more common part of our mutual relation.

We are more than willing to serve as, if you will, a natural consumer of those that have and are bothersome to you in your yards, in your neighborhoods, in your environs. And it is how we have and know ourselves in high service. And in that you are welcome, and we are joy-filled to be invited into that which has and would be a small and appropriate construct. You call them “bat houses” and we are very willing to engage and to know ourselves welcome in that manner into your own environment without the slight discomfort of re-- full cohabitation within a single domicile.

It is unnecessary to have and call forth the poisons, the pesticides, the that which contaminates the air, that which contaminates the soil, that which contaminates the waters in order to reduce or limit or control, as you have used as a descriptive of the application of these particular contaminants into that which is our shared environ. For we are most willing and efficient we offer, in accomplishing that which through our own action, our own consumption, does not seek to offer that which is a poisoning or polluting of our shared environ.

We have and would be most joy-filled to know ourselves in great and rebalanced companionship, brothers and sisters of the human clan, as each and all would not be unacceptable or undesired, have and would seek to offer us a small place of our own, if you will, to have and reside. We will consider it as we have done an invitation to a rebalanced efficient and in truth a cleaner solution to that which has and plagues you, and that which you have and have sought through your own means, which are not in highest alignment with right action, if you do not mind us offering. In this, are not all well-served? Not simply our own species. For it is not, if you will, efficient for us to consume that which has and is born of contaminated environ, that which has and carries within it, perhaps the poisons, perhaps the pollutants, perhaps that which is the genetic wounding that comes from constant and unmitigated exposure to those poisons and pesticides and other that have and are a common part of your environs.

We understand there may be a period wherein you have and would seek to eliminate the great numbers of those insects and other flying things that you have and find annoying and it is simply a matter of calling to us and offering gratitude for our willing and powerful service in this aspect of our nature.

It is simply that we had and sought to offer. For all have and will benefit by having sweet water to drink, by having pure soil in which to grow and to know themselves called forth into a balanced life form, and by having that which is clear and pure atmosphere – air to breath. For we are as you. We are air-breathers and we have and would be most grateful to know ourselves able to return to that which has been greatly lost of late, the pure, clear air in which we have and would fly, have and would enjoy that which is our nature without the wounding to our own lungs, the wounding to our own physical forms, and the wounding to our own issue of the great, if you will, wave of contaminant that is served again and again from those of your own kind.

We have and are most willing to serve and have and would be most grateful for the invitation to be a worthy, useful, and efficient member of the community, and it is that which we had sought to serve to each and all of those of the human clan. For we have and know ourselves not limited to one or other country, one or other continent, one or other town, community, city, or social — engag – social construct of your own species. Rather we have and are well-acquainted with most aspects of the flesh of Gaia. And it is simply our willingness to reach out the hand of our heart towards yours, brothers and sisters, in what we have and offer gratitude for and joyous expectation of, a great, powerful realignment and re-attunement in right relation of our field of physical awareness and your own. It has and will serve greatly and you have and will be pleasantly surprised at how effective and efficient we have and are when we know ourselves able and welcomed as perspective members of your own communities.

It is that we sought to serve. We have and are complete and hold ourselves in great and joy-filled expectation of that which is a return to greater and blessed relation with our and your own clans. We have and would seek to take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it, daughter.

Channel: I have and I am. Thank you so much, Great Spirit of the Bat. It has been a blessing and an honor to be in receivership of your light.

The Great Spirit of The Bat: You are welcome, daughter. We have and would take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be.

The Great Spirit of The Bat: And to you.


#90 The Great Spirit of the Turtle


#88 The Great Spirit of the Alligator