#84 The Great Spirit of the Algae

Today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast brings channleled wisdom from the Great Spirit of Algae.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. On occasion I like to offer a little bit of an explanation about how a particular spirit  of the natural world is brought to my attention. I was drawn to the great spirit of the Algae in July of 2021 when swaths of the East Coast were visited by the Red Tide, also known as harmful algal blooms or HAB. The arrival of these plant like organisms shut down shellfishing along the New England coastline and a bloom in Tampa Bay Florida resulted in tons of dead fish washed ashore.



Great Spirit of The Algae: It is curious, daughter. It is curious, for you have and are a curious species from our perspective. As you have and are aware, I have and am that which is the Great Spirit of Algae; however, we are aware that you have invoked that which has and is an aspect of our expression, that which is known in some neighborhoods as the Red Tide, or perhaps more “P.C.” as that which is called the harmful algae bloom by some who have and study the biologic sciences in your cultures. Yes?

Channel: Welcome Great Spirit of the Algae. I am honored that you have and attune your awareness with my own.

Great Spirit of The Algae: That is understood, daughter. We have and would return for we are most curious for you have and confuse yourselves and us a bit. For your species has and at first would seek, particularly with those aspects of my field that know themselves, if you will, in great profusion at particular seasons, such as the red tide, and it is so that there are not many who have and are able to consume or to share a space, if you will, or to know themselves bedfellows of that aspect of our flow without perhaps that which you would understand as negative consequence, being that which they have and would dance with after they had engaged. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so, yes.

Great Spirit of The Algae: And while we have and are a part that has and knows well how to sing within our own natural environs, we are not unaffected, if you will, by external circumstance in this particular plane. There are certain contributors to that which would be the Great Bloom of our expression, the mighty season of our expansion. Those have and would be a particular temperature within the airs, and within the waters that we have and reside, a particular flow of the currents, a particular season of blooming that has and is known within our own beings that has and is affected, if you will, by that which has and would be the shifting in what we would know as our natural cues, yes?

We further offer it is confusing to us when you have and your species is rather unpleasantly surprised to see that which is the great increase of our particular expression when you have and feed us so plentifully. To deny the relation with that which is a preferred source of nutrient that has and through your own waste product, through your own discharge into our field, or into the field of that which are the waters, you have and are surprised that when you have and would feed us, you have and are surprised that we have and expand. This is illogical, if you do not mind us offering, and confuses us. For if you do not seek to have us well-fed and therefore increasing in our population, is it not wise to seek to diminish the feeding of that which has and is our nature in and through the great discharge of your own waste product and that of other that has and are , if you will, also born from those actions, behaviors, and choices that you in your own collective have and seek to serve into the great mouth of that which you understand as the ocean.

We are most joy-filled to expand our expression; however, we would offer that we understand there is a point whereas we have and become, if you will, the most populous expression in a particular environment. It is a bit of an imbalance. We feel this would be most understood by your species as you do have experienced yourselves as being the most populous life form in a particular environment and one that has and calls forth an imbalance. For it is all that which has and is called through the Gaia that knows itself able to recalibrate and address, or redress, those extremes of one or another source that have, and much as if all the members of a particular ship have and stand at one side or the other of the railing, is it not so that if all would list to starboard, there is the potential of the actual capsizing of the structure or vessel that has and holds everyone. Is that not what we have and all experience? For are we not all members of the same ship of life, here in this particular plane?

And is it not so, while you have and see in small out picturing an example of what happens when things are a bit out of balance, is it not wise to understand that it is the requirement of those that have and are able to simply move themselves a bit back into balance, such that all that has and is upon the great ship of life that has and is this planet may know itself able to remain afloat a bit longer. We are aware this is a well-used analogy, and yet it is not inaccurate and therefore we claim it for its efficiency. We further offer that while it may appear we have and are simply a blight, a curse, or if you will, the touch of death or destruction upon those who have and would engage, we have and serve in our manner it is only when we have and are called out of our own balanced relation through that which is the environmental conditions that are ripe for our bloom, if you will, that we have and know ourselves participating, not through our own intent in truth, simply through our own nature in that which has and is the imbalancing of this particular vessel that we all have and know ourselves carried within. And are we not so blessed to be that which has and knows itself in an awareness in a physical form in that which is a part of this great light, this great flow of life.

We acknowledge that it has and is ever-changing and that is as it is. However, we also acknowledge that when we in our own expression become over-dominant, if you will, through that which are particular conditions that are quite conducive to our flow, it has and does not serve any. For what have we and how may we know ourselves able to continue when that which has and would be the season of growth and flourishment of what we have and would seek and how we have and know ourselves best served is in truth called into a point of distortion through that which is a great shifting in the natural song of the season of the temperate, the temperatures and of all that has and would be as oxygen and that [0:10:00] which is and feeds us and all how have and are our neighbors within the waters and above and upon.

You have evoked us and we have sought your awareness. For we do not seek to completely decimate or extinguish all life forms in a particular ecology. For that also harms us, does it not? Much as setting the vessel that one has and rides upon in- on fire in order to have and to warm oneself. While it may serve for a moment or two, it is in truth less than efficient to that which would be the seasons of continuance that we each and all have and would be blessed to be held within.

We have and it may appear that we do not serve, and yet I have and would ask you to withhold your judgment a bit. For we are not as understood as you may have and feel yourselves in ownership of that which is our nature. It is understood in part and there is much of our nature that has and has yet to be, if you will, unearthed or discovered, understood, or in truth serving and served to those of your own species. We have and while we are a mighty poison to some, there are other conditions or situations for that which we have and are of our nature may be in great service and in truth, healing to other. It is simply that which is little or in truth, yet to be understood.

I further offer that there are many of my species. I speak of the greater species of algae that have and are considered a blessing, a seed-source of life within the waters and for those of your own species who are without. Is that not that algae in and of itself has and is known as a great nutrient source has and is known as a great, powerful imbiber of much that has and is required nutrient for the flesh, not simply of your own species, but of many, many, many others in what you would understand as that which is the web of life.

We have and are a seed species; it is how we understand ourselves. We do not speak of the seeds that are planted in the soil. We speak rather as one that has as foundational to that which is the great expression of many who have and know themselves in a physical form in this particular environment and ecology that has and is the earth, the Gaia-light.

We have and are willing to serve that which has and is found in your supplements, found in your food source, sought to have and to be harvested for your own need-state and that of those who have and tend to have and cultivate or keep as, if you will, a- food source that is a little bit further along on this chain of consumption. And we have and would further offer that when there have and are these conditions that are ripe, they have and call forth that which in too great a number has and is known when we have and proliferate, are we not that which is also known as blue-green algae, or other algaes that have and would, if you will, increase our expansion, that of our own expression, our communities in that which are your sweet waters, your ponds, your lakes, your stream, not so much, but those that have and are the rivers that feed into these ponds and lakes. Wherein there are particular alignments of increased temperature and decreased receivership of other waters from that which are the rains or the run-offs. It is in truth, once again that which is served to us as invitation, if you will, for our expression to expand, to bloom, and to grow.

We are not in truth, intending to be the only member of a particular community such as that which is pond, or lake, or other area of water or watershed. Rather we have and know our season and are well-served to be that which has and blooms and takes our bow and returns to that which is our cycle of regeneration and return, regeneration and return. However, once again we would offer there are those of your species who have and place within these other sources of waters, these ponds, these lakes, these other aspects of flow. Much that has and is increased nutrient, and there is less and less with the increase of the temperature in that which is the climate as you understand it that has and would encourage our growth, that has and discourages that which also is the continuance of other members of our individual communities that have and live within the waters.

It is not our intent to simply extinguish the life force of those who have and share these environments with us. However, it is, if you will, that which has and is called forth with great efficiency we would offer by those of your species. For are you not that which has and through your own intent may seek to turn away from the increasing contamination, if you will, or for our understanding the feeding of and increasing of that which we find as great nutrient that calls forth our own bloom and expression in these various environments.

If you do not seek this, brothers and sisters, then we have and offer we find it most curious that while one hand says you do not seek to have that which you have and would know as great resource, either as that which you have and would consume as the waters of life, or that which has and grows within it that you have and would consume as food source or other, and yet you have and in the same holding in the other hand, if you would, that which is the continuance of action, behavior, and choice that has and simply increases that which you are calling into great bloom and with great regret. You have and receive it.

Is it not timely to take each side of your own awareness, those of your collective and have and seek to serve your greater well-being and in truth that of many, many others. We do not seek to know ourselves erased from that which is the great song of life as it knows itself in this plane. However, we are not unwilling to be a little less plentiful should that which is the conditions be shifted a bit such that they are not quite so appealing and inviting, yes?

We offer that there is that that has and is threatened in great measure through that which is the contamination of the great waters, the seas that have and as you have and through your own will-based actions or lack of them, continue to feed resource and contaminant, runoff, and discharge into the waters. And as you have and are unwilling, although not all, we offer, to have and shift your own patterns of behavior in sufficiency to have and mitigate that which is the rapid increase in the temperature that has and is within the plane, with in the waters, above the waters, and upon the earth, the soil we speak of. You have and simply accelerate that which you have and in truth we feel, would be better served to hold yourselves in a bit of discernment where within you do not, if you will, choke that which is the opportunity of sustenance and see to it that through your lack of awareness there is little or none left for other.

We are not a greedy species in truth. It is not our intent to be so well fed that there is little left for any other or so well, if you will, called into such great harvest of our expression that our very nature has and diminishes that which are other members of our community, including, if you do not mind us offering, your own.

We have and are both the source of life and that which has and may be known to extinguish it. And while we might be that which is minute in individuate expression, we are most powerful with that which is our nature. It is wise, brothers and sisters, to honor not simply that which is your own immediate need state, but to honor those who have and are also pa- passengers upon this vessel, this plane, this earth, such that we each and all know ourselves able to rebalance our structure in sufficiency, such that we do not find that which has and is the overweighting of one or other, be it your own species, be it our own species through that which are current circumstance, and in this as we have and honor that which is the mighty wisdom and grace, the beauty and flow that has been and may also be should you have and choose to claim it, that which has and would serve all and with great resource available and sustainable in truth.

We have and would seek to know what it has and is that is within your heart and within your head as collective, as individuate, and that you have and would seek to have and call forth. For as it has and stands that which is the song of your heart sings a bitter tune as you have and would seek to extinguish our presence, and yet you have and continually source us with that which increases that which is our expansion in a physical form.

We would offer that there is that which has and is the green algaes that you have and are most wise and, if you will, would be in high discernment to have and cultivate, to farm and to call forth that which would be a more appropriate environ for our own expression in this aspect of our flow. For that has and is in truth is as much as of a threat to that which you understand as the flow of all that has and is within the waters, and all that has and is resource through nutrient, rather than through taint or poison or other. For are not all that which has and is a varied expression, and are not all either served by those who have and are a part of the greater community, the greater ecology of a particular plane through that which is the action or the inaction, the will that has and supports that which you have and would seek to claim. We have simply sought to offer this small wisdom for it felt to us that you as a species -- not all, we offer -- but many are in deep requirement of some clarification of how to mitigate or rebalance, if you will, that which is this great vessel of our communal life experience, such that each and all may know themselves able to be in continuance of flow in a manner that has and is in attunement with the will of Gaia. Yes?

We have offered you this wisdom. It is simply up to you to have and choose to seek it, to consume it and to be nourished by its high discernment of right action. We are not that which can push our alignment, our wisdom, into those which are unwilling throats. We simply sought to clarify a bit what seems to be a confusion in your own species, of cause and consequence, of action and reaction, yes? As you have and are aware that one hand feeds and one hand is unable to be fed, you may, we believe, align yourselves with that which is an efficient shift, such that you call to youselves and many others a place of rebalancing, reconfiguration, cleansing, purification, and reconstruction in a manner of those aspects of the environ that have and would serve a balanced meal of continuance to all who have and would seek it.

It is sufficient, daughter. We have and are aware that we wandered about a bit in that which is the explanation and the distillation a bit of that which has and is our myriad nature. We are not one or the other, as the great spirit of algae we have and are a mighty and powerful seed force in this physical plane, one that has not received, and nor are we seeking it other than in service to your own attunement the respect, the awareness, and the willingness to honor our own life state as it has and in truth is essential to your own. It is sufficient, daughter. We have and have offered that which is our little tune and we have and would take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of The Algae in all of your manifest expression. Thank you for your wisdom. Blessings be.

Great Spirit of The Algae: And to you, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#85 The Great Spirit of the Snake


#83 The Great Spirit of the Hen