#81 The Great Spirit of the Storm

Attune to wisdom offered by the Great Spirit of the Storm in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast and in this episode we receive powerful channeled guidance from the Great Spirit of the Storm.

Great Spirit of The Storm: We appreciate your awareness to that which is the knock of our alignment upon your willing and open flow. We are that which is known as Storm, the Great Spirit of The Storm, and we have many iterations, if you will. There is that which is known as thunder, that which is known as lightning, that which is known as wind, that which is known as rain, and in truth for the most part, we are not individual or singularly aligned, but rather come in a bit of a collective, as you have and are aware with our current presence in your field. We speak physically as well as in the field of your vibratory alignment, yes?

Channel: Welcome, Great Spirit of The Storm. I am honored to be in receivership of your light.

Great Spirit of The Storm: And so you should be, daughter. We are aware that we are a bit noisy when it comes to our presence, or if you will, our passing in and through yours or other areas in the physical realm of this particular plane.We have sought your awareness for there is an increase in that which is our presence in this particular field as of late. Is that not so, daughter?

Channel: It is so, yes.

Great Spirit of The Storm: And to what do you attribute this calling forth of that which is the amplification and, if you will, spreading of our presence across many aspects of this physical plane of existence that is known as the earth plane, the Gaia, yes?

Channel: I have and feel it has to do with the imbalance in the climate at this point.

Great Spirit of The Storm: That is not inaccurate, daughter, and we offer while we are active, if you will, and not unwilling to have and feel ourselves called into attunement more and more frequently, there is other that has and fills us and calls us to the service of the dispersion of the distribution and of the removal of that which is contaminant, in that which is the field that has and knows itself as a part of the Gaia-light. We speak of the emotional discharge that has and is occurring in those of your own species with great, if you will, amplification at this point in our mutual histories. We do not deny that there has been other points in our awareness that have called forth a storm of sorts in your own field, emotionally. When we speak of your field in this particular situation, we are referring to the field of human collective of that which has and is the primary, or if you will, most potent vibratory alignment we have and are aware vibrates from the greater field of your collective awareness.

In this there is much that has and is being called forth. There is much that has and is, if you will, being discharged into the greater field of your awareness, and we have and serve to be that which has, and if you do not mind us offering, much as when there is a great weight of humidity that has and is in requirement of discharge we have and are called in and serve, we feel, most adequately for many, so too there is a great discharge of the humidity of your own emotional state. We speak of the collective, daughter, not you in an individual form, and in that we have and are called again and again to have and gather up what we may to disperse how we are able and to cleanse a bit [ sound of thunder ] hm, the general environs , yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Storm: We are aware that you were a bit startled by that which is the presence of the song of our combined awareness, that of the lightning and thunder, the wind and the rains. We sing most beautifully, do we not?

Channel: And most powerfully, yes. Thank you, Great Spirit of The Storm.

Great Spirit of The Storm: You are welcome, daughter. Is it not welcome, for we have and feel there is much that needs to be lifted and, if you will, cleansed a bit from the heartplace of your own species. For there are many who have and know themselves with a fever of sorts. We would describe this fever as that which is the fever of becoming, and for some it has and is that which has and is a great and constant companion, while for others it is that which has yet to arrive, much as the storm has and passes through from one point to another in that which is the physical plane.

So too, that which has and is the Great Spirit of The Storm has and is called forth as it has and is in requirement to have and serve and to serve again, not simply your own field or that of your tribe, daughter, but that of many, many, many other living expressions here that have and are of this plane. For they too have and would shed great, if you will, barrels of grief. They too have and know themselves burdened deeply by wounding and pain in their heartplace as they have and bear witness to or have and are victim of the current circumstance which does not, nor has, nor will continue to support them as they have known themselves able to be [stammer ] a-in a position of expression in a life form here in this plane, as a child of Gaia, children therein, and in their manner as they have and find themselves unable to serve not only as they have been called forth through her intent, but also to simply serve that whi - [stammer] which is the simple continuance of their own physical awareness through that which is and of physical expression and a vibratory field of one or other awareness.

You understand this as that which might be the extinction or extinguishment as we understand it of this or that of a life form that is unable to sustain itself under the current physical circumstance that has and is presented or that has and much like the storm that you have and feel that is embracing particular area you have and reside within as that which has and knows itself as beating down upon their expression and their capacity for continuance. For while we have and are not usually long in our stay, we have and are also that which as we are called again, and yet again, and yet again into one or other particular physical realm that has – or geography if you will – that has and is a part of this plane. There are those who may be able to withstand a bit and yet those who have and will not be able to tolerate our presence as that which is a constant companion or neighbor.

It is not our intent to have and serve other that we are called forth to do and it is simply our nature to have and be that which is the out-picturing of certain aspects of the frequencies that have and populate this plane. You are not the only species that has and generates these frequencies as we have offered. For there are all who have and know themselves a part of the greater organism of life that has and is the song of the Gaia’s intent in manifest form that have and would be a part, or torn apart from that which is her intent, and in this there is great weeping and great woe. We understand it is an archaic expression, and yet it has and vibrates deeply with the attunement we seek to express at this point in our mutual communication.

We have and would offer it is perhaps timely for those of your own species to understand that they are not apart from this storm. Rather they are a member that has and calls it forth most effectively, and we would offer, efficiently in the current circumstance that your species as a whole has called to itself at this point in your history. And as this when you have and understand that within each and all of you is that which is the intent of the winds, the intent of the rains, the intent of the lightning and the thunders, the intent of all that has and is of a storm within your own heartplace you have and may choose to no longer be that which is a member of this merry band, or to be that which has and fuels it, as you have and understand there are certain consequences that are most natural to that which is our, if you will, presence as a constant and not unwilling companion in this or that.

There are that which you understand that are the byproducts of our [ sound of thunder ] presence that which has and is the flooding that you have come to feel in various places in this environ, that which has and is the washing away, if you will, of certain physical structures. There are those who called them “mudslides” and there is other that has and is washed away, be it the seeds that have and are planted, be it to that which has and is the physical structures that you have and reside within, be it that which are those roads or highways that you have and would know as place of passage for your vehicles and other forms of transmu [stammer -] transportation that you have and seek to avail yourself of. And is it not so, brothers and sisters, that as you have and know yourself in those small containers that have and ride and fly within that which is the atmosphere, perhaps it is not wise to engage in that activity when we have and know ourselves called again and again into the vicinity of your intent, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Storm: We do not seek your response, daughter. It is simply rhetorical. It is understood that we have and serve a, if you will, a great storm of awareness upon the plate of those who have and are so willing to be in receivership therein. And we have, and it is our intent, to make it clear that we have and are of a particular nature and that as you have and in your own field of awareness – I speak of your collective community, daughter, not simply of your own individuate expression – for you have and are aware for the most part, as we can and attest to. We speak rather that as you have and would no longer seek to be in the receivership of what you may understand as deluge, as flood, as storm that has and would blow a bit apart that which you have so carefully constructed to contain you, to serve you, to meet your needs states as you have and perceive them, so we have and would offer perhaps you would consider the, if you will, a diminishment of those aspects that have and feed and call forth that which is the amplification not only of our expression, but of our presence in various points in this physical plane.

To understand that we dance together, rather than apart, is an essential aspect of this particular missive we have and would serve upon the plate of your awareness, each and all who have and are willing to be in receivership therein. And if you do not choose to continue to know us as one of your most persistent and not unwilling partners in the dance of flow, we would offer it is your own choosing through that which is your will-based intent that has and may serve us that which is a “we appreciate your presence.” However, we are interested in offering our hand to other dance partners in that which is the program, if you will, of this particular life.

It is not only that which is called forth through your own heart place and your own actions that has and calls forth that which is our great nature. For there are others who have and would seek and are served and know their life force, reinforced if you will, and nourished in a manner. However, much that it does not do to eat too many servings of one or another food stuff, for too much of that which has and might be a form of nourishment may result in that which has and would be a most unpleasant condition. Is it not so that even one who has and thirsts greatly, and yet drinks and drinks and drinks and does not cease may know themselves in a place that is precarious, if you will, to their own physical continuance. And so we have and offer we are not that which seeks to pour ourselves in and through the open throats of those who have and are not aware of how to have and turn away or too no longer call to themselves that which is the vibration of our attunement in their field, in their community in that which has and is their presence, yes?

We sought to offer that which has been what we feel is a distortion in the field of awareness by many of those of your species -- not all. There are some who have and study or are in attunement with the interrelationship of cause and effect, if you will, of that which has and are your actions in that which has and is our increasing relation, yes? We have and would seek to clarify a bit that we do not show up when the conditions are not suitable, and as you have and through your actions, or inactions [thunder ], continue on the direction that you have set your course for, willingly or unaware, we have and know ourselves as that which is a welcome and invited partner in this dance of flow.

We are fully aware that we are a blessing for many, that we have and are a song of life itself for some, and it is not our intention to evaporate or to turn and enter into a different dance hall, if you will, for this is where we have and serve. We have and would rather know ourselves as one and not the only one, for your species has and would call again and again to partner with. For we are aware that while you have and may enjoy a short span around the dance floor with a great storm of this or that, more often than not we are that which has and without intent that has and holds within it the vibration of the now source. It is simply, if you will, part of our nature to clear the floor a bit and to make room for our own expression.

And in this we have and would clarify it is not our intent to wound, to decimate, to destroy, to taint, or to carry away as a result or consequence of our presence. Rather that has and is simply our nature. And should it be that which you in your own awareness, each and all, we speak of the collective, are no longer as willing to engage within or with, is it not timely, my friends, to reconsider your placing of your hand out and the beckoning forth of our presence in your physical environs?

How, you may ask, may you politely turn away a bit from our constant companionship, and we offer you are more aware and have been and are attuned with that which is required. It is simply though to understand much as when one has and starts to roll a boulder from a top of a steep hill, there is that which has and increases in momentum through that which is the natural law. And so you have called forth a great boulder of imbalance and it has and is, if you will, barreling down the great hill of potential.

You have and may seek to place that which would be a blockade of sorts, or to have and to resist in some manner, and we offer it is only through that which would be a leveling out a bit of this great hill of what you can conceive of, we feel, as the imbalance of the climate and the conditions that have and are continually called forth therein that have and require that which would be the leveling of this great hill of our current alignment.

We do not seek to threaten. We do not seek to wound. We simply seek to offer a bit of wisdom, such that you have and understand. If you do not seek to dance with us as frequently, it is up to you to find a way and to embrace it with great rapidity, to level the hill a bit of your own imbalanced life state and choices that you have and may claim through that which is the will of both the individuate and the collective will of the greater awareness of your clan.

We are aware we blow in with great volume and we also have and seek to take our leave, for it is simply that you are not a victim, you are a willing participant. It is simply that you have and are, if you do not mind us offering, still unable to accept your part as that which is a willing partner in this dance of an imbalanced climate .

We have and will not know ourselves in a place of dissolution; however there are many who are great companions to us that we have served for many, many, many eons who have and are unable to sustain themselves through that which is our constant visitations and our constant out-pouring of that which is our nature. In this we have and would beseech and we have and would offer gratitude for that which is the awakening of the awareness of your field, brothers and sisters, family of the human attunement.

And in this, as you have and seek to dance with perhaps another partner on occasion, perhaps the partner of reconfiguration, the partner of rebuilding and repair, renourishing, and reattunement to that which has and is the great song of manifest grace that has been called forth in this plane by that of the Gaia. And should you seek to find and put your face – the face of your heart, we speak of – and look into the eyes of the heartplace of Gaia, you have and will know what has and is in requirement. For she has and shown you, has she not? And as you have and seek to continue in your limited awareness, which does not become you, if you do not mind us offering, for we have and feel a great and beautiful light within each and all of your species. Some have and simply shelter it with that which is the shades of denial or unwillingness of their intent to seek another method of continuance.

It is simply all we had and sought to sing. We do not mind partnering with you in this dance of the increasing imbalance of the climate as you would understand it. We simply would offer that we are not unwilling to know ourselves able to sit out one or two songs such that all may know themselves in a place of balance and stability, as you have and would seek to claim it. That which we had and sought to blow into that which is the presence of your awareness and those of your species has been served. We have and will take our leave, as you are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of The Storm. Thank you for your wisdom and your guidance. Blessings in the highest.

Great Spirit of The Storm: It is complete, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#82 The Great Spirit of the Wren


#80 The Great Spirit of the Ant