#80 The Great Spirit of the Ant

The Great Spirit of the Ant offers powerful guidance in this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast with your host Tracy Shoolman. In this episode we recevie channeled wisdom from the great spirit of the Ant. A few days back I was looking up some gardening tips when I came across an article in the Fine Gardening website that caught my eye, it was titled: “Ants aren’t your enemy if you think these little insects are pests think again.” Well I can’t say I ‘d ever really thought about the part ants might would play in the garden ecosystem. However this article went on to describe ants as tiny rototillers turning over as much soil as earth worms do aerating the soil and redistributing nutrients. Apparently it was time to channle the Great Spirit of the Ant.


Great Spirit of the Ant: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter, as you have and are so willing to grant it. We have and are that which has and knows itself as the Great Spirit of the Ant. We have made acquaintance with you in prior attunements, and yet we have and would seek the opportunity at this point in our mutual awareness to have and offer a song that has and is born of our own heart place and served with great and joy-filled intent to that which is the heart place of the species of your clan, those of the human awareness, yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Ant. I am grateful and honored to be in receivership therein.

Great Spirit of the Ant: That is accurate, daughter. We have and are a powerful and honorable clan. We are one who has and understands that we have and are one as we have and are in unification as that which is the greater community of attunement with and through each other. And in this we have and create great dwellings, great cultures, great attunements with all that we have and are called forth to serve for that who has and is the Gaia light. And we have and are not lacking in physical prowess, is that not so?

Channel: I am aware, yes, it is quite so. You have the reputation of being incredibly strong.

Great Spirit of the Ant: Our reputation is accurate and yet we offer, it is our strength. The truth of our strength is found in our willingness to be as one in as a member of a part of a greater collective as that which has and is the mighty community, the tribe of those of the Spirit of the Ant. And we offer that it is that which is and offers confusion to those of our species as you have and in your own clans and your own tribes and your human awareness, you seem unaware of your, if you will, great similarities. And we further offer that which has and is the great benefit of having and knowing oneself as a willing member of the greater society of your attunement, your clan, your particular awareness in this dimension as that which is a member, one of the tribe, a part of the greater organism of the human awareness, the human attunement.

We have and observe, if you do not mind us offering, a great discord between the various parts of all that you have and are in your human expression. It is much as watching one hand seek to wound the other, one eye seek to betray the other with what it has and would call forth as it has and would perceive it so. One heart unbeknownst to itself considering, and in truth, lacking in the discernment that while you have and may know yourselves an individuate expression, separated physically, yet are you not in truth one great and beautiful heart it has and is the human collective.

Channel: Yes. That resonates deeply with me, yes.

Great Spirit of the Ant: And it does with others of your species as well, for there are many who have and also claim this truth. There are many who have and seek to be returned into that, which is the relation of right reunion, if you will, and reconfiguration as one song, one heart. This is not a claim to dismantle or to deny the blessing of creative individuality that has and is so unique in some aspect to this particular plane, to that which is the will of Gaia, and that we have and offer that we have and are as that which are, if you will, the many, many blood particles, the red blood cells, the white blood cells, those other elements as plasma and such that have and would know themselves in the greater clan of blood, in the greater service of flow for that which would be a living organism that has and knows itself oxygenated and served, offered nutrition, offered sustenance, offered support, offered viability through that which is the flow of the blood, all the aspects, all the components and others that have and comprise the greater organism of blood. It is that which has this essential to your own expression, is it not, daughter?

Channel: Yes, it is.

Great Spirit of the Ant: And we further offer that as one has and would seek to stop the flow of one area or one part of your physical expression from that which is the life-giving song of the blood you have and call forth that without delay. In truth it has and would know itself unable to sustain in a physical expression as that which is a part of your body, your flesh. You have and are aware if one was to receive a wound or blow that has and severs the artery you have and are in requirement to repair it with great alacrity and or, or and both in some aspect to do what we would call as to truncate off that point of your physical expression, where much has and is seeping out through this gaping hole or gash/wound that you have and would know yourselves in alignment with, not through your desire, but rather through that which is the truth of your physical condition.

Is it not timely to embrace that it is less than efficient to have and seek, to tie off, if you will, all of the blood flow to one or other of your extremities, your limbs, in order to staunch or to stop that which is the outflow of your life force through that which is egress created through the mouth or simply intent of other, or in truth of your own expression in another aspect that has and is not, if you will, fully accessible to you in your current attunements, to cut off fully that which has and knows itself as great and gaping wound. We'll say, for example, in the arm where it has and knows itself as that which has and is a great river of outflow of your life force, if you have and would not address it with great efficiency and intent to have and stanch or stop that which is the great ebbing tide of your life force when there is not that has and could contain the flow of your own blood when that door has been, if you will, unlocked.

In this, there are and have been points in your own histories, brothers and sisters, where you have and would seek to clamp off all of the blood that has and would seek to escape, if you will, or to run without boundary out of your form. And in so doing, those who have in hunger, those who have and are in requirement, and those aspects of your field, your physical field that have and know themselves much as one who has and is a requirement of breath having and feeling the breath choked off. So it has and is with the living tissue, the flesh, and the awareness of that which has and remains on the other side of the truncation, of the tying off, if you will, of that which is the breach in circuitous flow. You wonder a bit why we have and go off on this analogy of that which has and would be. The species of human and the act of one who has a nose, that which is foot or arm or leg, having and be in requirement of the complete severing therein and destruction of the full blood flow, which therefore destroys the flesh and drains out most efficiently that which is the life force who have and gasp, who have and are unable to breathe and to continue that, that which is in requirement and service to the light, that which you have and know as your own blood.

We have and perceive that which is the action of your species, sister, as that which has and seeks in a bit of a distortion, if you do not mind us offering, to cut off completely the life flow of that which is the great blood of your unified field as a human collective from one or other extremity, from one or other part of that which is the greater organism of your expression as you have and do not recognize it, if you will, as a part of the greater whole. In this we have and serve our wisdom, for we are those who are of great strength, great strength of will, great strength of intent, and great strength of the grace of open-hearted and joy-filled community. And it is that which has and offers us the blessing of high attunement in service to our own continuance, our own expansion, and to that which has induced the respected, the honored and beloved mother who has and has called forth all that we have and understand of our own physical expression and service to that which is the light that which you call the Mother, the Gaia, the Earth, that which has and vibrates deeply with our attunement. And we have and are most grateful to be that which is the servant of her light, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Ant: We further have and offer that you have and carry great and mighty strength, brothers and sisters, that which you have and may not understand as it would have and manifest through the physical prowess of your form, although we offer there are some who have and pursue and place their will upon the altar of physical prowess. And we understand and admire those who have and seek to claim that aspect of their matrix. Rather, we have and speak of that which is the great and powerful will that each and all of you have as that which is your nature, the song of your truth that has and rests most beautifully within your heart place and that which has and is the great blessing of this particular dimension of awareness and attunement such that through that which is the great strength of your will and your willing intent, you have and may know yourself able to lift, to reconfigure, to recalibrate, and to redress much that has and knows itself awry, if you will, in this dimension, much that has and through your own intent willing, as we perceive and for some through that which is the lack of awareness and therefore those who have and swim in the sea of ignorance and in this, is it not timely brothers and sisters to have and claim that and call forward that which has and is the great gratitude for the blessing of the reunification, reconstruction, and reattunement such that you have and no longer seek to sever the various parts of your own greater expression in the distortion of otherness, in the distortion of lack of worthiness, in the distortion of less-than-ness, if you will.

In this as you have and understand that which has and may be a foot, may appear differently, may serve differently the greater expression of your flesh in that which is the hand, in that which is the ear, in that which is the note, [stammer - 0:17:25] the nose rather, or that which has and is the throat where you have and are able to vibrate with that which is the sound wave and therefore to call into form much that has and would know itself born through manifest intent.

If this has and is a bit confusing, that is acceptable. For we have and are in requirement at this point in our mutual awareness not to beat around the bush, as it were, but to simply state with clarity, with deep respect, honoring, and great intent that which is the truth of what has and is in your own relation to your other aspects of expression and in your relation as a human collective to that which is the Gaia and all of her informed expression that has and embodies those who have and are all life form that which appears to you as animate, that which appears to you as inanimate, that which appears as worthy, that which appears as worthless.

These are but distortions. Is it not best to start, if you will, your spring cleaning in your own closets where have you have and may know yourself quite blessed to have and take a look again and again at each and all of these beliefs, these stories that have been told, these, if you will, distortions that are passed down from those of your ancestry and in through your individual lineages, as those which have and are, if you will, different hair follicles and hair that has and grows upon the head of that which is the greater human collective.

We are not seeking that each and all of you should strip off that which you understand is your personality [00:20:00] self, your small self, your ego self, for that is inefficient and in truth not what is required. What is required, friends, is that you have and no longer perceive that which is other than yourself as that which has less than value, as that which has and is not of a greater form, life form in truth, organism of greater attunement as species wide, and in that you have and may know yourself most able to consume all that has and would serve you in the highest as you have and seek to, if you will, perceive the greater song of your interrelated alignments and to release that which are very small distortions. While they may not be large distortions, you have and are, if you will, not as strong as a species when you have and, if you will, cut yourself up into smaller and smaller pieces.

It is simply not that which has and serves either you or any who have and share this beautiful plane with you and it is a gift we have and offer, a blessing we have and would serve that which is to call to yourselves as you have and are willing, your ant nature. And in this we do not mean the nature of that which is minuscule from your perspective. Rather, the nature of it has and knows itself able to lift great numbers of its own weight with ease, for it has and is its nature to so do, able to have and serve willingly, joyfully, gratefully that which has and is the greater community, the greater life force that may have and enjoy itself in individuate, informed expression, but that has and yet remains steadfast and quite attuned, if you do not mind us offering, to that which we have and understand as our greater community, our greater song of flow.

We have and would seek that which is your willing and open-hearted ear as we have and would request that you have and seek to reunify, to realign your own awarenesses with those others of your species in a timely fashion. For without this, there is, if you will, a great cloud that has and rolls in, obscuring that which is the light of expansion of evolution, and of rebalancing. We have and offer prayers of deep gratitude and, if you will, faith that those mighty beings who have and are your brothers and sisters and each and all of you who have and bless us through the listening and receivership of this song of our hearts have and know yourselves, and that which is the opening of the bud, of the bloom of your awakened heart at this point in our mutual awareness. And that has and is a great and beautiful blessing, one that we have and drink deeply of, one that we have and rest deeply within, and one that we have and would offer, if you will, come on in, the water is fine.

It is that which we have and bestow upon you, children, of that which is the human awareness. We speak of all for are you not all born from the same point of intent? And are you not all brothers and sisters truly in [00:25:00] your relation? And in this, we have and would confer upon you the great mantle of our ant nature such that each and all have and are able to claim and align in deep attunement with that aspect of their own expression, their own field of energy, if you will, of field of awareness, as it were with that which has and is the great power and strength of your individuate will that has and is multiplied as you have and apply it with open and willing heart and intent towards that which is the greater expansion, evolution of the [stammer - 0:25:55] that which has induced the human collective.

In this, we have and are joy-filled to offer you this mighty blessing of our light, our grace as you have and are so willing to claim it in receivership, we have and are delighted to serve it. We have and further offer that which is the great attunement of our ant nature to that which understands itself as valued, as worthy, as member of a greater community for which one has and serves with great and open-hearted joy as you have and would seek to know that which is the vessel of your own continuance and that which has and would be of your issue, and your issue’s issue, and your issue’s issue’s issue, and so on and so forth.

In this we have and feel that there is great grief within your own heart, there a- is great distress and concern, and well there should be that there will not be that which you have and would enjoy place upon the altar of your future generations as it has and is at this point in that which is the Gaia-plane. It is not necessary, brothers and sisters, to sink below the waves of despair. Simply lift your hearts and open yourselves to the greater attunement of your oneness. It does not deny your individuate expressions. That is a misconception. It does, however, look to know itself expressed with great joy in and through that which is the individuate knowing, for that is how you have and grow. And yet to have and be resentful, distrustful, afraid of that which has and is a variation, a creative offering of your own expression is in truth, misaligned. And it is that we seek and sought to offer to you each and all with great joy and hope and prayers of profound and joy-filled gratitude for and joyous anticipation and expectation as we have and would sing in that which has and is the celebration of your awakening to that which is the greater human community, the greater and most powerful and beautifully attuned human heart.

It is that we sought to offer and to bless you as you are willing to receive it with our ant nature, one who has and knows itself held in great strength, the strength of community. In that we have and have served what we had sought to place at that which is the table of your awareness and it is our hope and our joy that you have and will drink and consume deeply of the repast we have so carefully and with great openheartedness sought to serve you at this point of our attunement.

Channel:Thank you, Great Spirit of the Ant. Thank you for your blessings and your wisdom. I have and receive it gratefully and I have and serve it gratefully.

Great Spirit of the Ant: It is understood, daughter. It is sufficient. That is what we sought to sing. We have and watch with the heart, the eyes of our heart, and listen with the ears of our heart for the great song of reunification we have and feel vibrates and grows and blooms in the heart place of those of your collective. It is complete. We take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be. Godspeed. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Ant. It is a beautiful and mighty blessing. Thank you.


#81 The Great Spirit of the Storm


#79 The Great Spirit of the Muskrat