#82 The Great Spirit of the Wren

Meet the Great Spirit of the Wren in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Show Notes & Transcription


Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with an inspiring message from the Great Spirit of the Wren in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode on gaiatranslate.com
It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Wren. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of higher quality.


Great Spirit of The Wren: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have and are the Spirit of the Wren, and while we are aware we have not knocked most loudly upon the door of your, this lifetime self, yet we found a little opening and sought to avail ourselves of it, as you have and are so willing to receive us.

Channel: I have and I am. You are welcome.

Great Spirit of The Wren: Thank you, daughter. It has and is the season of nesting, is it not? It is the song that you hear as you walk amongst the woods, amongst the trees as all has and searches back into the fullness of the new season, the season of renewal, of rebirth, of growth and expansion. Is that not so?

Channel: It is so. I am grateful to say.

Great Spirit of The Wren: And we have and would offer as you have and are so willing to serve it to those of your own clan, is it not timely for all to build the nest of continuance, build the nest that has and would hold that which are the eggs of possibility, the eggs of your hopes, of your dreams, your desires. For they are not that which you would seek to leave behind, as you have and journey into this most beautiful season that has and is calling us all to awaken to our deeper knowing, to align with all that has and walks in that which is known as the springtime of awareness, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Wren: It is this we sought to offer, a small, and yet we hope pertinent offering into the nest of your will, if you have and are so willing to open your heart and carry it gently and carefully from our heart to yours. For we would offer when that which has and is the egg of hope, the egg of possibility, the egg of desire has and with tender and consistent care you have and will be filled with the song of joy-filled gratitude and delight at the hatchlings that have and are called forth with that which is your diligent and willing service to their cultivation, their incubation, and their possibility, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. It’s a lovely metaphor.

Great Spirit of The Wren: You are welcome. We have and further offer that we have and would guide you to the awareness of the diligence that is required to warm and tend to that which is the egg of potential that you have as a species and individually would seek to call forth into full manifest expression at this point in your and our mutual understanding, our history, yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of The Wren: Do not be shy to look upon the Spirit of the Wren in form, or to call upon the Spirit of the Wren in awareness. For we have and would offer the gentle hand of our heart as that which has and would steady you, each and all as you have and call forth that which is the tender shoot of a new era, of a new possibility, of a new hope, yes?

Channel: Thank you. I have and I will, and I will share your song with all those of my clan.

Great Spirit of The Wren: You are welcome, daughter. We understand that there have been many seasons where that which is the eggs of your hopes or dreams, desires, or even those of your intent have been barren of fruiting or hatching, and it is simply as you would have and would turn and attend most joyfully and willingly the requirements to call forth that which is in your heart that it has and is so. It is not a difficult task, we feel. It is simply that which has and requires the steadiness of will, the open-hearted gratitude for the blessing of that which you have and would seek to incubate, such that it has and knows itself fully formed and fully able to hatch completely into this dimension.

Channel: Yes, thank you. That is most clear. And I receive it with gratitude.

Great Spirit of The Wren: You are welcome, sister. We have and sing and sing. Would you like to know what we sing?

Channel: I would be blessed to know.

Great Spirit of The Wren: We have and sing a song of gratitude for the blessing of the hatching of the open-hearted will of our brothers and sisters, the clan of the human collective, as they have and turn most willingly towards that which is the blessing of alignment with, of partnership with, of co- [stammer ] collaboration with those of the other living beings in all form in this shared nest of Mother Gaia. Is that not a beautiful song?

Channel: It is, it is. Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of The Wren: Are you not also joy-filled to join us, as you have and are so willing to raise the throat of your own heart, and to call upon those of your brothers and sisters to also raise the throat of their own will in open-hearted and joy-filled gratitude for the blessing of the great hatchlings and that of the mighty spirits that have and take full wing of our mutual collaboration, the alignment and cooperation, as we have and together fly upon the wings of continuance. Yes?

Channel: It is a joy-filled song. I have and am most willing and grateful to sing it.

Great Spirit of The Wren: That is what we sought to offer, gently and tenderly, upon and in the nest of your awareness, and we have and would take our leave, for we understand we were not officially in the queue, and yet we could not resist through our delight and our joy-filled heart had not other, but to sing. And so we have and took the liberty, if you will, of perching upon the nest of your will and your awareness this morning. We are grateful for your receivership and we are grateful for that of your brothers and sisters in the light, those of the human expression who have and honor us with the open and willing ears of their heart in receivership of our small and willing offering into the nest of your awareness.

Channel: Thank you. I have and receive it with gratitude. I have and offer I will serve it with joy to my brothers and sisters.

Great Spirit of The Wren: It is all we could hope for. We have and sing a song of great gratitude, as it has and issues forth without restriction from the throat of our heart. Thank you, sister. We have and are so grateful for your willingness to receive our light. We have and take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: Ah, Great Spirit of the Wren, I have and offer blessings of Godspeed to all of your clan. Thank you.


#83 The Great Spirit of the Hen


#81 The Great Spirit of the Storm