#79 The Great Spirit of the Muskrat

Tune into guidance from the Great Spirit of the Muskrat in today's Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome Friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman and in this episode of the Gaia Translate podcast I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Muskrat. Last fall I was hiking along the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge when I was startled by squeaking noises coming from a strand of Cat O’ Nine Tails hugging the edge of the marsh. As it turned out I was apparently over hearing a rather animated conversation between two muskrats swimming amongst the reeds. A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Muskrat. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of higher quality.


Great Spirit of The Muskrat: We are grateful, sister, for your attunement to our field. For you have and listen deeply with the ears of your heart yesterday when you have and heard us speaking to each other in that which is the song of the Great Mystery, yes?

Channel: I heard you as I was walking at the conservation land yesterday in the marshes, the cat-o-nine-tail marshes.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: That is accurate. Those have and are both shelter and sustenance in great measure for those of our kind. You are aware that we have and are the vibration of The Great Spirit of The Muskrat, are you not?

Channel: I am, yes.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: We welcome you into our field and we are in truth, joy-filled to have and be honored with that which is your awareness and your willingness to receive therein that which is our own.

Channel: I am honored to serve. Thank you, Great Spirit of the Muskrat.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: You are welcome. You have and have opened the walkways of your heart for those who have and would seek to traverse into the awareness of others of your species. Is this not so?

Channel: It is so.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: We have and would seek to serve our small wisdom, our small awareness, our small attunement alignment with those of your collective, as you have and are willing to serve it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: That is acceptable then. We have and are that which has and simply knows ourself as one who has and seeks the comforts of that which is the breast of the mother, as we have and know ourselves held deeply in her arms, as she has and provides all and more than we could ever seek for our own sustenance, our own shelter, our own continuance. And so it has been for many seasons, yes?

We further offer that while there are pockets, if you will, wherein those of the human species have and we are most grateful, do not confuse that which we have and would serve on the plates of those awareness is that you will have and will carry this missive to, for that which is the protection and the reclamation and honoring at the great flight of Mother, as she has and knows herself in attunement with the service of the need state of all who have and are blessed to know themselves in this particular informed expression. And we are most grateful for these pockets, if you will, these wells, if you will, that have and are our sanctuary and our delight across that which is the landscape of the human constructs, of the human … hm, we will not use the word “invasion,” for that would not be accurate. We seek expansion, yes, the human expansion into much that has and was, if you will, intended for the use and sustenance, the continuance and the flow of other. For there is, we believe, and feel in truth, no reason why we cannot all continue as good neighbor, as welcome friend, and as that which has and honors the mutual flow, the mutual expression, and the mutual service and in truth, mutual essential nature of each and all who have and are a part of the Gaia-song, yes?

Channel: Yes, I … I concur.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: We have and are aware your field vibrates deeply with openhearted and joyous attunement, and for that we are most grateful. However, and we do not seek to be considered a rude or disrespectful guest of the table of your awareness, sister, we would offer that many of our cousins, many of our awareness, many of our community are not so well served at this particular point in our mutual histories of coexistence. For there are those points upon the breast of Gaia that were great resource, reservoir, if you will, that has and sustained not simply our nature, our expression, that of the Great Spirit of The Cat-o-Nine-Tails, which has and is a most honored and respected member of our own personal environs, but yet that of many who have and know themselves as neighbor, as friend, as constituent, and as fellow recipient as we understand you are as we are of the blessing of the light of Gaia in her great wisdom, her deep understanding, and her open-hearted will of that which is the fertile expands of potential for not simply this or that, one or other, but for all who have and serve in their own individuate manner, in their own particular manner that which is the requirements that have and are called forth through the Gaia light that have and understand themselves as that has and is essential weave, if you will, for the great cloak of flow that has and would embrace all, not to simply some other expression. Can you feel this?

Channel: I have and I can.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: We are most grateful and joy-filled that you have and are able to understand the vibration of our intent. For it is simply that we have and offer gratitude for those particular pockets or wells that have and, if you will,  are preserved or held as precious, or unique that you have and hold off that which is the great encroachment, if you do not mind us offering, of your own expansion.

We understand that there is a balance to all the brothers and sisters of this plane. We accept that all have and may claim for themselves for their essential sustenance, that which is the core of their own continuance. That which might be the flesh of other. That which might be the environ that has and was known to how was another. That which might be the … we are searching for the right or in truth, accurate analogy. Ah, yes, that which would be the home of another. That which would be the life force of another in service to their own requirement.

And this is understood, for is this not that which has and is a part of the great wisdom and flow of the being who is our mutual mother. However, we have and would offer there is that which is, if you will, as the great flood that overflows the banks of balance that has and occurs from the source of the human awareness, the human constructs, the human, we would offer, overreaching for other than that which is sustenance, other than that which is requirement, and other than that which is honoring and respectful balancing and cohabitation, if you will, of this our mutual and potential flow, yes?

We do not seek to claim that which is your territory of grazing, that which is your requirement of that which you know as wood or timber or other to house and protect or encase you, such that you have and know yourselves able to withstand and to continue throughout the various seasons that have and would roll across us as that which is a great wind, and an honored one, we would offer. And it is simply that we have and would beseech, not simply upon that which is our own collective awareness of the Great Spirit of The Muskrat, but for those who have and are our neighbors, our friends, our communities that have and live or would seek to continue in their own flow in that which you understand is the marshlands, as the waterways, as the pond, as that which is lake or other wherein we have and know ourselves and is that of the great flow of our own belief of balanced continuance in a manner returned or reclaimed by your own openhearted will. Although we are unable to express in this or that manner the essential nature of the return to balance of all life forms in and upon the breast of Gaia, yet we would offer it is that which we have and vibrate most deeply with within our heartplace as understanding as that which has and is as we have offered essential and without, if you will, that which you would understand as random or unaffiliated source.

For there is not that is random in and through and upon the breast of Gaia, in and through this dimensional awareness as we have and vibrate deeply within our own residence, and for that we have and would seek to offer the blessing and also the requirement, if you do not mind us offering, of the awakening of the eyes of your heart, not simply individuate, but as collective awareness to that which is the essential nature and power and necessity of all who have and walk and share and swim and fly and breathe and float and sleep and dream as you do. You may not understand those who are different in form, in physicality or in truth, different, such that they have and appear to be without animate life, as tree, as shrub, as root, as mud and yet we offer there is no such thing as form without awareness. There is no such thing as a physical expression without that which is the animate intent that calls it forth into that which is its own independent sphere of awareness.

And we would offer there are many songs of awareness. There are many tunes that have and are singing and being sung, and we have and are able in our own awareness to receive many, and yet not all. However, that we are unable to perceive one or other, we do not doubt that there are those who sing simply in a manner not in alignment with our physical attunement, and that is all it is, yes? There are many who have and are not physically present as we would understand it or as we have and would offer is understood by your own species, and yet that does not deny that they have and are not -- as we have said -- an essential component to that which is the greater machinery of coexistence and fruiting expansion and blossoming of our mutual relation.

That is what we sought to offer, and to offer gratitude for the great awakening of your own heartplace, the opening of the eyes of your will to that which is the sacred song of our unified field of aligned and mutual existence in this particular dimension. Is it not a beautiful and sacred song that we have and together may know ourselves in a great choir of gratitude and joyous anticipation and expectation of that which is the rebounding, the return, the re-balancing, the reclamation, and collaboration across all of our various physical and spiritual and knowing vibrations, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of The Muskrat. You sing a beautiful song. I have and will bring it forth as you have and so graciously served it upon the plate of my awareness for those of my human family.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: That is all we have and are most joy-filled at this, the opportunity to offer gratitude to those of your awareness, your species who have opened the eyes of their heart and opened the hands of their will to that which is the protection, the reclamation, the restoration of our own environments that have and would sustain our life force and that of many, many others who know themselves also represented without individuate voice, if you will, and yet with collective and joy-filled heart. Yes?

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of The Muskrat. You have and have spoken most eloquently and represented that aspect of the Gaia. It is your home with great wisdom and grace. It has and is received.

Great Spirit of The Muskrat: It is all that we have and would seek to know ourselves held in the light of this blessing. For it is simply that that we have and sought to serve upon the altar of yours and your clan’s awareness at this fine spring of potential.We have and do not seek to burden or weary you with our awareness any further and have and take our joy-filled and grateful leave, as we have and hum and sing that song of joyous expectation and anticipation of the riches, the great dawn of the return of that which is our unified field of attuned continuance.It is sufficient. We take our leave and offer blessings to each and all of those of your clan.

Channel: Thank you. Blessings and Godspeed to you, Great Spirit.


#80 The Great Spirit of the Ant


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