#76 The Great Spirit of the Monarch Butterfly

Wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Monarch Butterfly is channeled in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. On occasion I like to offer a little bit of an explanation about how a particular spirit of the natural world is brought to my attention. A friend emailed me a tube link  from  PBS Nature of a breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm in the mountains of Mexico. This remarkable video was recorded by a small hummingbird shaped drone.


It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Monarch Butterfly. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are  of higher quality.


Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. We have felt your awareness, although we have and were called in a new direction once or twice and then there was no branch upon which to land, or bloom upon which to rest, as you have and are aware.

Channel: Yes, I’m sorry.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: We do not seek your apology, we simply seek to offer what has and caused our delay. That is all. We are, as you are aware, The Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly and in truth, that of butterflies, although we sing in a particular vibratory alignment and attunement with that which is the Monarch. For it is a singular and most powerful vibratory song – is it not?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Monarch. I am blessed to receive your light.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: That is so, daughter. We have and offer through that which is our own nature the blessing of attunement that has and may be as those of your species have and are so willing embraced in great efficiency and, if you will, necessity at this point in our mutual histories. There is that which is in our nature, as you have and are aware, that has and does not seek to be the individuate who has and completes the journey. Rather, we understand ourselves as part of a greater alignment, a greater awareness and knowing that has and serves the great flow of our united awareness, our collective awareness. In this each and all, much as those who have and are in a relay race – although it is not a race – but yet the idea of relay vibrates in attunement with that which has and is our nature. For we have and understand ourselves in the great flow of cycle of life that has and would seek to have us turn ourselves towards the blessing of the spirits of the southern climes at a certain point in our awareness. And while we may not achieve the final resting place that has and is sacred to our continuance, nevertheless we have and serve an attunement, an alignment which that which serves the larger continuance of our expression. Yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: While it may be that it is not even that which would be offspring, but the offspring of our offspring, or even further long the line of our lineage that has and arrives at the sacred song of the southern ring of light we have and claim as our nurturing place, our greater commune, community, and then is it not also so that those who have and are the offspring of our offspring’s offspring, or further down the line of continuance, are they not the ones who feel the call to return to the northern climes and to enjoy that which is the requirement of pollination along the way.

We are great and powerful servants of the Gaia and her masterful intent, are we not? For while you and your species may not perceive, if you will, the power of our service in the fruiting of that which has and calls forth much that would know itself in form that has and serves the Gaia’s intent, so we have and understand ourselves as worthy and powerful servants to the greater fulfillment of that which is the requirement of the bloom of flow.

Are we not that which listens to the songs of gratitude that have and rise from the throats of those we have and would drink that which is nectar that we have and would soothe with our presence, that we have and would serve with our light, and have we not been mighty and able to have and accept the great distances that are beyond the individuate, and yet have and serve through our migratory flow so many, many, many of our brothers and sisters who have and seek our service in the continuance of their own. Do you ken this?

Channel: You’re pollinating as you go.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: That is accurate. We have and would seek a boon from those of your species as they have and would be so willing to grant it, for there is lack of that which is the milk … the milkweed, which is the sacred birthing point of our intent. It is that which we have a sacred relation with, is it not? And as it has and knows itself removed, displaced, destroyed, or unable to continue to call forth that which is its own offspring of its own offspring, we have and know ourselves far less evil to serve as we have and would so desire.

In this, if you have and are so willing, daughter, we would be most grateful, as we have and offer prayers therein, for the re-fruiting, the re-seeding of that which is the milkweed. For it is that which we have and are in our own requirement of, as it has and was called forth through the will of the Gaia. So we have and would seek to look towards your will and open heart to serve that which has and is the reseeding, not simply along the path of our migratory flow, but in all aspects of your gardens, your fields, your land that has and is denuded of that which is the song of our life continuance, as you have and are so willing.

Channel: I have and am most willing and honored to bring this request to those who have and are my species.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: And I too have an offer of prayer and profound gratitude for the blessing, the awakening of the light of their heartplace in alignment with that which has and serves the greater continuance of flow, as you have and are mighty servants of the light, such that you have and may return to that which is the ease of flow that is called forth through the will of Gaia.

It is that which has and would be a great blessing, that which has and we have and are most grateful and joy-filled. We understand that you are not the being who has and is able to serve this in a singular manner, and yet we feel with great hope in our heart that as you have and sing our song and allow us to sing directly to those brothers and sisters of your collective awareness, we have faith, if you will, that they will open the eyes of their heart and see that we too serve your own collective through that which appears to simply be the seeding of our own intent and that which has and is the great migratory flow that serves so many brothers and sisters who have and are of the flowering or plant nature as you would understand them.

Channel: I am joy-filled and honored to serve, and to bring your message forth in a timely fashion, Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: It is simply that we have and offer, although there is one other. We have and would offer that we have and would serve to you the power of understanding that there is much through our own and your own ancestry that has and is as our own that has and would be those who have and migrate to more fertile land, or point of possibility and potential for the flourishment and the expansion of your species. And in this, it is that which you understand as seeking a better life or looking to migrate that the potential of a better life experience for those of your own issue that has and resonates most deeply with what we have and understand. And as you have and are so willing to hold yourself in alignment with the great migratory flow of your collective awareness at this sacred point in the unfoldment and descension of your species. You have and serve those who have and would seek to be the issue of your issue most potently, most beautifully, and they have and sing your praises as they have and know themselves in that which is an environ that knows itself balanced, whole, and able to have and continue in the mighty fruiting of continuance and blooming. Is this not beautiful?

Channel: It is.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: Is it not that which resonates deeply in the heartplace of your species?

Channel: It resonates deeply in my own heartplace. I have and am honored to share it with those … I believe it does, I believe that it will.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: We also feel that deeply in our own heart and would offer a prayer of gratitude for the awakening of the eyes and ears of the heartplace of the human collective in attunement to the service as we have and all are one, as we have and all sing as one, as we have and all take flight as one, and as we have and all seek to know there is that which is the milkweed of potential that has and awaits our joyous alignment and receivership at that which we would know as journey’s end, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. That is powerful and profound.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: It is simply the truth. We do not seek to adorn our truth. We simply seek with great hope in our hearts to have those of your collective open their own heartplace in true alignment with our own. We do not offer that there are not many of you who have and seek to attune most beautifully with that which is our song of continuance, and yet we would offer that you have and are willing to receive it, that it is yet less than sufficient for that which is our mutual intent, yes?

Channel: Yes.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: That is all. We do not seek to have our flow be other than that which is a song of gratitude, a song of wisdom from our heartplace to those of your beautiful species. We have and feel the field of love and attunement as it vibrates deeply in your own heartplace and that of your brothers and sisters who have and are of the collective in form at this point in our mutual history, and it has and fills us with great joy, and that is simply that which we wish to serve upon the plate of your awareness and those of your collective.

Channel: Thank you.  It is a powerful blessing and wisdom, and I have and consume it with gratitude, and I have and will serve it with efficiency in a timely fashion.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: That is all we have and we offer our prayers of profound gratitude for and hold to the light of hope for in our hearts. We have and would take our leave, if you have and are so willing to grant it, sister, for there is much that has and calls us to our requirement in service to the light of Mother Gaia, as you have and are aware.

Channel: Thank you, and so many blessings. Blessings be and Godspeed.

Great Spirit of The Monarch Butterfly: We have and receive your attunement with gratitude and great joy in our heart. It is sufficient.


#77 The Great Spirit of the Stone


#75 The Great Spirit of the Foxglove