#75 The Great Spirit of the Foxglove

The Great Spirit of the Foxglove delivers fascinating guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. On occasion I like to offer a little bit of an explanation about how a particular spirit  of the natural world is brought to my attention. A master gardener giving me a tour of her garden pointed out the Foxglove and spoke of not planting it until her children were grown because if consumed is poisonous . She told me while all parts of the Foxglove plant are poisonous parts of the plant that grow above the ground can be used for medicine. Chemicals taken from foxglove are used to make a prescription drug called digoxin. Foxglove is most commonly used for heart failure and fluid build up in the body (congestive heart failure or CHF).



Great Spirit of The Foxglove: We have and are willing to attune our awareness with your own, daughter. We have heard your knock and we are pleased that you have and respond to our own with such rapidity. It pleases us and we are grateful.

Channel: Welcome, Great Spirit of The Foxglove. I am honored to be in receivership of your light.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: You have and understand a bit about our nature at this point – do you not, daughter?

Channel: A bit.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: We would seek to have you enumerate that which is the understanding that you have claimed to yourself this day, as you have and are so willing, of course.

Channel: You are beautiful in form and you have great potency and power within you to be that which has in small measure assist with that which is digitalis, digoxin, which helps people who are having heart irregularities; however, there’s also got - guided that in too great an amount your, this aspect of your nature can be toxic or poisonous to those of our species.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: It is adequate, daughter. You are correct. And it is this nature we have and would offer is not unique to our own expression, yet most, if you will, [pause] calling forth that which is high discernment to those who would avail themselves of the consumption of that which has and is of our form. Is it not so that there are many compounds, materials that have and know themselves as that which is a song of great benefit, a great healing tonic or tincture, that which has and vibrates with the nature, transform or transmute that which is out of balance in the field of another. We speak of their physicality. Is this not so?

Channel: Yes, it is so.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: And yet, as one has and would consume a greater portion of that which has and is culled or extracted, if you will, from that which has a particular nature, that which has and would be great healing application may then also know itself as that which has and would, in a manner, create a toxic or poisonous imbalance, within the field of the physical form of another. Yes?

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of The Foxglove. That is as I’ve been guided and taught.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: We are not the only beings, if you will, whose nature can be known as that of great healer or that which has and through its nature may cause that which is undesired consequence to those who have and would be in receivership therein. We would offer that there are those of your own species who have and have been known both as that which is a healing and beautiful addition to the song of informed life here in this planet, and yet there are times when, if you will, the addition of many, many, many of you in your physical form has and is in truth, toxic to many of the others who have and know themselves as fellow inhabitants of this particular plane.

We do not feel, for the most part, this is your intention. We feel your intention is to simply be a part of a greater community, although we would offer there are those who hold the distortion that all that has and is not of the human expression or species has and is in some magical way placed here simply as that which has and is at your disposal for your consumption, your destruction, your pleasure, your entertainment, or your education. We do not speak of all, for there are many who have and are quite honoring of that which is their fellow neighbor, be that a being in a form that is of human nature, or of other, and we have and are most grateful for this attunement in the fields of those of your own species, your own clan who have and are most aware and grateful for that which is the blessing of all who have and are a part of this great community of flow.

We are not suggesting as some may consider that there is a great reduction in that which is your numbers. That has and is not our intent. We would, however, offer that as you have and turn the will of your own heartplace, each and all, toward that which is the light of high discernment, you have and may know yourselves as that whose nature has and offers that which has and would be a healing tonic, or at the very least, that which does not offer that which is a toxin or toxic to your local and greater environs.

It is not that which cannot be in truth, titrated through your own will. It is not that which cannot be, if you will, shifted through your own intent. It is simply a matter, if you do not mind us offering, of great desire and discernment as to the highest right action for each and all who have and share this particular plane of expression with you and who have and would be most grateful to know that which is your intent served upon all of the others from a place that titrac – titrates it… pardon us … sufficiently such that it has and knows itself as healing balm, as blessing, as that which has  and serves the rebalancing of that which is, if you will, out of its appropriate vibrational attunement, much as we and that aspect of our own nature has and serves the rebalancing, the steadying of the irregular heartbeat of that which you may understand as a tachycardia or other in your own species when offered and served in adequate and no greater than amount, such that it has and is consumed in a manner to be efficacious and healing, rather than if one had and was to take too great an amount and consume it and ingest it, wherein that has and would create or call forth a greater imbalance in your field.

We are not  in our nature that which has and is able to be dispensary and that which has and would measure what would be considered an accurate or appropriate amount of that which has and is extracted and retrieved from our own physical expression for the ingestion and application to each and all of your own tribe; however, we offer you have and are of such a nature that you have and are able to be that which is the dispenser of that which is your own intent and through this you have the blessing and we would offer the responsibility as you have and are so willing to claim that which is the dispensing of your own actions and intentions in such a manner that as you have and would serve them in and through the willing or unwilling throats of all other beings who have and know themselves as part of this greater song of life, you have and do not through malintent, ignorance, or unawareness serve that which continues to be most toxic to each and all.

We speak not of of the willing intent to destroy or dissolve those other and fellow neighbors and fellows of the greater community of the Gaia-light. We speak rather of the intent that has and serves as that which has and would call forth, or seek to continue in manners of your own consumption of that which are the resources of this plane in a manner that has and calls forth great and greatly destructive imbalance. It is not the most pleasant of descriptives, and yet it vibrates with accuracy and therefore we have and would claim it into the forefront of our own awareness and with respect, serve it upon the plate of your own.

We do not seek to turn away from that which is our worthy service to you and others, for that is our nature. We have and simply offer that we feel it is your nature as well to be a blessed and worthy and valued neighbor and fellow member of this great community that we have and are so blessed to know ourselves part of. We simply would suggest as you have and are so willing to open the ears of your heart and consider it that you have and become in greater attunement, if you will, to the amount that you have and would serve down and into the throats of all through that which is the song of your intent, and is it not a place of high discernment, those who have and are of the human family to understand, if you will, to discern as we would offer that which has and may not be offered or called forth through your intent as malintent, and yet it is timely, my friends, to conflate that which has and is the unpleasant consequence with that which has and is the action, the intention, and the will-based claiming of those of your own kind.

We simply ask as you are willing to have you, if you will, place the lens of discernment upon the eyes of your heart and to seek no longer through lack of awareness or other to contaminate, to poison that which is the greater organism that has and is what is and may know itself as our mother, the Gaia, the source from which we all have and knew ourselves called forth into physical expression and that which has and would seek with great and heart-felt desire to continue in this service and this song of creative flow.

We have and appreciate the willingness of those of your species, your family to have and receive that which is perhaps a bitter tonic, and it is not our desire to offer that which is distasteful, rather to offer that which is served with the seasoning of our hope and our prayers of gratitude for your open-hearted receivership therein, and your willing nature to have, and as you call and align yourselves with that which is the consequence of that which you have and have claimed into physical form with your actions, through your inactions, through your intent, and through your denial, if you do not mind us offering, so you have and will no longer choose to be out of tune, if you will, with that which is the great song of high discernment, of right action in this particular point in our mutual history of physical expression.

We are most blessed to be able to sing the song of our heart, however unpleasant the tune may be. For we have and, if you will, could not sleep or rest without that which is the serving of our own prayer of gratitude for your open and willing heart to be in, if not joyous receivership, at least an open and willing and honoring receivership therein. We have and offer that which we would place upon the plate of your awareness and we have and are so grateful for your willingness to stay and receive that which is the song of our deep, deep desire, our deep wisdom, and that which we have and would seek to call forth in your own field, as you have and embrace that which is your foxglove nature, that which has and knows itself as both a great healer and a great destroyer as it has and may know itself consumed, yes?

We leave at this place for we have offered the song of our heart with a simple reminder, if you have and are so willing to bless us with the patience of your receivership, and that is to remind that there is not that in our own nature that has the capacity, the ability to select how much of what we have and are is in truth consumed by those of your own species. However, this is where we have and are most different. For you have and through the will of your heartplace, you are able to discern and to claim that you have and would only seek to serve that which is of healing and beneficial nature to each and all of those who you have and cohabitate in this dimension, rather than that other aspect where you have and serve that which has and would call forth the destruction or the poisoning, if you will, of the physical form of those who have and are your neighbors in this plane.

It is that we sought to sing, and we are grateful for the opportunity. We have and offer blessings of high discernment as each and all call to themselves that which is their foxglove nature, as it has and is in attunement with your own which holds and we offer is highly blessed to know themselves in the companionship in the freedom of will to choose in what manner and what quantity to serve that which may be known as great healing balm, or known as other. It is in truth, sufficient daughter. We have and as you are willing would take our leave and offer you the blessings of the evening.

Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of The Foxglove. I have and receive your wisdom and guidance and with deep appreciation I have and will offer it to those of my family, my collective. Blessings be.

Great Spirit of The Foxglove: And to you, daughter. We take our leave.


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