#77 The Great Spirit of the Stone

The Great Spirit of the Stone offers fascinating guidance in today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.

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Welcome friends, this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. On occasion I like to offer a little bit of an explanation about how a particular spirit of the natural world is brought to my attention. One day last summer I went blueberry picking with a friend and a local farm. The side of the farmhouse boasted a huge hand built stone flu several stories high. As the story goes, the stones used to construct the chimney of this New England farmhouse had been gathered by the farmer’s daughter when the home was being built. That is how I was guided to channel the Great Spirit of the Stone. A transcript is available in the show notes for this episode on gaiatranslate.com


Great Spirit of The Stone: And so, you have received the knock of our awareness, sister, and we are grateful for we have sought your awareness a bit of late. We are not that which sings with great, if you will, volume, and yet we have and are more as steady hum or murmur in the awareness of one or other. For we are so familiar, so much a part of the landscape of this particular realm of physical expression that oftentimes we are … we would not say taken for granted, but rather we recessed into the background of that which simply is, rather than that which has and would seek to be acknowledged as an active part of your particular environ.

We have and are that which is, and we are the emissaries therein, of the Great Spirit of that which you understand as rock, as stone, as boulder, as cliff, as that which has and is the bones, or are the bones, if you will, that have and support a great amount of the physical plane that you have and would tread upon, that you have and would seek to know as great companion and worthy servant, if you will, to that which is your own need state, that which has and supports you in many, many aspects, that which has and separates you in other aspect.

In this, we have and would offer it is not our desire to be that which has and creates a barrier or boundary between this or that, that has and is the will or whim, if you will, of your own species through the delineation of the structures or the creations of this wall of stone, of that boundary that you have and would seek to encompass yourselves with and to say this patch of the flesh of Gaia is only for those of my own clan, that patch of the flesh of Gaia is not part of that which we have and understand as for our own exclusive use or other.

And while we appreciate the application of this aspect of our own expression, nevertheless it is not our intent to be that which divides. Rather, it has and is our intent to serve as a member of the community of life. And while we have and may not be understood as being that which has and is alive from how you have and would define it, for we are not in requirement to pull in and to excrete, if you will, that which is one or another particular balance of chemistry, such as oxygen or other. Nevertheless, we would offer and invite you to understand us as holding within us that awareness, that attunement, that conscious alignment with the greater understanding of all that has and is. For we have and acknowledge your own expression, and there have been many points in our mutual history where together we have and unite most beautifully in the honoring and the calling-forth, if you will, of that which is our higher attunement.

It is a well-worn example, and yet we offer have you not found that through calling and invoking that which is our great power, our light, and our capacity, you have created much that have and would hold, honor, or acknowledge your relation with that which are the vibrations that are beyond the physical expression of your species and our own. Is it not so, the many structures and temples, those which you understand as pyramids in certain parts, be they of the west or east of your own constructs, have and attune you through that which is your relations with that which has and is within a form to that which has and is not in requirement therein.

We further offer we have been that which has offered shelter through that which is the hollow place in our form. We have and are that which has and aligns that which is your own attunement through that which is your own calibration or honoring or invocation to many who you have and would seek to represent either through the carving of our own expression in one manner or other through that which is the gathering and rearranging of much of what we have and are in a particular form or structure with a particular intent as that which is the guidepost to what you have and would seek to attune yourselves with, and we have and are most joy-filled to have and serve together as partners, as you have and would seek to call forth that which is your creative flow and that of your intent through that which is the embracing of our particular and unique structure in service to that which has and is the manifestation of your attunement, yes?

We are that which has and is born most directly from the breast of Gaia. We are that which has known ourselves able and flowing with great power from that which is the heart of her creative expression. It is in truth, a misnomer to consider that which you understand as rock as being that which is unmalleable, not simply by that which has and is your own hand upon a tool, but rather that which has and knows itself in an intimate relation with those others, those other elements, such as the waters, which have and carve us much as you have and carve through that which would be your stonemasons or your … those who have and would sculpt and call forth the other aspects that have and rest within us in potential and possibility.

We further have and offer it is wise and timely to acknowledge that when one has and seeks to be a respectful and willing partner with all aspects of life in this particular plane, one has, and is it not polite, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge that which is the great spirit that is held within all aspects of physical form? It is in some manner understood within the heartplace of many, for there are those in your history who have and were most honoring, who have and understood that what you had and would seek to call forth in your own will-based expression has and would be most highly in attunement when you had and sought permission, if you will, and offer gratitude as you have and would be willing to the spirits of those who have and are the stones, those who have and are the great song of that which is the bones, if you will, of this particular plane, and of the Gaia.

We carry much within us that has and knows itself as that which has and is, if you will, a history of sorts. For we are not that which is created in an instant, or even in a day, a year, a decade, or a century. Those are inconsequential in truth. For we consider you short-lived, and while you have and may be most beautiful in your expression, to us you have and are much as that which would be a mayfly or other, have and are to you. And this does not diminish your grace and your light. It simply is a matter of perspective, is it not? For we have and hold a deep and, if you will, honored awareness of all that has and has flowed prior to your rather recent expression here and all that has and may flow subsequent therein.

We are not suggesting you have and will not be a part of that which has and will flow in the future seasons of our own expression; however, we would offer it is perhaps timely for you in all of your own expression as brothers and sisters, as distant relatives of our own species, to have and to consider the relation you have and would hold with all aspects of the Gaia, with all aspects of life, with all aspects of her creative intent. For in this there is much to be gained, and without this – from your perspective, we would offer – you many find there is an equal amount that has and is and will be lost.

We are those who have and bear both the physical out picturing of the changing of the seasons of what you understand as the evolution of this particular plane of physical expression, and yet we have and accept it, for it simply has and is how we have known ourselves in relation with those other aspects of physical expression, such as the climate, the winds, the waters, the flames and all of these have and dance with us, and we have and dance with them. For we are not unwilling, as you have and bear witness to the many, many, many individuate particles that create and make up what you understand as sand. We would ask that you consider within the heartplace of each and every grain that you perceive as that which has and knows itself born from the great source of the river of the stone.

We have and enjoy our own ability to have and know ourselves in various and we consider quite beautiful expression. And are we not also that which has and through the various reconfigurations of our make up knows itself as that which has and may call forth various minerals and other compositions, much as one who has and holds a pantry full of ingredients, and through which the Gaia in her infinite variety has and calls forth many, many different dishes, if you will, that have and are born from various elements of our physical nature.

We have and enjoy this, these great varieties of expression, and we find it confusing in truth, to bear witness to those from those of our perspective rather slight variations in your own physical forms in your own expression that have and are called forth most naturally through that which is your own particular, if you will, planting in the soil of one or another part of the geography of this plane. And yet, rather than have and relish and enjoy that which is the great song of the creative source of variation, born of physical environ, we have and find you are afeared in truth, and resistant to any small variation in your physical out picturing as a family of human origin, and this is most peculiar to us, in truth. For we have and delight in that which is a recombination or reconfiguration of those elements that have and, if you will, would be part of that which has or may be called forth through a slight rearrangement of the various opportunities for creation through that which is the Gaia-light. And in this, we would invite you, as you are willing, to reconsider all that has and is in the beauty of your variation in a physical form, not as that to be distrusted or doubted or in some manner judged as lesser or greater than, but simply as that which is another dish that has been called forth through that which is the pantry of potential in all that has and is the great delight, and beauty, and possibility of your human expression.

We have and would offer, we have enjoyed a few more seasons in this particular plane of expression than those of your own species, and we will continue. We sing now as an invitation to invite you and those of your own species to that which has and is a shift of sorts, as you have and are so willing, in that which is your heartplace where you have and would reconsider that which is the great and beautiful variety that has and is a part of your own expression of your own light, as that which has and through its variety, through its differentiation, through its creative unfoldment, is a thing of great joy and wonder and a blessing as it has and invokes that which is the continual expansion of your own physical, emotional, and vibratory fields.

In this, we have and would invite you. We have and are most willing to partner and to sing in our quiet manner that which has and is a song of gratitude and of willing companionship. For are there not many who have sought to be held within the grace of our steadying light when you have and rest gently with your weary hearts upon that which is the broader expanse of our great arms of physical out picturing, be it in that which are the great mountains, be it in that which has and are the shores that have and border that which are the great waters, be it atop the cliff or within the cave, be it upon this or that or other plane wherein perhaps a bit above is a bit of soil or plant life, and yet below we have and hold steady and serve to offer that which is the great infrastructure, if you will, much that has and is the great song of physical expression that is the Gaia-light.

We have and appreciate our relationship with those of the human species. For you have and honor us in many aspects as you have and call us to that which is the creation of this or that form that has and is in attunement with your higher understanding, or your desire to honor and to respect that which has and is not of a physical nature, but that which has and is, if you will, a constant and beautiful companion and part of each and all. Are not your great churches, temples, structures, and even that which has and is more commonly understood as the great structures that have and are your skyscrapers or other constructs, are they not known to be born of that which has and is in some manner or another accessing or, if you will, calling forth that which is the great strength of our capacity and our will? And we have and are not unwilling to serve in this manner.

We simply have and would seek that you have and acknowledge there is more to us than simply that which is inert, simply that which is unaware, simply that which is to be used and discarded, used and removed if it has and is in the way. And while we are not unwilling to know ourselves reconfigured a bit, we simply would seek that which has and is a bit of by-your-leave. And while we would not argue as you would understand it, it has and is simply a matter of respecting one’s neighbors, is it not? And in this, you have and may find yourselves most pleased, as you have and attune that which is the deeper awareness within your heartplace to that which is the song of the great power of our own will, our own nature, and our own light.

We have and sought to reach out at this point in our mutual histories, for we are aware there is much that is, if you will, not held in great steadiness that has and is not only of your own expression, but the consequence, if you will, of certain actions, will-based or other, that have and are being called forth by your species, and we have and would seek to invoke and to suggest that you have and may avail yourselves that which is your own stone nature, that which is has and is the nature of that which has and is steady, strong, stalwart, and unable to be blown about quite so much or so rapidly, or easily in truth, by the winds of public opinion, of cultural happenstance, or that which has and would be a rather, if you do not mind us offering, myopic view of what has and may serve a great and essential foundation for your own continuance and that of many, many, many other members of this particular community.

We speak of that which has and is the community of life as you have and understand it, and as you have and for many are unaware that has and are your neighbors and fellow members of that which is the Gaia-light. To know yourselves as blessed, as that which has and was invited to partake and participate in this particular, if you will, song of life is to acknowledge that you are not alone, nor ever have been and to seek as you are willing to realign yourselves with the blessing, the power, and the grace of that which is your own stone nature, such that you have and call forth that which is your own ability to steady yourselves and to seek to understand how you have and would continue in the greater season of your own unfoldment and how it may or may not be so efficient to walk alone when you have and have known yourself most blessed to walk in companionship with many, many other life forms, many who have and may serve your need state as you perceive it in one manner or another, and many other who have and serve through their own nature that which is in right relation with the need state of others.

For in truth, there is none that has and is not a part of the greater weave of this alignment that has been called forth through the mastery and the will of Gaia. And we humbly suggest who are we, or in truth, you to question the greater wisdom of one who has called all that you have and understand in this physical plane into a physical form as being less than essential or extraneous, or lacking in a use when you only have and would seek or are able to perceive it as how it has and may serve your own need state as a small and, if you will, limited expression.

We do not speak of your numbers; we speak of your awareness and we are not seeking to be rude or disrespectful. We simply seek to speak the truth without distortion. For we have, as we have offered, a rather more expansive perception of how all has and flows simply by our nature, which is not prone as you are to that which is the short or short-lived physical embodiment that has and is that which has and is of a human expression, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Stone.

Great Spirit of The Stone: We do not seek to continue to serve other than that which is our desire to offer that which is the grace of calling forth that which would be the mantle of your own stone nature to each and all as you have and would open your heartplace to your attunement with the great power of our capacity to be steadfast and to accept the various flow that has and is a part of the greater dance, if you will, of interrelation and to have and honor how each and all many have and take their point of alignment to join in the song. Is it not a blessing, brothers and sisters, to allow all the opportunity to continue to sing when it is much as the great silence of non-existence? While that may be the companion you seek, we offer it is not that which you have and have grown up and with, and those who have and would come forth through your issue may find themselves somewhat bereft of the companionship that has and would steady their heart as well as their flesh should you have and continue in that which is the river of unawareness that has carried so many so far.

Do not receive the gift of our song with other than that which has and is an open-hearted intent to have and serve a bit of our own wisdom from a greater perspective in terms of clock-time than you have and may be able to avail yourselves of. For we are not seeking to denigrate or deny the great song of your own heart and your heart-light. Rather, we seek to invite you to a slightly broader perspective and to call forth that which is the wisdom that rests most beautifully within the heartplace of each and all of your species should you have and seek to attune to it.

It is that blessing we have and confer upon you, each and all of those of the beautiful species of the human collective, and we have and would offer that as our song of grace bestowed to those who have and are so willing to receive it. It is that we sought to sing. We have and know our missive served upon the awareness of the channel and we have and would take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.

Channel: I have and I am, Great Spirit of the Stone, the Rock. Thank you for your blessing and your light and the conference of the mantle of your grace. Blessings be.

Great Spirit of The Stone: And to you, daughter. We appreciate your open and willing heart. It is sufficient. We take our leave.


#78 The Great Spirit of the Sea Otter


#76 The Great Spirit of the Monarch Butterfly