#32: The Great Spirit of the Mangrove
Photo: Blue Forests/Flickr CC
This episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast channels wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Mangrove.
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Welcome to the Gaia Translate podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. I like to start each episode with a little bit of the backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit and it this case a dramatic headline of a recent instagram post from the World Wildlife Federation caught my attention and I quote: “We have lost 45% of the World’s mangroves.” Yikes! I was reminded of the time, my father, a Florida, resident moved his boat deep into the mangrove forest to protect it from the damaging winds and surge of an oncoming hurricane. Remarkably, this worked. The hurricane did blow right through and yet my father’s boat, safely tucked within the dense mangrove forest made it unscathed. A transcript of today’s episode is available at www.gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Mangrove: That which is essential is so often overlooked. That wis –that which is essential is so often overlooked, daughter. We appreciate your receivership of our knock. We are that which has and is The Great Spirit of the Mangrove and we do not seek to claim ourselves as more or less essential than any other aspect of this natural environment, rather simply as that which has and through our nature has and serves most willingly, and in truth with great delight, and yet we have and know those who we have and are companions of, those who have and are our neighbors and our fellow, if you will, inhabitants beneath the waters, within the waters that have and abound at that edge, while not of dimensions, yet it could be, yes? For there are those who have and know themselves limited by their capacity to only have and be within the waters, and there are those who have and know themselves limited, if you will, by their capacity to only have and thrive fully without the waters. And then there are those as we are, what we would understand as “bridge beings” as beings or forces of life who have and offer that which is the great and open arms of our heart, such that we have and may contribute to many, many, many different members of the natural world, and we are most pleased and delighted to so serve.
It has been that which is of late a great grief of our heart. For as you have, and we do not deny you this right, your species, your collective, has sought to claim those environments that are essential and native to our own expression for that which is your own need state, your desire to reconfigure in a physical manner for that which has and in truth is understood as obstruction to the view, or less than pleasant to wade within, or whatever has and is in your heart, and we understand that all have and seek what they have and seek, and yet you have and are calling to yourselves with our own destruction, removal, and if you will, the ignorance of how we have and serve that has and simply is a constant companion to many of your own species. You have and would call to your selves and to those of our own nature that which has and is a greater imbalance, not simply for our own expression, as those who have and know themselves in physical form as a mangrove, but those who have and know their own home, their own environments, their own communities as that which has and rests within the song of our awareness in physical form.
We have and offer protection and diminishment of that which may be a less than gentle relationship between that which are the seas, the waters, and that which are the lands. We are that which has and is, if you will, a transition of sorts, one that has and offers that which is a more gentle, more gentling engagement of those who have and know themselves as only one or other nature.We have and also serve as has been discovered of late with great attunement of that which is the holding within, if you will, through our nature much that has and is being discharged into the environment of late, those gases that have and call forth great imbalance and that have and call forth that which has and is in truth a great grief to our own heart. For while we have and know our roots, if you will, and part of our nature most able to be within the waters, yet there is that other aspect of us that has and knows itself unable to continue if we have and are not held within that which is the great waters of the air.
We have called to the imagination of the channel that image that has and is of one of your own kind, if you will, planted within the sand. Not by choice, we offer, and as they have and are aware they watch that which is the tide that has and rises and will claim them through no intent or desire of their own, but yet through the action of the other. For they have and while they are able to survive as long as they are breathing and the capacity to have and consume that which is oxygen and that which is of the atmosphere above the waters has and allows them the continuance of their life form, when that which has and is the rising of the waters has and would fully encase and consume them, they have and as we would express it, know themselves as drowned, as suffocated, as unable to continue in that which is the expression of their physical ex – [stammer – 0:07:36] their physical form under those circumstances.
And while we understand this is a violent and unpleasant image, yet it has and is what we in great measure, those who have and know themselves in physical form as mangrove, have and face as we have and are aware the great imbalance of that which is the climate has and calls forth through its imbalance the rising of the waters and in this we have and while we do not sing in a manner that you have and are able to perceive, yet we have and are most filled with grief and distress as we have and watch that which has always been a place of great service and light, our own home, if you will, being swallowed up as our own life force has and is unable to know itself in the blessing of continuance when there is not that we have and are in able to consume through that which you may understand as breath, as you may understand as food source or other that has and is of the airs.
In this we have and would seek to open a bit the great song of your compassion, of your heart, as you have and would attune yourselves to how we have and are and perceive that which is the great rising of the tides of circumstance in physical expression, as things have and do not shift and in this we would offer we have and are mighty servants and willingly so in protection and honoring of these various environs, and in truth as you have noted of late, that which has and is the great [0:10:00] imbalance in the physical attunement of this plane has and calls forth a, if you will, more aggressive or more violent, not by desire per se, but simply by nature, relationship between that are the waters and that which are the land, and we have always been there and not sought great accolade or gratitudes from those of your own species and other life forms that have and know themselves as native to that which are the lands that have and abut the great waters, for we have and simply are that which is a gentling song to the great force that is the nature of the waters when they have and play with the winds.
We are great servants and serve Gaia with much gratitude, honor, and delight, and yet we have and feel her and hear her and know her pain and understand how much has and is torn away from that which was the song of grace bestowed by that which is the mighty wisdom, and we understand, creative mastery of this being and her intent to have and call forth that which has and allows her various children to engage with each other without undue harm or inadvertent destruction. We seek to offer our service which we have and are most aware will be and has been essential to the continuance of many, including those of your own expression who have sought to settle themselves in that which is the shoreline, the coast line, that place which has and holds great appeal in the heart place of many, we feel, of your species that has and is the song of that which is the union of the great waters with that which is the land and that which lives upon it, above it, within it, and below it.
We have and would encourage a great and powerful companionship and relation and we have and would invite you to seek as you are able, not simply to diminish that which you have and call forth as great imbalance that has and calls forth that which we have and perceive as the riding - [stammer - 0:13:21] rising tides physically of our own dissolution, but also that which as you have and would seek to reinform us, to culture us, to claim us as a mighty blessing that has and will assist you in that which is the mitigation of the great consumption of the land mass that has and abuts the great waters. You have and will know yourselves well-served. It is simply that we sought to call to your awareness and to offer our service as we have done and to seek the blessing of your willingness to hold in your own awareness that which has and is the great grief of our heart place of all who have been removed or in truth, forgotten, ignored, and therefore facing that which is their inevitable drowning should you have and not seek to reconfigure your relationship, not simply with our own expression, but with that of all who have and sing in the choir of this environment.
We are powerful beings. We have a powerful and we would offer, compassionate nature and is simply our intent to have and serve, to bless, to steady, and to call forth that which is through our own intent and that of yours, a rebalancing and realignment in right relation, such that we each have and may continue to serve and may continue to know ourselves in an informed expression without that which is the great threat of drowning through that which is perhaps ignorance, perhaps unawareness, or perhaps that which has and does not understand if you have and do not seek through your own open and joy-filled heart to open your arms to our relation, our relationship as fellow members of a single community of life, then perhaps simply as that which may serve you as it has and would mitigate all that has and is upon us.
We are not that which has and carries deep grudge, or seeks to have and call forth that which is other than openhearted and joy-filled attunement in service, as we have been offered and called forth with great gratitude in service to the Gaia, our mother light, and we offer yours as well. In this we have and would be most grateful to be allowed to continue in our service as that which is the song, the attunement between these different aspects of the natural world in the manner that has and serves all beautifully, simply, and undeniably, and in this we have and are most grateful for your willingness, each and all, to have and receive our song of grief, concern, and hope. It is our nature to be hopeful, for we have understood how that which is in the great expression of one or other of the children of Gaia may know itself gentled a bit when it is received with open arms of compassion. And so we have and would seek to have those of your own expression, those of the human expression have and open their own heart place in receivership of that which is their mangrove nature, which we have and feel is most in attunement for many, many, many of your own species, as we have and would vibrates deeply in your heart place as that which simply has and as you claim it as that which seeks to embrace with compassion, with the arms of compassion and willingness to be that which has and allows the variation in the song and tune of the natural world to know itself able to be joined in a greater concert of alignment.
In this we have and have offered that, and with great prayers of joy-filled anticipation, await that which is the embrace and the welcoming of that which is the arms of the heart place of those of your beautiful species, for while we have and are not particularly enjoying our current relation, we have and understand that all have and grow as all have and seek to understand themselves and their relationship with all other expression. It is that we sought to serve and we have and are most grateful, joy-filled, and with great anticipation offer prayers of joyous gratitude for your great and timely awakening, brothers and sisters of the light. We have and take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it, and we have and offer you the blessings of an open and joy-filled heart.
Channel: Thank you Great Spirits, Spirit of the Mangrove. You have and sing beautiful and wounded song. I have and acknowledge your grief and I have and offer my apologies for all that has happened on behalf of my own expression, my species, to those of your own. Please accept that as you are willing.
Great Spirit of the Mangrove: We are not unwilling, daughter, and we understand that you have and are simply that which is conduit for our flow, and we do not judge. We simply seek to return to the greater song of attunement and that which has and is the expansion through our own right relation with those of your own expression, and all other members of those who have and are for human and lacking in human structure family, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. Blessings be.
Great Spirit of the Mangrove: It is complete, daughter, as you are willing. We have and take our leave.