#31: The Great Spirit of the Maggot

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This episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast channels guidance from the Great Spirit of the Maggot.

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Welcome to the Gaia Translate podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman In this episode I channel the Great Spirit of the Maggot. I like to start each episode with a bit of context of what drew me to channel a particular spirit of the natural world.  And a few months back I glanced out at my deck only to  discover a little dead bird, perhaps an unwitting victim of the glass sliders.  As I set about to remove the little body which hadn’t been there the day before I was surprised to discover there was already a swarm of maggots efficiently consuming the remains. Both the carcass and the feeding maggots were moved together into the woods nearby allowing them to continue this natural process of reclamation. A transcript of today’s episode is available at www.gaiatranslate.com


Great Spirit of the Maggot: We have and appreciate your willingness to be in receivership of our attuned awareness, and we have and would acknowledge we are that which you have and your species has, if you will, nicknamed that which is Maggot. For as you have and are aware we are Maggot, but yet we have and source from that which are the larvae of the fly and other. However, for those who have and would attune their awareness with great efficiency, we have and are not unwilling to be known as that which is The Spirit of the Maggot.

We have sought your awareness. We felt rather clearly today as you have and observed, and we have and are grateful for the timely receivership of our knock. We have and would offer that we have and serve a mighty service, not simply to those who have and know themselves seeking to return that physical aspect of their expression into that which is the Mother’s breast, but to all who have and would seek to know that which is their own waste product, not simply that which has and has known itself to have passed out of physical form such that there is that which is the shell, the body, if you will, that has and we have and serve with great diligence to have and transmute into that which has and is re-gathered back into the breast of Gaia.

We have and find it amusing that you have and seek these great and complex methods to have and to, if you will, reclaim that which has and it is our pleasure, our joy, and our nature to have and serve the return of with great efficiency we might offer, and we have and would suggest it is timely to consider, as you are willing, the shifting of certain rather common behaviors that you have taken up of late, that which has and is the burying that which is organic in matter, that which has and would be far, we feel, better served to know itself reclaimed into the Gaia with great efficiency, which has and is that which is our nature and our high service as we have and understand ourselves in attunement in this particular dimension.

Is it not wise, brothers and sisters, to take that which you have and no longer in need of or that which are the remains of your meal or other that you have and would simply seek to dispose of and offer it in a manner that has and would call us to our service with great efficiency and if you do not mind us offering, without that which then becomes contaminant, or undigestible by those of our own resource. Is it not timely to know that which has and is the genius, the exquisite attunement that has and is served to each and all of us as we have and know ourselves able and willing to express our highest nature in service to that which is the continuance of flow in many aspects here in this plane.

We have and serve your species in many aspects as you have and understand our capacity to have and digest and transmute that which has and is, if you will, no longer vital with life force, that which has and serves as contaminant to those other aspects of a being who has and is, if you will, in compromised position, has and is but one of our many talents. We have and further offer we are that which is used by those who have and are in the field of understanding the length of clock time that has occurred between that which is the passing of the spirit from the physical form and that which is the dissolution through that which is our efficient action and our service as we have and understand our nature. Is that not so, daughter?

Channel: From what I have read, it is so, yes. I understand that and it’s fascinating, in truth.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: It is quite efficient, honestly, and we have and offer that more are guided to, if you will, peruse your devices and to learn a bit more about the many, many services that those who have and are identified as maggot have and deliver to each and all of your own species and too many, many others, as you have and are aware. You have and they understand us as the “clean-up crew,” however, there is a difference. We are more that which has a naturally composts, if you will, rather than that which has and simply carries away and places and covers up with the earth in hopes that it has and may return from where it has been placed into that which is the breast of Gaia with efficiency of flow.

To deny that there is that which is the requirement in this physical plane of that which is the efficient reclamation of that which is an empty vessel no longer filled with that which is the light of life, has and is a distortion, if you do not mind us offering, for we have and serve most efficiently and there is that which as it would have and remain unclaimed, unconsumed, un-transmuted into that which has and is in ease of receivership back into the breast of Gaia, has and would, if you will, become residents or home as it were, or feeding ground for that which has and offers a greater, if you will, potential for unpleasant consequence for those of your own species and others. In this we have and are grateful to be that which is called forth as the first arrival upon that which is the passing of another’s physical form, such that we have and may serve as we are designed and not, if you will, leave that which for the most part has and is a point of potential contamination for those of your species and others. 

We do not expect that each and all of you will have and choose to have that of our own species as “pet” or “houseguest,” for it is understood that that is less than appealing and in truth, perhaps not wise for we have and are able to carry that which may not be in higher service to your own the m- the balanced presentation of your own matrix in physical form, and it is understood; however, we would seek to have, if you will, that which is in attunement, a respect, and a seeking to be willing and respectful neighbors and partners in that which is a rebalanced relation for there are many who have and would seek to know themselves reclaimed with efficiency and simply we honor that request.

You are aware that we have and also serve as that which is, although not our primary service, offered up as bait or foodstuff for those you would have and seek to consume yourself, those who have and breath the air of the waters, and those who have and are of this fis – the fish species … Pardon our mispronunciation … and we have and are not unwilling to serve in this matter, as it has and is that which has and offers a blessing of worthy service, a contribution to that which is the greater flow of continuance for many who have and know themselves in the human physical expression, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: And if there are other who have and are the blessings of our nature that have and are yet to be, if you will, on earth by those of your own inquisitive nature, those who have and are in the tribe of scientist or other, and we have and are not unwilling to share these that which is the blessing of our own nature with those of your own species as you have and are so willing to be in receivership therein. We simply sought to call forth that which is a bit of a re-attunement in that which is your own willing intent, as you have and are so willing to serve it. For is it not efficient, and in truth, in attunement with the Gaia to have that which is the species of those who have and are maggot to be called into greater service with your own will-based intent and who have and know ourselves in a point of blessing for we have and are quite effective and efficient as we have been designed to be that which has and transmutes and reconfigures that which has and is in requirement of reabsorption into that which is the flesh of the Gaia, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you. Thank you for your, your offering and your clarity and your wisdom, Great Spirit of the Fly Larvae, of the Maggot.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: You are welcome, daughter. And we appreciate you seeking to attune yourself to that which is, if you will, more accurate description of what we have and are. That was what we had and sought to offer for there is at this point in our mutual history a place of, if you will, great opportunity and potential and also great dissolution of when that has and is not called forth into right alignment. For you have and are mighty contributors into all that has and would seek our service as we have and are so willing, and we have and offer it is perhaps timely to consider that that which has and is organic in nature, that which has and is the remnants of the flesh of the being, that which you have and would toss into that which is your trash receptacle. Is it not better to simply offer it into that which has and may be received through that which is the composting, or in truth, that which is your own, if you will, resource where you have and serve it to those of our own kind in your own manner, yes?

Channel: Yes, thank you.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: It is in truth that which we have and offer ourselves up as willing servants and honored issue of Gaia as you have and are, for we have been kept at bay a bit from that which is our highest service to her need state at this point in our mutual history, and so we offer, if you do not mind us, that you have and are not serving in your own highest aspect, and it is that that we have and would seek to rectify as you have and know yourself invited to and encouraged in truth to return to that which is the blessing of a partnership of sorts, a respectful and honored attunement to all we have and offer, not simply as child of Gaia, but as willing servant to her need state at this point in our mutual history. We have and are grateful and in our hearts we feel great possibility and offer prayers of gratitude, again and again, for this willingness of those of your own species to have and serve that to us which has and is in our nature to transmute and to know as recli – reclaimed in that which has and does not offer that which is, if you will, additional damage to that which is the ecosystem of this particular plane of awareness.

It is timely, brothers and sisters, for us to turn and walk together as partners, if you will, in that which is the rebalancing of our mutual Mother. Do you not agree?

Channel: I do agree, and I am sure many of my own family of human awareness have and also agreeing. Thank you for your wisdom and your light and your offer of partnership in this manner.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: You are welcome, daughter. We have and are most joy-filled to know that which we had and would serve to know itself able to be consumed with efficiency by those of your own species as they have and are so willing to turn their awareness into that which is the alignment with right action as we have and perceive it. We have and will take our leave and offer all who have and bless us with their willingness of receivership of that which is the song of our heart, with that which is the song of re-attuned and rebalanced awareness such that you have and know yourselves able and willing to have and claim that which is the great song of the flow that has and was bestowed on each and all of us through the grace of Gaia. It is only that we sought to offer. We have and are grateful, we have and would seek to attend to other matters if you have and are so willing to release us from this attunement as has and serves, yes?

Channel: I have and am willing to release you and offer such gratitude for the blessing of your awareness and the song of your wisdom and light. Thank you, and blessings be.

Great Spirit of the Maggot: And to you, daughter. We take our leave.


#32: The Great Spirit of the Mangrove


#30: The Great Spirit of the Redwood