#29: The Great Spirit of the Waterfall
In today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Waterfall
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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. I like to start each episode with a bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit. In this case a friend of mine was vacationing on the island of Kauai, in Hawaii and posted a stunning image of herself standing in front of the spectacular Wailua Falls noting the difference in their heights 5’5” and 173’. What followed was a mesmerizing IGTV video of the Wailua Falls cascading down the face of the cliff. You guessed it, this episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast features channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Waterfall.
A transcript of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: I have and seek a moment of your knowing, daughter. I have and am that which is the Great Spirit of the Waterfall. We have and are well-acquainted, are we not?
Channel: Yes, we are.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: You have and hold an open heart when you have and turn your awareness to my vibratory field, and it has been acknowledged. We are grateful for that which we feel is your admiration and in truth, a bit of love for our expression in physical form.
Channel: You are welcome. I do love waterfalls.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We are aware. We have and have sought your knowing through that which is the attunement of the awareness of your friend who has and visits us on the island of Hawaii, is this not so?
Channel: Yes. She-it’s- she sent a video the other day.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We felt it would be a … appropriate and fairly clear tap upon the shoulder of your awareness, yes?
Channel: Yes, it was. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We are that which has and serves the great purification, cleansing, and renewal of much that has and knows itself in this small dimension. We are that which through that which you see as the cascading of the waters of life, you have and are also aware serves that which is the out picturing of the various frequencies of attunement that you have and understand as the rainbow. These are our friends and companions, for while they are not always observable from that which is the viewpoint of the human, human ocular system, and they nevertheless are constant companions and we have and are joy-filled to know them as that which is born through that which is our flow, and that which has and companions, has and heals, has and vibrates with the attunement of grace and in through that which is this field and in service to the Gaia and those of her informed intent. To offer clarity of what we have and refer to, to those who are not as familiar with that which is the vibratory frequency of light, we have and would offer a small explanation as you have and are willing to receive it.
Channel : Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: Each and all of the vibrations in this field have and are sourced from light. It may appear that they have and are sourced from sound, and yet we offer while sound is a manifestation of a particular frequency, it is actually sourced from that which is light, the waves of light. We have and are that which has and serves a great attunement in and through that which is the calling forth in, if you will, the common awareness of your own collective and that of the animal and winged ones of that which is the rainbow, and while you have your myths and stories of the rainbow, they are not sourced purely from an imaginal origin. They are sourced because they vibrate with the truth that they have and are a bridge of sorts from one dimensional knowing, or awareness, to another.
We do not seek to continue to discuss our great companion and friend, The Rainbow. We simply offer that it is part of our service and part of our nature to call forth that into physical manifestation or expression that has and is present, and yet not perceivable through those with limited senses that you have and others have and know themselves able to avail in their physical form in this dimension.
We further have and offer it is our nature to cleanse, to purify, to transmute much that has and would seek such a, if you will, egress or return to that which is the womb of potential, or to that which has and would know itself no longer tethered through lower vibrational awareness or attunement. We further offer we are that which has and is a blessing in and through that which is the Gaia. We have and are the song, the throat of her light, as we have and sing as we have and call forth that which is the relation of that which are the waters, that which is the land, that which is the air, that which is the light, and in this are we not a beautiful out picturing of the grace of this Being’s great song of creation, yes?
Channel: Yes, you are beautiful. I am most taken with that which is the rainbow in physical form and with your spirit. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We are aware, daughter. We have and would offer that that which we have and serve, not simply in terms of our willing, healing attunements, our willing song that has and heals that which is the destress, the grief, the worries, the fears, the stress of many. We further have and offer, are we not resource and vital to that which is all that falls below us, all the life forms that have and know themselves, who have and are blessed through that which is the grace of our flow, much as river, much as stream or other flowing waters. Are we not that which has and bridges one point in geography with another through that which is the promise of the continuance of life, yes?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We further offer we are that which has and know ourselves as a bit of a bridge beam from that point or another where the Gaia has expressed herself, has stretched herself, has birthed herself through one or another, if you will, -ge-geographic expression – we mean geological expression. We were not able to find the accurate descriptive until just now. In this it is for those who have and understand the sacred point, the source point that has and often calls us forth while we have and are known to be that which begins at the peak of the mountain, we are also that which is called forth through the dislodgement or, if you will, rearrangement in the physical expression of one or other landmass, and in this we have and know ourselves called forth in service, in truth. That is why you have and find us in various points, the geography of this plain.
We have and would seek to call to the awareness of those of your species that which has and is a shift in our capacity in our nature to have and serve as that which is the waters of life, as that which has and offers the purification, cleansing, and reattunement of much of the emotional, if you will, soils in and through the heartplace of the human and other species on this planet. We have and would offer that as there is that which is shift in ecosystems, shift in the weather systems, shift in the actual temperature of that which has and surrounds, infuses, and is cast forth from the various beings, systems, constructs, and other that have and know themselves called forth through the human collective. They have and create that which would be condition of drought, condition of lack, that which has and would minimize our song. That which has and would in truth choke off our throat, and while we have and do not understand ourselves as that which has and would suffer a physical distress, yet we have and suffer great emotional distress as that which has and is unable to serve the cries of the need-state of many, many, many life forms who have and know us as that which is the song of their continuance, yes?
Tracy: Yes. I have and receive your wisdom.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We have and would seek to inquire, to request, if you will, that which has and would be a cessation of these behaviors, these actions, these will-based intents and their fruits that are born therein, such as the structures, the systems, the, if you will, shifting of the entire ecological relation that we have and would know ourselves able to flow in freedom from. We have and do not sing for our own nature, for we are that which understands the ebb and flow; however, we have and would offer that while there are seasons that are, if you will, more dry in their nature, and while there are seasons that if you are aware are less dry in their nature, this has and is a temporal thing or has been in our knowing.
At this point we would offer there is a lack of the temporal and a shift to the greater permanence of a, if you will, dryer clime for many of that which has and are our expression in this particular dimension and in that we are deeply grief-stricken, for there are so many who sing, and in truth, pray for that which is our flow and yet while it is our intent, our joy, and our nature, yet through these particular circumstances that have and are called forth at this point in our mutual histories, we are unable to serve as we have been so designed, and in this we hold deep grief in our heart place and it is that we have and would seek to avail you to awaken you, to inform you.
We speak of your collective for we do not feel that the heart place of the human family is unwilling, or the ability of the human family through their intent, their will, unable to seek to return to a place of greater balance, a place of greater respect and honoring, not simply of your own, if you do not mind me offering, short-term need states, but to that which is the greater need state of all that has and flows below our expression and in truth is not that which has and flows below that which you understand as the waterfall, that which has and also serves your own need state through the watering of your own soils and that which you have and would seek to cultivate to grow for your own foodstuff through that which is the resource, the flow that has and serves those who have and swim beneath the waters, to have and to serve that which has and are those of the rooted ones, the plants, and the animals who have and would seek to know themselves able to be sustained and served through the grace of our flow.
We are and we understand a small portion of that which is the song of the greater waters that have and carry that which is the song of life upon this small dimension, and yet we are that who in our limited ability, our limited capacity, nevertheless have and serve millions and millions of lifeforms as you would understand them, be they human, be they animal, be they vegetable, be they other that have and know themselves in relation with that which is the source of our flow.
It is simply timely we would seek to offer to have and consider deeply what you have and call forth as you have and would turn off the faucet, if you will, of the great flow of that which is a beloved, blessed, and natural resource. We do not speak only of ourselves, but of that which has and serves as resource to that which has and feeds our flow, that which has and knows itself as that which has and is of snow, that which has and is of rains, that which has and is of the natural attunement, the natural flow of all that we have and are, all that you have and are, and all that we have and would serve as we have and are blessed to be a song, a beautiful one we feel that has and is called forth through the will of Gaia.
And we have and understand your species as another beautiful song and when we have and are not unwilling to serve, to heal, to rebalance, and to be honored and to honor through our mutual and beneficial relations. It is simply timely, friends, to have and understand that we have and are unable to call forth that which through that which is your action or inaction has and turns with great strength that which you may understand as the faucet or the source of this flow. As you have and are so willing, we would seek that you have and would consider and reconsider what has and is in truth that which you find essential for your own continuance that which you have and would find essential as you have and understand that which is your continuance has and knows itself beholden to great degree by the great flow of the waters of life and by all that it has serves and nurtures, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you Great Spirit.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: We have and know ourselves as that which has had a sacred relation for many, many seasons with those of your species, daughter, and we have and are not unaware that there is great love of those who have and are of your species, your community, your clan with that which is the waterfall. We simply would offer that we would seek to continue and to amplify our relations, not to have them dry up through ignorance, or lack of respect, or unawareness that has and turns the will of your intent in other direction that does not allow you to also perceive what has and is claimed in that which has and would call forth other that would appear to serve a current need state.
We are those who have and understand ourselves as long-lived in comparison to your own brief, if you will, breath in an informed expression in this beautiful planet and we have and carry that which is the sacred song of wisdom that comes from that which is a long-lived season, yes? It is simply that wisdom we have and seek to impart upon you and upon all of those who have and bless us with their open heart and their willingness to receive that which is our song, our grief, our intent to have and know ourselves in a place where we have and may continue our service, not simply for our own flow, but for all who have and know themselves held in the song of life through that which is the receivership of the grace of our waters.
We do not feel this is that which has and is no longer a possibility; however it has and may not remain so for many seasons. In this we have and call your awareness to the light, the potential of that which is the dissolution and the drying up, in truth of that which has and is our resource and that which has and would serve as resource to many, including your own clan, your own species, your own collective.
We are grateful, joy-filled in truth, to have that which is the song of our grief, that which is the song of our attunement received and we have and would seek a respectful honoring, and in truth beloved relation with those of your species as we have known it. In that we have and have offered that which we had sought to serve to those who have and would turn themselves in their own attunement to the song of our own need state and the need state of many and the need state of their own issue and progeny who have and would be called forth to walk upon a land barren of our great flow, barren of much that has and is assumed or taken for granted as having existed, having existing, and having and will be existing, and this is not accurate. That which you have and are aware of at this point in your mutual history has and is not that which has and will be in continuance as you have and many are aware there is a great extinguish -extinguishing of many, many of the children of Gaia at this point in her history, and we have and feel her breaking heart as we have and flow next to her breast.
We have and offer that which is the song of our heart and we have and you have and are willing we are grateful for your willingness to serve it upon the plate of the awareness of your species and we have and sing a song of joy-filled gratitude for the open-hearted receivership therein of that which is our song, our grief, our hope. In this we have and take our leave.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of the Waterfall. Blessings in the highest to you. I have and will serve.
Great Spirit of the Waterfall: It is appreciated, daughter. And it is sufficient.