#28: The Great Spirit of the Thunder


The Great Spirit of the Thunder offers powerful guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast

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Welcome to today’s episode episode of the Gaia translate podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. Today’s episode brings you channeled wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Thunder. I live next to a pond and its always exciting to watch the thunderstorms blow through. One afternoon the clouds gathered and the sky darkened and thunder continuously rumbled throughout the sky but there was no sign of lightning and not a drop of rain. This was weird, why was there only thunder? It didn’t make any sense, only thunder? Only Thunder! Right. If the spirit of thunder wanted to flag my awareness coming solo actually made perfect sense as I admit when lightning and rain are part of a weather event I am not always attuned to the unique Spirit of the Thunder .

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I  decided to release them as podcast  episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Thunder. I have since updated my recording set up and newer sessions are of much higher quality.


The Great Spirit of the Thunder: We have and would seek your awareness daughter we have and are that which is known as the Great Spirit of the Thunder.

Channel: Welcome Great Spirit of the Thunder.

The Great Spirit of the Thunder: We have and would offer that which is perhaps not quite so loud and yet none the less quite  timely if you will as that which has and would be the knock of our awareness upon that which is the door of the collective of your species as you have and are so willing to allow that which is my flow to have and know itself offered ease and if you will great access to those who have and hear me and yet do not ‘hear’ me from that which is the knock of my heart yes?

Channel: Yes thank you Great  Spirit of the Thunder I have and am willing to receive and to serve .

The Great Spirit of the Thunder: It is appreciated and understood daughter. We are not that which has and creeps unnoticed into that which is the particular environ of one or other of your species and yet we offer are we not that which has and serves as great trumpet if you will, announcement, or for some warning of the storm, of the rains, of that which has and is if you will, on its way into the fullness of your particular environ. Is this not accurate?

Channel:  It is accurate yes . 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder: We have and would offer that while we are speaking and referring to our physical out picturing right now, that which you have and would understand as the great rumble or loud drumming for some of your species, or even that which has been described as one who has and is rolling a great ball and striking down pins by others. However you may understand it or seek to claim in in your own metaphor or analogy are we not that which is the forerunner of that which is storm of sorts, that which is weather of sorts and in this are you not offered that which is the blessing of my song such that you have and may avail yourselves of that which would be shelter, of that which would seek to protect your physical form of those of your collective, your community?

Channel:  It is so. 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder: And am I not also that which has and through the song of my will calls forth that which is most welcome, most prayed for, most desired that which are the rains that have and seek to water those who have and would call us to their need state. We are not that which has and is always if you will at the beck and call of one or another of the many informed expressions of life that have and crawl upon this planet. However we are that which has we have and are able  are not unwilling to serve that which we have and may call forth through the grace of our will as we have and are in atunement with that which is the great flow, the need state for sustenance, continuance, and in service to that which is the Gaia yes?

Channel: Yes thank you. 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  We further have and would offer that we are that which has and would play the drum or the song or other that has and is the thunder of our heart for in this we are and would seek to serve if you will the announcement of that which is the increasing weather that has and you in your own human family have called forth most diligently although not with great awareness for some. And that is the weather, the great storm that has and would if you will bring that which has and is quite unsettled weather in and through those if you will, understandings of your species as to that which has and was the day to day existence that they have grown used to that they have grown comfortable with that have and were known most  clearly and deeply by those of the ancestry and that which has and is the lineage which bore you each and all in and through it’s own will to this very point in your own histories. We have and would offer it is not a storm that has and is of our own making rather we have and serve as blessing upon your awareness that which is the trumpet call of alarm if you will, of awakening for those who have and yet remain asleep in terms of their awareness of that which has and is upon you. You are aware that my nature is not that to come and nock upon the door where there is great gaps between my knock and and that which is the arrival of weather is this not so?

Channel: It is so Great Spirit. 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  While you have and understand me as benevolent being as one who has and through my voice offers you that which is the blessing of fair warning. I have and would seek to serve it yet again and in this I have and offer you as you have and are so wiling to carry it that which is the song of fair warning to each and all of those of your own expression for they have and call to themselves through those which are the choices of, if you will, the lack of choices, the actions or if you will the resistance to shifting one’s actions. That have and call forth a great storm of imbalance, a great storm of unsustainability, a great storm that has and may know itself as that which has and does much more than quench the great thirst of those who have been in drought. The great storm that has and may in truth may wash away much of your own lives. We do not speak necessarily of your physical expression but rather that which you have understood culturally, historically, in your societies, in your clans, in your tribes, in your roots, in your gatherings, your cities, your towns, as that which you have understood as the way of life that you have known and grown accustomed to.

We are not the bearers of the storm. We are simply that which has ad serves as we are able to announce its arrival in imminent fashion and that is how we seek to serve at this point in our mutual histories to those of you clan for have we not always been that which has and has been most benevolent in the bestowal of the grace of our song of warning our song of announcement our trumpeting of that which has and is upon you. Such that you have ad may choose through you own will wether or not to act in a particular manner. Wether or not to stand in that which is a great storm or weather front as you have and may understand it, or as you have and would seek to prepare oneself. Seek to create that which is adequate preparation for shelter such that you have and may know yourselves in a place of, if you will, greater harmony  with your own physical out picturing and that of other yes?

Channel: Yes thank you. Thank you for your blessing  of your warnings now and always.

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  You are welcome daughter.  We are that which is simply the nature of one who has and seeks to bestow on others, not simply of your own species daughter for are we not that which those who have and are of the animal kingdom have and listen most acutely when we have and would sing a particular song and are they not that, even that which is your four legged, who has and hears our song at times before you have and even are aware and understands it as that which is fair warning to know oneself to take shelter. To know oneself to place yourself in a place of safety if you will, protection if you will of that which has and would offer you, each and all and all who have and are the informed expression, the life forms that have and are of the Gaia for she has called us forth as children of her own light such that there is that which offers the opportunity if you will for those of her intent to know themselves able to continue, able to seek that which would be shelter, to place themselves out of that which is the great song of the storm, yes?

Channel: Yes that is so thank you. 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  You can imagine if you will that there are that which has and would simply be the strike of the lightning. There is that which has and would simply be the approach of the great if you will release of the waters the rains that are carried by the winds and simply released by those of  the spirits of the clouds who we have and know as kin and yet is this not if you will a great blessing to have and know oneself in a place choosing through  that which is the song of fair warning and in this I have and offer I serve upon the plate of  your awareness and all of those of your human family that which is the song, the thunder of fair warning and that warning has and is the great storm of dissolution, the storm of deconstruction the storm of, if you will , that which has and cannot know itself in continuance of its own expression or that of many others.  For this is a mighty storm that is being called into that which is manifest expression in and through those of you own species  through that which is their relation with the other aspects of Gaia, of the natural world.

Is it not timely as the great winds or storm if you will have and would seek much as gail to blow with great consistent and powerful force upon that which is the vessel of your own awareness, your own continuance as you have known it such that you have and are well served to seek shelter such that you are not if you will carried away, or carried under, or carried upon that which has and would claim you with great ease in truth, as that which you have as one which simply lifts the hands off of that which is the wheel of your own intent and allow yourselves to simply be dashed upon the rocks of your own inaction, of your own indecision, of your own denial of your own refusal to do that which has and may be less than pleasant less than convenient, less than comfortable if you will to have and to if you do not mind us offering with great alacrity, great urgency, to seek to set a-right that which is the great and listing vessel of that which you have and understand as the continuance of flow in a sustainable manner. That which is the relation of all living beings, of all life, all sentient awareness that has and is blessed to know itself called forth through the grace, the mastery and the light of the Gaia ’s intent. 

Can you ken this daughter and are you able through that which is your understanding to carry it carefully and with speed and your own will and lay it as that which has and would knock insistently and with great hope that there are those of your own clan, your own collective who have and would willingly open the door of their own heart and to receive that which is the thunder of my attuned song of fair warning? It is not our own nature that has and would be that which would be no longer informed in this particular dimension for we are not, as many, reliant upon that which is the balance of the flesh of other, the fruits of that and those who are the deeply rooted ones and that which has and is potable, water, untainted food stuff and clean soil in which to have and call it forth. These are not that which has or would if you will delay or create that which is great resistance in our own flow, for while we are a part of the song of life we are not that if you will that which has and is not in requirement of many of those essential components that have and combine most beautifully into that which is the great flow of your own continuance yes? 

Channel: Yes thank you Great Spirit. I am willing and I receive your song and am grateful for your willingness to sing it. 

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  You are welcome daughter. We have always had that which has been great tender heartedness if you will to all that have and know themselves as the sons and daughters, as the songs, as that which is the great force of living light that has and knows itself born in and through that, sustained in and through that and continued in through that which is a balanced and if you will expertly tuned instrument of flow. And it is that which has and is no longer singing in tune, no longer able to call forth that which is the beautiful song of interrelated, interconnected and interwoven tapestry if you will, of life as it has and knows itself in it’s unique, beautiful and grace filled expressions. In all of its majesty, all of its variety, all of its sanctity. Although there are few who have and truly understand how each and all that have and vibrate with their own song have and are essential to that which is the great choir of continence in this dimension. Yes?

Channel: Yes Great Spirit of the Thunder, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  You are welcome daughter. We are not one who remains once we have served that which is the song of that which has and is upon you. While we have and may join and continue to sing while there is that which is the great opening of the bellies of the rains, or that which is the great blowing of the winds, or that which has and is the great, if you will, electricity or electric currents that have and flow in and through that which you understand as the lightning- lightning  yes? And we have and offer that while we may join in the song it is and continues to be our intent to continue to, if you will, alert those who have and are in the immediate vicinity of that which has and may possibility or most probably present that which could or would, if you will, call back into the womb of potential their own physical nature. And it is simply that which we have and seek to serve. For we are most benevolent and in truth there is not that which walks, or crawls, or flies, or simply lifts the face of its expression up towards that which is the Grandfather, the Sun that has and does not please us greatly. That has and we are not most wiling to serve as we are able through our small design of intent to have and announce, to have and trumpet, to have and bang upon the drum with sufficient force that it has and would draw the attentions of many who have and are in the vicinity of that which has and is the upcoming storm, the upcoming weather event. Be it a small shower. Be it a great deluge. Be it that which is gale or typhoon or other that  has and is approaching Yes?

Chanel: Yes.

The Great Spirit of the Thunder:  It is only that which we  had and sought to offer on the plate of the awareness of those of your clan and other as you have and are so wiling to serve it to them as you have and know yourself as one who carries that which is the vibration, the resonance of our thunder. The  thunder of our heart and we have and offer a prayer of deep gratitude for the blessing that we have and would seek to feel in our own heart place  of that which is the atunement, the awareness and the receivership of that which is the song of the thunder’s of fair warning- such that one has and knows oneself in a place where one has and still as one has an seeks to align if you will with great efficiently one’s own intent, one’s own actions with that which would offer that which is what you have and might understand as the shelter of continuance under which you have and may all know yourselves, if you will, sheltered from the storm of your own making. 

We are not blaming. We are simply calling out that which has and is fair warning.  From that which is the drum, the trumpet, the great will and intent, the blessing of our heart as we have and serve it in and through you as you are willing. And through that which has and is the heart place of those of the human awareness at this particular point in our mutual histories. That is what we had  and sought to serve. That is the drum that we had and sought to play. We have and will continue as it is not our nature to rest in a place where there may be other who have and would seek to receive the blessing of fair warning. As we have and have served to those of you own kind yes?

Channel: Thank you Great Spirit of the Thunder, you have and bless us with your light .

The Great Spirit of the Thunder: That is so daughter. We have and feel in our heart that which is the answering of that which is the  awakening drum of your own species  to that which has and would call forth that which is the rebalancing of that which is the weather of your own expansion, your own upliftment and return to that which has and was the season of balanced alignment. It is sufficient we take our leave  and offer you blessings of the evening.


#29: The Great Spirit of the Waterfall


#27: The Great Spirit of the Cockroach