#26: The Great Spirit of the Polar Bear


The Great Spirit of the Polar Bear offers an urgent message in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host Tracy Shoolman. In the March 2021 issue of Smithsonian Magazine an article titled: “Polar Bears Live on the Edge of the Climate Change Crisis” caught my attention. After reading the report I immediately sought to channel the great spirit of the Polar bear .A transcript of today’s channeling session and a link to the article are available  in the show note  for this episode are available  at gaiatranslate.com

Article Link:



Great Spirit of the Polar Bear: We have and are in receivership of your attunement, daughter, and we appreciate the willingness of your vessel to carry that which is the wound of our heart as we have and seek to unburden it a bit that which is, if you will, the placing of it in the public square of awareness of those of your clan and other in truth. We have and are that which is The Great Spirit of the Polar Bear, that aspect of The Great Spirit of the Bear that has known itself beloved we feel, admired we feel, and if you will, in that which is a unique relation with those of your species for have you not found that which is our physical form in a manner most intriguing, in a manner most pleasing, and in a manner most in attunement with that aspect of your own heart place that has and bears witness to that which is the glory of motherhood, the glory of relation with one's offspring, and that which has and is our prowess and our majesty. 

Channel: Yes, Great Spirit of the Polar Bear, and I am greatly appreciative of your attunement to my intent. 

Great Spirit of the Polar Bear: You are welcome, daughter. We have sought that which is the egress through your will in order that we may acknowledge the mighty wound that has and is upon us as a species and we have and would offer there is little we feel that has and will stay off that which is our full extinction from your awareness and all others in that which is short clock time from our perspective. 

We have, however, and hold on to that which is the seed of hope within our own heart place, although it has and is that which has been watered little of late, that which is the hope of one who has and bears witness to a great storm, that has and, if you will, through its hunger, consumes that which is our home, our ability to sustain ourselves with adequate food source, our capacity to bear that which is our own issue. For we have and are not able to maintain our own physical expression insufficiency to be as you would understand it, inadequacy of fertility. To have and know ourselves reduced, if you will, to the great hunger and need state of our own physical sustenance such that we have and would turn upon our own clan, our own brothers and sisters, in order to follow that which is the song of our own continuance, whatever it has or demands. 

This is also a great grief that we have and bear for we have and are, if you will, placed in that which is an untenable environment and this has and wounds us deeply.We have and are not unappreciative, brothers and sisters of the human clan, of those of your own species who feel deeply in your heart place, that which has and is what you may describe as our plight, and yet we have and appreciate all that has and is being sung. However, we would offer those who have and are able to truly turn that, which is the tide of our own decimation have and are of deaf hearing, have and have closed the ears of their heart, have shuttered the eyes of their heart and do not see or do not seek to acknowledge or do not seek through their own intent to stay their own hand from that which is the swinging of the executioner's axe. 

We seek your forgiveness for these rather brutal and straightforward descriptives of what we have and are facing, and yet it is what is, yes? We have and seek to claim in this public platform, if you will, that which is our great sorrow, our great grief that has and consumes our heart place for have we not been that which is a worthy member of that which is the family of Gaia, have we not known ourselves able through great will and intent to adapt that which is our physical form to accommodate the great and, if you will, frigid temperatures of the northern climes. And while we offer there are those of you who would simply return back to us that opportunity to adapt yet again to the shifting in the climate, and we have and are most willing, we have and would suggest, however, that we have little opportunity to know ourselves, able to call forth those physical adaptations and that which is the season of shift. That has and, if you will, offers that which is the blessing of gestation, in a manner.

We have and know ourselves as ones who have and in truth, sing the dirge of that which has and sees our great lineage coming to that with the which is the barest thread of what once was the mighty braid of our expression. We have and are not that which is willing to, if you will, surrender to the currents or the distances that have and grow greater with each and every day between that which is our potential for continuance and that which is the consequence of the current climate. We seek, we beseech, and we pray with that which is that tiny seed of hope that has and is not extinguished within our hearts that there are insufficiency of numbers and of will and of intent. Members of your own community who have called forth this mighty shift and that which was our own home, our life, our ability, to be a participant in this great song of interconnected flow. 

And we are not the only ones who have and know themselves as those who have and feel that which is the incoming tide of what we hope will not be inevitability. We do not blame those who have and are members of your clan who are unaware or unable in some manner or of their own perception to call forth that which is the required shift in the will and intent, and yet we offer. Do not turn away from your own power that which has and lies within the heart place of each and all of your clan, daughter, each and all do not claim their great, the heart of the bear that has and rests within them. They have and choose to align therein. 

We have and are great and powerful as we stand in our attunement, we have and are wise as we have and offer the wisdom of our manners, our ways of life, our ways of continuance. And we do not seek that which is, if you will, hand out or pity. We seek the opportunity to simply exist as we have known ourselves and as we have and would seek to continue in that which is the blessing, the grace of an informed expression as a member of the greater clan of Gaia and those of her informed intent. 

There are others who have and are being swept along by this great flood, if you will, both physical and vibrational, that has and is upon us. For while we have and seek to consume those members of the other species you know as seal, yet we have and speak for them, for they too know that which is their own environ also being subsumed through that which has, and if you would pardon the expression, is served up from that which is the greed state of some who are unwilling to shift that which has and for many is unnecessary for your own continuance. Rather it is that which you understand as convenience, or in truth, that which you have grown used to and are unwilling to release. 

We have and understand it is your choice, your will that has and in truth will determine the manner in which we have and know ourselves as that which has and was but a memory, that which has and was that which you had and enjoyed, had and admired, had and attuned with, with that which is the love of your heart, for we feel it deeply from many, many of your species. And yet in truth, we would rather not sit on the dusty shelf of memory, of loss of that which has and was unable to be salvaged for that which would not turn, if you will, with the urgency that has and would be in requirement to truly stay the hand of our own extinction. 

We have and feel great love in your heart place, great admiration, and we appreciate this and we have and would seek for you each and all to hold in the hand of your heart that which has and would be our continuance as fellow companions and members of this greater community and in truth, as relative in a certain manner as we have and all are born of the Gaia's will and intent as that which is a life form that knows itself as part of the great web of expression that has and serves in this plane of awareness. 

We have and are a proud and independent species, and it is not our nature to turn and to seek the boon of another. We simply seek the right to exist, the right to continue, if not fully in the manner that we have and are adapted to, then at least to know ourselves with the potential of any continuance whatsoever. As we have spoken, it is with great intention we have and would seek to open the eyes of your heart and the ears of your heart such that you have and turn with the sufficient urgency to that which is the staying of the executioner's hand upon that which is our entire expression. We apologize for the brutal nature of these descriptives, and yet we are not pleased, but greatly grief-stricken to state that they are not inaccurate. 

It may surprise those of your own species, the speed in clock time with which our dissolution has and approaches and so we would offer as a bit of attunement that it has and is in truth, imminent. We have and hold this tiny thread of hope, this tiny thread of belief that there are sufficiency of numbers of those of your own clan who have and will demand that this has and cease for there are many, many else, many other, rather, who have and are of the Arctic who have and know themselves as native or as adapted to that which is the Arctic clime, the winter, the north, and there are many you have and are unaware of that have been held within the song of this particular environment, that once they have and are released, we will have and in truth, hasten that which is the dissolution of much, much more than you have and may understand at this point in the awareness of your clan. 

We have and feel there is great tenderness and great love in the heart place of your species for those of our kind and in truth, admiration as you have and admire those who have and know themselves able to sustain themselves, to care for their young and to know themselves in a place of continuance as they have and do not seek other than to call forth that which has and is their own sustenance to wound, to destroy, to claim the life force of. It is not our way. While we have and are well-equipped for that which has and would be our own requirement, it is not our usual nature to seek to decimate other than that which has and would serve our own need state, and while we admit there are those of our clan who have and would remove the obstacle to their own need state that may be untoward to your own, yet we have and offer we do not seek to remove your own clan from this sacred environ we have and knew as our home. 

There is not other that we have and would serve other than to offer that while we may appear physically different than those of our cousins to the south, those great clan of other, if you will, vibrational attunements in the key of bear, yet we have and are held in the heart place and as that which is a-an expression of The Great Spirit of The Bear, who has and we understand has and serves you as guide, has and serves you and those of your species and has done so as that which has and offers wisdom, guidance, healing, and light. In this while much is offered and has and will be, yet would seek this one, if you will, essential service from those of your species, and it may in truth be that which has and may not know itself able to be called forth into manifest expression in sufficiency in order to be that which stays the hand of our dissolution. However, as you each and all have and are so willing, we have and feel in our heart the faint vibration of possibility, of potential, and of a lack, if you will, of total inevitability. And it is this, this small, if you will, ember of hope we have and protect within our hearts, for it has and is all that remains to us as we face that which may be the passing of our expression in this dimension. 

We have and would offer a formal prayer of gratitude for your willingness to have and open ears of your heart to that which is the song of our grief, and in truth, the song of our hope, however small. Yet we have and we tend it with great diligence and intent. We have and do not curse you. We have and simply would seek that at this point in our mutual histories you have and consider what has and will be lost and what has and will be gained and have and we offer as you have and bear witness to that which is the great shift of the climate, how it has and reduces that which is our own capacity to call forth another generation of our own species as we are unable to know ourselves in sufficiency of form to have and, if you will, bear that which is the seed of a new life. We have and offer, not through threat, simply through wi-wisdom observation and attunement that this has and is also that which has and will befall those of your own species as you have and feel the seas rise around you.

We do not speak, although it is accurate of the rising of the physical sea. We speak of that which is the seas of the shifting of the climate as you have and do not choose to cease to shift, to recreate your methods that have and may serve that which is your immediate desires as you have and do not seek to look up from your plate, if you will, to observe that there is not that which has and will be able to sustain you in the next season of your knowing. 

It is that we thought to attune you with. We have and are aware it is not a pleasant tune, and yet we are obliged and in truth deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve it into the heart place of your powerful, and we feel, resonating clan. We have and leave you with that which is the gift of that aspect of our nature as one who has and has known themselves able to acclimate to that which is extreme climate. For you have and will be well-served to claim this as the blessing, if you will, our parting gift. For it is that which had and sustained us for many seasons and we have and face yet again that which has and we are, if you will, unable to sustain ourselves further. For there is not that which is, as you would understand it, the clock time to call forth the required adaptation of our physical form. 

We have and offer you this blessing and we have and seek that which may be the watering of the seed of our hope that has and rests deeply and tenderly within our own heart. We have and are complete, daughter. That is what we had sought to serve and we are grateful for the opportunity to have and sing, although we are not pleased that this is the tune we have had to hum into the heart place of your own species at this point, this sorry point in our mutual attunement. 

With gratitude for the willingness of those who have and receive this song as they have and are so open-hearted that they have and would hold it in that which is the hand of their heart as they have and would seek to perhaps water it through their own intent, their own action, their own manifest intent, which is that which is the action that has and accompanies the great intent of the heart, is it not? And in this, that is what we have and would seek as you have each and all, brothers and sisters, clan of the human awareness to offer to you and with hope in our hearts to be in receivership of as it has and you are so willing. 

It is complete, daughter. We have and take our leave.


#27: The Great Spirit of the Cockroach


#25: The Great Spirit of the Jade