#25: The Great Spirit of the Jade
The Great Spirit of Jade honors us with a channeled communication in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. In today’s episode I am honored to channel the Great Spirit of the Jade. I like to start each episode with a bit of a backstory about how I came to channel a particular spirit. In this case I have a beautiful piece of jade in my front hallway and as I walked by one morning I was surprised to see a ladybug crawling up the side. This unusual pairing had me thinking it might be the spirit of the ladybug trying to get my attention. It was only later that it became clear to me that it was the Spirit of the Jade that had sought my awareness. My confusion was gently acknowledged at the beginning of this channeled session with the Great Spirit of the Jade.
It's important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, and as such, the audio quality isn't ideal, but I ask that you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Jade. I have since updated my recording set-up and the newer sessions are much better quality. A transcription of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
The Great Spirit of the Jade: You are accurate sister I had and sought your awareness with that which is the spirit of the ladybug upon my form and yet it is understood you mistook that which was the tap upon your shoulder to draw your awareness to my physicality and therefore my spirit as that which was the one who was doing the calling. It is an understandable confusion.
Channel: Thank you Great Spirit of the Jade, I have and it is clear that you have and were making your awareness known to me. Thank you and blessings .
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We are grateful that you have and settled yourself into your alignment with our knowing for there is much we have and would seek to serve upon the plate of your awareness and your fellow community who have and know themselves as that which is the species of human yes?
Channel: I have and am grateful to receive thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We have and are old and powerfully aligned old companion and powerfully aligned in our relation with those of the human collective are we not? Perhaps not as much in this part of the woods, of the West as you would understand it although we would ask what is East and what is West for wherever one stands, wherever one has and rests is there not that which orients to East and that which orients to West?
Channel: That is so great spirit.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: However as you have and would understand it we have and are willing and have been joyful and will be again we offer, companions and partners, guides and that which has and serves the blessing of our light, our grace and our power in and through those who have and are of your collective is this not so?
Channel: It is so.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: There is much that is understood and much more that is not of that which is our vibration and the manner in which we have and may attune ourselves in service to and in partnership and in collaboration with this of your species for many have and consider us a great blessing, a great treasure, a great power and in this they are not inaccurate for we have and hold mighty vibration of steadying, of stillness in truth of that which has and seeks to offer balance in the field of another. Of that which has and seeks to call into the the higher atunement, the greater awareness, the alignment of that which has and is of this dimension and that which has and is not so firmly tethered into that which we would understand as the physical form, can you ken this daughter?
Channel: Yes.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We further offer we hold within us the song of many who have and are of the ancestors who have and imbue their wisdom within our form in manners that are well, let us just offer of the great mysteries that have and are yet to be unearthed in your awareness and in this as you have and you place in a place of honor and respect that which is our physicality our form in the jade so you have and may know us as one who has and vibrates a bit with those of the ancestor of your own species. We have and receive and if you will serve your prayers of gratitude to those who have come before and have we not come before? There are many who have and know themselves in the mineral kingdom who have and are far far older brothers and sisters, cousins and relations to all in the physical form than you, my newly married friends and we have offer in this, we are if you will, a gentle and sun warmed seat upon which those of your own ancestry have and would rest a bit in their transference from one awareness to their greater understanding as they have and pass in and out of form. And we have and have enjoyed many a great and deep conversing, a great and deep enjoyment of each other’s companionship and we have and therefore would serve that as each and all have and would honor and offer respect and gratitude to those of our species you have and honor those who are your own ancestors.
While we may not appear as similar in physical from yet we have and offer we have walked the earth walk if you will many, many, many, seasons prior to your own rather recent arrival here in this particular plane. And that is why we have and welcome those who have and are of the ancestry of your own species as we have and feel their honoring, so we have and honor. As we have and know them as worthy companion so they have and are companionable and companioning of all of our awareness. It is simply that. We hold great and deep wisdom of our own and great and great and willing wisdom of your own who have and have and have walked before and who have and are honored as you have and offer your gratitudes and your joyous acknowledgement that had it been for them you you would not walk where you are at this point in your own history is this not so?
Channel: It is. I have and offer a prayer of profound gratitude to those of my own ancestry and those of all who have walked before in our mutual awareness.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: It is a pretty song and one that has and we would offer is well received for there are many ho seem to feel that they have simply arrived fully formed on the point where you have and are and find yourself in a particular incarnation and this is, if you will, a small distortion in your field of understanding for there is naught that has and is a singe drop that has not known itself carried forth with great and powerful will from the source of the river yes?
Channel: Yes.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We further offer it is timely to feel within yourselves the deep respect, the deep honoring, the deep acknowledgment not simply of the ancestry of your own flesh but of the ancestry of all that have prepared that which you understand as this earth, this Gaia, this planet, for your current inhibition in that we feel there is a great dirth of respect ,awareness and atunement to the undeniable and interconnected web of flow that has and is that which is the essential weave of this particular dimension and this beautiful and powerful awareness who we have and are honored to be born through and from.That which is the Mother that which is the song of all our informer informing yes? Our entrainment, that is the word we sought and you pushed it away. We have and would offer that our entrainment as we have and know ourselves in willing alignment as that which has called us forth into a form and called that which is our resonance, our frequency, our energy of flow in and with it is what we have and prefer to. Can you hold this in your knowing?
Channel: Yes, thank you.I have and am and I will probably be thinking about it for awhile.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: It is understood daughter. We have and would seek to offer that which is small guidance to those of you species that have and run as wayward children through that which is the sacred ground of all that has come before, of all that has served and offered itself and laid itself down such that there is that which is the road of your own continuance, your own awareness that which has and has if you will fruited the soil, tended it and served it such that is has and calls forth the mighty bloom of your own awareness at this particular point in all of our mutual histories. Is it not always wise and if you do not mind us offering, polite to offer gratitudes and blessings to those who have made your own current expression that which is feasible, possible and blessed in this your own point of aligned awareness of that which is the greater spirit in that which is the physical form in this beautiful, sacred and blessed plane. That which has and knows itself held in the womb of Gaia; that which has and knows itself born through the womb of Gaia. That which has and is most blessed to have and know itself carried upon the great river of one’s ancestry the great river of one’s, if you will, prior expressions and flow for are we not al lone in truth and are we not all individuate in our blessings of that which calls forth the greater and mutual awareness, delight and expansion of that which is the greater field of knowing?
Channel: Yes thank you. It is beautifully expressed and powerful felt.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: You are welcome daughter. We have and would offer to those who have and open the ears of their heart in receivership that it is timely to feel oneself in great and deep gratitude for all that has laid the groundwork if you will of potential and of possibility, of great harvest that has and shimmers in the soils of this new season. As you have and offer gratitude of that which has come before that which has enriched the soil of this point in our mutual history such that we have and know ourselves and you as a species have and are most blessed with the deep fertilization and nutrients that have been laid for many, many seasons by those of your ancestry by those who have and do not look, or feel, or sound, or smell, or speak as you would but yet who are, never the less, the ancestors of your current possibilities and your current informed expression.
For it is, if you do not mind us offering, rather limited to understand oneself simply as that which as and is plopped into this particular dimension with no relation surrounding one. For is there that which you have and are able to breathe if you do not have your cousins that you have and understand as atmosphere? Is there that which you have and would be able to nourish yourself with for your own continuance in this form if you did not have those who have and are your relations in terms of the plant animal and yes mineral forms that have and are also relations that have come prior to your own as we have offered rather late arrival in this particular environ. And we have and would offer that it is only polite if you will and in truth a beautiful blessing to be able to sing a song of gratitude to all of your relations who have and served through their own nature, through their own will, through their own expression in physical form to make ready that which is the current soil of you own expansion, the current soil of your own unfoldment, the current soil of your own potential for that which has and is the next season of the human awareness.
Channel: Yes thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We further offer that this is that which will be unclear or clouded unlike a clear and pure crystal and yet never the less there are those who as they hold us and this wisdom up to the light they have and will see the mighty array of atunement that is served in and through each and every of our, if you, will drops of wisdom that we have and serve upon the soil of your awareness and those of your brothers and sisters in this point of your mutual and our history of unfoldment and expansion as we have and feel it so.
We simply sought to serve this small guidance from hose who have and are your elders and we would offer perhaps a bit wiser for having experienced and known ourselves in both physical and non physical expression for a bit longer a stretch if you will of awareness than you in your human form have had the opportunity and blessing to experience here in this particular dimension under that which is the great open heart of Mother Gaia yes? We would finally and further offer at this point in our discourse is it not wise as you have and honor and offer respect, gratitude and joy to those individuate aspects of your ancestry, those of the human form, those which are all elements of the natural world as you understand it isn’t it yet also most if you will, essential to offer that which is deep and profound gratitude for, deep and awe filled respect of, deep and grateful and joy filled service of, honor and honoring to that which is your Mother for how else may you know yourselves in form? How else may you know yourselves blessed to be that which has and breathes the sacred winds of awareness in this particular dimension?
We speak of Gaia, we speak of the Mother, the Earth Mother, the Mother Earth and whatever else you may know for in this we would offer there are many of your species who have been less than respectful, less than in atunement, less than in truth, comprehending of this great Mother who has offered and continues to offer so much of her own will and intent to that which is the great song of your own physical awareness as that which are her beloved children, as that which are her beloved issue, and that which have and are most precious to her heart. In this is it not timely brothers and sisters to turn your awareness towards those of your ancestry in the greater understanding therein of that terminology and in the specific understanding of your own human ancestors and that of each and all of those who have and are the varying and beautiful expressions that are born through the Gaia will and of course and most profoundly, your ability as you have and are willing to turn the face of your awareness fully into the light of honor, respect and gratitude for all of the great blessings that have and continue to be bestowed upon you each and all by that of the Mother, the Gaia light who has and knows herself we offer, forlorn and in deep and painful wounding of her heart for has she not simply offered again and again all that you have and would be in requirement therein of.
All that you have and have sought to know yourselves in the fullness of balance, the fullness of continuance, the fullness of relation in flow. We have and seek to offer this wisdom from our heart place in honor of our own mother and in respect for that which as been a long and fruitful relation that we have held with those of your species for we feel that it is time to know ourselves as thats his has and joins the throat of our will in a song of gratitude in a song of joyous and deep and respectful honoring of the Gaia light and as we have and sing so we have and would offer it is timely to seek to have the throat of your will match the actions of your physical form as you have and sing your honor, sing your gratitude and sing your joy for the blessing of this beautiful and powerful expression in and through that which is your action, your thought, your word, your deed for is that not truly how one offers more than simply empty wind in and through that which is the honoring and respect due to one’s ancestor, due to one’s beloved mother yes?
Channel: Yes thank you great spirit of the Jade.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: It is only that and all of that that we have and hope and offer gratitude for the willingness of those of your brothers and sisters in their willing receivership as we have and know ourselves in great alignment and in atunement with our awareness and have and seek in right relation with that which has and would be the blessed continuance therein.
Channel: Thank you great spirit of the Jade. I have and receive your guidance and wisdom with a deep and grateful heart.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: That is understood sister. We have and do not seek to call your awareness to that which is our field any further. We feel it is efficient and sufficient and you have and we are grateful for your willingness to share that which is our flow in and through the river of your species for it is timely for us and you to have and return to that which is the season of our blessed relation yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
The Great Spirit of the Jade: We take our leave it is sufficient.