#8: Great Spirit of the Rain

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The Great Spirit of the Rain delivers channeled guidance in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.

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Welcome to the Gaia Translate Podcast. In this episode I channel the  wisdom of the Great  Spirit of the Rain. To say the least, this past memorial Day weekend was a soggy event across much of the East Coast. I’m not complaining, as much needed rain did dominate all three days of the long weekend. You might imagine that so much rain would draw my attention to the possibility that the Spirit of the Rain might be seeking to communicate. I’m embarrassed to admit, it actually took a little nudge from a friend, who after two solid days of the deluge  texted me asking if I could channel the  Spirit of the Rain. Message received. A note to my listeners this episode was actually recorded during the downpour and  therefore the sound of rain may be heard in the background.



The Great Spirit of the Rain: You have and receive my atunement gracefully daughter and that has and is appreciated. As you have and are aware I am that which is the spirit  the song of the Rain. You have invoked me and I have sought your awareness. It is appreciated your efficient response  and atunement therein.

Channel: Welcome and blessings Great Spirit of the Rain I am grateful for our atunement thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Rain : That is understood daughter. We have sought your awareness  as have several others who have and are companions such as the cloud such as the thunder such as the wind and we felt it was Tiley to offer our own perspective  if you will, wisdom if you prefer of all that has and is in a bit of upheaval at this point in our relation.

Channel: Thank you, thank you Great Spirit of the Rain .

The Great Spirit of the Rain: You’re welcome daughter. We are that which is both a blessing and for some a curse. We are that which simply has and is, by our nature, that which has and is the delivery of that which is the song of life itself. For without us we would offer there is not life that you have ad would understand as such upon this , the surface of the Gaia .Can you understand this daughter? 

Channel: Yes I can, thank you.

The Great Spirit of the Rain: There are many we feel who are less than attuned to the essential nature of the rains in that which is the continuance of the great flow of all that you have and perceive and would seek to receive as beings who know themselves in an informed expression as part of that which is the greater organism of life, of awareness that has and is that which is the Gaia light. We are, if you will pm of her first born and it is an honor to know ourselves as such as we have felt ourselves as diligent and beloved daughter of her light and we have and it is our intent to carry that which is the song of life itself through the rains in and to all who have and would seek to drink. We are aware there are those who have and receive perhaps more than they would seek to consume and that is as it is yes? We are further aware there are many who have and cry out with great parched throats and yet as things have or would know themselves unfolding, we are unable to bring ourselves to meet their need state in a timely and efficient fashion as once we had and known ourselves able to so serve.This is a mighty  grief in our heart. We are not one who seeks to withhold, seeks to deny, seeks to be that which has and is the guest who have and does not show up at the door of the request, and yet there is much that has and would delay, or in truth deny our arrival where we have and would know ourselves most gratefully received.For you are not the only species we have and serve yes?

Yours is one and there are man and we have ad we do not choose, we do not judge we simply are that which serves the waters of life in and through that which is the grace of our atunement and our capacity to have and flow and we are most grateful to our brothers who have and know themselves as that which is the Sprit of the Cloud, the Clan of Cloud, for they are our beloved, if you will and grateful transport for without them we are simply that which has ad may know itself to rise up and return rise up and return without that which would be the efficiency of flow. And in that we have and offer a prayer of gratitude as well to those who have and know themselves as the Great Spirit of the Winds for they not also serve as we have and together, in great collaboration and great unification, that which has and is the intent of the Gaia to have and to meet the need state of all who have ad she has called forth through the benevolence of her will  into that which is an informed expression. However long, however brief, as a part of her song in this dimension, this planet, this Gala- the Gaia light of manifest intent.

We would offer that there is much that has and is now held with the waters that are the seas, the ocean, the lakes, the rivers, the ponds, the streams, the marshes and other that have and are no longer that which has and pleases us in truth to have and receive into that which is our awareness. We do not speak of the waters that have and were in the original intent of the Gaia rather all that has been placed within them, released within them, disposed of within them for they have and taint and poison and corrupt that which has and should, we have and be so blessed to serve has and knows itself as that which does not meet the need state of those who have and are in receivership in the manner it has and was intended. And in some cases, as you understand, that which is called acid rain, as you have and understand, that which is pollutant or other that has and is carried and we are unable to, if you will ,distill this from that which is our nature and so we have and are in requirement, not by intent mind you, simply by that which has and is, if you will, rather ubiquitous at this point in our mutual awareness and then of course there is that which has and is placed by those devices, machineries, factories and discharge through that which you () and would seek to heat your homes, that which you have and seek to run or feed those vehicles that you have and drive,  that which you have and seek to create, to consume, and to lay waste to.  And we do not deny you the right or the ability in this. Simply that you have and perhaps are unaware of the great weight of discharge that has and floats in that which is the atmosphere, the air that has and is also that which we have and are in requirement of passing through prior to that which is the delivery of that which you understand as the rain.
We are not able through our nature to walk around to avoid or even as we have and would be most wiling, to screen or distill out that which you have placed within us. That which you have and it is with great grief, that we have and open the arms of our awareness in that which is our nature, our function and have and return or in truth bestow so much more than the simple song that which is the waters of life wherever we have and are called so to serve. We would seek and offer that which is a small blessing and a small request on those of your species as you have and are so wiling to open your will and serve it therein.

Channel: I have and I am. 

The Great Spirit of the Rain: And it is simply this: we are not that which can control what has and is carried forth in and through our nature that of the rains. We are not that which has and may know ourselves able to hold ourselves in abeyance as once we may have when we have and understand that more  than has and is in requirement, or more than has and would serve has and is offered to a particular point in that which is the flesh of Gaia. That is for the reasons that you have and may  be aware of in your species and may not. That you have and through all of this discharge,  in the waters, in the soils, in the air, in the atmosphere if you will. It has and shifts things. It has and much as is that which has and would know itself, if you will listing, tipping and being tossed about and therefore that which was if you will a clear and straight intent or destination in service to that which is the highest light of requirement is no longer able.

Much as one who has and is aiming has pulled  back that which is the bow of an arrow of intent and yet another in this case it is that which you have, the particulates if you will, the distillation, the pollution, the excretion of all that you have and your species is in continual discharge of. Not only through yourselves  or those you have and keep as food source, but those who have and are the pesticides, the chemicals the as you would call them, pollutants. and that which has and is the discharge of the fuel, that which you use, that which you use to cool, that which you use to change and adapt that which has and is served in the balance of nature and in this we have and offer we cannot serve that which is other that poisoned, other than tainted, other than contaminated when there is not that which has and would cease to  poison, to contaminate, to pollute if you will. 

And where and how is this received? Is it not received in all that you ave and would know yourself in the  consumption therein? Through your rainwater, through that which has and waters your crops, for that which has and  fills your wells, for that which has and holds that which you have and would know as food source, through the seas, though the ponds and lakes, through the rivers and other. In this that which as you have and will a whirlpool of sorts wherein it has and spins and spins and it has and sucked with it all that has and is caught in its  flow. And we have and are most grieving, most heart broken if you will to be that which is  a contributor through no intent that which has and are fully aware does not serve or bring that  which is the pure, sweet water of life that has and was the intent and product of the Gaia’s manifest resource and grace. 

We do not seek to continue to serve that which is tainted to those of your species or in truth any other. And it is simply a matter of having and seeking for we have and understand perhaps with greater clarity than you have and may- that we are not, that which has and will be in the receivership of if you will, negative consequence to one’s own potential. One’s own flourishing.  One’s own continuance in other seasons. For we have and serve that which has and is our nature to serve and yet you have, and are those who have and would pollute and sit there and drink for that which you have polluted and consume that which has and is watered or seasoned if you will with that which is your own discharge or waste. We realize this is an unpleasant or if you will, rather graphic description and yet it is accurate and it is not our desire for that has and we are aware for while you have and may be able to employ that which you  um create as filtration system for some, We have and would offer it is many who have and are not able to avail themselves of such. 

Many who are of the human form. Many who are those who have and are of the fish and many other sea dwellers , many who have and are those of the air walkers and other who have and know themselves able to and willing to take wing if you will.  And, of course, there is all of that which has and is in consumption of that which is placed within the soil, which has and is returned to that which is through that which you understand as that which is convention or evection, that which has and would climb up and then be returned though the cycle that has and is the natural flow of the waters. And in this there are so many who have and thirst so greatly and yet who have and are forced to drink that which has and does not serve in  truth  for it has and taints their life force, their capacity, their ability to reproduce, even their ability to know themselves whole and complete and that which has and is filled with the vitality of all that has and is blessed upon them from the light of Gaia.

We have and are not that which will know ourselves no longer in form and we have and would find it most lonely if you are able to conceive of this, for we do not seek to be that which simply floats around the planet in service to all who have and know themselves unable to continue by that which has and is dropped from our nature. We have and perceive there is that possibility. It has and is as that which we have and if you will smell in the winds approaching from one source and that source is of denial, refusal and unwillingness to if you will choose to shift that which is the direction of your own flow sons and daughters of the human collective . For we are unable to assist by holding back, or clearing of, filtering or purifying if you will that which you have and do not seek to know yourselves filled with yes?

You may not understand and while it is said and offered and bandied about that you each and all of your in your physical form are in truth are the majority of that which are the waters of life and so we would offer, is it not wise brothers and sisters to seek to know yourselves able to have and consume that which is sweet and pure, untainted and life giving rather than that which has and is what you would call to yourselves. And while you have and may feel that you have fully cleansed that which you would consume we would offer that that has and is not so . For even those containers, those many individual little containers that you have and hold in that which is the plastics.That which you have and perceive as purified, cleansed, and if you will, de-contaminated of the waters you would seek to drink had and through the very nature of these plastics knows itself in manner of contaminate.

 And as you have and continue to create and to pollute and to add this element of contamination into the great waters, into that which has and in that which has and is carried through the air in what you may understand as micro-components there is naught we can do that we have not sought to call forth. And yet it is not our nature and so we have and we appear and we gather up all that is offered to us as is our intent through that which is our nature and it is in truth with grieving hearts that we have and open the hands of our nature and serve back that which while it may sustain in short measure, from our perspective at least, it has and does not serve the greater sustenance  and continuance of your and many, many species in that which you would understand as the blessing of flow.

We have and would seek to serve this awareness with great clarity and respect and hope in that which is your heart place. Hope that you have and will understand there is mosphere, the air that has and is also that which wnot that which can be, if you will, put off for a rainy day. This in truth is that rainy day. There is no other and has and it is that which has and you may, of course, as it is your right and will choose to continue to believe if you will in that which we would offer is child’s tale, fantasy, that which is the great mud of denial that you have other time, that you have more time if you will, as you understand it, to take care of that which would be inconvenient, or unpleasant, or in some ways burdensome to actually take care of today. And that is of course your choice brothers and sisters, however, if you do not seek to serve yourselves we would ask that you have and open that which is the ear of your heart to receive this, if you will, request for those who have and have not yet spoken from their positions of natural receivership of all that has and is placed in that which was the great and sacred blessing, that was and is intended for all living beings who have and are a part of this amazing flow. Not simply your own and not simply one or two but all as we have and know ourselves blessed to serve.

We are not unwilling and have heard and responded for many seasons to the prayers, to the requests, to that which have and are the beautiful gratitudes by members of your varying communities where you have known your own life forces or potential threatened if you will  by lack of that which is the song of our grace. And we are not unwilling to continue. In truth it is with great pleasure and joy for we have often found that we are that which has and is received with great powerful gratitude as prayer answered as that which has and in truth calls forth that which is another season of life-force for those members of your own clans and that of many other. It is simply to know that one has and offers that which is tainted waters. That has and wounds us deeply, for we are aware we serve that, which in truth, may serve in some  aspect and wound in other .

We would seek to know ourselves able to return to that which is our service, which we have and perform with deep respect and delight when we have and know ourselves simply through our nature to serve the blessings of life and continuance rather than that which is the woundings of dissolution and in truth the poisoning of so many, many of the beautiful songs of life that have and companioned us and all others in this song of that which is the Gaia light. We do not seek to rain our woe further upon that which is your own heart place daughter for we feel that you are receiving the great wounds that we have and know ourselves held within and we appreciate it.  We have and acknowledge that it is not that which we have and are able to ameliorate in our own field for we are not that which has the capacity to shift the flow of that which has and is born  through the will and perhaps, although we do not feel this, there are those who have and are aware and therefore it would be of mal-intent that they have and would continue in that which is the discharge of that which has and does not serve any. In truth your own progeny and that of all others. We offer a prayer of profound gratitude of the blessing of the deep listening and the opening of that which through the will of your awareness has and calls forth that which is the great shift of the winds of your own intent such that you have and no longer seek to blow that which is destructive force in and through the waters of life but rather seek as you have and are so wiling to know yourselves as one who has and would gather, has and would diminish, has and would cease that which has and in truth poisons all. We are that which as and has always known ourselves as joy filled to serve, as blessed with the grace of our nature and we have and would seek to return to that point of our awareness where as we have, as our nature requires, rain upon that which hare the and is the fields, the forests, the streams, the waters, the mountains and that which is those villages and towns and other points of community that you have and have claimed and that we have and understand are also in requirement to meet your own need state for that which you have and would consume in various manner. And we simply would seek to know ourselves able to serve with joy in our heart rather than with grief and in truth, distress for we have and are aware of all that we have and serve through that which is not our intent but simply that which is the requirement of that which we have and are. 

We appreciate the willingness of all that have and have walked in companionship with our awareness at this point as we have and would serve it with heavy heart and we have and hope for we feel great love and great atunement that has and is so willing in the heart place of many, many, many, of your species to simply be called forth just that (call) in and through the watering of the awareness such that it has and knows itself as a mighty bloom and has and calls forth a mighty harvest of right relation and reclamation and reconfiguration for all who have and know themselves as member of the family that have been born and are expressed through the light of Gaia. We are in efficiency daughter we have and take our leave as you have and are willing to grant it and to have ad serve that which is the song of our heart to those who have and bless us with their willingness to be in receivership therein.

Channel:  I have and offer a prayer profound gratitude for the blessing of your light Great Spirit of the Rain I have and will serve as you have  requested and I hold the grief  of your heart place within my own.

The Great Spirit of the Rain:  We appreciate that daughter and so may it be that there are many of your own species who as well have and will hold with great gentleness that which has and is our grief as they have and choose no longer to be the source therein. We take our leave, it is sufficient.


#9: Great Spirit of the Mayfly


#7: The Great Spirit of the Calf