#7: The Great Spirit of the Calf

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This episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast brings a channeled message from the Great Spirit of the Calf.

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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host, Tracy Shoolman. In today’s episode I channel a message from the Great Spirit of the Calf. Several weeks ago I was driving to meet a friend at a local conservation trail when road work  detoured took me by a small dairy farm where a handful of cows and their calfs dotted the hillside and this got me to thinking I wonder how much else is waiting to be discovered when we are forced to take a little detour. It is my honor to channel the Great Spirit of the Calf. 

It is important to note that this particular channeling session was recorded before I decided to release them as podcast episodes, as such the audio quality isn’t ideal and I ask you give me grace and understand why I felt it was important to share this message from the Great Spirit of the Calf. I have since updated my recording set up and the newer sessions are much higher quality.


The Great Spirit of the Calf: We have and seek a moment of your knowing sister. We have and are that which is the Spirit of the Calf. We are if you will, a frequency, a vibration of the Greater Spirit of the Cow and yet we would  seek your awareness from that particular vantage point of our own, that is the Calf as you have and are so willing to receive it.

Channel: I have and I am.

The Great Spirit of the Calf: Thank you.

Channel You are welcome.

The Great Spirit of the Calf: We have and are in agreement, your species and that which is my own vibration, for do we not both seek and enjoy that who is the milk of the cow yes?

Channel: Yes that is so many humans do. 

The Great Spirit of the Calf: And we do not deny that it is a most beautiful and we feel delicious source of nutrient designed to meet our needs in particular and if you will, adopted by many of your own species  to meet your own although we offer is it not best to consume that which comes from the breast of one who has given birth to you for is that not most cunningly designed to have and serve the individuate need state most efficiently?

Channel: It is so. 

The Great Spirit of the Calf: We have and offer this is not that which we have called to dissuade, not that we would be unwilling, the great, if you do not mind us offering, overconsumption of the milk of that which is a lactating mother of our own species. We have and would offer however, that we have and consume as do you, that which is of tainted source. We do not speak of the individuate udder if you will, or individuate physical expression of one or other cow rather there is that which has and is in the feed, in the water, in that which is served in and through to meet the need state of those who have and we know as, mother to our own expression that has and then flows as is to be understood in and through and into that which is the milk that has or would and is required to serve our own need state and as you are well aware, in many forms as the yogurts, as the butters, as the cheeses, as the milk of your own. In this are we not, I speak on behalf of all who have and are the calf or offspring of the great cow to know themselves able to have and consume that which is untainted of pesticides, untainted of contaminate, untainted of those small plastics, untainted of that which is added to increase the production therein of the lactation of the beings who are mothers who have birthed us and allowed this if you will, potential of others consumption into form.

Channel: Yes thank you, you speak of hormones or antibiotics?

The Great Spirit of the Calf: We speak of many and we have and would also serve there is the flesh of other that is served  in and is not natural to those who are of our species and yet if 

that is what is offered it has and is consumed and in this, while we have and would sing of our own need state to have that which is cleansed, purified and reconstituted if you will or returned to that which is more natural and therefore less contaminated of our milk that we have and would know ourselves blessed to consume so too we offer it is wise to examine what has and is placed into the  bellies of your own species, into the bellies of your own calves, and in truth the fully grown among you. We find this most peculiar for there is not a fully grow amongst our kind that would seek to suckle as one would as infant or newly born. However that is not that which we have and have come to analyze if you will or to place judgment upon.

 We simply would seek, with great deep respect, the cleansing and clearing the return to the original state of purity of you will and are so willing of that which is the resource that has and knows itself as essential to our own nourishment and sustenance and that as you have and seek to consume it is that which has and floods the physical form and serves in addition to that which you understand as nutrient much other that has and is less if you will, essential to your own structure and in truth  that which has and would cause in some aspect detriment or retardation of some aspect of the physical form. We do not seek to use that word and have it misconstrued to mean that there will be great damage to the brain or the functioning therein  however, there is that which has and is not natural to either of our physical forms and in that way it has ad offers stress that is placed upon our own systems and in this it would be a great blessing to have those of your kind who have and seek to take for you own use that which is the milk of the mother. We simply would seek and ask that as you have and are so willing you have and would cleanse or remove the contaminate from the source of the waters, cleanse and remove the additional ingredients if you will, that have and are served in and through the feed, placed in that which is the grasses and the other that have and are essential to the growth and sustenance of  those of our kind for they have and do not serve.We have and are aware that you  have and would consume our flesh as well as that which is our milk and we are not unwilling in certain aspects to serve the need state  as for those who have and know themselves unable to seek other sustenance other than through that which is the consumption of our own physical form. That is understood  however we further offer that is is not only the milk of that which is the lactating mother that has and knows itself infused and embedded with other, with contaminate created or manufactured or injected or sprayed upon that which is our own resource, that we have and are required and know essential to our own continuance. And in this as you have and clam the flesh of one who has consumed these contaminates is it not also you have and willingly ingest those other aspects that have and are  less than nourishing, that have and are less than natural, that have and are if you will, confusing and stress causing to the efficient functioning and in truth the vital expansion of your own physical expression? 

We are not here to offer what would be considered a political stance wether or not one should  sound not consume the flesh of our expression, that is not why we have come. We simply would offer that you and your own species have and are also tainted by that which you would willingly and knowingly place upon that which are the grasses, the feed, the other aspects that have and are placed into the waters and in this are we not all well served to know ourselves, at least at that point in our history where we have and know ourselves in physical form to be in the consumption therein of that which is not laced with the contaminants, and if you will in small measure, the poisons that have and would reduce and minimize that which is the efficiency of our own life force and in truth that of your own. 

We realize it is perhaps an awkward conversation to have with those of your species and yet it is an essential point for there is much that has and is out of balance if you will, out of alignment as we would understand it in that which is the great flow of Gaia. We do not expect to have those of your species listen to this small request and observation and simply stop in their consumption which is so habitual and appears, or has been told to you for those who have other intent perhaps, that it is essential. And yet we offer if it was essential would that not be as Gaia has called it forth? We do not deny the milk fo the mother is essential or at least, if you will, the preferred object of consumption for that which is most efficient and effective form of nourishment for those who have and are of your own issue and those of our own. Yet we would simply offer that however you have or would seek to consume that which is born in and through our physical form through that which is the milk, through that which is our flesh, you have and would be wise and well served to seek to consume that which is not infused with contaminate, not tainted with that which has and does not serve the greater flow of our natures as those who have and walk in concert with each other in this small plane of awareness. 

We do not offer this as judgment for we understand there are many who have and are of your collective who honor and respect us, at least that which is our flesh if not that which has and is our milk and in that we are very grateful and we are honored to have and know ourselves  as that which has and carries the vibration of that which is a wiling  exchange of respect and atunement with our fields. We simply sought to have and serve that small piece of wisdom  and in truth that great desire of our heart upon the plate of your awareness and your willing service as one who has and is as bank of river through which the flow of our awareness has and may reach others who are a bit further down the stream. In this we have and have spoken and offered our concerns, our awareness and our warning. For there are none in truth that have and may consume that which is laced with contaminate for many seasons without that which is  the natural flow of consequence being the primary, if you will, source of the waters that are available to one and all yes?

Channel: Yes, yes thank you Great Spirit of the Cow I have and receive your light with gratitude. 

The Great Spirit of the Calf: We do not seek to impose our awareness upon your own or those of your species other than to offer gratitude of the potential of that which would be the cleansing of the waters, the purification of that which is the source of life for all. The removal of those of pesticides, those of other that have and taint the grasses and the other food stuff that is offered to us in our captivity and in truth for those few of us who have and walk without the requirement of service to your kind. We offer gratitude for your willingness to receive and for your support as you have and are wiling to serve it, that which is our small wisdom to those of your species in a timely fashion in service to the continuance of all who have and would know themselves the children of Gaia in the light of her open heart and mighty will. It is sufficient we have and take our  leave as you have and are willing to grant it so.

Channel: Thank you Great Spirit of the Calf. I have and offer you godspeed and blessings. 

The Great Spirit of the Calf:  And to you sister, it is sufficient.


#8: Great Spirit of the Rain


#6: The Great Spirit of the Coral