The Great Spirit of the Iguana
Photo credit :Upsplash
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: We have and are most willing to join you in discourse this evening as you have and honor our awareness sister. We are that which has and is the Great Spirit of the Iguana and we have and appreciate your awareness of the direction of the knock that we have presented to you through the being who is your sister most efficiently we feel.
Channel: (My sister who lives in Miami, sent a screen shot of a local South Florida weather update warning “Falling Iguanas Possible. Iguanas slow down when temps drop since they are cold blooded. A couple may fall out of trees this morning.)
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: You see and feel that it is only for us to be that which under certain conditions in this environ are unable to steady our own field in relation to that which are the current circumstances in the physical realm and yet we offer are we not that which is a mighty and powerful out picturing of that which also befalls that of your own species when you have and are not if you will, designed to tolerate certain shifts in the physical environ.
Channel: Thank you, that is so
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: We further offer it is not our desire to see you falling out of the trees of your expression for we offer it is less than pleasant to be unable to move ones will when there is that which is unseasonable weather of circumstance yes? Would we not be better served to be that which was able to, if you will, have the forewarning of the shifts as you have in your own environ and in that way know ourselves able to prepare if you will and perhaps carry ourselves to a lower branch rather than the highest one from which the fall is a bit more dramatic. We are those who through our nature are not as able to adapt. It is not that which has been bestowed on us but the great light of Gaia in the manner that it has been bestowed upon you if you do not mind us offering - you in that in which we refer to in the species not in the individuate although it does apply to you individually yes?
Tracy: I believe I understand what you are offering.
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: Simply that it is not a matter of incapacity or un-deniability rather, it is a matter of will and have you not been granted the blessing of the freedom of will and that which you have and offer as badge upon your own expression that which has and identifies you as, if not superior, quite superior in your capacity for adaptation to the shifting climates both physical emotional and vibrational that are and flow in and through this dimension.
In this we simply offer it is wise from our perspective, if one has the capacity to know oneself in a position to prepare or to adapt to the shifting conditions of a particular field be they physical, emotional, spiritual or other circumstance is it not a blessing to know that and to embrace it with an open and wiling heart such that those which you hold close to you in your heart place are not faced with the limitations that are carried from generation to generation by those who are unable or unwilling to employ the blessing of adaptation effectively or efficiently.
We offer that there was a point in our own ancestry where there was great adaptation-it was that which we were skilled at if you will and we are still- although there is that which may not be able to attune itself with the efficiency that is required by the current circumstance that we have and are faced with. We do not seek to berate we do not seek to deny we simply seek to offer as gift up on the alter of your and your species awareness that which we in some aspect would be most pleased to know as it is is a part of our current field in a manner that it has and is placed upon your own should you choose to engage it.”
Channel: I believe that you are offering that we have the opportunity through our free will to make the appropriate adaptations in how we are in alignment with that which are the current circumstances of this environment and it is up to us to choose to do so or our progeny may know themselves held in the limitation of the lack of our claiming?
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: It is, adequately sufficient in your distillation of our offering. We would further offer that we are not unwilling to partner and join with you for we have not found your species to be particularly -um that which we would define as ‘bad weather’ as a system and we do appreciate the acknowledgment of our nature and the incapacity to avoid the unpleasant and somewhat embarrassing collision of our mutual physicality’s under these current circumstances. We would further offer that while the occasional dip in temperature in our physical realm which has and is not a common occurrence although not a rare one in these particular climes is a minor weather system in comparison to that which we feel approaches should your species remain unwilling to claim the blessing and gift of adaptation that has been bestowed upon you by Gaia yes?
Channel: I appreciate your wisdom and your guidance it is consumed with gratitude.
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: We are most joy filled to serve our song in and through your willing receivership daughter. You have and we feel you considering the powerful adaptation that, and there are those of us, who are able to adapt most efficiently our physical form in what one would consider camouflage to great advantage and we do not deny it is a particular specialty of ours. That is why we are so surprised that your own ability to adapt and to align with the changing, the ever changing flow of circumstance has not been more eagerly taken up and embraced.
We are most aware of the discord in the heart place of your kind for while we may not be reactive as you understand it we are very much in receivership of the discord of your heart. It is much as the unseen yet most keenly felt as rays of the sun or breath of the cooling upon our awareness. We do not speak of our physic expression rather of our awareness. We may not speak in the language that is familiar to your ears and yet we offer your field of awareness is very much known to us for it is our natural way of receivership. It is that which has allowed us through our own gifts of adaptation to remain in companionship with the being who is Gaia, our great grandmother and one whom we have and are honored to bedeck if you will with our form as we have and know ourselves most blessed to experience this particular out picturing and our service in the the balance and continuation of the Gaia flow is that which we are most, if you will- it is not pride as much as we are honored to serve and take our service most profoundly as that which has and is in alignment with the song of flow of continuance.
We have and have had those of our ancestry who are less able to adapt to the changing of the circumstance not simply in the physical but there were others and others and other circumstance that were unbeknownst to your current field of awareness that were contributing elements to that which led them to fall from the branch of their incarnate expression .”
Channel: Thank you, that’s very interesting.
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: Perhaps. We consider it that which is of great, if you will, grief for us and we have chosen as we have watched those of our ancestry not to drink from the same water of resistance they had and consumed so carelessly.”
Channel: I was under the impression that it was external environmental influences.
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: In part that is so and yet we are here. We are those who were able to adapt are we not, in some form or iteration and for those who were unable to adapt, well, you find their messages of, if you will, example of that which occurs when the power of adaptation is not worn as a mantle of necessity.
Channel: My understanding, if I may, is that you are suggesting that we have the capacity as a species to adapt and yet we may not choose to seriously embrace the ability to adapt to our current environmental emotional or vibrational conditions in a timely fashion and therefor suffer the consequence or receive the consequence of our free will choices?
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: That is fairly accurate sister and it is not that we wish upon you nor are we cursing or bestowing this upon you we are simply offering that we too would seek to continue in the flow of our light informed in this dimension and in service to Gaia. Not as singular or without your companionship in truth for that is what we do desire as we have and honor each other our need states, our requirements in this as emissary, as Spirit of the Iguana I have and offer that we would seek your willingness to try on the cloak of adaptations of adaptability in your relation with Gaia such that all may know themselves in the grace of continuance of flow. We appreciate that it is your free will that may claim or not and we would serve humbly, if you will, and without adornment, the truth of that which has if you would befallen those similar potentials of our own ancestry you understand as dinosaur or other that did not heed the power of adaptation to current circumstance.
Channel: Thank you, you are wise and I am very grateful for your wisdom
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: We do not seek the sugar coating, we appreciate however, your willingness to receive that which is our song from our heart. We offer that it is a unique and beautiful place that we have and share together is it not? Are we not blessed to be companions in this environment, this song of Gaia which has called forth such a myriad of creative flow that each and all have and may enjoy as we have and honor and respect the basic requirements of continuation therein? We do not seek to overstay our welcome. We simply offer that it is with gratitude that we have and serve you our small wisdom as a gift from our own ancestors upon the plate of your potential as a species yes? Consider it a gift of neighbors who have and would seek to continue in neighborly fashion to serve that which is apparently in requirement at this or other point in our mutual coexistence yes?
Channel: Thank you it is quite beautiful and I am grateful in receivership.
The Great Spirit of the Iguana: It is sufficient we did not seek to commandeer your awareness, however we are grateful that you have turned your open heart and your will in alignment with our own.
Channel: Blessings to you.