The Great Spirit of the Rat
Photo credit: Courtesy of Unsplash
Channel: Listening to an episode of NPR’s “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me “ introduced me to the Great Spirit of the Rat. A story about a rat swimming in front of First Lady Barbara Bush in the White House Swimming pool during the George Bush senior presidency drew my awareness in to alignment.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: Are we not that daughter which elicit’s great extremes of emotional tides within your species and is that not the power of our light? We simply, through the act of our vibrational presence, have the power to draw forth great fear or admiration for our wily manner yes? We do not argue that we are not the most welcome of neighbors and yet is it not the invitation offered again and again by the detritus of your species and are we not one to serve the Gaia through efficiency of reclamation of that which is no longer viable in the original form?
We are well versed in the traversing across many environs. We are that which has the mantle of powerful adaptation to the opportunities presented by our current life conditions .We are masterful at the power of reclaiming that which no longer serves the flow of physical informing such that we efficiently transmute the form into its constituent energies. Are we not well aligned with the need state of your species for we have adapted to assist you in the reclamation of that which is byproduct of your own consumption yes?
We are worthy servants of the light sister we serve the need state of Gaia most willingly do we not? For how else shall the great discharge of the human consumption know itself honored in the fullness of its return to the greater flow of service to the light of continuance when your species is if you do not mind me offering rather inefficient in this aspect of balanced hm recycling of the field. Now where did we leave off of this discourse daughter? Ah yes the great discharge of unwanted or unused food stuff and other that your species serves back upon the Breast of Gaia in a manner of partial consumption or if we are not mistaken that which has simply turned the corner of what your collective would consider consumable as it may have the bruise upon the flesh or the wilting of that which is leaf or stalk is this not accurate?”
Channel: It is for some.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: We offer it is most noticeable and therefore in high requirement of address in the cities where great numbers of your species congregate in the cement gardens that do not offer the natural blessing and return of the flesh of Gaia in to the soil of reclamation yes?
Channel: That is accurate brother.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: Are you able to feel how we serve the Gaia with our willing consumption and redistribution of the great surfeit of the bounty of her breast such that it is honored and transmuted most efficiently I offer it is a mighty requirement that is and knows itself with little respite of late yes? We observe however that this virus has assisted somewhat in the helpful reduction of unused food stuff as there is less hm of the great gatherings of the other times yes?”
Channel: I had not considered it however yes you are accurate.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: We are not seeking our angels wings sister we are as are all who walk this planet serving the light of our own continuance in the point of primacy yes- and why would we not?You consider other points the history of your species and our relations, we offer we serve many corners of your need state do we not? Have you not uncovered our assistance if you will in the unearthing of cures and other that are placed upon the shoulders of our physical expression through the biologic experiments and research you have and call forth in service to the further continuance of your own knowing?
Channel: Yes.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: And are we not that which has and with our keen olfactory senses able to assist your species through the identification of the weapons of great destruction you have planted as seeds beneath the soil? And are we not that which through our superior sense of smell identifies this or that disease that has and is entertained within the flesh of your species.
Channel: You are remarkable in your multifarious service.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: And was not our image that which is both greatly admired and greatly feared in various communities or cultural proclivities ? We do not seek to deny your species, or to taint, or as we have been known, to serve upon the back of your physicality those who are hm roommates upon our own knowing. There are many who seek to hitch a ride from one potential to another upon the back of the most convenient coach is this not so.
Channel: It is.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: We would appreciate your clarification for those who consume this wisdom as we have carried the burden of misappropriation of the great hm 'black death’ upon the shoulders of your species inaccurate assignation of this unfortunate plague was it not another of our kin, a relation, that was more or less available in the current circumstance of the the environs of the day?
Channel: As I understand it was what we call the gerbil.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: Trust us when we offer that which is shot with the arrow of blame or attribution is many times a great misappropriation sister and yet one aways seems to drink deeply from the waters of other blame yes? The waters of judgment of fault that weigh so heavily in the thought forms of those who have or know their own having been in receivership of great injustice or pestilence or other of the ebbs and flows of this dimensional existence yes? We offer there are many of your own species who lay the sword of blame upon the neck of the uninvolved in other than the misfortune of proximity to the point in a shared history of flow in and through this dimension yes?
We did not seek your awareness simply to serve a diatribe of retribution upon your plate daughter rather to offer we are powerful and willing allies not servants to our mutual continuance yes? We further offer that we are not that which will know itself so threatened by the wounding of our own hands upon the heart place of our continuance as we have understood it. However the same may not be available to those of your expression as they continue to cover the eyes of their heart, to cover the ears of their heart and shake their head again and again as one who is four legged dog shakes off the rain from the pelt yes?
The rain of truth we speak of daughter, the rain of consequence, of lack of choosing or worse choosing a lack of action in service to the high season of rebalancing of relation with our Mother? We may not be that which you seek to cuddle and stroke although we offer there are those who are most open to our charms. Yet we offer is it the cat or dog that can serve as trusted guide and scout when you seek to know the location of the mines you have planted with the intent to destroy those of your own species? We do not seek to earn the crown of most useful non-human for we all have and wear the mantle of our own singular nature yes? We simply sought to, through gentle reminder, offer that as we together honor the great light of our Mother, the Gaia such that we may assist with a more moderate deconstruction of the excess foodstuff and other your species serves again and again into the iron jaws that seek to bury and burn rather than to rest and return in and through the soil for the most part so we too may know ourselves in greater balance.
We do not seek to continue with more than will be chewed upon by those of your nature daughter simply to offer the hand of our heart in willing reconciliation and reunion yes? We teach our young that to judge what is of another nature is to bear witness to the acts of their will and in this we offer it is timely to consider the great roar of your acts of denial as they are that which drowns out most other of your expression. There is a great song of potential in the air daughter and it is a tune we are most eager to partake in the singing of yes? We offer the hand of our heart place in willing alignment with those of your knowing who are so willing to relearn the great power and wisdom of the members of our clan and that of others who do not wear the garment of the human form. We take our leave sister and offer blessings of goodwill to those of your clan, so may it be.
Tracy: Blessings in the highest to you and your clan brother and gratitude for your service to the light of continued flow in this dimension.
The Great Spirit of the Rat: It is sufficient.