#179 The Great Spirit of the Fig Tree

Take a bite of sweet wisdom from the Great Spirit of the Fig Tree in today's episode of Gaia Translate.

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Welcome friends this is your host Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of Gaia Translate.  I was drawn to the Great Spirit of the Fig Tree when listening to a an NPR interview with author Elif Shafak and her new book “The Island of Missing Trees.  According to the Author she wanted to tell. The story of a family in Cyrus in the center of a conflict in the 1970s.  What attracted my attention was the unique manner in which the story unfolds as much of the story is told from the perspective of a fig tree. 



The Great Spirit of the Fig Tree: We greet you, daughter. We offer you the blessing of our patience. We feel you are more balanced and able to be steady in that which would be the winds of receivership. We are that which has and holds the vibration of The Great Spirit of the Fig. We are, of course, an aspect of the fruit of that which is the Great Spirit of the Fig Tree. So, you may know us as both, although from your perspective as a member of the species of the human clan we are understood as fig, and that which is a mighty blessing or has been known as such in the course of your own evolution.

Channel: Greetings and welcome, Great Spirit of the Fig Tree and the Fig. Thank you for your patience.

The Great Spirit of the Fig Tree:  You are welcome, daughter. We have been, we would offer, quite essential at various points in our mutual history to that which is the continuance of certain branches of your clan. We appreciate that we are admired and we still feel, although to a lesser degree, the vibratory field of gratitude from those parts of your greater society that still cultivate, honor, and consume us.

We are the blessing of plenty. We are the blessing of available resource. We are the blessing of the fruits of peace in form, and while we may not be understood as such, it is part of our vibratory field and as such, we hold and steady your species with great acuity and grace. Your species is not the only animal that has and knows us as a mighty blessing of resource, and we would invite you to be mindful of this. For as you have and seek to cultivate, as you have and seek to designate great swathes of the land mass in that which is your agricultural practice, much that has and was of our native environs has been subsumed underneath that which is your particular desires or predilections of late.

We are not unwilling to serve as an agricultural crop and we have and know ourselves most able and useful in this manner. We would request that for every acre or so, that you have and plant for your own need state and use, you would honor a section that is designated for the consumption by other members of the greater clan of life and flow in whatever particular environment you have and cultivate us within.

You are not required to mark off as this row is designated for the consumption by non-human animals. We would suggest that you are well-served, as are many, to be willing to designate greater patches than have already been claimed for that which is the ecology of this plane, and in truth to reseed, as you are willing, our expression in areas that are open for the grazing and consumption by all members of life, be they of the insect kingdom, be they of the winged ones, be they of the four-leggeds, be they of all manner of flow in that which is the relation of us with each other. For we have and serve many. And while your species is not rumbling in the belly for our expression as of yet, there are many others who know themselves also dependent upon a certain measure of our presence in that field of their life-force, their foodstuff, and even their environment, much as shelter or a pleasant place to rest that has been removed in recent epoch.

We have and acknowledge there are great shifts in the ecology and the systems of balance of the flow in this plane. You are not unaware, and those who have and cultivate our particular species and many others in the environments that we have and are most comfortable within, have and face greater and greater challenge, as do we, as that which is the ambient temperature increases and the availability of the required water has and decreases.

This is, we would offer, is a worrisome trend and as you have through your own creative ability to manifest and to be in relation with the natural world, called forth this imbalance, brothers and sisters, for are we not all related? We would invite you to apply that same ingenuity in a timely and efficient fashion in that which would be the cessation of all that is contributing to the increase and rapidity of the great wave of climate imbalance that has and bears down upon us all.

We are not able without the assistance of those other members of life in this plane to know ourselves seeded in other aspects of the other land mass, yes, other geography. And so that is one of the reasons we would be most grateful, and most encouraging for your species to have and dressed fully into the vibrations of allowance and, if you will, reseeding of what you many understand as the undeveloped lands and the great protection therein. For in this, and we do not seek to sound overly dramatic, yet in this lies the future of a balanced and pleasant plane for all. It is so that that descriptive as livable or tolerable, they passed through our awareness, and yet we felt they would be received an extreme or simply used as a dramatic tool to gain the attention of your clan when that is not accurate.

For those who would seek to continue the consumption of our expression, you may find it useful to relocate some of our form in those parts of the geography of this plane that as they have and shift have and are more suitable for the cultivation of our expression. We are aware that there is much that is upended and there are many, both human and non, who feel the weight of the great shifts upon them. It does not need to be so, brothers and sisters of the light, and the blessing we seek to offer as we step forward to the awareness of the flow is that of attunement to all you have and may claim through that which is the blessing of your own ingenuity and the power when you have and stand straight and tall in the light of your own acceptance and acknowledgement that there is no blessing in the delay. That, if you will, has been swept away through the greater resistance of your clan to standing in the light of truth without denial, truth without distortion. To feel this is to feel it with that which is your heart.

Your heart speaks the truth, yes? Your societal conditioning is that which you have and are wise to wash the mud off of your field. The social conditioning and the unwillingness of some members of your greater civilizations to continue in your current patterning as though there are no consequences is a point of great – we would offer – much as when you are in a vehicle and you are informed there is a blind spot that has and keeps you from perceiving that which approaches from one side or another from behind. This is a great blind spot in the field of awareness of the human collective, this point where you have and do not align the logical consequence of your choices, your behaviors, and your unwillingness to abate, to cease, to lift your hand from the fire. For is it not already burning?

It is this vibration of hiding one’s head in the sand, if you will, that does not serve. You are wise in great many aspects, brothers and sisters, and that we have enjoyed our relation with those of your clan, and so would continue. For we are not able to be the blessing of that which is the fruits of the harvest, the sustenance of continuance of that which vibrates as the symbol of peaceful coexistence, that there are those of your clan who have and sing of the inalienable rights that have and in a balanced environ are offered to all.

We invite you to consume that which is the fruit of our wisdom, as well as the fruit of our flesh. For the fruit of our wisdom is essential. This washing away of the mud of denial, this willing sharing of this finite physical plane, this allowance such that the greater flow of life may know itself in a place of wellbeing, and as it has and is able to vibrate in that which is the song of wellbeing through adequate resource, through adequate land mass, one that has and is not contaminated by your own discharge, your own poisons that you have and create to force the extinguishment of the insects, the pesticides – yes, that is the word – that have and leach into the soil and are sucked up into the other members of the plant kingdom and those who consume them.

It is timely to lift your hands from the fire, for you have and are burning a bit. And while all may not know themselves carried in a great conflagration, there are many who will feel that which is the hot breath of the flames of denial, the hot breath of resistance, and of that which is called forth through the unwillingness to acknowledge that great and immediate shift has and is that which lifts your hand from the flame.

Your words, the words of those who have and are the heads of your governmental structures, the heads of your industries, your manufacturing, may sing a pretty song. And as they sing they not only hold their own hands to the flame of a greater and greater imbalance, they grasp tightly and place the hands of the rest of your clan and hold them such that they too feel the flames of this imbalance burning their potential for a pleasant continuance.

We are aware that we do not offer a sweet and tender fruit for your consumption, and yet it is that which is in truth essential to nourish your awareness and to call forth that which is in requirement for the rebalanced continuance of life in this plane. We do not suggest that all will be incinerated; that is not our intent. We simply offer that much that you have known grown used and assumed would always be available as resource for your own need state is also being held to the flame of this mighty imbalance.

You have great will and the power of freedom of direction. It is your will that will seek to lift the hand of your own species and to remove those whose hands clamp down upon yours, meeting their own immediate need state or presumed hunger for material gain when they have and in truth are decimating the very physical plane from which they seek to extract that which they have and honor as it has and offers what is perceived as immediate return, yes?

Do not doubt, brothers and sisters, that you have and are not in sufficient quantity or number to stand together and much as those old-fashioned methods as what you understand as the bucket brigade together when you have and work as one, you will be able to douse much of that which already is burning. And yet, with each passing moment much as the great flames have and jump from here to there, carried upon the winds, so there is more that requires the dousing, the rebalancing, the cleansing, and the honoring in service to the greater flow of life in this plane of which you have and are a part, yes?

It is this blessing we sought to bring. While it may not taste as sweet as our fruits, it is essential as that which will offer you the nutrition that is required at this point in our mutual existence. It is sufficient, daughter. We appreciate your willingness to receive a less-than sweet fruit from the branches of our own awareness. We have and as you are so willing, we’ll take our leave.

Channel: Blessings be, Great Spirit of the Fig and the Fig Tree. Thank you for your wisdom. I am honored to receive and consume it and will offer it to those of my clan.

The Great Spirit of the Fig Tree:  That is all we can seek. We have and will take our leave as we have and sing a song of gratitude for the willingness of your species, your clan, to consume all of the fruits of our attunement with as much delight and gratitude as you have and consume our flesh.


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