#73 The Great Spirit of the Clover
Lucky listeners will be given powerful guidance from the Great Spirit of the Clover in the newest episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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Welcome friends, this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with today’s episode of the Gaia Translate podcast. Around St. Patrick’s Day the weekly supermarket flyers started to fill up my mailbox and almost all of them were covered in images of things like four leaf clovers and leprechauns and little pots of gold all of the typical St. Patrick’s day themes. I’m usually somewhat immune to seasonal themes, in an advertisement however, a local hardware store sent an entire full page ad completely filled with a single giant four leaf clover. Well that was pretty clear, I got it, it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the Clover.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We are The Spirit of the Clover, sister. We have heard your knock and we have and are most willing and grateful to respond. You have and were guided to our light through that which is the St. Patrick’s Day celebration, were you not?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We are aware that your own fields do not offer many of our kind in your awareness, and therefore, this seemed an efficient manner with which to attract your awareness to the gentle knock of our will upon your light.
Channel: Thank you. I am blessed to receive.
Great Spirit of The Clover: That is so, daughter. You have and we feel you turn your awareness to the many benefits and relationships that The Spirit of The Clover has with many of the brothers and sisters of our common informed expression. Is this not so?
Channel: It is.
Great Spirit of The Clover: Were you not aware that we are that which is primary in the creation of that which has and serves the Great Spirit of The Bee, and through the Spirit of The Bee that which is the brothers and sisters of the human form in that which is known as honey.
Channel: I had honestly forgotten, but I appreciate the reminder.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We are renowned, in truth, for the power of our sweetness and our healing light that flows in and through that which is known as the clover honey. Is this not so?
Channel: Yes.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We feel you turning back to your own awareness as child, and you would suck upon one or other of our own petals and taste the sweetness of our light upon your tongue. Is it not so?
Channel: It is so, yes!
Great Spirit of The Clover: And we offer that is our sweet nature, our willing to serve, alignment, as we have and simply are that which is a joyous and willing servant of flow. Are we not that which is in great quantity, consumed by those four-leggeds who are known to you as cow or cattle? As that which has and would fill their belly? And we are not unwilling to serve in this manner, for it has and is part of why we have and know ourselves held in the light of our informed expression. While we are not seeking to know ourselves transformed in the belly of one who has and is of calf, or cow, or bull, or other, nevertheless we are not unwilling, as it has and serves continuance of flow that has and is a part of the Gaia-light, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We have a peculiar relationship for those certain elements of our kind, and as you have and consider us as quite lucky, as quite a blessing, and we do not deny that we have and through our open-hearted will to have and serve. Are we not a blessing to all who have and come across us? You have and understand it as “token of luck,” as “token of charm,” that when you see those of us who offer up four petals, four leaves, if you will, rather than those of us who are of three , although we offer there is a great and sacred power in the number of three, as you have and may be aware, and we find it amusing that it is our four-legged or four-petaled, if you will, brothers and sisters that have drawn such attention into the heartplace of your species.
We do not deny that as you have and seek to be willingly aligned and call upon our great power of open-hearted and joy-filled service to the light that you have and would be unwelcome to hold close to your own hearts that which is the luck of the four-leafed clover. There are reasons that you have and may be aware that these which seem to be merely hearsay, merely fable, merely rumor, and yet are they not most persistent and we would offer there are many, many examples of this across all relations between that of the human species and that of natural world. And while there are those who shake them off as not that which feels as little bits of rain that falls from the skies of truth and are ignored or brushed away in a sense of dismissal when in truth they have and are most powerful as you have and align yourselves with the truth of our vibrative, our vibratory field, yes? We apologize for stumbling upon those which are your vocabulary options.
Channel: It is totally accepted and understood.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We further would offer that while we have and are an open and willing hearted servant of the light of flow, we would seek to invoke with great tenderness that which is the turning of your own heartlight in the direction of our awareness, our conscious attunement and our willingness to be one who is partner with your species, with your collective, with your light of the heart, as we have and would serve in the highest need state, not simply of our own physical requirement, but that of others such that all may know themselves in the great flow of unfoldment, attunement, and blessing.
We are not offering that you must serve yourselves as worthy supper to all who have and would hunger and seek to consume, for that would be inefficient, yes? Rather, we offer that you have and as you are so willing to claim the luck of the four-leafed clover, the sweetness of the honey as called forth through our relation with the Great Spirit of The Bee. For is that not how we know ourselves able to multiply, able to be that which serves in the fruitfulness of expansion, able to be that which has and is filled with the light of tender receivership by that of the Great Spirit of The Bee and their clan by that of the human species and your clan, and by that of the many four-leggeds who have and would seek to consume the sweetness of our light as it has and offers great and powerful nutrition and blessing in and through as they have and would transmute and transform our informed expression into that which is the light that serves their own need state most efficiently, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We simply sought the awareness of you and those of your species, as we have and would call you to the sweetness of an open-hearted and willing alignment in service with, not simply in receivership of, those who have and are your brothers and sisters, as you have and are of ours in that which are the children of this beautiful, natural, living being that we understand as Mother, or for you, Mother Nature, that which we understand as source light, or for you, the Gaia, that which we understand as mighty creatrix and for you that which has and offers you the soil of potential from which to bloom most beautifully, and that which has and would seek most profoundly the willing collaboration and partnership with, rather than dominance over or wounding of the physical expression of the mother-source, the Gaia light by those of your expression who willingly or unknowingly perhaps, continue to consume with great avidity the finite resource that has not had a chance to renew, replenish, or regrow itself in sufficiency, such that all may have and are served in the alignment of our mutual blessing.
It is not much that is being asked of you, and yet for some it may feel as though more is being asked than is feasible to give back more, if you will, to release from the mighty grip that has and holds such resource, such attunement, and great fear of lack and great concern for a hunger that has yet to come and yet, through the feeding and satiating of this unceasing hunger all through by fear of lack, all through by fear of other, all through by fear of cohabitation, if you will. There are none who in truth are served in sufficiency at this point in our mutual histories. Is it not timely, brothers and sisters, who are part of the great flight of human awareness for us all to have and sing together, for us all to have and know ourselves in a powerful tune of attunement, such that we each and all are willing to stand side-by-side to link the arms of our heart to open the heart of our will in joy-filled gratitude for our mutual beneficial and blessed continuance? For in that are not all well-served? In that, are not all well-attuned? In that, are we not able to be those who have and know themselves in the soils of potential most beautifully watered, most carefully pruned, and weeded and tended and made whole again?
We are not those of a melancholy nature, and yet we offer we have and feel pain of the heart, of the wounded belly of Gaia. For is this not the essential soil that all have and would know themselves born through, blossoming from, and held in the light of graceful expansion, and in truth, evolution born through the light of the will of Gaia, Great Mother, great source, great song of grace. This may feel a bit foreign or unusual for many, first of all to receive a message from that which is considered while living, yet devoid of awareness, and we would offer we are never void of awareness, for it is that which much as in your own informed alignment, your own life, are you void of awareness? We would offer you are not, and we find it amusing, confusing, in truth, that you cannot conceive of others who may not appear to have the same features, if you will, or physical abilities or lack therein, if you will, as that which simply through its differing nature, therefore is devoid of awareness of its’ nature or that of others.
We are aware and are hopeful that our small tune will awaken some point of deep and powerful attunement within the heartplace of each and all of your brothers and sisters of the human collective, the human community, such that you have and understand we have and are most aware as are all, as are the Spirits of The Bee, as are the Spirits of The Cattle, as are the spirits of each and all of you, and we have and are joy-filled and sing a jolly tune for are we not a merry light who has and is sweet and blessing by our nature, and that is as it needs to be. For that is the song of our vibration. It is why as those who have and seek that four-leafed clover have and are drawn to our sweet vibratory field have and are drawn, for as they have and seek what they consider the luck of the four-leafed clover, we offer it is our joy they seek to call and carry deep within their own heartplace, yes?
For as you have and receive what you consider good luck or blessing, is that not simply the gateway to joy? Great and powerful and clear joy that has and vibrates deeply within you. You may call it what you will and yet we understand ourselves as the vibration of joy, and joy-filled, and joyous and willing service with all who have and would seek our light in whatever form. And we are grateful and joy-filled to so serve, as we have and offer many, many of those of your own species have and are so willing and joy-filled to serve the reunion, the common union, communion, the alignment and attunement of willing and open heart of call, who have and know themselves children of the Gaia-light, children of this mighty and powerful and ongoing flow of awareness, our Great Mother – and yours as well. While you may not be aware, and in truth they are only those who are most newly hatched or bloomed that are not aware of their source-light as some of you have seemed to have forgotten, if you do not mind us offering.
We do not speak of that which is religion. We do not speak of that which is of a god or other; we speak of the physical flow that has and encompasses the awareness, the spirit, the soul, the knowing that has and rests so beautifully within each and all, not only of your species, but of each and all who have and know themselves blessed to be a part of the great song of this mighty being’s willing light, her intention. For it is not that we are all a part. Is it not that we are all a part of a great and powerful heart-song that has offered us in our beautiful variety, in our expanse of variation, the opportunity to know ourselves in the great song of unity, the unification as that which has and knows itself most beautifully, and in truth delicately aligned and balanced in a mighty and ongoing flow of light.
That is what we sought to offer and as you have and would place the sweet like the taste of the clover honey upon the tongue of your awareness, as you have and would hold close to your own breast that which is the clover, that of the four-leafed or the [inaudible], for either in truth hold the vibration of our grace, which we have and willingly serve in and through in friendship and gratitude for your willingness to call forth the blessing of our mutual re-awareness, our mutual reunion of attunement, such that we have and honor, have and respect, have and offer gratitude for our shared and willing alignment in service to our communal flow.
And that is what we sought to call forth through your celebration that has and aligns itself with our own as part of your joy-filled celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, which we understand is for many less encased in the robes of a religious ceremony and more as that which is a joy-filled song of the return of spring, although this is our humble awareness of the vibration that we feel, rather than [ room noise] that which has and is, if you will, the dictionary definition that is commonly served through the words, and not so commonly served, if you do not mind us offering, through the action of your species, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you. That is not (laughs), that is accurate for many.
Great Spirit of The Clover: We do not seek to be disrespectful. That is never our intent. Rather, we seek to open the arms of our awareness and turn with great gratitude and joy-filled hope for the song of your willing opening of the arms of your own awareness to those of our species, those who know themselves born of the Spirit of the Clover. For we have and are [25:00] jolly friends and companions and would seek to be more so, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Clover: That is all we sought to call forth as we have and hold ourself in song of deep and profound gratitude for the blessing of the awakening a bit, the awareness of the heartplace of those of your own collective. We have and feel it. We feel it as you have and know that which pushes itself through the soils of rebirth, we have and feel the great awakening of the awareness of your interrelated alignment with all who have and are of the flow of Gaia most beautifully in the season of rebirthing, and we are grateful in receivership.
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit of The Clover, four, or three, or other leaf. And thank you for the blessing of your sweet nature and the song of your light.
Great Spirit of The Clover: You are welcome, daughter. We have and do not seek to turn your awareness in our direction any further, and simply offer blessings, blessings in the highest to each and all of your species, and that from one who is and has been longtime companion, friend, and willing servant of the blessings of grace upon the heartplace of your species.
We take our leave, as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am. Blessings in the highest, Great Spirit of The Clover.