#70 The Great Spirit of the Fruit Fly
The Great Spirit of the Fruit Fly is our channled guest in today's episode of the Gaia Translate podcast.
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I don’t know about you but most every time I bring some banana’s or the occasional pineapple back from the market a fruit fly or two would inevitably have hitched a ride. Things had been pretty quiet for a while until I noticed a fruit fly in the kitchen not simply hanging around the bananas but with odd determination flying around my face and hair - I would brush it away and then forget about it until a day or so later it found me at my desk and landed itself right in the middle of my iPad just walking back and forth across the screen. I started laughing at this being’s determination and set about channeling the Spirit of the Fruit Fly.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We have and seek a moment of your knowing, mistress, as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We are that which is The Spirit, The Great Spirit of those that you understand as The Fly of the Fruit, although we are a larger collective who have and would knock upon the door of your awareness at this point in our mutual histories.
Channel: I am blessed to receive, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We have and offer that while we might be from your perspective diminutive in size, yet are we not able to simply through our presence distract and turn your awareness from that which was your intent with very little energy from our own resource.
Channel: Yes, that is my experience on occasion, yes.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We have and would offer there are those who have and are small of size, there are those who do not appear to have much by way of great musculature, or long of tooth or nail, or mighty poison at the tip of one or other of their ends, and yet still, are we not that which is able to demand that which would be many multiples of our own size? The attention therein, the awareness of, and in truth, are we not most powerful in that which is the skill of distraction from that which is the intent of one or other.
Channel: Yes, it’s true.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We further offer that we are those who have and are not seeking to enter the egress of your own domicile, rather you have and those of your species willingly and with great ease carry us in upon that which is our, if you will, native environ, be it this or that piece of fruit or other that you have and place into that which is the bag or box or plastic container from which to carry us from our ne- [stammer] from our natural environs, oftentimes, many thousands of your miles from our origins. We do not mind the journey; however, we offer you have and make yourselves at home in environs that are a bit too chilly for our like, or in some cases a bit too dry for our preference, yes?
Channel: Yes, I’m sorry about that.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: It is understood. We further offer that we are quite adaptable as you have noticed, for we do not seek to demand all of that which we have claimed for our own use, such as the [laughs], we would call it a log and you refer to is as banana, that which is the log of banana or papaya or mango or other that is our natural habitat, and yet we have found that we have learned to enjoy and develop, if you will, if not a preference for, a tolerance for those foodstuffs and liquids or fluids that you have and are most drawn to in your species. And in this we have enjoyed a merry party, although ours is a singular event for most, as we are drawn to that which is the musk, that which is the smell of rot, which single -- [stammer ] signifies to us the ripeness of a particular readiness of flow from one form to another in which we are most pleased to serve. We offer that we have and are quite burdened with grief, for we are aware that there are many of our cousins, brothers, and sisters of our clan and other who are not only carried away upon your own intent to other plane or place, as you have and would seek to consume that which is our native alignment, and we are not unwilling to share the bounties of the Gaia with those of your kind.
Do not misunderstand or misconstrue that which we offer. We simply acknowledge that there are those treatments, those of unnatural source, the fertilizers, the pesticides, the tainted waters and in truth, the tainted air that you have and use or have and infuse as you have and seek to call forth that which is yet iteration after iteration after season and between the season of fruiting and in this we would suggest there is much that is carried in and through, not simply that which you consume, and we too, but in that which then becomes a part of the physical expression of those who have consumed it. Do you ken what we offer, sister?
Channel: That we are poisoning you and ourselves with the chemicals and treatments we use, um, to fertilize and to have resist [sigh ] infestation in our crops.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: It is a small, yet not unimportant point we seek to raise in your awareness and that of those of your species, sister. For while we are small, yet we have a great and open-hearted will for continuance. Are we not that which carefully offers our egg, our seed of potential in these mighty points of resource, and that is as it needs to be for us, sister. For that is as we are designed, if you will, by the grace of Gaia. We further have and understand our service, which is that what has and consumes and transp --[stammer] and transmutes, f you will, a form of that which has and would turn into the season of reclamation, and yet we are in many circumstance held in advance as much as is aware by those of your kind, yes?
Channel: I’m sorry.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We do not seek to claim every apple upon the tree, every fruit that hangs and sways with the weight of its fruiting in the orchards and gardens of your species, or those of Gaia herself. We simply would seek a communicable [pause] neighborly relation, one that does not taint the waters of our resource with poison, with detriment, with artificially produced chemical that is not easily reabsorbed [room noise] or transmuted, either by our kind or other. In truth, it is that which is not easily accepted in and through your own system of nutrition, that which has and would suck out the nutrient, the life force of that one thing in service to your own continuance.So we have and offer while we are willing, if not joy-filled, to share the harvest. We are not willing to know those who would be our progeny tainted, wounded, and limited through that which is the – we ask your forgiveness for this straight-forward adjective, yet brutal destruction of the continuing potential of flow.
Channel: Thank you. I-I apologize.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: It is not your apology we seek. It is the ability for you to offer our song of, if you will, beware. For there are many who are unable to tolerate that which has and is infused into the matrix, into the biology of that which we consume, your species and our own. And there are consequence that are yet not known for some, perhaps not in their own field, yet we offer there are consequence to the constant ingestion of these unnatural, unabsorbable, or reclaimable elements that have and are infused into the physical matrix of that which you have and seek to harvest, to farm, to claim, to own, to manipulate, to adapt in forms of resistance to, or greater expansion of, or amplification of the [15:00] natural cycle, such that there is what you consider more frequent harvest that does not flow with the real season, yet is forced -- we use your term – to know itself born again and again, prematurely and yet with greater rapidity. We speak not of the size, rather of the nutrit -- [stammer ]— nutritional value of that which has and is cultivated by your hungry intent.
We simply sought to offer a fair warning, not from our expression, cousin, rather from that which your own species, your own clan has and dips again and again the finger into the poison and then places the finger as that which has and stirs the water that you have and seek to offer to those of your own kind and through that in and through into the belly where the seeds of the new are grown into that which are the small and saplings, if you will, of your species, and we offer it is not that which we would seek to offer our own offspring, and nor would we advise as you are willing to hear it and to receive it from the place of open-hearted intent, not to serve other [room noise] in that which we would serve to our own guidance. For there is much that carries the taint, the distortion, the manipulation that has and is not in highest alignment with that which is our mutual continuance.
We have and are aware that you have and hear that blessing of noise outside the window, and we offer is it not that which simply through its own existence calls your attention away from our alignment, much as our presence has and calls your attention away from that which you have and would place your awareness upon. Are we not similar in that manner, that which is [pause ] that which floats upon the snow.
Channel: Yes. In that way you are.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: You do not seek to swat or drown those devices that you have and sit upon and ride upon the waters that are frozen, for you do not judge them as good or bad, although we would offer they create a great vibratory adjutant for those around them, do they not?
Channel: For those who do not like their sound, they do, yes?
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: Are you one of those who enjoys the sound?
Channel: Not particularly.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: Nor, we offer, are we. And yet, it is understood it is the voice, the throat of that which is the snow device that likes to skate upon the water. We do not judge this; we simply observe [20:00] that we share a common trait of small annoyance and yet of one that has and through no malintent, simply offers that which is powerful, yes?
Channel: That is so.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We do not seek to take more of your awareness at this point. It was simply to offer that which is a beseeching, if you will, to turn from the employment of those chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, that carry within them the poisons known and yet not acknowledged by some, known and yet ignored by other. For in this there is much that will cause and has caused woe in the heartplace of your kind and ours. And in that, we have said our piece. We do not seek to fly around your awareness or to distract you further from all that you have and seek to consume in terms of light, sister. Yes?
Channel: Thank you, Great Spirit, Clan of the Fruit Fly. I am sorry. Please forgive our species for their malintent or ignorance.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We do not seek to judge or to receive apology. We seek to call you and your kind to mutual benefit of right action in the removal and cleansing and realignment with that you have and seek to call forth to feed your own belly and that of others, such that you are not feeding your bellies with that which is in truth a mal … [pause ] construct. Forgive our searching for the right vibratory frequency of expression. We are not suggesting that one with great awareness or malintent serves that which would taint and perhaps distort the field of the physicality of another. Simply, we offer be it through ignorance or design, it is more than timely to cease this constant tripping of the contaminant into the pool of your potential and that of many others.
Channel: Yes, thank you. Thank you, Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly. I have and will offer your message to those of my species. And I am grateful for your willingness to step forward and to honor us with your wisdom.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We accept your gracious acknowledgment and we offer we do not sing for ourselves alone; we sing for all, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: We take our leave, for there are others who have kindly offered us that which is the primary place in the queue.
Channel: Thank you. Blessings and Godspeed to you.
Great Spirit of The Fruit Fly: And to you, sister. We take our leave.