#23: The Great Spirit of the Firecracker
Channeled wisdom of the Great Spirit of the Firecracker is featured in today's episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast.
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Welcome to today’s episode of the Gaia Translate Podcast with your host Tracy Shoolman. On a warm evening in early May the sound of firecrackers being set off near by startled both me and my dog. I don’t know about you but my dog is not a fan of the sound of firecrackers. It wasn’t even any particular holiday and none of the neighbors had a clue about who might be setting off firecrackers at the beginning of May. Well a couple of days later I was preparing to take my kayak out on the pond when I spotted a handful of small, red firecracker remnants sitting on my dock. Well if that wasn’t clear nothing would be I guess it was time to channel the Great Spirit of the firecracker. A transcription of today’s channeling session is available in the show notes for this episode at gaiatranslate.com
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: You have and were not sure, daughter, that which we had and thought was most direct knock upon the door of your awareness has and was received by that which has and would have a voice with which to sing. Is that not true?
Channel: It is, yes.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: For clarity, we have and are that which is the Great Spirit of that which you understand as Firecracker, and did we not announce ourselves with great clarity upon that which was your own landing place at the edge of the pond? For while you have and there was no doubt you heard that which was the knock upon the door of your awareness through that which is our nature, we understand you may not have aligned that knock with it being upon your particular door until you had and found that which were the physical aspects of our expression. We have and we're most pleased for we found it was a most direct manner with which to reach out and to tap upon the shoulder of your knowing with that which is our own awareness at this particular point in our mutual attunement.
Channel: Yes, thank you, Great Spirit of the Firecracker. I have and did receive your knock, and it was clearly, clearly delivered. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: You are not alone, daughter. There are many who would not conceive of or a sign that which is an awareness, the spiritual knowing to that which is a manmade construct such as firecracker or many, many others in truth, and yet we offer that is a great misconception or lack of awareness, if you will, for there is not any that has and is called forth into the fullness of its own manifest expression and one such as our own, which has and knows a great and long history, and we might add one of endearment, if you will, enjoyment, excitement. And we understand ourselves as that which you would claim in your human collective as the out picturing of a particular emotional state or one that you have or would seek to evoke in the heart place of others of your species in celebration of and reminder of in honoring of a particular point or occasion or event in your own personal histories. Is this not so?
Channel: It is so, yes.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: Are we not that which has and calls forth the great song of the New Year in those who have and are of a particular orientation? Yes, the Chinese New Year and there are others for many have and seek to know themselves availed of our light as you have and call forth that with our cousins, the fireworks in the celebration of that which is the new year, that which is the successful completion of a particular engagement or... You would know it as battle or disagreement that has been resolved and celebrated by one or other of the parties who have and would partake within it and in this there is that act of what we understand as celebration wherein there is much that has and calls forth that which is our own expression [0:05:00] as that which has and is the out picturing of a particular emotional or vibratory attunement in relation to this emotion or sense of attunement to that particular event, yes?
Channel: Yes, it is absolutely accurate. That is how I understand the use of firecrackers and fireworks.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: We feel you have and are not unwelcoming of our expression. We also feel that your four-legged has and is less than pleased when we make our appearance in that which is your mutual field.
Channel: You are completely accurate about that. You have and cause fear in her.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: She confuses us, if you will, daughter, with that which is the thunders. And there is a wisdom in her that has and is of her nature. For where there is thunder, is there not usually that which is lightning, and is that not usually that which has and may cause harm to the physical vessel should one be between it and its destination and that of the breast of Gaia, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is accurate.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: In this, we commend the being who is the four-legged for that which she carries within her as instinct, as understanding, as wisdom that is borne not through thought, but through that which is the collective knowing of her species such that those who have and were attuned to the sound of the thunders have and understood that they would be well-served to take cover or shelter or other in a form of protection from that which might or might not touch them with the finger of dissolution.
However, we digress. We have and make ourselves that which is a guest at the table of your awareness and that of your brothers and sisters, the human collective. And we have and offer greetings. And in this we have and know ourselves as a blessing as that which has and is the blessed child called forth through that which is the will-based intent of those ancestors of your own awareness, of your own human family who have called us into expression for many reasons, some of which are to create that which would be distraction, fear, and even that which would be understood as wounding or discord or disruption. Other, however, have and it is more common, we feel, to call us forth and that which is as we have offered, celebration or acknowledgement or out picturing of a particular emotional state or one that you have and would seek to invite or to welcome others to join in with as you have and claim it and acknowledge it through that which is the singing of our own nature, in that which has and by our nature, we have and know ourselves, if you will, created to be called into disillusion and through the act of our disillusion, through the act of our transmutation from one form to another, we have and know ourselves in high service to that which is the intent of your awareness. Is this is not so?
Channel: Yes, I, I, guess it is. I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: We are not displeased with having that which might be a long or short clock time in and this particular dimension for we have and know ourselves as that whose nature is to transform, to transmute from one physical aspect into another. And that is as it is, yes? And we have and we are willing and joy-filled in truth, to know ourselves as one who may have brief, however powerful song, a powerful throat that has and calls that which is an attunement of sorts in and through the heart place of those of your own expression and in truth others, as the four-legged, although perhaps not in the manner that has and is intended by those of your own collective, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: We have and are not unwilling partners and gratefully so, for we know ourselves as that which is a beloved child of your collective awareness for the most part. We have been known, however, to create that which is wounding or damage to the physical vessel of your own form when we are not treated with respect or, if you will, called forth into our nature by those who are unaware of the potential that we have to claim all that has and is our [stutter - 0:11:09] in our surrounds with that which has and is our, as you understand it, combustible nature. There is always that which is the wisdom of respect, yes?
Channel: Yes, that is so.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: We have sought your awareness today to have an offer that which has and is the song of our attuned awareness, as that which is a joy-filled construct that has been called forth, not simply through that which is the Gaia, but through that which is the combination of those elements that have and are native to Gaia as they have and know themselves woven in that which is a form, a physical expression that has and is called forth through that which is the will and intent of those of the human species. And we are simply a small and yet well-known, if you will, example of the many, many, many, beautiful, powerful, and in truth potentially disruptive or destructive constructs or spirits that have and are called forth through your own. We speak of your collective intent.
We have and would offer much as say, scorpion has and through its nature, knows itself blessed with that which has and would protect or seek to serve it in its own need state as its stinger. We offer that there are those constructs, those manifest forms of intention of your own species that have and through their nature, their design, if you will, have and know themselves carrying that, which also is, if you will, a stinger that has and is simply a part of their nature, their construct.
And that has and is as they have been constructed, while some are not constructed with, if you will, malintent or a desire to harm or wound or transmute the form of one or other from one that it has and knows itself in its nature to that which has and would be the component elements that therefore no longer have and are able, much as a cracked container or vessel or piece of pottery may know itself as that which can still hold a living energy within that which is a shattered form. We offer much as the vessel of a piece of pottery has and is not able to hold the waters or other liquid when it has indeed shattered. For it has and no longer may serve through that, which is its intent in its original construct, yes?
In this. We have and would further offer that it is through your own will and intent you have called forth that which is our own independent spirit, if you will, through that which is the acknowledgement again and again of that which we have and are by many, many, many of those of your own species, and we are most pleased and we offer ourselves as small, yet powerful, we feel, example [15:00] of how one has and may know one's self in the great song of creation of that which has and may be born through, but much as a [stammer - 0:15:12] a child, an infant has and is born in through the loins of one or other of your species.
Yet while it has and knows itself called through in the construct through your own will and intent, it has and therefore knows itself as it continues as an individuate or a separate awareness, and while you have and have understood that that which is the awareness or consciousness of another object, another expression in physical form as only having that which is awareness, if it has and is in a manner organic, as you would understand it, or even in a more limited fashion that which has and is a life form that you have and recognize as other human, perhaps a four-legged, a pet, or even other animal. And yet we offer this has a mighty, mighty and narrow understanding of all that have and carry that which is the song of awareness in and through themselves as that which is the natural, if you will, consequence of the birthing of a powerful vibratory attunement into that which is this particular dimension, yes?
Channel: Yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: It is [sigh], an unusual understanding for those who have and are of the human species who have and cannot understand that they are actually that which has and in a manner, co-parents, if you will, many of that which you have and understand as physical objects, be it the domicile that you have and would know yourselves held and sheltered within, be it and that which you raise to protect yourself from the rain, the umbrella, be it that which is the vehicle which has and moves you from point A to point B, be it that which has and is a system, a form of governance, a structure, or a manner that has and is broadly and widely accepted as having and existing, and in this as you have and understand that you have and claim these things not simply on an individuate level into that which is a full and powerful and unique and living existence you have and know them as that which you have and companion and have and companion you.
And while they may not sit at the table of your awareness and say, I hold this opinion or I am of that other desire, nevertheless they have and are aware and they have and are called forth and held in vibratory attunement with that, which is the intent, the awareness and the collective acceptance, if you will, of their presence as that which has and exists within your field. Do not limit yourselves, brothers and sisters, to the simple physical objects that you have and surround yourself with, for those while they do and also have that which is a general spirit, a general vibratory attunement of what they have and are and vibrate with, there are yet those who have and are not so easily contained in a small visual out picturing such as that which has and is the system of education, if you will, the system of your governmental, or your communal structures, or programs that which has and would know itself as the varying and various other aspects that have and serve you as that which is support to or expression of various communities, cultures and natures, yes?
Are there not those who have and would attend, if you will, one or other particular churches, synagogues, temples or other and are these not that which has and called forth through that which is the awareness, the will, and the intent of those of this human species into that which is a living? And as you have and may not understand it of yet, breeding in the sense of it carries its own independent life force, form of awareness of vibrational frequency. We are not saying and do not confuse, please, that it is the human who calls forth that which is the all that is for the one who is the potter is not the one who has and creates that which has and knows itself as the elements from which the pot is called forth. Can you feel the difference?
Channel: I can, yes, thank you.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: In this, there is much we have and would seek to serve; however, to keep it simple, if you will, we simply offer that we have and are a spirit, an awareness, a knowing that has and was called forth and gratefully so as that which you understand as firecracker through that which is the awareness and the intent at one point in your history by an individual and then as that which has and was claimed by the collective as that which has and is an independent presence of a construct in physical form that has and vibrates with a particular attunement, whereas you would understand it, a particular physical nature.
And that is what we have, in short, sought to have and place upon the plate of your awareness and that of your brothers and sisters in the human family. We have and are most pleased to be that which has and for the most part knows itself as well-received and oftentimes called forth as we have offered in periods of celebration, honoring or, if you will, the marking of a particular important event, historically, spiritually or other. In this we have and are grateful to have and serve through that which is our immutable nature. And we have and would seek to know ourselves further aligned with that which is those who have called us forth, those who have and through that which is the partnership with the great light of Gaia, who has and is the mother of our, if you will, parts with that which is the marriage with that which is the free will and intent of those of the human awareness. In this we have and honor both that which has and calls forth our physical potential and that which has and calls forth our physical alignment into that which we know as our own physical attunement and awareness in this particular dimension.
We have and have offered that which is the song of our awareness and that which we had and would seek to, if you will, awaken in the heart place of those of the collective in each and all as we have and know ourselves in merry relation with that which is the human family. It is sufficient. We have and are one who has and seeks to sing; however, we are not one who sings for great length of clock time, yes?
Channel: That is so. Thank you. Thank you for your illumination and your guidance and wisdom. It is gratefully received.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: You are welcome, daughter. We have and appreciate your willingness to turn and look again and yet again at the possibility and in truth in that which has and is the vibratory attunement to our awareness. For while you have and may or may not acknowledge it, and that has and is, in truth, neither here nor there as to whether it has or is or shall be that which has and vibrates deeply in the field of the collective, yes?
Channel: Yes. Thank you.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: It is sufficient. We have and offer you blessings of the day and have and will take our leave as you have and are so willing to grant it.
Channel: I have and I am Great Spirit of the Firecracker. Thank you for your song. It is gratefully received.
Great Spirit of the Firecracker: We are appreciative of your alignment with that which is the song of our awareness. It is sufficient. We take our leave.