#247 Great Spirit of Cumin

The Great Spirit of Cumin steps forward with the blessing of healing grace in today's episode of Gaia Translate. 

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Welcome friends this is your host, Tracy Shoolman with healing grace from the Great Spirit of Cumin in this episode of Gaia Translate. I was drawn to channel the great spirit of Cumin when a neighbor, who loves gardening and had been struggling lately with arthritic fingers, flexed her hands in front of her, as she declared how much better she felt after adding cumin to her diet.


Great Spirit of Cumin: Greetings, daughter. We have and are old companions, you and I. We are that which you have honored, which you have availed yourself of as that which has and sweetens your physical form as that which has and rebalances much that would seek or has egress into your body, your flesh, as that which has and serves in a most delightful manner as seasoning for your foodstuff.

We would announce ourselves. We are that which carries the vibratory field of Cumin. In this aspect, we are that which vibrates with the greater intent and awareness of what you many understand as the Spirit of Cumin. There are those, although far reduced in number who have and honor, as was commonplace at certain points in various cultures and histories of your clan, daughter, the acknowledgment, and the placing of gratitudes upon the altar upon that which is cumin. For we are mighty healing and rebalancing instruments for the human form and other, and we are delighted to continue to serve in this manner. We would also welcome that which is a greater understanding of the power of our will as that which has and vibrates with the intent to rebalance, to cleanse, to purify, and to offer vital amplification of flow in and through those who would seek it through that which is the addition of aspects of our physical form that are consumed in concert with, that are consumed singularly or applied in other manner as one that has and holds a great healing light.

There are those in certain corners of your geography – the Asias, yes – that have had long acquaintance with our expression, and there are those in what may be understood as the lands of west, and north, and even further south, depending upon your point of reference, yes, who are just discovering or remembering, if you will, that which they had understood in other lifetimes that which they had been close companion and deep and respectful acolytes of our flow.

We do not seek to be worshiped, however, we cannot think of any who are not grateful when the blessing of their flow and their flesh is served the grace of gratitude prior to its consumption or application in various manner. We are not singular as that which has and holds great potency in the meeting of that which has and would inhabit that which has and might create great imbalance in your own physical wellbeing and that of other beings of flesh in this plane.

There are many of the plant kingdom, and there are many components of other life forms that have and may serve as that which calls back into a place of homeostasis, if you will, that which has become out of balance. And now we offer you great blessing of clarification. For yes, we and others contain certain chemistry, certain physical construct that has and will engage in certain manner when exposed to or applied or introduced as part of the internal environment or ecology of your flesh.

You have on your various pills and potions – we are not laughing at them – we simply find it a bit amusing that you have sought only to trust in great measure that which is artificially or man – [stammer - 0:07:10.2] manufactured as that which is superior to that which has called you into a physical form knows themselves able to create, yes? In this you have and label this or that as that which has and would be extra-strength or long-lasting. And so, we would invite you to this small remembering or introduction, if you prefer. When one has and prior to the application or consumption of our expression and in truth any other. As you have and set forth a prayer, an invocation, the bowing of the head of your awareness in a place of deep gratitude for all that has and may be served from that which is the vibratory field of healing, rebalancing, and returning to your homeostasis of wellbeing.

Whatever it is you have and may seek to make a part of your own flow through the ingestion, through the application upon the surface of the skin, or through any other of the various means that you have concocted, be it as that which trips gently in and through into the vein and blood, be it that which has and is consumed as that which has been concentrated or dried, or blended with other tincture or tonic compounds and so forth, you will find as many have and knew at one point that the very first and for many most essential part of the healing or rebalancing one may seek is in truth the bowing of the head of one’s will in the offering of gratitude for all that has been called forth, all that has been and been healed, all that has been out of alignment in whatever aspect of your field has known itself.

Do not deny your own emotions. For so many of you have and are companioned with great imbalancing your emotional field at this point. We do not suggest that which is not well-known. For many walk around beneath the weight of what you may understand as anxiety or grief, depression, distress of this or that evolution, yes? Is it not also wise to claim that which is deep and profound gratitude for that which is the rebalancing of all that is out of balance or “out of whack” in your own fields, be it your emotional field, your physiological field, or any other part of your being. And this is in truth one may perceive it as that which breaks the seal to release or to open or to know oneself in full access of the healing modality, medication, that which has and is the treatment that has been prescribed, or that which you have and simply seek or call to yourself through your own knowing and desire.

You may comprehend this, this prayer of profound gratitude for the blessing of healing grace, of rebalancing grace, of realignment of your field in all aspects as a beautiful song that has and is sung, not simply through the speaking of the words – that is very helpful – yet the words are not able to truly remove the wrapper of your intent if they are not sung from your heart. It is to feel the gratitude, to know with that which you would consume, that which you would apply, that which you would place your faith within has already served you once you have and seek it to be in alignment with for your requirement of.

We are not negating, nor suggesting that that which has been created, manufactured, or realigned in the various recipes or concoctions that you have made as your discoveries of healing source is to be thrown out, not in the least, we would offer. And while we would suggest you do not forget or deny the power of what may be understood as herbal or natural remedy, for much of what your own species has co-created is and only may be through that which is the combining and recombining, the rearranging or repurposing of this or that aspect or element of the songs of manifest flow, physical expression called forth through the Gaia, yes?

We would offer whether you have and seek to call forth the new and improved, the greater strength, the remarkable new formula and so forth of whatever you have and would seek to take as guided, yes? We are not suggesting you self-medicate without discernment and respectful guidance, yes? We simply offer that if one has and would seek to know oneself able to consume what might be understood as the extra-strength version of whatever it is you seek to claim in your healing journey in your rebalancing of flow, you will find that the simple act of a song of gratitude from the heart for all that has or may be served in and through your own being that has and is offered by that which you would seek to evoke a shift in your own physiology, a return to your own understanding of wellbeing or homeostasis of flow has and is a powerful attunement we seek to serve as blessing to all who would consume it.

You have and are aware and have named it, and yet diminish the actual efficacy of this effect. You call it placebo effect. That which has and may contain no proven or scientifically validated components of remedy, as you would understand it, yet has an effect when one has and believes it so. We are not suggesting you go and gather up a great hoard of sugar pills or other and simply take them instead of whatever has been offered to you. Rather that you do not deny there is great power that comes from within you. To claim in your knowing that which is out of balance, wounded, or in requirement of this or that repair certainly will bear no ill result from your believing that the actions and whatever it is, you may call it medications, remedies, supplements, and so forth will have upon you.

Consider this as that which is not being served to you as alternative, rather as that which is an added benefit, and “as well as,” not an “instead of,” yes? And the gratitudes that you would offer for all that has and is served upon you, as you have yet to embark upon the undergoing of a procedure, consumption of a medication, and so forth, that which you set as your intention, that which you claim in deep gratitude, and yes, faith for its efficacy in returning of your own physicality to a place of balance and recovery is not to be discounted.

We know ourselves as a powerful healing resource as that which has and may flavor your dishes and in addition simply through your general consumption we have and through our own nature serve as constant rebalancing or, if you will, a gentle ushering out of some that have and through their nature do not create the environment of a welcome guest within your flow, yes?To add or increase, to consider a daily consuming of that which is understood as cumin will serve benefit to many. For there are many at this place in your history as a species who are well-acquainted and yet may not avail themselves of our light. And yet there are also many who may have heard of us and yet have not personally experienced the blessing of that which is our companionship in service to your own and their rebalancing or, if you will, a maintenance of your flow.

These are the blessings of the day, daughter, that we have sought to bring forward in this little discourse. As such, we invite all who have and are so willing to become more intimately acquainted with all that we have and serve that is understood by your clan, and to gently suggest there are additional benefits that have and are being uncovered as you have and continue in that which is the journey of your ascension.

And so, we are grateful for the willingness of the Channel to be in receivership of our flow, and we invite her, as well as all of you to engage as you are willing to that which is the blessing of heartfelt gratitude and joy-filled expectation of the benefits of all that you have and seek to call to yourselves for the rebalancing of your flow.We have and would take our leave, daughter. We have other matters to attend to, and we are aware that may seem unusual to those in your clan, yet it is accurate.

Channel: I offer a prayer of profound gratitude to you, Great Spirit of Cumin. Thank you for your blessings and your guidance, and the grace of your own physical form in service to our own rebalancing. I am honored to be in receivership of this light.

Great Spirit of Cumin: You are welcome, daughter. It is that we sought to serve. We hold you all in our heart and serve you the blessing of healing light.

It is complete.


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