The Great Spirit of the Snowy Owl
Photo credit:Simone Scholten
Channel: On January 27th, 2021 the New York Times reported: “Snowy Owl Spotted in Central Park for the First Time in 130 Years” to say the caught my attention would be an understatement. I have had the honor of observing a great snowy owl, a fellow winter resident of Plum Island a few years back and it was breathtaking-so much so that whenever the white winged predator would alight on the telephone poles spanning the causeway bridge a traffic back up of cars pulled over on the roadside would inevitably result as crowds joined with nature photographers in awe of this stunning sight.
2/2/21 Channeling of The Great Spirit of the Snowy Owl
The Great Spirit of the Snowy Owl: I offer that my physical out-picturing in the hm city of New York is a sign of grace and hope. One that offers the will of all living beings to accept the reunion of our relation in respect and balance grace. The sign of the Snowy Owl is a missive for the collective, a harbinger of that which is the new, the unexpected and the blessed. A call to release again and again the limited understanding of how things have been and how the flow of our mutual life force may know itself as we walk together rather than apart yes?
There is much that has and will continue to be served upon the plates of awareness to those of the collective that are at first, strange and unaccustomed as those of the other life forms who know themselves as part of the weave of informed expression as sons and daughters of the great Mother ,The Gaia Light, are called into mutual service at her bedside yes? For the Gaia is ailing and struggling to know herself in the flow of continuance - not the earth or planet in of itself, rather that which has and is born of her will, that which has and is birthed as a form of flow or life form in her masterful creative expression.
Are we not all called to sit vigil? Not for the mother only, yet for all who are of her creation and all who breathe through her willing grace of balance and informed intent? There are those who will not ken or comprehend this heart song sister and there are yet those who will deeply resonate with our keening, not simply for the deep and profound wounds that are and continue to be served upon her physical form, yet as brothers and sisters through our shared mother are we not all bearing witness to the dissolution of so many of our fellow kin?
To turn our hearts from the great sorrow of the mother is to turn our hearts from our own sorrow is it not? Are those of the human species so confounded as to truly lack the awareness of what is lost when the great weave of continuance is unraveled in front of them? I offer it is as blind spot located in the will of the small self wherein it, much as hatchling or toddler seeks only to know its’ most immediate need met with that which much as pacifier or breast would offer the comfort of suckling yes? We do not seek to insult or belittle, it is only that there are those who have forgotten the source of their continuance as a species is, if you will, drying up and shriveling as it is not tended with your loving stewardship and care yes?
We feel your collective is most tender hearted and willing in truth. Only it is as one who has wandered away from the joy of this sacred service and now is lost in the distortion of forgetting the source of purpose and delight that was companion in the season of your creation. We do not seek to curse or to deny you we seek rather to embrace our reunion of right relation such that we have and may serve the great rebirthing of our mutual continuance and flourishing as together. Those whose purpose may be truly a mystery to your kind and those whose purpose you may have claimed as servant to your own need state are all honored and understood as valued and in truth essential members of the common-unity, the community of life that is the organism of the Gaia light yes?
We are not unwilling, nor are we without deep and profound awareness and resource which we offer in service of the healing of the wounded breast of our mother, not as objects of the whims and desires of your collective, rather as fellow members of the community of potential continuance in a rebalanced and reunited sustaining flow of life. For while you may perceive that which shares this dimension with you as other or foreign we offer we are all one and only through this acknowledgment and willing long awaited reunion of right relation will all know the flourishing of the new age of light that has and is as the murmur of dawn carried upon the wings of potential.