Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose
Photo credit: Unsplash
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: We offer a missive to those of your collective who have and hold the heart place of their awareness a bit ajar in willing receivership of the song of those who do not speak in your native tongue of communing yes? Is it not the season of reunion sister? Much as you were offered the blessing of discovering that which was rather not so much as most simply unknown relation in your own family* and so are we and others not in that same manner undiscovered yet most willing relation of your species?
While we may not hold the same vessel of form as those of your species or as we know you as the wingless two legged’s for are there not many of our relationship and ourselves in truth bedecked with two legs and also other such as wings? Not all are so blessed we acknowledge and we do not judge those who are less well endowed as our expression. We offer it is timely to make our formal introductions to the clan of your collective awareness as you have and are so willing to present our knowing as Clan of the Great Spirit of what you refer to as Goose yes? It is not as we name ourselves any more than you understand your fellows as the wingless two legged’s however, as we offer, is not all simply a matter of perspective in truth?
Channel: It is Great Spirit.
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: So as we are that which your fellows consider always ‘honking’ with little purpose as can be deciphered from the density of your limited hearing through the physical ear you have and are so used to relying upon. We would offer it is that which you cannot understand other than the soundings or vibrations upon the drums within the ear canal yet we offer it is it not the intent that has and serves our song merrily upon the currents of this dimension that is in truth the source of our light? And what do you know of our singing?
Channel: You have told me you sing upon the morning in gratitude for the blessings of the upcoming day you have further offered that you do not embark upon a journey without singing gratitudes for having arrived safely at the destination of your intent yes?
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: These are not inaccurate understandings of our greater tune sister and we offer to all who are of the wingless two legged’s who are known amongst themselves as human or humankind the blessing of raising the throat of your will in concert with our own as together we offer a song of profound gratitude for the blessing of having arrived safely upon the shore of your ascension as you have and call to yourselves the light of open hearted and joy filled right relation with mother Gaia and that of the ascension of all who know themselves as issue of the Gaia in one or other out picturing or as you may be more comfortable with physical expression yes?
Channel: Yes thank you.
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: We welcome your awareness into the great hall of higher knowing that has been closed to all but a few of your species for many, many cycles of the Gaia in her relation with the noble star of that which you call sun yes? And is it not timely to awaken the ears of the heart place of those of your clan sister- the clan of the wingless two legged’s to lift themselves up from the mud of ignorance and to attune themselves with the will of their higher knowing? There are those who are yet unable to open the ear of the heart and that is understood sister and yet we offer there are many whose sprouting has more than commenced and we are joy filled to claim it as we feel the awakening of the truth without distortion as it has and humbly vibrates deep within the heart place of your fellows.
Tracy: That is a blessing to receive Great Clan of the Goose Spirit.
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: We are simply emissary therein yes and yet there are many who sing and sing again across the skies of our awareness in this small dimension the great song of awakening of your species to our conjoined relation as children, if you will, of one ancestor yes? For are we not all and only born of the will of the Gaia light and without the hand of her intent upon the brow of our potential we would ,neither of our clans, be informed as we have and are so blessed to know ourselves at this singular point in the history of our mutual expression.
We do not seek great and detailed discourse with each and all of your species sister however, we would not deny such were it availed of with an open and willing heart yes? We simply sought to formally introduce ourselves not simply as that which is to be upon the dinner platter or shooed off of the playgrounds** of your species where you have and lay claim to our breeding grounds and are yet willing to offer the grace of allowance to those of our out picturing who would have have and seek to know themselves as neighbor. In truth we do not have much more to sing. We simply wanted to offer the hand of our heart towards your family- that is the greater family of clan of the wingless ones- the two legged’s as long aware kin to our knowing.
Channel: Thank you Great Spirit
Clan of the Great Spirit of the Goose: You are welcome sister.
*This refers to the recent and joyous discovery of a previously unknown half-brother of the channel.
** I perceived an image of golf courses when the word playground was offered.