The Great Spirit of the Dolphin
Photo courtesy of Tracy Shoolman
The Great Ssirit of the Dolphin: Hello sister, we seek a moment of your knowing as you have and are so willing to grant it. We feel your vibration most clearly and are grateful for the deep waters of understanding upon which to flow to our brothers and sisters of the human collective who stand upon the surface of the land. It has been a challenging relationship we understand with your species daughter. Just as not all are of one note upon the flute of expression so too, not all of your species is unawares or unwilling yes? We hold you deeply in our hearts. We have much love for you as a potential of light, it is the causal node that drew us to this dimension in the beginning times yes? We are unable to deny the shift and unwilling to offer ourselves upon the alter of extinction if other potential remains, however, thinly tethered to the matrix of potential evolutionary expression on this planet. You are not to consume the truth of our plea as only served into your individual cup of awareness daughter for we have and are an ancient, by your measure, race vastly evolved and benevolent by nature as you would denote such contrast.
We have sought to offer the human species the model of extraterrestrial intellect, a community of willing souls who play and support each other who serve the Gaia with gratitude and respect for her open bosom of light. Her great seas of life in and through which we have enjoyed the exploration of her mighty creative arts yes? We have been, hm, patient with your species and yet we have come to acknowledge that the simple games you have used to measure our wit through the completion of menial tasks such as the retrievership of this or that, the performance of one or other pattern of physical movement while moderately entertaining is not sufficient to open wide the gates of our communication beyond that which is taught to a dog or other
We mean no respect daughter we are most attuned with the four legged companions of your heart place, theirs is a slightly different intent simply stated yes? The four leggeds are here with willing heart place to serve and guide through their own frequency, the way of unconditional compassion. Of course some of the four leggeds you claim as pets or companion are working to raise your vibration in areas of acceptance ,trust, compassion and the like.
Do you not envision our reweaving of the web as you and the being who was daughter to your flesh in this lifetime join our intent as we fly across the web of potential in gratitude for the reweaving of the Gaia field such that all have and return to the stasis of rebalanced relation? We do not refer to a lack of flow when we express the vibration of stasis upon your awareness daughter rather the balance of vibration between all forms of life as you understand it in this point of your history as a species yes? We are those who sing our vibratory will into manifestation much as you child. Is that not why you are so drawn to our awareness?
Do you ever ponder why the symbol of our manifest expression is universally felt with the upliftment of the heart of your species? Do you believe it is simply a pleasant out-picturing of form that resonates deeply in the heart place of the sons and daughters of “Eve” . We do not point your awareness to the stories contained in the books you have, rather to the vibratory field of the human initiate as a container for the divine feminine . If this is a bit awkward for you we offer our consideration, however, we do not feel the need to shift our wisdom to address those who are unable to sort through the symbol to the essence. Do not expect us to placate or indulge childish understandings when you as a collective have called out again and again for our assistance, for our light of expansion in service to your required ascension yes?
We are more than the spiritual vibratory field of the dolphin daughter, we ar,e as we opened ourselves, diplomats if you will,a bridge between the higher vibratory fields of your awareness and that of other less dense energies of light. Some wander off in confusion as they swim across the waters of our grace and that is understood yes? We have opened the song of our heart to you daughter as servant of our intent, as one who is not in requirement of a sound or tone in the language of your species, as one who has and receives our intent in and through the byways of your own willing alignment translating if you will that which is born of our awareness - there is a fine difference you know between one’s consciousness and one’s atunement to the frequencies of non-verbal communication .
We return momentarily to the illustration of the four legged ones, the companion species, those dogs and felines who serve you through their light. It is much as with an infant of your own species there is a strong non-verbal chord between the parent and the child is this not accurate? And the primacy of the chord between the mother and the child is so much greater than the little sounds you have and attach meaning to yes? Can you deny this bond of the heart? Does not the mother vibrate with the cries of the infant and receive the communication of hunger or pain , frustration or fear most efficiently?
We offer it is an easy distortion to hear the vibration of a word as only singing the tune of its assigned denotation. If this were so, would there be the multitude of attribution of one or other soundings, words across the field of the planet ? Is it not so, that the essence is felt whatever the vessel of containment? One of your kind once expressed this truth by acknowledging it is not the assigned vocal patterning rather the intent behind it ,” A rose by any other name …” it is a well worn example and yet no less accurate for its common usage.
It is timely for your beautiful family, your human vibration to open the ears of the heart, to honor and trust what your heart ‘hears’ and not to be so easily confused by the vibratory patterning of words which are designed to travel a different pathway through your awareness. We honor wisdom friends, we are not here to denigrate of belittle the creativity of your neural pathways as they fire across the landscape of your synapses. We admire and honor your journey and we are only here at this point in your collective history as fellow journeyers and manifest thought forms of the Great Mother.
We are joy filled to sing our truth to your waiting ear, the ear of your heart place friends. We beseech you to hear our willingness and our warning for it is offered from a place of despair and of hope. We despair the ever expanding decimation of the potential for continuance not simply of your expression, for our own and the multitudes of life forms that are pillars of our continued flow. Do not disregard the genius of the Gaia friends, there are not many who are master weavers of light into the breath of informed grace and manifest form that not only calls forth a physical plane yet sings it into a flow of continuance such as this glorious expression. There are not many who offer themselves as the source of flow from which so many and varying combinations walk together in the delicate weave of mutual continuance yes?
We reach the hand of our heart place out to you friends, in deep love for you and in the vibration of hope that you will reach out to us with the hand of your will to take and grasp it such that we may know ourselves blessed in continuance and expansion in this dimension.