The Great Spirit of the Inchworm

The Great Spirit of the Inchworm: I seek a moment of your knowing as you have and would honor my light with your own. I am small of stature yes ? I am without the accouterment of sight or other sensory tools you have been equipped with and yet I have and set my intention and I am not bounded by what you consider limitation in fact, my perspective if you have and do not mind my sharing it, is that too many ‘singers’ create a confusion of source. It is understood that these various senses or ‘singers’ of your vessel may not all serve a single tune or if they do, perhaps it is a tune that you may be turned towards and away from the destination of your own heart’s intent.

Is it not at once simple and straightforward to set one’s intention and to simply and diligently move forward? I do not claim to know where I am headed, only that I am willing to seek the next step and the next and the next. I do not journey from a point of fear, nor from a place of hurry for how is one to understand if one is not fully present with the current point of awareness? I am discerning, perhaps far more highly so than would be obvious to those who are not within the field of my awareness, my light. I do not flow without consideration, have you observed my tasting of the environ prior to my commitment? Do you doubt I have and will know myself carried upon the current of grace toward my highest destiny? I do not doubt my flow. I am fully surrendered to the blessing of exploration of the unfoldment and in this, I am at peace.  Each point in my own awareness is not to be tossed away as inconsequential for I rest deeply into the song of creation that is preserved beautifully to my light in each sacred moment. What can you ken from my truth ?

Channel: That I have and would be blessed to call your nature to myself.

The Great Spirit of the Inchworm: It is as you decree. I have and confer by act of open and willing heart the blessing of surrender in faith and the joy of being on the fullness of the moment rather than to toss the current point in your knowing aside as simply that which is as obstruction to some other potential. There is only the sacred now and it is quite beautiful we feel is it not? Do not hurry and scurry through your days, breath deeply of each moment and know the light within as you have and  would claim your nature as one who is unburdened by societal limitations. Your species is a curiosity to many friend, if you do not mind me offering. You have lost your way far more profoundly than those of my kind in truth. The youngest of our awareness knows the essential nature of the Now. The Seed of Power is the Eternal Now is it not ?

We offer the blessing of the mantle of the alignment with the sacred Now Vibratory Field wherein all may be known ,all may be claimed,  all may be called forth in the grace of faith. We often observe you seeking that which is elsewhere friend. You have and  will know great power and great peace as you simply willingly rest fully into the sacred Now. All is well and yes we offer our song of awakening to your species as a gift of great power and one we would bestow upon all for the greater alignment of and continuance of our mutual awareness in service of and in gratitude to our Mother Light, Gaia, who knows our heart and sings the melody of flow softly into the ears of our heart.

We have served a gift beyond measure into your open heart and with it we take our leave. Isn’t the Now exquisite? It is simple yes? Do not seek to garb the simple with the garish robes of complexity it is as has been noted a ’gilding of the lily’ and we offer there is truly nothing than can compare.


The Great Spirit of the Grackle


The Spirit of the Great Blue Heron