The Great Spirit of the Snapping Turtle
Image : Uplift
The Great Spirit of the Snapping Turtle: We appreciate your turning the face of your awareness in our humble direction sister. We are known by your species as of the Ancient Ones are we not? We offer our light, carried upon the backs of our expression as we have and are birthed again and again into the current point in the Gaia’s unfoldment. There is much that is trembling beneath the feet of our knowing sister. We feel the shaking of the Mother, the ragged breath and the renting of the fabric of her will at this point in the rebalancing of the collective. We offer it is timely as you have and are so willing to offer a prayer of profound gratitude for the ongoing blessing of the cracking apart of the encasement of denial that has so insistently surrounded the awareness of your species up and through this point in your expression. Do not seek to remain within the un-lit aspects of your small shell, the ‘little knowing’ the egoist self, that has not and will no longer be sufficient to protect your continuance as one who is in flow within and upon this plane of expression. I reference our greater and collective nodes of vibratory resonance as of Human, as of Turtle, as of reptile, yes?
We have and seek to offer you (the collective) the elegance of our physical form which is not considered pleasant nor attractive by your standard, and that is understood, and yet are we not well provisioned ? There is not we seek or require that is not of our own creation yes? How you have and hurry and scurry and cling to the encasement of your own habits, the shell of custom or value outside of your own nature. This is a puzzlement to our kind in truth for while we offer you are not blessed to carry your physical home as your accoutrement, we observe you are so confused, if you do not mind us offering, as to the essential nature of your wholeness as a physical expression yes? Are you not that which is holy vessel blessed to carry within it the sacred seed of the divine light in the temple of the living heart? And is this not the nature of every creature whatever the formal template, structure or expression? Why do you seek to gather that which is outside of your nature as of greater value or requirement for your wholeness?
We offer the blessing of confirming your turtle nature back to you brothers and sisters. For you are cousin of our light as we each and all know ourselves of common origin, is this not accurate? Are we not all born of the soil of her (the Spirit of Gaia’s ) intent and in this, however distant we may appear to be, how are we to know ourselves as other than kin ? We have and are most honored to know ourselves as symbol of our Mother. One who by their nature, is both the knowing, and that which holds it dear and close to its heart yes? We are not in requirement of other than our own nature, the ears of our heart which hear the heartbeat of the Mother’s breast as we are shaken from the shell of our potential into the manifest form.
We offer to our cousins (those of the human collective) that it has and is timely to shake off the distortion of requirement of the shell casement of your nascency and to know yourselves fully birthed into the light of your ascension yes ? We offer you are as newly hatched into this alignment and it is not fully known to you and yet we further offer as you release attachment to the limitations of the shell casement of your old ways, that have and are cracking around your awareness as a collective do not seek to shiver and retreat into that which is no longer in the season of its service. There is a time for retreat brothers and sisters and we have and honor it as it is an aspect of our own awareness that honors the power of self as that which is whole, complete and self sustaining. We speak not of the small needs of the flesh cousins, rather the greater understanding of the wholeness, the completeness of the spirit.
Have you ever observed one of our kind sharing the shell that we are honored to carry upon our frame? We offer it is timely for each and all of your species to know themselves fully in the construct of their wholeness as a seed planted into the soil of their physical expression by the divine yes? We do not seek to proselytize or offer any formula for that which you would stigmatize as this or that, as religion or philosophy as cult or creed yes? Rather, we offer that you are a sacred soil as are all beings, as are all that know themselves in a form or in-form and when one is informed is one not held to the light of awareness of higher discernment ? We seek to offer the hand of our will to your kind sister for we are deeply compassionate and we grieve to bear witness to the confusion, the fear, the distress that flows in and through the heart-place of so many of your expression.
We serve you the blessing of higher awareness of what, in truth, lays beyond the tight and dark egg of your delusion of form as empty of other than the physical attributes you have or may know of it yes? We offer it is timely to open the eyes of your heart place brothers and sisters and to see that you are never alone. Our mother is most fertile and creative and unlimited in her expression of life in flow in this ecosystem of expression in this third dimensional construct yes?
You have yet to learn the simplest of manners we would offer, and yet you are no longer infant nor toddler who has not known itself in relation to the other. We speak not of the totality of your race and we do not seek to degrade or deny the light that is so clearly illumined in more and more of you as you have and leave the encasement of crumbled histories that are no longer nor have been serviceable to the current need state of your kind. Do not be afeared of walking into the light of a new understanding cousins for we have walked this pathway ourselves in those points of our own history of evolution and that is why we reach out the hand of our heart in compassion to steady and serve as you have and are so willing to receive it a gentle revealing of the pathway of higher awareness in right relation cousins with the All That Is and our beloved Mother the source light of our continuance in this current expression yes? We do not rush rather we are steady and still. We are not weak cousins, we are powerful and respecting of our relationship with all that is of the Mother .
We do not seek to lead, simply to walk side by side together with our younger brothers and sisters into the light of continuance in respectful and responsible relationship together. How may you know yourselves anew brothers and sisters? How may you embrace the song of your rebirthing out of the old and limited constructs of the unlit heart? Is it not such a blessing to rise up and turn the face of your will joyfully to face the warm caress of the higher self? What is this? you ask, it makes no sense and how may it save my immediate hunger? You have yet to raise yourself up into the mighty fields of this higher awareness which have and serve you a bountiful harvest as of yet unclaimed by many of your species. This is the harvest of higher resonance and it has been planted and weeded and lovingly tended for you by so may powerful beings of high light and compassion. You are not, nor ever have been solitary in the mighty expanse of the light of awareness, or as you are more familiar, consciousness, that has and spans this and all dimension, all parallel all expression yes?
It matters not to us if you cannot taste the truth of these aspects of awareness upon the little tongue of your knowing hatchings for you are embarking upon a great journey and a blessed one that has been desired and imagined and sung out for across the wavelengths of awareness far beyond your limited comprehension in the tiny encasement of your small incarnate selves. And yet it is simply timely for the song of allowing to fill the ears of your heart little cousins. As you allow yourselves the gift of acceptance of your unlimited expression that spans with great dignity and beauty across the multiverse of consciousness that is the sea in which we swim, so you have and are bathed in unimaginable light little cousins and we are joy filled that you have and are now turning your faces into the sun of ascension and as you have and feel it warming your awareness, caressing you with its upliftment so you have and know yourselves lifted from the bondage of your own fear based limitations into a great pool of resource, unlimited grace, unbounded compassion.
You do not believe in the small self of the possibly of such an experience as your own birthright and yet it is the soil from which all are seeded is it not? And so we offer our gentle companionship and simple guidance to those whose awareness opens fully into the bloom of cognizance of the greater truth of their own nature and that of all other in or without the burden of form. We ask of you brothers and sisters as you have and are so willing to grant it, the blessing of humility, the blessing of possibility that you have and nor ever are alone in your intellect, your awareness or your primacy of integration with every other aspect of this sacred planet yes? We are not that which is discrete however it may appear so to the little knowing.
As a single atom, one is at once in a dance of individuality as one cannot be outside of the interrelationship of your component parts which together, are greater than, are higher in complexity and are essential in balance to the continuance of the field of life as you understand it in this exquisite plane. We seek simply to sing a song of acknowledgment to our brother and sister species homo sapiens yes? While we accept that is a small part of what you are in relation in this greater organism of the Gaia we honor and respect the larger vibratory field of your collective awareness as that which is desiring of its own ascension through the shedding of limitation of separation in perception for it is only the field of the sensory experience in this small plane that experiences the learning of separation the creative construct of individuated singularity of freedom of a will based opportunity for growth we have claimed in sufficiency the warmth of the hearth of your knowing daughter we take our leave with gratitude for your willing light .